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Fe-5Mn-0.1C中Mn鋼におけるリューダース帯伝播中の階層的不均一変形; その場走査型電子顕微鏡観察

小山 元道*; 山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; Yang, Z.*; Varanasi, R. S.*; 北條 智彦*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.

鉄と鋼, 110(3), p.205 - 216, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

${it In situ}$ deformation experiments with cold-rolled and intercritically annealed Fe-5Mn-0.1C steel were carried out at ambient temperature to characterize the deformation heterogeneity during L$"u$ders band propagation. Deformation band formation, which is a precursor phenomenon of L$"u$ders band propagation, occurred even in the macroscopically elastic deformation stage. The deformation bands in the L$"u$ders front grew from both the side edges to the center of the specimen. After macroscopic yielding, the thin deformation bands grew via band branching, thickening, multiple band initiation, and their coalescence, the behavior of which was heterogeneous. Thick deformation bands formed irregularly in front of the region where the thin deformation bands were densified. The thin deformation bands were not further densified when the spacing of the bands was below $$sim$$ 10 $$mu$$m. Instead, the regions between the deformation bands showed a homogeneous plasticity evolution. The growth of the thin deformation bands was discontinuous, which may be due to the presence of ferrite groups in the propagation path of the deformation bands. Based on these observations, a model for discontinuous L$"u$ders band propagation has been proposed.



小山 元道*; 山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; 澤口 孝宏*; Yang, Z.*; 北條 智彦*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.

鉄と鋼, 110(3), p.197 - 204, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

The local plasticity and associated microstructure evolution in Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium-Mn steel (wt.%) were investigated in this study. Specifically, the micro-deformation mechanism during L$"u$ders banding was characterized based on multi-scale electron backscatter diffraction measurements and electron channeling contrast imaging. Similar to other medium-Mn steels, the Fe-5Mn-0.1C steel showed discontinuous macroscopic deformation, preferential plastic deformation in austenite, and deformation-induced martensitic transformation during L$"u$ders deformation. Hexagonal close-packed martensite was also observed as an intermediate phase. Furthermore, an in-situ neutron diffraction experiment revealed that the pre-existing body- centered cubic phase, which was mainly ferrite, was a minor deformation path, although ferrite was the major constituent phase.



山下 拓哉; 下村 健太; 永江 勇二; 山路 哲史*; 溝上 伸也; 三次 岳志; 小山 真一

廃炉・汚染水・処理水対策事業事務局ホームページ(インターネット), 53 Pages, 2023/10



Outlining zircon growth in a granitic pluton using 3D cathodoluminescence patterns, U-Pb age, titanium concentration, and Th/U; Implications for the magma chamber process of Okueyama granite, Kyushu, Japan

湯口 貴史*; 伊藤 大智*; 横山 立憲; 坂田 周平*; 鈴木 哲士*; 小北 康弘; 八木 公史*; 井村 匠*; 甕 聡子*; 大野 剛*

Lithos, 440-441, p.107026_1 - 107026_14, 2023/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

