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検索結果: 9 件中 1件目~9件目を表示
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State-of-the-art of WPS in RPV PTS analysis

Zarazovski, M.*; Pistra, V.*; Lauerova, D.*; Obermeier, F.*; Mora, D.*; Dubyk, Y.*; Bolinder, T.*; Cueto-Felgueroso, C.*; Szavai, S.*; Dudra, J.*; et al.

Proceedings of ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2022) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2022/07

The APAL (Advanced Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Analysis for Long-Term Operation (LTO)) project was launched in October 2020 for four years with funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 program. Within APAL, an extensive literature review was performed and experience with defining the state-of-the-art of the Warm Pre-Stress (WPS) effect, which has an impact on the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) brittle fracture margin in both deterministic and probabilistic terms, was collected. To gather the worldwide experience of the WPS approaches and models, a comprehensive questionnaire was developed followed by each APAL partner response. It mainly focused on the following aspects: collection of existing WPS approaches and models implemented in standards and rules for RPV brittle fracture assessment; identification of the WPS issues; collection and analysis of the existing experimental data. This work describes worldwide experience and best practice of the WPS and its application for the RPV integrity assessment. The paper's conclusions are also focused on the recommendations for dealing with WPS issues.


Damped Dirac magnon in the metallic kagome antiferromagnet FeSn

Do, S.-H.*; 金子 耕士; 梶本 亮一; 蒲沢 和也*; Stone, M. B.*; Lin, J. Y. Y.*; 伊藤 晋一*; 益田 隆嗣*; Samolyuk, G. D.*; Dagotto, E.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 105(18), p.L180403_1 - L180403_6, 2022/05

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:89.42(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report inelastic neutron scattering studies of the prototypical kagome magnetic metal FeSn. The spectra display well defined spin waves extending up to 120 meV. Above this energy, the spin waves become progressively broadened, reflecting interactions with the Stoner continuum. Using linear spin wave theory, we determine an effective spin Hamiltonian that explains the measured dispersion. This analysis indicates that the Dirac magnon at the K point occurs on the brink of a region where well defined spin waves become unobservable. Our results emphasize the influential role of itinerant carriers on the topological spin excitations of metallic kagome magnets.


Quantitative study of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal hybrids

Althammer, M.*; Meyer, S.*; 中山 裕康*; Schreier, M.*; Altmannshofer, S.*; Weiler, M.*; Huebl, H.*; Gepr$"a$gs, S.*; Opel, M.*; Gross, R.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 87(22), p.224401_1 - 224401_15, 2013/06

 被引用回数:422 パーセンタイル:99.42(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

強磁性絶縁体/Ptと強磁性絶縁体/常磁性金属/Pt複合素子において、スピンHall磁気抵抗効果の定量測定を行った。強磁性絶縁体にはイットリウム鉄ガーネット,ニッケルフェライト,マグネタイトを用い、常磁性中間層には銅、金を用いた。以上により、薄い中間層にかかわらず、Pt層のスピンHall効果と逆スピンHall効果の複合によって強磁性層の磁化方向に依存した磁気抵抗効果が生じるというスピンHall磁気抵抗効果の理論の正当性が実験的に確認された。スピンHall磁気抵抗効果の理論を援用することで、4$$times10^{14}Omega^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$のスピンミキシングコンダクタンスを持つサンプルに対して、PtのスピンHall角とスピン拡散長がそれぞれ、$$0.11pm0.08, 1.5pm0.5$$nmと得られた。


Summary of the ARIES Town Meeting; Edge plasma physics and plasma material interactions in the fusion power plant regime

Tillack, M. S.*; Turnbull, A. D.*; Kessel, C. E.*; 朝倉 伸幸; Garofalo, A. M.*; Holland, C.*; Koch, F.*; Linsmeier, Ch.*; Lisgo, S.*; Maingi, R.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 53(2), p.027003_1 - 027003_23, 2013/02

