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Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 430 MeV/nucleon carbon ions

Itashiki, Yutaro*; Imabayashi, Yoichi*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Satoh, Daiki; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*

Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 41(4), p.344 - 349, 2016/12

Carbon ion therapy has achieved satisfactory results because of high curability and minimally invasiveness. However, patients have a risk to get a secondary cancer. In order to estimate the risk, it is essential to understand particle transportation and nuclear reactions in the patient's body. The particle transport Monte Carlo simulation code is a useful tool to understand them. Since the code validation for heavy ion incident reactions is not enough, the experimental data of the elementary reaction processes is needed. We measured neutron production double-differential cross-sections (DDXs) on a carbon bombarded with 430 MeV/nucleon carbon beam which is a possible candidate of future therapy beam. The experiment was performed at PH2 beam line of the HIMAC of National Institute of Radiological Sciences. The 430 MeV/nucleon carbon beam was irradiated on a 5 cm $${times}$$ 5 cm $${times}$$ 1 cm graphite target rotated 45$$^{circ}$$ to the beam axis. The beam intensity was set to 10$$^{5}$$ particles / spill. A 0.5 mm thick NE102A plastic scintillator was placed to monitor the beam intensity. Neutrons produced in the target were measured with two sizes of NE213 liquid organic scintillators located at six angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90$$^{circ}$$. The 5.08 cm long one was used to obtain the neutron spectra from 1 MeV to 10 MeV and the 12.7 cm long one was used above 5 MeV. The 2 mm thick NE102A plastic scintillators to discriminate charged particles were set in front of the neutron detectors. The kinetic energies of neutrons were determined by the time-of-flight (TOF) method. Background neutrons were estimated by a measurement with iron shadow bars between the target and each neutron detector. An electronic circuit for data acquisition consisted of NIM and CAMAC modules. The experimental data was compared with calculated results obtained by Monte Carlo simulation codes as PHITS. The PHITS code reproduced the experimental data well.

Journal Articles

Distributions of neutron yields and doses around a water phantom bombarded with 290-MeV/nucleon and 430-MeV/nucleon carbon ions

Satoh, Daiki; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Itashiki, Yutaro*; Imabayashi, Yoichi*; Koba, Yusuke*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Nakao, Noriaki*; Uozumi, Yusuke*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 387, p.10 - 19, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:36.03(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Double-differential neutron yields from a water phantom bombarded with 290-MeV/nucleon and 430-MeV/nucleon carbon ions were measured at emission angles of 15$$^{circ}$$, 30$$^{circ}$$, 45$$^{circ}$$, 60$$^{circ}$$, 75$$^{circ}$$, and 90$$^{circ}$$ using the neutron-detection system constituting of liquid organic scintillators. The angular distributions of neutron yields and effective doses around the phantom were obtained by integrating the double-differential neutron yields and applying the fluence-to-effective dose conversion coefficients. The experimental data were compared with results of the Monte-Carlo simulation code PHITS. The PHITS results showed good agreement with the measured data. From the results, we concluded that the PHITS simulation is applicable to the dose estimation at carbon-therapy facilities.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron production cross sections from heavy ion induced reaction

Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Imabayashi, Yoichi*; Itashiki, Yutaro*; Satoh, Daiki; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2014-002, p.81 - 87, 2015/02

Cancer therapy using heavy ion beam has been adopted as highly advanced medical treatment by reason of its clinical advantages. It has become more important to estimate the risk of secondary cancer from recent survey. During treatment, secondary particles such as neutrons and -rays are producedby heavy ion induced nuclear reactions in a patient body as well as beam delivery apparatuses. For the risk assessment of secondary cancer, it is essential to know contribution of secondary neutrons by extra dose to organs in the vicinity of the irradiated tumor because the secondary neutron has a long flight path length and gives undesired dose to normal tissues in a wide volume. The experimental data of neutron energy spectra are required for dose estimations with high accuracy. Especially, precise data around neutron energy of 1 MeV is required because neutron of the energy region has a large relative biological e ectiveness. Estimation of the secondary neutron yield data is important for estimation of radiation safety on both of workers and public in treatment facilities.

Journal Articles

Measurement of proton, deuteron, and triton production double differential cross sections on carbon by 290 MeV/nucleon Ar ions

Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Hashiguchi, Taro*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Satoh, Daiki; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Song, T. Y.*; Lee, C. W.*; Kim, J. W.*; Yang, S. C.*; Koba, Yusuke*; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2014-002, p.127 - 132, 2015/02

Particle transport Monte Carlo codes such as PHITS, FLUKA and so on are used for radiation safety design of high energy accelerators. The validity of code is confirmed by comparison with many experimental data. In this study, we report proton, deuteron, and triton production double differential cross sections (DDXs) from a graphite target by 290 MeV/nucleon Ar ions. The measured spectra are compared with those calculated by PHITS and FLUKA codes.

