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Abe, Takeyasu; Kuribayashi, Takahiro*; Nakamura, Michihiko*
European Journal of Mineralogy, 29(6), p.949 - 957, 2017/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:8.78(Mineralogy)Polarised infrared spectra of synthetic single crystals and radiation-damaged natural samples were collected to examine hydroxyl incorporation in monazite. The IR spectra of pure synthetic monazite contain two OH stretching bands at 3163 and 3335 cm with contrasting bandwidths of 40 and 90 cm, respectively. The two OH bands show strong pleochroism and dominant infrared absorption in the Y direction. The IR spectra of natural monazite contains a weak pleochroic OH band centered around 3400 cm with a bandwidth of more than 200 cm. During step-heating experiments, this broad OH band split into several bands, and these bands differ from those observed in the spectra of synthetic samples. The OH stretching signals in the spectra of both natural and synthetic samples disappeared after heating at 1000C. Based on these results, OH defects in natural monazite arise because of secondary hydration facilitated by radiation damage, as in the case of natural zircon and xenotime.
Tanai, Kenji; Kikuchi, Hirohito; Nakamura, Kunihiko*; Tanaka, Yukihisa*; Hironaga, Michihiko*
JAEA-Research 2010-025, 186 Pages, 2010/08
Bentonite-based material is used as one of the components of the LLW, TRU and HLW disposal facilities. Required characteristics of bentonite-based material are low permeability, swelling property, etc. Those are evaluated in many cases by laboratory test results. However the uncertainty exists in the evaluation of those characteristics in construction. Because even if the index of the dry density etc is the same, laboratory test results have variability. In addition, the uncertainty in construction has the possibility to increase the uncertainty of long-term evaluation of characteristics. On the other hand, several of laboratory test methods of bentonite are not standardized. So, this is a possibility that is one of the uncertain causes of the evaluation of characteristics of the bentonite. Therefore, it is hoped that the laboratory tests of bentonite are standardized. Therefore, this study analysis the uncertainty on the physical properties by laboratory tests and put together the problem and ponts of concern in the tests.
Abe, Takeyasu; Kuribayashi, Takahiro*; Nakamura, Michihiko*
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