Feasibility study on a red-emitting-scintillation probe with an optical fiber for a high-rate dose-monitor
小玉 翔平*; 黒澤 俊介*; 森下 祐樹 ; 宇佐美 博士; 林 真照*; 田中 浩基*; 吉野 将生*; 鎌田 圭*; 吉川 彰*; 鳥居 建男
Kodama, Shohei*; Kurosawa, Shunsuke*; Morishita, Yuki; Usami, Hiroshi; Hayashi, Masateru*; Tanaka, Hiroki*; Yoshino, Masao*; Kamada, Kei*; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Torii, Tatsuo
After Fukushima 1st Nuclear Plant accident, a large number of radioactive pollutants or nuclear debris with very high dose of more than a few Sv/h still have existed. To estimate the dose of such pollutants, a Japan Atomic Energy Agency research group has suggested a new technique to use a long optical fiber and a red-emitting scintillator, and the scintillation photons are read outside of high dose area. We tested the gamma-ray detection performance of a ruby (Cr:AlO) and a newly developed CsHfI scintillators as a scintillating probe coupled with an optical fiber in this study.