Journal Articles

Measurement of 100- and 290-MeV/A carbon incident neutron production cross sections for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen

Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Nishizawa, Tomoya*; Mizuno, Takafumi*; Takamiya, Masanori*; Hashiguchi, Taro*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, p.303 - 306, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.02(Physics, Nuclear)

Heavy ion cancer therapy has been increased by reason of its clinical advantages. During the treatment, the secondary particles such as neutron and $$gamma$$-ray are produced by nuclear reactions of a heavy ion incidence on a nucleus in a patient body. Estimation of the secondary neutrons yields data is essential for assessment of radiation safety on both of workers and public in treatment facilities. We have measured the neutron yields from carbon ion incidence on carbon, nitrogen and oxygen targets in wide angular range from 15$$^{circ}$$ to 90$$^{circ}$$ with 100- and 290-MeV/u.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron yields from a water phantom bombarded by 290 MeV/u carbon ions

Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Nishizawa, Tomoya*; Hirabayashi, Keiichi*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, p.709 - 712, 2014/04

Heavy ion cancer therapy has been increased by reason of its clinical advantages. During the treatment, the secondary particles such as neutron and $$gamma$$-ray are produced by nuclear reactions of a heavy ion incidence on a nucleus in a patient body. Estimation of the secondary neutrons yields data is essential for assessment of radiation safety on both of workers and public in treatment facilities. Neutron energy spectra from a water phantom simulating the patient body were obtained at GSI only for forward directions. We measured the neutron yields from carbon ion incident on a water phantom in wide angular range from 15$$^{circ}$$ to 90$$^{circ}$$ with the therapeutic ion energy.

Journal Articles

Measurement of 100 MeV/u carbon incident neutron production cross sections on a carbon target

Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Nishizawa, Tomoya*; Mizuno, Takafumi*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*

JAEA-Conf 2013-002, p.137 - 142, 2013/10

Heavy ion cancer therapy has been increased by reason of its clinical advantages. During the treatment, the secondary particles such as neutron and $$gamma$$-ray are produced by nuclear reactions of a heavy ion incidence on a nucleus in a patient body. Estimation of double differential cross sections of secondary neutron is important to risk assessment of extra dose to organs in the vicinity of the irradiated tumor. Accurate data in neutron energy around 1 MeV is required because neutron in the energy region has large relative biological effectiveness. Neutron double differential cross sections by inducing 290 MeV/u carbon ion to bio-elements have been obtained experimentally. In order to have knowledge of neutron production by deceleration carbon in a human body, we measured the neutron yields from carbon ion incidence on a carbon target of neutron energy below 1 MeV in wide angular range from 15$$^{circ}$$ to 90$$^{circ}$$ with 100 MeV/u.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron- and photon-production cross sections from heavy-ion reactions on tissue equivalent elements

Uozumi, Yusuke*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Nishizawa, Tomoya*; Mizuno, Takafumi*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; et al.

HIMAC-140, p.234 - 235, 2013/08

In the heavy-ion radiotherapy, considerable discussion has been attracted regarding the potential for second cancer induction by secondary neutrons produced from the primary heavy-ion fragmentation. We have started new measurements at 100 MeV/u to investigate the neutron production by heavy ions decelerating in a patient body.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of SCCVII tumor cell survival in clamped and non-clamped solid tumors exposed to carbon-ion beams in comparison to X-rays

Hirayama, Ryoichi*; Uzawa, Akiko*; Takase, Nobuhiro*; Matsumoto, Yoshitaka*; Noguchi, Miho; Koda, Kana*; Ozaki, Masakuni*; Yamashita, Kei*; Li, H.*; Kase, Yuki*; et al.

Mutation Research; Genetic Toxicology And Environmental Mutagenesis, 756(1-2), p.146 - 151, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:60.71(Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

Journal Articles

Visualization of $$gamma$$H2AX foci caused by heavy ion particle traversal; Distribution between core track versus non-track damage

Nakajima, Nakako*; Brunton, H.*; Watanabe, Ritsuko; Shrikhande, A.*; Hirayama, Ryoichi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Fujimori, Akira*; Murakami, Takeshi*; Okayasu, Ryuichi*; Jeggo, P.*; et al.