本研究は、花崗岩質プルトンのジルコン成長過程を解明するために、3次元立体的なカソードルミネセンス(CL)パターン,U-Pb年代,チタン濃度,Th/U比の変動に基づく新しいアプローチ方法を提案するものである。また、本研究では、九州中央部に位置する大崩山花崗岩(OKG)のジルコン成長過程に着目し、この方法を用いて花崗岩質プルトンの形成に至るマグマ溜まりでの結晶化プロセスの解明を目的とした。大崩山花崗岩体は黒雲母花崗岩(BG),角閃石花崗岩(HG),角閃石花崗閃緑岩(HGD)の3つの岩相から構成されている。まず、ジルコン結晶の3次元内部構造と成長様式を明らかにするため、試料の多断面についてCL観察を行った。同時に、試料の中心部のジルコンのU-Pb年代とチタン濃度も測定した。CLパターンから確認できるオシラトリーゾーニングの3次元分布からは、結晶核を決定することができる。花崗岩試料のジルコンU-Pb年代とTi濃度の同時測定は、花崗岩マグマが固化するまでの時間-温度(t-T)履歴を示すものである。BG, HG, HGDの温度履歴はマグマ溜り内での類似した冷却挙動を示し、16Maから10Maの間にジルコン結晶化温度から黒雲母K-Ar系の閉鎖温度まで急速に冷却されたことがわかった。また、Th/U比の温度に対する変化も、約670$$^{circ}$$Cの境界で異なる傾向を示した。マグマ溜まりでの分別結晶は670$$^{circ}$$C以上で著しく進行し、670$$^{circ}$$C以下では結晶化が緩やかになり、マグマ組成の変化が小さくなっていたことが示された。BG, HG, HGDの温度に対するTh/U比の変化は共通の傾向を示し、すなわち大崩山花崗岩体の3つの岩相の分別結晶化の進行は同じ挙動を示し、マグマ溜り全体で同じ挙動を示すことが示された。



原田 拓也*; 長田 充弘; 小北 康弘; 鏡味 沙耶; 横山 立憲

地学雑誌, 132(1), p.57 - 65, 2023/02



Hierarchical deformation heterogeneity during L$"u$ders band propagation in an Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium Mn steel clarified through ${it in situ}$ scanning electron microscopy

小山 元道*; 山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; Yang, Z.*; Varanasi, R. S.*; 北條 智彦*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.

ISIJ International, 62(10), p.2043 - 2053, 2022/10

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:72.10(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

${it In situ}$ deformation experiments with cold-rolled and intercritically annealed Fe-5Mn-0.1C steel were carried out at ambient temperature to characterize the deformation heterogeneity during L$"u$ders band propagation. Deformation band formation, which is a precursor phenomenon of L$"u$ders band propagation, occurred even in the macroscopically elastic deformation stage. The deformation bands in the L$"u$ders front grew from both the side edges to the center of the specimen. After macroscopic yielding, the thin deformation bands grew via band branching, thickening, multiple band initiation, and their coalescence, the behavior of which was heterogeneous. Thick deformation bands formed irregularly in front of the region where the thin deformation bands were densified. The thin deformation bands were not further densified when the spacing of the bands was below $$sim$$10 $$mu$$m. Instead, the regions between the deformation bands showed a homogeneous plasticity evolution. The growth of the thin deformation bands was discontinuous, which may be due to the presence of ferrite groups in the propagation path of the deformation bands. Based on these observations, a model for discontinuous L$"u$ders band propagation has been proposed.


Microstructure and plasticity evolution during L$"u$ders deformation in an Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium-Mn steel

小山 元道*; 山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; 澤口 孝宏*; Yang, Z.*; 北條 智彦*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.

ISIJ International, 62(10), p.2036 - 2042, 2022/10

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:85.65(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

The local plasticity and associated microstructure evolution in Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium-Mn steel (wt.%) were investigated in this study. Specifically, the micro-deformation mechanism during L$"u$ders banding was characterized based on multi-scale electron backscatter diffraction measurements and electron channeling contrast imaging. Similar to other medium-Mn steels, the Fe-5Mn-0.1C steel showed discontinuous macroscopic deformation, preferential plastic deformation in austenite, and deformation-induced martensitic transformation during L$"u$ders deformation. Hexagonal close-packed martensite was also observed as an intermediate phase. Furthermore, an in-situ neutron diffraction experiment revealed that the pre-existing body-centered cubic phase, which was mainly ferrite, was a minor deformation path, although ferrite was the major constituent phase.


Materials science and fuel technologies of uranium and plutonium mixed oxide

加藤 正人; 町田 昌彦; 廣岡 瞬; 中道 晋哉; 生澤 佳久; 中村 博樹; 小林 恵太; 小澤 隆之; 前田 宏治; 佐々木 新治; et al.

