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 年 ~ 

Quantitative study of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal hybrids


Althammer, M.*; Meyer, S.*; 中山 裕康*; Schreier, M.*; Altmannshofer, S.*; Weiler, M.*; Huebl, H.*; Gepr$"a$gs, S.*; Opel, M.*; Gross, R.*; Meier, D.*; Klewe, C.*; Kuschel, T.*; Schmalhorst, J.-M.*; Reiss, G.*; Shen, L.*; Gupta, A.*; Chen, Y.-T.*; Bauer, G. E. W.*; 齊藤 英治; Goennenwein, S.*

Althammer, M.*; Meyer, S.*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Schreier, M.*; Altmannshofer, S.*; Weiler, M.*; Huebl, H.*; Gepr$"a$gs, S.*; Opel, M.*; Gross, R.*; Meier, D.*; Klewe, C.*; Kuschel, T.*; Schmalhorst, J.-M.*; Reiss, G.*; Shen, L.*; Gupta, A.*; Chen, Y.-T.*; Bauer, G. E. W.*; Saito, Eiji; Goennenwein, S.*

強磁性絶縁体/Ptと強磁性絶縁体/常磁性金属/Pt複合素子において、スピンHall磁気抵抗効果の定量測定を行った。強磁性絶縁体にはイットリウム鉄ガーネット,ニッケルフェライト,マグネタイトを用い、常磁性中間層には銅、金を用いた。以上により、薄い中間層にかかわらず、Pt層のスピンHall効果と逆スピンHall効果の複合によって強磁性層の磁化方向に依存した磁気抵抗効果が生じるというスピンHall磁気抵抗効果の理論の正当性が実験的に確認された。スピンHall磁気抵抗効果の理論を援用することで、4$$times10^{14}Omega^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$のスピンミキシングコンダクタンスを持つサンプルに対して、PtのスピンHall角とスピン拡散長がそれぞれ、$$0.11pm0.08, 1.5pm0.5$$nmと得られた。

We experimentally investigate and quantitatively analyze the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) effect in ferromagnetic insulator (FI)/Pt and FI/nonmagnetic metal/Pt hybrid structures. For the FI, we use either YIG, nickel ferrite, or magnetite and for the nonmagnet, Cu or Au. The SMR is theoretically ascribed to the combined action of spin Hall and inverse spin Hall effect in the Pt top layer. It therefore should characteristically depend upon the orientation of the magnetization in the adjacent ferromagnet and prevail even if an additional, nonmagnetic metal layer is inserted between Pt and the ferromagnet. Our experimental data corroborate these theoretical conjectures. Using the SMR theory to analyze our data, we extract the spin Hall angle and the spin diffusion length in Pt. For a spin-mixing conductance of $$4times 10^{14}Omega^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$, we obtain a spin Hall angle of 0.11 $$pm$$ 0.08 and a spin diffusion length of (1.5 $$pm$$ 0.5) nm for Pt in our samples.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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