PLOS ONE (Internet), 8(8), p.e70107_1 - e70107_14, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:90.88(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Heavy particle irradiation can produce complex DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) within the particle trajectory. Additionally, secondary electrons, termed delta-electrons, can create low linear energy transfer (LET) damage distant from the track. Using imaging with deconvolution, we show that at 8 hours after exposure to Fe ions, $$gamma$$H2AX foci forming at DSBs within the particle track are large and encompass multiple smaller and closely localised foci, which we designate as clustered $$gamma$$H2AX foci. We also identified simple $$gamma$$H2AX foci distant from the track. They are rapidly repaired. Clustered $$gamma$$H2AX foci induced by heavy particle radiation cause prolonged checkpoint arrest compared to simple $$gamma$$H2AX foci. However, mitotic entry was observed when $$sim$$10 clustered foci remain. Thus, cells can progress into mitosis with multiple clusters of DSBs following the traversal of a heavy particle.

Journal Articles

Measurements of neutron- and photon-production cross sections from heavy-ion reactions on tissue equivalent elements

Uozumi, Yusuke*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Hirabayashi, Keiichi*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Nishizawa, Tomoya*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; et al.

HIMAC-138, p.237 - 238, 2012/08

In the heavy-ion radiotherapy, considerable discussion has been attracted regarding the potential for second cancer induction by secondary neutrons produced from the primary heavy-ion fragmentation. It is important to measure energy-angle double-differential cross sections (DDXs) of neutron- and photon-productions in heavy-ion nuclear reactions. Since it is notoriously hard to measure the spectral cross sections of neutrons in an energy range of around 1 MeV where the RBE value reaches at its maximum. In the project by last year, experiments were carried out at the synchrotron HIMAC of NIRS, Japan. The beams were $$^{12}$$C and $$^{16}$$O of 290 MeV/u and bombarded a carbon target. In measurements of neutrons and photons were used liquid scintillator detectors of 5" and 2". We have succeeded to lower the neutron energy threshold down to 0.6 MeV. The present results for neutron productions are in reasonable agreements with PHITS. Since our goal in technical aspects has been fulfilled, measurements will be continued for other reactions.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron- and photon-production cross sections from heavy-ion reactions on tissue equivalent elements

Uozumi, Yusuke*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Moriguchi, Daisuke*; Ueyama, Masahiko*; Yoshioka, Masakatsu*; Satoh, Daiki; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; Takada, Masashi*; et al.

HIMAC-136, p.248 - 249, 2011/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Neutron-production double-differential cross sections from heavy-ion interactions

Satoh, Daiki; Moriguchi, Daisuke*; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Koba, Yusuke*; Nakamura, Yasuhiro*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Ueyama, Masahiko*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Yoshioka, Masakatsu*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; et al.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), p.1741 - 1744, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:27.36(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The data of neutron production from heavy-ion interactions are of great importance for the dose assessment in heavy-ion therapy. We have already evaluated the data of neutron production for thick targets, in which the incident heavy ions completely stop, by the measurements and the reevaluation of the existing data reported by Kurosawa et al. As a next step of the research, we plan to evaluate the neutron-production cross-section data for thin targets. These data are useful to understand the mechanism of heavy-ion interaction, and improve the reaction model in particle transport codes. The previously reported cross-section data by Iwata et al. were revised by using a new set of neutron-detection efficiency values calculated with SCINFUL-QMD code. While the original data gave the larger values than the predictions of particle transport codes above 200 MeV due to the underestimation of the efficiencies, it was improved by this revision. In addition, we have started the new cross-section measurements at HIMAC. All the data of neutron-production cross sections were compared with the predictions of particle transport codes.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross-sections on carbon bombarded with 290-MeV/nucleon carbon and oxygen ions

Satoh, Daiki; Moriguchi, Daisuke*; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Uehara, Haruhiko*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Ueyama, Masahiko*; Yoshioka, Masakatsu*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Koba, Yusuke*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 644(1), p.59 - 67, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:78.57(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Neutron-production double-differential cross sections on carbon-carbon and oxygen-carbon reactions with incident heavy-ion energy of 290 MeV/nucleon were measured by time-of-flight method using liquid organic scintillators. By use of a detection system specialized for low-energy neutrons, the cross sections were obtained in a wide energy region from several hundred MeV down to 0.6 MeV for the oxygen-ion incidences. The experimental data were compared with the calculation results using the Monte-Carlo simulation code, PHITS. The PHITS results gave an overall agreement with the measured data within a factor of two.

Journal Articles

Study of neutron and photon production cross sections for second cancer risk assessment in heavy-ion therapy

Uozumi, Yusuke*; Iwamoto, Hiroki*; Koba, Yusuke*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Satoh, Daiki; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Takada, Masashi*; Ueyama, Masahiko*; Yoshioka, Masakatsu*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 1, p.114 - 117, 2011/02

It is important to assess and suppress the potential for second cancer induction by secondary neutrons produced in primary heavy-ion fragmentation in patient body. Since it is very difficult to measure high-energy neutron doses in mixed radiation fields, a Monte-Carlo simulation approach has attracted much attention as an alternative for neutron dose estimation. It is notoriously hard to reproduce the spectral cross sections of neutrons from high-energy heavy-ion collisions. We, therefore, have planned experiments to measure energy-angle double-differential cross sections of nuclear reactions.