Materials Science and Fuel Technologies of Uranium and Plutonium mixed Oxide, 171 Pages, 2022/10



Effect of magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) formation on the local atomic arrangements and mechanical properties of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H); In situ X-ray scattering study

Kim, G.*; Im, S.*; Jee, H.*; Suh, H.*; Cho, S.*; 兼松 学*; 諸岡 聡; 小山 拓*; 西尾 悠平*; 町田 晃彦*; et al.

Cement and Concrete Research, 159, p.106869_1 - 106869_17, 2022/09

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:91.81(Construction & Building Technology)

This study explored the effect of M-S-H formation on the local atomic arrangements and mechanical properties of C-S-H. The elastic moduli of the samples were calculated using shifted atomic distances (r) and d-spacings (d) acquired by applying an external load on the pastes during X-ray scattering experiments. The experimental results indicated that the crystal structure of C-S-H remained intact with MgCl$$_{2}$$ addition. At the highest Mg/Si ratio (Ca/Si = 0.6, Mg/Si = 0.2), change in the dominant phase occurred from C-S-H to M-S-H because the low pH environment hindered the formation of C-S-H and facilitated the formation of M-S-H. The elastic modulus decreased with increasing Mg/Si ratio up to 0.1 owing to both C-S-H destabilization and low M-S-H content in the samples. Conversely, the elastic modulus increased in the paste synthesized with the highest Mg/Si ratio because considerable M-S-H had formed, which exhibited a higher elastic modulus than C-S-H.


Simultaneous determination of zircon crystallisation age and temperature; Common thermal evolution of mafic magmatic enclaves and host granites in the Kurobegawa granite, central Japan

湯口 貴史*; 山嵜 勇人*; 石橋 梢*; 坂田 周平*; 横山 立憲; 鈴木 哲士*; 小北 康弘; 三戸 和紗*; 井村 匠*; 大野 剛*

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 226, p.105075_1 - 105075_9, 2022/04

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.83(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



Oxidation mechanisms of hafnium overlayers deposited on an Si(111) substrate

垣内 拓大*; 的場 友希*; 小山 大輔*; 山本 優貴*; 吉越 章隆

Langmuir, 38(8), p.2642 - 2650, 2022/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:12.61(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Temperature effects on local structure, phase transformation, and mechanical properties of calcium silicate hydrates

Im, S.*; Jee, H.*; Suh, H.*; 兼松 学*; 諸岡 聡; 小山 拓*; 西尾 悠平*; 町田 晃彦*; Kim, J.*; Bae, S.*

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104(9), p.4803 - 4818, 2021/09

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:83.57(Materials Science, Ceramics)

This study aims to elucidate the effect of heating on the local atomic arrangements, structure, phase transformation, and mechanical properties of synthesized calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H). The alteration in the atomic arrangement of the synthesized C-S-H (Ca/Si = 0.8) and the formation of crystalline phases that occurred in three distinct transformation stages of dehydration (105-200 $$^{circ}$$C), decomposition (300-600 $$^{circ}$$C), and recrystallization (700-1000 $$^{circ}$$C) were investigated via powder X-ray diffraction, $$^{29}$$Si nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Further, the deformation of the local atomic bonding environment and variations in mechanical properties during the three stages were assessed via pair distribution function analysis based on in-situ total X-ray scattering. The results revealed that the C-S-H paste before heating exhibited a lower elastic modulus in real space than that in the reciprocal space in the initial loading stage because water molecules acted as a lubricant in the interlayer. At the dehydration stage, the strain as a function of external loading exhibited irregular deformation owing to the formation of additional pores induced by the evaporation of free moisture. At the decomposition stage, the structural deformation of the main d-spacing (d $$approx$$ 3.0 ${AA}$) was similar to that of the real space before the propagation of microcracks. At the recrystallization stage, the elastic modulus increased to 48 GPa owing to the thermal phase transformation of C-S-H to crystalline $$beta$$-wollastonite. The results provide direct experimental evidence of the micro- and nanostructural deformation behavior of C-S-H pastes after exposure to high temperature under external loading.


