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JAEA Reports

Evaluation of the applicability of a new quantitative rock mass classification method at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Kuji, Masayoshi*; Asai, Hideaki*; Hashizume, Shigeru; Horiuchi, Yasuharu; Sato, Toshinori; Matsui, Hiroya

JAEA-Technology 2013-022, 72 Pages, 2013/10


Rock mass classifications are used for design and construction of underground structures. However, the classification methods commonly used in Japan are qualitative and inadequate for estimating the actual mechanical properties of a rock mass based on site specific geological features. Considering the design, construction and safe operation of large underground facilities, an important requirement is to utilize a rock mass classification method that can estimate site specific rock mechanical properties based on surface-based investigations and geological observations during excavation. For this study, a new quantitative rock mass classification method based on JGS standard was proposed and applied to the sedimentary formations and the granite at MIU. The results were compared with the rock mass classification system developed by CRIEPI and commonly used in JAPAN. Then the applicability of the new rock mass classification could be evaluated.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of applicability of a new quantitative rock mass classfication method at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Asai, Hideaki; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Horiuchi, Yasuharu; Matsui, Hiroya

Dai-40-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.13 - 18, 2011/01

Considering the design, construction and safe operation of large underground facilities such as for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, an important requirement is to utilize a rock mass classification method that can estimate site specific rock mechanical properties based on surface-based investigations and geological observations during excavation. For this study, a new quantitative rock mass classification method based on the Japanese Geotechnical Society standard was proposed and applied to the sedimentary formations and the granite at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. The results were compared with the rock mass classification system developed by the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry and commonly used in Japan. Then the applicability of the new rock mass classification could be evaluated.

Journal Articles

Revaluation concerning application of a new quantitative rock mass classification for crystalline rock

Asai, Hideaki; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Matsui, Hiroya

Doboku Gakkai Heisei-22-Nendo Zenkoku Taikai Dai-65-Kai Nenji Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Gaiyoshu (DVD-ROM), p.137 - 138, 2010/09

Two deep shafts (the Main Shaft and the Ventilation Shaft) at The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) is currently being constructed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). We proposed a new quantitative rock mass classification methods based on JGS standard besides existing rock mass classification methods (CRIEPI, RMR and New-JH). Afterward, the new classification method is applied to the drift, and it reports on the result of revaluing applicability concerning the new classification method.

Journal Articles

Applicability for the estimation of a rock strength by Schmidt hammer based on in-situ measurement

Kuji, Masayoshi*; Asai, Hideaki; Matsui, Hiroya

Doboku Gakkai Heisei-22-Nendo Zenkoku Taikai Dai-65-Kai Nenji Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Gaiyoshu (DVD-ROM), p.139 - 140, 2010/09

Two deep shafts (the Main Shaft and the Ventilation Shaft) at The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) is currently being constructed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). To estimate the rock mass quality and UCS on shaft wall, existent rock mass classification methods (CRIEPI, RMR and New-JH) and in-situ Schmidt hammer tests were applied in rock. In this report, applicability for the estimation of rock strength by Schmidt hammer is discussed based on in-situ measurement data.

JAEA Reports

Studies on planning and conducting for reducing water inflow due to underground construction in crystalline rock

Mikake, Shinichiro; Yamamoto, Masaru; Ikeda, Koki; Sugihara, Kozo; Takeuchi, Shinji; Hayano, Akira; Sato, Toshinori; Takeda, Shinichi; Ishii, Yoji; Ishida, Hideaki; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2010-026, 146 Pages, 2010/08


The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU), one of the main facilities in Japan for research and development of the technology for high-level radioactive waste disposal, is under construction in Mizunami City. In planning the construction, it was necessary to get reliable information on the bedrock conditions, specifically the rock mass stability and hydrogeology. Therefore, borehole investigations were conducted before excavations started. The results indicated that large water inflow could be expected during the excavation around the Ventilation Shaft at GL-200m and GL-300m Access/Research Gallery. In order to reduce water inflow, pre-excavation grouting was conducted before excavation of shafts and research tunnels. Grouting is the injection of material such as cement into a rock mass to stabilize and seal the rock. This report describes the knowledge and lessons learned during the planning and conducting of pre-excavation grouting.