Journal Articles

Discussions in Symposium "Neutron dosimetry in neutron fields; From detection techniques to medical applications"

Tanimura, Yoshihiko; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Kumada, Hiroaki; Terunuma, Toshiyuki*; Sakae, Takeji*; Harano, Hideki*; Matsumoto, Tetsuro*; Suzuki, Toshikazu*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*

Hoshasen, 34(2), p.135 - 139, 2008/04

Recently the traceability system (JCSS) of neutron standard based on the Japanese law "Measurement Act" has been instituted. In addition, importance of the neutron dose evaluation has been increasing in not only the neutron capture medical treatment but also the proton or heavy particle therapy. Against such a background, a symposium "Neutron dosimetry in neutron fields; From detection techniques to medical applications" was held on March 29, 2008 and recent topics on the measuring instruments and their calibration, the traceability system, the simulation technique and the medical applications were introduced. This article summarizes the key points in the discussion at the symposium.

Journal Articles

Extension of applicable neutron energy of DARWIN upto 1 GeV

Satoh, Daiki; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Endo, Akira; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Takada, Masashi*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 126(1-4), p.555 - 558, 2007/08

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.69(Environmental Sciences)

In order to assess the neutron dose with DARWIN, a set of reliable response functions for neutron is required. Although the response function for neutron has been already determined below 100 MeV, the evaluation method is not established for high-energy neutrons. This is a reason to restrict the applicable energy of DARWIN at 100 MeV. To extend the applicable energy, we developed SCINFUL-QMD code which is capable of calculating the response function up to a few GeV. To verify the SCINFUL-QMD, response functions above 100 MeV have been measured at the HIMAC of National institute of Radiological Sciences. Neutrons were produced by bombardment 800 MeV/u Si and 400 MeV/u C ions with a graphite target. The experimental results showed a good agreement with predictions of SCINFUL-QMD. The G-function was evaluated up to 1 GeV based on the calculation of SCINFUL-QMD.

Journal Articles

Development of dose assessment method for high-energy neutrons using intelligent neutron monitor

Satoh, Daiki; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Endo, Akira; Takada, Masashi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Sato, Shinji*

NIRS-M-203 (CD-ROM), p.198 - 199, 2007/06

An innovative intelligent neutron monitor named "DARWIN" was applied to measuring dose in a high-energy neutron field produced through nuclear spallation by 800-MeV/u Si-ion bombardment with a thick graphite target. The measured dose was compared with calculated dose from neutron spectrum in the field. The comparison validated the reliability of DARWIN for dose measurement against high-energy neutrons.

Journal Articles

Development of dose assessment method for high-energy neutrons using intelligent neutron monitor

Satoh, Daiki; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Endo, Akira; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Sato, Shinji*; Takada, Masashi*

NIRS-M-192, p.224 - 225, 2006/05

Light output of liquid organic scintillator NE213 has been measured for proton, deuteron, triton, $$^3$$He nucleus and alpha particle. A thick graphite target was bombarded with 400-MeV/u C ions to the produce charged particles. Time-of-flight method was adopted to determine the kinetic energy of the charged particles. Light output for proton was also measured using mono-energy beams of 100 and 160 MeV. The experimental results gave a new database of light output.

JAEA Reports

Report on the questionnaire about the data of atoms, molecules and atomic nuclei for medicine, 2004

Kobayashi, Toru*; Harata, Yasuo*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Hasegawa, Tomoyuki*; Endo, Akira; Moribayashi, Kengo; Akahane, Keiichi*; Uehara, Shuzo*; Imahori, Yoshio*; Kato, Yo*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-002, 101 Pages, 2006/02


This report provides an analysis of the results of the survey conducted among field experts regarding the data on atoms, molecules, and atomic nuclei used in medical applications. The important results are summarized as follows: First, the importance of the basic data for disciplines involved in medical research, i.e. physics and engineering, chemistry, pharmacology, biology, and the related data which are applied directly in medicine were identified. The related data are of greater importance in direct medical application compared to conventional basic data. Therefore, the data related to biology should be prepared in consideration of their convenient usage. Second, regarding the fundamental data on atoms, molecules and atomic nuclei related to medicine, the present data was able to approximately cope with the demands of many medical cases that needed data on quality, quantity, precision, etc. However, we found situations particularly in the IT community where comprehensively organized data was urgently needed. The data to be used for practical implementation must contain the specialized data for medical physics and biology. Finally, the significance of the continuity in the planned completion of the basic data was confirmed for the development of the associated fields. The expansion and completion of basic data should be done continuously and effectively while considering the limitation in resources and manpower.

32 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)