Determination of atomistic deformation of tricalcium silicate paste with high-volume fly ash

Jee, H.*; Im, S.*; 兼松 学*; 鈴木 裕士; 諸岡 聡; 小山 拓*; 町田 晃彦*; Bae, S.*

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103(12), p.7188 - 7201, 2020/12

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:63.82(Materials Science, Ceramics)

We examined the influence of incorporating high-volume fly ash (FA) on the atomic structure and deformation behavior of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) in tricalcium silicate (C$$_{3}$$H) paste upon exposure to external forces. Atomic structural changes and strains under compressive load were assessed using synchrotron in situ high-energy X-ray scattering-based atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. Three different strain types, namely macroscopic strains, measured by a gauge attached to the specimen, strain in reciprocal space, (Bragg peak shifts), and strain in real space (PDF peak shift), were compared. All monitored and calculated strains for C$$_{3}$$H-FA (50 wt.% FA) paste were compared with those of pure C$$_{3}$$H paste. In the range of $$r$$ $$<$$ 10 ${AA}$, PDF analysis showed that C$$_{3}$$H-FA had a similar atomic structure to synthetic C-S-H followed by pure C$$_{3}$$H paste. The atomic strain of C$$_{3}$$H-FA in real space ($$r$$ $$<$$ 20 ${AA}$) was smaller than that of C$$_{3}$$H under compression, which suggests that the incompressibility of C-S-H on an atomistic scale is enhanced by fly ash incorporation. This may be caused by increased silicate polymerization of C-S-H due to the additional silicate provided by the fly ash.


Lens dosimetry study in $$^{90}$$Sr+$$^{90}$$Y beta field; Full-face mask respirator shielding and dosemeter positioning

辻村 憲雄; 星 勝也; 山崎 巧; 百瀬 琢麿; 青木 克憲; 吉富 寛; 谷村 嘉彦; 横山 須美*

KEK Proceedings 2020-5, p.21 - 28, 2020/11

To investigate the shielding effects of full-face respirator masks and the suitable positioning of lens dosemeters, irradiation experiments of $$^{90}$$Sr+$$^{90}$$Y beta particles were performed using an anthropomorphic head phantom into the eyes of which small thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs) were loaded, and the lens doses measured by these TLDs were compared with the doses measured by commercially available personal dosemeters attached around the eyes of the phantom. The three tested masks reduced the beta lens dose to 9-14% as compared to the lens doses in the absence of a mask. As for the suitable positioning of lens dosemeters, the $$H_{rm p}$$(0.07) evaluated by the $$H_{rm p}$$(0.07) dosemeter attached at the center of the forehead gave an over-response to the lens dose by a factor of 2.5-8.4 regardless of the presence of masks. The $$H_{rm p}$$(3) evaluated by the $$H_{rm p}$$(3) dosemeters, even though placed at extreme positions near the outside corners of the eyes, provided better lens dose estimates with a response of 0.38-1.7.


Precise chemical state analyses of ultrathin hafnium films deposited on clean Si(111)-7$$times$$7 surface using high-resolution core-level photoelectron spectroscopy

垣内 拓大*; 的場 友希*; 小山 大輔*; 山本 優貴*; 加藤 大暉*; 吉越 章隆

Surface Science, 701, p.121691_1 - 121691_8, 2020/11

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.70(Chemistry, Physical)

放射光XPSを用いて清浄Si(111)-7$$times$$7表面上に堆積したHf超薄膜の界面および表面の化学状態を調べた。極薄Hf層の成長は、相図のてこ則に従う。Hf/Si(111)には、3つの成分(金属Hf層, Hfモノシリサイド(HfSi)およびSiリッチHfシリサイド)があった。極薄Hf層は、1073Kのアニーリング後、HfSi$$_{2}$$アイランドに変化し、長方形形状のアイランドの長軸がSi(111)DASモデルのコーナーホール方向になることが分かった。


How different is the core of $$^{25}$$F from $$^{24}$$O$$_{g.s.}$$ ?