JAEA Reports

Countermeasures planned for reducing water inflow into deep shafts at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (Research for post-excavation grouting)

Kuji, Masayoshi*; Matsui, Hiroya; Hara, Masato; Minamide, Masashi*; Mikake, Shinichiro; Takeuchi, Shinji; Sato, Toshinori*; Asai, Hideaki

JAEA-Research 2008-095, 54 Pages, 2009/01


A large amount of water inflow is frequently generated during the excavation of an underground cavern, such as road and railway tunnels, underground electric facilities etc. The reduction of water inflow is sometimes quite important for the reduction of cost for the water treatment and pumping during the construction of an underground cavern. The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) is currently being constructed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. During its excavation, a large amount of water inflow into the shafts has been increasing and affecting the project progress. Therefore, a field experiment of post-excavation grouting around the Ventilation Shaft in a sedimentary formation carried out to confirm the effect of existing grouting technology for sedimentary formations in MIU project. The result shows that the applied methods in this field experiment are effective to prevent water inflow. This report describes the summary of the field experiment and the knowledge obtained through the experiment.

Journal Articles

Countermeasures planned for reducing water inflow into deep shaft; Contact research at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Kuji, Masayoshi*; Asai, Hideaki; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hara, Masato

Maeda Kensetsu Gijutsu Kenkyushoho (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2008/09

The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory is currently being constructed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. During its excavation, large amount of water inflow into the shafts has been increasing and affecting the project progress. As countermeasures for reducing water inflow, grouting methods are being considered, one is post-excavation grouting for the area already excavated, and another is pre-excavation grouting for the area excavate in future. Therefore, the field experiment for post-excavation grouting was carried out, and the result show that the applied methods in this field experiment is effective to prevent the draining. And pre-excavation grouting has been undertaken and the applicability of several techniques has been evaluated. This report describes the summary of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory and field experiments of post- and pre-excavation grouting method.

Journal Articles

Countermeasures planned for reducing water inflow into deep shafts at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Kuji, Masayoshi; Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hara, Masato; Minamide, Masashi; Sugihara, Kozo

Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Internet), 2(1), p.153 - 163, 2008/00

The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) is being constructed. The MIU consists of two 1,000 m-deep shafts with several research galleries. The goals of MIU project are to establish techniques for investigation, analysis and assessment of deep geological environment, and to develop a range of engineering expertise for application to deep underground crystalline rocks, such as Granite. The diameter of the Main and the Ventilation shafts are 6.5 m and 4.5 m respectively. The Middle stage at about 500 m depth, and the Main stage at about 1,000 m depth will be the main locations for scientific investigations. Current depths of both shafts are 200 m, in August 2007.During the construction, the water inflow into the shafts is increasing and disturbing the project progress. For reducing the water inflow, post-excavation grouting was planned. A test of post-excavation grouting was undertaken and the applicability of several techniques was evaluated.

JAEA Reports

Development and management of the knowledge base for the geological disposal technology; Annual report 2006

Umeda, Koji; Oi, Takao; Osawa, Hideaki; Oyama, Takuya; Oda, Chie; Kamei, Gento; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Kurosawa, Hideki; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Sasaki, Yasuo; et al.

JAEA-Review 2007-050, 82 Pages, 2007/12


This report shows the annual report which shows the summarized results and topic outline of each project on geological disposal technology in the fiscal year of 2006.