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:21.70(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Thermally driven spin and charge currents in thin NiFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$/Pt films

Meier, D.*; Kuschel, T.*; Shen, L.*; Gupta, A.*; 吉川 貴史*; 内田 健一*; 齊藤 英治; Schmalhorst, J.-M.*; Reiss, G.*

Physical Review B, 87(5), p.054421_1 - 054421_5, 2013/02

 被引用回数:108 パーセンタイル:95.35(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We present results on the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) shown by semiconducting ferrimagnetic NiFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$/Pt films from room temperature down to 50 K base temperature. The temperature dependence of the conductivity has been studied in parallel to obtain information about the origin of the electric potentials detected at the Pt coverage of the ferrimagnet in order to distinguish the LSSE from the anomalous Nernst effect. Furthermore, the dependence of the LSSE on temperature gradients as well as the influence of an external magnetic field direction is investigated.


Proton acceleration experiments and warm dense matter research using high power lasers

Roth, M.*; Alber, I.*; Bagnoud, V.*; Brown, C. R. D.*; Clarke, R.*; 大道 博行; Fernandez, J.*; Flippo, K.*; Gaillard, S.*; Gauthier, C.*; et al.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51(12), p.124039_1 - 124039_7, 2009/12

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:71.82(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The acceleration of intense proton and ion beams by ultra-intense lasers has matured to a point where applications in basic research and technology are being developed. Crucial for harvesting the unmatched beam parameters driven by the relativistic electron sheath is the precise control of the beam. In this paper we report on recent experiments using the PHELIX laser at GSI, the VULCAN laser at RAL and the TRIDENT laser at LANL to control and use laser accelerated proton beams for applications in high energy density research. We demonstrate efficient collimation of the proton beam using high field pulsed solenoid magnets, a prerequisite to capture and transport the beam for applications. Furthermore, we report on two campaigns to use intense, short proton bunches to isochorically heat solid targets up to the warm dense matter state. The temporal profile of the proton beam allows for rapid heating of the target, much faster than the hydrodynamic response time thereby creating a strongly coupled plasma at solid density. The target parameters are then probed by X-ray Thomson scattering to reveal the density and temperature of the heated volume. This combination of two powerful techniques developed during the past few years allows for the generation and investigation of macroscopic samples of matter in states present in giant planets or the interior of the earth.


Discrepancy between modelled and measured radial electric fields in the scrape-off layer of divertor tokamaks; A Challenge for 2D fluid codes?

Chankin, A. V.*; Coster, D. P.*; 朝倉 伸幸; Bonnin, X.*; Conway, G. D.*; Corrigan, G.*; Erents, S. K.*; Fundamenski, W.*; Horacek, J.*; Kallenbach, A.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(5), p.479 - 489, 2007/05

 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:73.51(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Particle fluxes in the atmosphere; Calculations and experimental data

Matthi$"a$, D.*; Sihver, L.*; 佐藤 達彦; Mancusi, D.*; Meier, M.*

no journal, , 



Complexation of actinides with borate and polyborates

Meier, R.; 北垣 徹; 香西 直文; Fellhauer, D.*; 小林 大志*; 大貫 敏彦

no journal, , 

The distribution of actinides in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) is of major interest, concerning the safety during decommissioning. And if fluctuations in the neutron flux would arise during retrieval of the fuel, the immediate addition of neutron absorbers such as boric acid can become necessary. Therefore, the influence of boric compounds on actinides is an essential topic to be scrutinised in depth. In the present study the complexation of actinides with borate is experimentally investigated in aqueous solutions relevant for 1F. The main focus is on the complexation of U(VI) in the weakly acidic to alkaline pH range at room temperature under oxic conditions. The concentration of (poly)borate is systematically varied to obtain information about the complexation behaviour with U(VI) under different boundary conditions. For the analysis of the samples, ICP-MS/OES and XRD are applied. In the long term, NMR and TRLFS are also available for the evaluation of the complexes.

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