Tang, T. L.*; 上坂 友洋*; 川瀬 頌一郎; Beaumel, D.*; 堂園 昌伯*; 藤井 俊彦*; 福田 直樹*; 福永 拓*; Galindo-Uribarri, A.*; Hwang, S. H.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 124(21), p.212502_1 - 212502_6, 2020/05

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:72.90(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

中性子過剰核$$^{25}$$Fの構造が($$p,2p$$)反応で調査した。$$pi 0d_{5/2}$$軌道の分光学的因子は1.0$$pm$$0.3と大きいが、一方で残留核である$$^{24}$$Oが基底状態である割合は約35%,励起状態は約0.65%であることが明らかになった。この結果は、$$^{25}$$Fのコア核$$^{24}$$Oは基底状態とは大きく異なり、$$^{24}$$Oの$$0d_{5/2}$$軌道に陽子がひとつ加わることで$$^{24}$$Oと$$^{25}$$Fの中性子軌道が相当に変化していると推測される。これは酸素同位体ドリップライン異常のメカニズムである可能性がある。



宮部 あづさ*; 小山 拓*; 西尾 悠平*; 鈴木 裕士; 兼松 学*

コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集(CD-ROM), 19, p.59 - 64, 2019/10

本研究では、加熱後の再養生による鉄筋コンクリート(RC)の付着強度の回復メカニズムを解明するため、加熱履歴を600$$^{circ}$$C、再養生期間を0, 3, 7日とした冷間引抜試験および化学分析を行った。さらに、試験体内部を中性子トモグラフィーで可視化した。実験結果として、600$$^{circ}$$Cで加熱したRCの付着強度は再養生3日後には回復した。再水和したコンクリート中では、水酸化カルシウムが増加した一方でC$$_{2}$$Sが減少する傾向が見られた。また、加熱後に比べ再養生後は中性子線の透過率が低く、再水和により水和物が生成された可能性が示唆された。



上野 一貴*; 鈴木 裕士; 小山 拓*; 西尾 悠平*; 兼松 学*

コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集(CD-ROM), 18, p.647 - 650, 2018/10



Deformation analysis of reinforced concrete using neutron imaging technique

小山 拓*; 上野 一貴*; 関根 麻里子*; 松本 吉弘*; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 飯倉 寛; 鈴木 裕士; 兼松 学*

Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.4, p.155 - 160, 2018/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.18(Materials Science, Characterization & Testing)

We developed, in this study, a novel method to observe internal deformation of concrete by the neutron transmission imaging technique. In order to visualize the internal deformation of concrete, the cement paste markers containing Gd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ powder were two-dimensionally dispersed around the ferritic deformed rebar in the reinforced concrete. This experiment was conducted using BL22, RADEN, in the Material and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The transmission images of the reinforced concrete sample were taken at several positions on the vertical sample stage, and the displacement of the marker from the initial position was successfully evaluated within approximately $$pm$$0.1 mm accuracy by image analysis for selected markers with higher contrast and circularity. Furthermore, concrete deformation under pull-out loading to the embedded rebar was evaluated by the same way, and its reaction compressive deformation was successfully observed by analyzing the displacement of the markers. The results obtained in this study bring beneficial knowledge that the measurement accuracy of the marker displacement can be improved more by choosing a spherical shape of the marker and by increasing the contrast of the marker.



鈴木 裕士; 楠 浩一*; 佐竹 高祐*; 兼松 学*; 小山 拓*; 丹羽 章暢*; 椛山 健二*; 向井 智久*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.

非破壊検査, 67(4), p.180 - 186, 2018/04


164 件中 1件目~20件目を表示