Journal Articles

Development of a new quantitative rock mass classification for shaft

Kuji, Masayoshi; Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Kuroda, Hidetaka

Dai-42-Kai Jiban Kogaku Kenkyu Happyokai Happyo Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.105 - 106, 2007/07

Two deep shafts at Mizunami URL are under construction at Mizunami City. To estimate the rock mass quality and UCS on shaft wall, existent rock mass classification methods (CRIEPI, RMR and New-JH) and in-situ needle sounding tests were applied in sedimentary rock to GL. -50 m depth. However, drawbacks were predicted when using these rock mass classification methods. A new quantitative rock mass classification method based on JGS standard, UCS, fracture spacing and CRIEPI classes, was developed. This method showed good suitability to sedimentary rock. Afterward, the method was applied to GL. -168 m and its suitability was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Countermeasures planned for reducing water inflow into deep shafts at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Kuji, Masayoshi; Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hara, Masato; Minamide, Masashi; Sugihara, Kozo

Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2007/04

The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) is being constructed. The MIU consists of two 1,000 m-deep shafts with several research galleries. The diameter of the shafts are 6.5 m and 4.5 m, respectively. Horizontal tunnels to connect the shafts are excavated at 100 m depth intervals. The Middle stage, at about 500 m depth, and the Main stage at about 1,000 m depth will be the main locations for scientific investigations. Current depths of shafts are 180 m and 191 m respectively, in November, 2006. During the construction, the quantity of water inflow into the shafts is increasing and disturbing the project progress. In order to reduce the quantity of water inflow, post-excavation grouting and pre-excavation grouting are planned. A test of post-excavation grouting was undertaken in the Ventilation shaft and the applicability of several techniques were evaluated.

JAEA Reports

Final report on the surface-based investigation (phase I) at the Mizunami Underground Laboratory project

Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Seno, Yasuhiro; Nakama, Shigeo; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Amano, Kenji; Takeuchi, Ryuji; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Onoe, Hironori; Mizuno, Takashi; et al.

JAEA-Research 2007-043, 337 Pages, 2007/03


The Mizunami Underground Laboratory (MIU) Project is a comprehensive research project investigating the deep underground environment within crystalline rock being conducted by Japan Atomic Energy Agency at Mizunami City in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. This report summarizes the results of the Surface-based Investigation Phase, identifies future issues and provides direction for research to be conducted during Construction Phase and Operation Phase. The results compiled in this report will be utilized for the technical knowledge base on geological disposal of HLW, and can be used to enhance the technical basis for waste disposal in general and for development of government regulations.

Journal Articles

Post-grouting test to reduce water inflow into deep shaft

Kuji, Masayoshi; Sato, Toshinori; Hara, Masato; Mikake, Shinichiro; Minamide, Masashi

Tonneru Kogaku Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 16, p.469 - 476, 2006/11

In the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU), two 1,000m-deep shafts and several research galleries are being constructed. Water inflow into the shafts during shaft sinking is disturbing the project progress. As a countermeasure for this problem, post-grouting is being considered and post-grouting test has been undertaken in one of the shafts. This report gives an outline of the work plan and results of the post-grouting test.

JAEA Reports

A Study and Modeling about Ground Water Flow Considering the Properties of Sedimentary Soft Rock Summary Report

Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Ishiguro, Takeshi*; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Yoshino, Naoto

JNC TJ8400 2004-014, 59 Pages, 2004/02


In this paper, authors examined the properties of sedimentary soft rock which might affect the groundwater flow rate and flow path in the sedimentary soft rock. As a general sample of sedimentary soft rock, we focused on the rock of HORONOBE area in HOKKAIDO prefecture. Then, following four issues were examined.1) a study of numerical flow rate analysis considering the difference of water density in the sedimentary soft rock.2) the hydro-geological modeling of HORONOBE area and a fundamental study of water pressure and saline density in HORONOBE area.3) a fundamental study of numerical coupling analysis about groundwater flow rate ,the difference of underground temperature, rock pressure and deformation. 4) a study about best performance of numerical flow rate analysis program.As a result, hydro-geological modeling of HORONOBE area using the information before 2002 as input data was succeeded by using the basic geological model which was made by IMAI et al,. And the applicability of TOUGH2 program as analysis method considering the density difference of underground water in sedimentary soft rock was verified. Then, we will be able to simulate underground flow considering the difference of saline density and specific water pressure in HORONOBE area. In addition, the applicability of TOUGH-FLAC program in which TOUGH2 was coupled with FLAC3D and consider rock pressure and deformation was verified. The best numerical performance of TOUGH2 program was studied in order to deal with large scale simulations. Then, it was shown that efficient method of the best numerical performance about TOUGH2 was possible.

