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Journal Articles

Structure of nitride layer formed on titanium alloy surface by N$$_{2}$$-gas exposure at high temperatures

Takeda, Yusuke; Iida, Kiyoshi*; Sato, Shinji*; Matsuo, Tadatoshi*; Nagashima, Yasuyuki*; Okubo, Nariaki; Kondo, Keietsu; Hirade, Tetsuya

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 25, p.011023_1 - 011023_3, 2019/03

In this study, we prepared samples under two different conditions, (1) 810$$^{circ}$$C, for 600 min, and (2) 850$$^{circ}$$C, for 720 min. A depth-profile analysis of the surfaces of the samples is conducted through Doppler broadening (DB) measurements of positron annihilation $$gamma$$ rays using a slow positron beam. It was indicated that many of positrons annihilated in defects near the surface. According to the TEM image, there are nano-crystal grains near the surface and then positrons can diffuse in the grains and annihilate in defects at the grain boundaries. Furthermore, DB measurements indicated that there is a depth dependence on the chemical composition where positrons annihilate. EDS spectroscopy measurements also indicated that there is a depth dependence of impurities such as Vanadium. These results indicated change of the chemical composition at the grain boundaries.

Journal Articles

Structure of nitride layer formed on titanium alloy surface by N$$_{2}$$-gas exposure at high temperatures

Takeda, Yusuke; Iida, Kiyoshi*; Sato, Shinji*; Matsuo, Tadatoshi*; Nagashima, Yasuyuki*; Okubo, Nariaki; Kondo, Keietsu; Hirade, Tetsuya

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 791(1), p.012022_1 - 012022_4, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:40.79(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Titanium alloy is widely used for applications such as golf club heads and structural materials for aircrafts. The surface can be exceedingly hardened by nitriding treatment that initiates defects, but there are some difficulties on use of titanium nitride because the layer can be exfoliated by stress. Therefore, we prepared samples in two different treatment conditions, (1) 810$$^{circ}$$C 600 min and (2) 850$$^{circ}$$C 720 min and performed depth profile analysis of Doppler broadening of positron annihilation $$gamma$$-rays (DB) for these samples. According to a calculation of nitrogen diffusion depth, the nitride layer should be only about 0.05-0.1$$mu$$m. However, the depth profile analysis of the DB measurement indicated that the defects introduced by nitriding treatment extended to a depth of 0.5$$mu$$m.

JAEA Reports

The Technological study on the decommissioning of nuclear facility, etc. in the Tokai Research Establishment

Tomii, Hiroyuki; Matsuo, Kiyoshi*; Shiraishi, Kunio; Kato, Rokuro; Watabe, Kozo; Higashiyama, Yutaka; Nagane, Satoru*; Hanawa, Yukimitsu*

JAERI-Tech 2005-017, 65 Pages, 2005/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Cost estimation method for decommissioning of nuclear facilities

Tomii, Hiroyuki*; Matsuo, Kiyoshi*; Shiraishi, Kunio*; Watabe, Kozo*; Saiki, Hideo; Kawatsuma, Shinji; Rindo, Hiroshi; Zaitsu, Tomohisa

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (31), p.11 - 20, 2005/03

Japanese Government decided that Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ( JAERI ) and Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute ( JNC ) shall be consolidated to a New rganization as of October 2005, which organization would be an Institute for comprehensive research and development for atomic.Through the preparation for unification, JAERI and JNC have been developing the Decommissioning program for own facilities, estimating decommissioning cost and the amount of waste from the decommissioning, and developing Management Program. Planning the Decommissioning program, it is important to estimate decommissioning cost effectively, because JAERI and JNC retain about 230 nuclear facilities which are reactors, fuel cycle facilities and research facilities. Then the decommissioning cost estimation method has developed based on several dismantling and replacement experiences. This method has adopted more estimation fomulae for decommissioning various works than ever, so as to be more reliable. And decommissioning cost for the facilities has estimated under the common condition. This method would be improved, reflecting future nuclear facilities dismantling and replacement events.This paper shows the cost estimation method for nuclear facilities and cost evaluation result for about 230 facilities of both JAERI and JNC.

Journal Articles

Cost estimation method for decommissioning of nuclear facilities

Tomii, Hiroyuki; Matsuo, Kiyoshi*; Shiraishi, Kunio; Watabe, Kozo; Saiki, Hideo*; Kawatsuma, Shinji*; Rindo, Hiroshi*; Zaitsu, Tomohisa*

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (31), p.11 - 20, 2005/03

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of C-14 decontamination technology in concrete

Kitamura, Koichi; Hayashi, Hirokazu; Morishita, Yoshitsugu; Murakami, Kazuo*; Namba, Haruyuki*; Matsuo, Kiyoshi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Analysis of surface structure of titanium alloy nitride by slow positron beam

Takeda, Yusuke; Iida, Kiyoshi*; Sato, Shinji*; Matsuo, Tadatoshi*; Nagashima, Yasuyuki*; Okubo, Nariaki; Kondo, Keietsu; Hirade, Tetsuya

no journal, , 

The impact stress exfoliates a Nitride surface layer on Titanium alloy prepared in some conditions. So we prepared specimens in two different conditions, (1) 810$$^{circ}$$C, 600min and (2) 850$$^{circ}$$C, 720min, and performed depth profile analysis of their surfaces with Doppler broadening measurements of positron annihilation $$gamma$$-rays (DB) that is sensitive for defects by Slow Positron beams. Although the specimens (2) is harder than (1) according to the Vickers Hardness test, DB results indicated that defect layer of specimen (1) is thicker than (2). It means that the defect layer thickness was not the cause of surface hardening. Furthermore, chemical elements at the positron annihilation sites could be analyzed qualitatively by DB and the change of the composition appeared in deeper region than the defect layer. The defect layer depth does not match the depth where chemical composition changes by DB appeared. TEM and EDS observation showed different tendency from the results by DB. It is because positrons probe specific sites, and the combination of these methods will be a strong tool to investigate surface structures.

Oral presentation

Conceptual design study and related R&Ds toward the demonstration reactor of JSFR, 5; Development of steel plate reinforced concrete containment vessel for JSFR

Kato, Atsushi; Negishi, Kazuo; Sato, Kenichiro*; Akiyama, Yo*; Hara, Hiroyuki*; Iwasaki, Mikinori*; Abe, Ganji*; Tokiyoshi, Takumi*; Okafuji, Takashi*; Umeki, Katsuhiko*; et al.

no journal, , 

Report research and development activities related to steel plate reinforced concrete containment vessel for the JSFR conducted as a part of METI commissioned research.

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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