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水田 好雄*; 細貝 知直*; 益田 伸一*; Zhidkov, A.*; 牧戸 啓悟*; 中新 信彦*; 梶野 祥平*; 西田 明憲*; 神門 正城; 森 道昭; et al.
Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 15(12), p.121301_1 - 121301_10, 2012/12
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:71.20(Physics, Nuclear)Laser wakefield acceleration is capable of generating electron bunches with high quality: quasi-monoenergetic, low in emittance, and a very short duration of the order of ten femto-seconds. Such femtosecond bunches can be used to measure ultrafast phenomena. We conducted experiments for controllable electron bunch generation. Short-lived, 10 ps, deep plasma channels, with their lengths of
1 mm and diameters of
m, are observed and characterized in Ar gas jets irradiated by moderate intensity,
, laser pulses with a duration from subpicosecond to several picoseconds. The channels, upon 2D particle-in-cell simulations including ionization, fit well in the guiding of high intensity femtosecond laser pulses and, therefore, in laser wakefield acceleration with a controllable electron self-injection.
小玉 翔平*; 黒澤 俊介*; 森下 祐樹; 宇佐美 博士; 林 真照*; 田中 浩基*; 吉野 将生*; 鎌田 圭*; 吉川 彰*; 鳥居 建男
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