JAEA Reports

A Study and Modeling about Ground Water Flow Considering the Properties of Sedimentary Soft Rock

Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Ishiguro, Takeshi*; Kuji, Masayoshi*; Yoshino, Naoto

JNC TJ8400 2004-013, 137 Pages, 2004/02


In this paper, authors examined the properties of sedimentary soft rock which might affect the groundwater flow rate and flow path in the sedimentary soft rock. As a general sample of sedimentary soft rock, we focused on the rock of HORONOBE area in HOKKAIDO prefecture. Then, following four issues were examined. 1) a study of numerical flow rate analysis considering the difference of water density in the sedimentary soft rock. 2) the hydro-geological modeling of HORONOBE area and a fundamental study of water pressure and saline density in HORONOBE area. 3) a fundamental study of numerical coupling analysis about groundwater flow rate ,the difference of underground temperature, rock pressure and deformation. 4) a study about best performance of numerical flow rate analysis program. As a result, hydro-geological modeling of HORONOBE area using the information before 2002 as input data was succeeded by using the basic geological model which was made by IMAI et al,. And the applicability of TOUGH2 program as analysis method considering the density difference of underground water in sedimentary soft rock was verified. Then, we will be able to simulate underground flow considering the difference of saline density and specific water pressure in HORONOBE area. In addition, the applicability of TOUGH-FLAC program in which TOUGH2 was coupled with FLAC3D and consider rock pressure and deformation was verified. The best numerical performance of TOUGH2 program was studied in order to deal with large scale simulations. Then, it was shown that efficient method of the best numerical performance about TOUGH2 was possible.

JAEA Reports

Borehole Investigations of HDB-5 in the Horonobe Underground Research Program

Yamamoto, Takuya*; Shimo, Michito*; Fujiwara, Yasushi*; Hattori, Hiromichi*; Nago, Makito*; Tadokoro, Teruo*; Kuji, Masayoshi*

JNC TJ5420 2004-005, 855 Pages, 2003/03


Three 520m deep boreholes were drilled at Horonobe Town, Teshio District, Hokkaido in order to investigate the characteristics of deep sedimentary rock in the Horonobe Underground Research Program. The results of the investigations were applied to the model construction and to the numerical analysis. The model consists of geological, mechanical, hydrological and geo-chemical characteristics. This report summarizes the results of the boring and investigations of HDB-5 (Horonobe Deep Borehole #5).

Oral presentation

Surface-based investigation (Phase I), 7; Development a range of engineering technologies for deep underground application

Kuji, Masayoshi; Mikake, Shinichiro; Kuroda, Hidetaka; Matsui, Hiroya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Water inflow control measure into the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; The Result and appraise of pre-grouting

Hara, Masato; Minamide, Masashi; Ikeda, Koki; Yamamoto, Masaru; Matsui, Hiroya; Kuji, Masayoshi

no journal, , 

As water inflow measure of the ventilation shaft, the articulated section and the pre- grouting which deals with the boring adit were executed, the water inflow depression effect was verified.

Oral presentation

Counter-measure for the water inflow for the construction of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Overview of the pilot borehole investigations

Takeuchi, Shinji; Hayano, Akira; Ikeda, Koki; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hara, Masato; Yamamoto, Masaru; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Nakamata, Kiminori; Takeuchi, Ryuji; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; et al.

no journal, , 

The results from the pilot borehole investigations conducted at FY2006 at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory are presented. The investigations are carried out to obtain various information for the planning of water treatment facility, planning for the grouting and revision for the construction design by understanding the geological environment below the excavating area. From the result of the investigations, important section of the inflow water and hydrochemical composition which should be treated in the water treatment facility have been obtained. Required informations on the planning for the future construction of MIU are addressed.

Oral presentation

Development of the technical basis for detailed investigation; Development of a new quantitative rock mass classification

Kuji, Masayoshi; Mikake, Shinichiro; Kuroda, Hidetaka; Matsui, Hiroya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

30 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)