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FENDL: A Library for fusion research and applications

Schnabel, G.*; 国枝 賢; 今野 力; 中山 梓介; 他27名*

Nuclear Data Sheets, 193, p.1 - 78, 2024/02

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:99.73(Physics, Nuclear)



General-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5 and to the next

岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 国枝 賢; 湊 太志; 中山 梓介; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 長家 康展; 多田 健一; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.14001_1 - 14001_7, 2023/05

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:74.05(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5 (JENDL-5) was released in 2021. JENDL-5 is intended to extend its generality from JENDL-4.0 by covering a wide variety of nuclear data for applications not only to nuclear design and decommissioning, but also to radiation-related fields. Overview of JENDL-5 and a future plan for the next of JENDL-5 are presented. JENDL-5 includes up-to-date neutron reaction cross sections incorporating other various types of data such as newly evaluated nuclear decay, fission yield, and thermal neutron scattering law. The neutron induced reaction cross sections especially on minor actinides in the resonance regions are improved by the experimental data measured at ANNRI. The extensive benchmark analyses on neutron nuclear data were made and the performance of JENDL-5 was confirmed by benchmark tests of ICSBEP and IRPhEP as well as fast reactors, radiation shielding calculations, and so on. So far, several JENDL special-purpose files have been developed for various applications. The data cover neutron, charged particles, and photon induced reactions. As the neutron induced reaction files, two special purpose files of JENDL/AD-2017 and JENDL/ImPACT-2018 were released to meet needs of nuclear backend applications including activation evaluation for nuclear facilities and nuclear transmutations of high-level radioactive wastes of long-lived fission products, respectively. Furthermore, the photon, proton and deuteron data were released as JENDL/PD-2016.1, JENDL-4.0/HE and JENDL/DEU-2020, respectively, for accelerator applications. With updating the data, they were incorporated in JENDL-5 as sub-libraries for facilitation of usability of JENDL. As the next step of JENDL-5, provision of the proper and sufficient covariance will be a major challenge, where cross correlations across different reactions or data-types may play a significant role in connection with data assimilation for various applications.


Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5

岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 国枝 賢; 湊 太志; 中山 梓介; 安部 豊*; 椿原 康介*; 奥村 森*; 石塚 知香子*; 吉田 正*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(1), p.1 - 60, 2023/01

 被引用回数:144 パーセンタイル:99.98(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The fifth version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, JENDL-5, was developed. JENDL-5 aimed to meet a variety of needs not only from nuclear reactors but also from other applications such as accelerators. Most of the JENDL special purpose files published so far were integrated into JENDL-5 with revisions. JENDL-5 consists of 11 sublibraries: (1) Neutron, (2) Thermal scattering law, (3) Fission product yield, (4) Decay data, (5) Proton, (6) Deuteron, (7) Alpha-particle, (8) Photonuclear, (9) Photo-atomic, (10) Electro-atomic, and (11) Atomic relaxation. The neutron reaction data for a large number of nuclei in JENDL-4.0 were updated ranging from light to heavy ones, including major and minor actinides which affect nuclear reactor calculations. In addition, the number of nuclei of neutron reaction data stored in JENDL-5 was largely increased; the neutron data covered not only all of naturally existing nuclei but also their neighbor ones with half-lives longer than 1 day. JENDL-5 included the originally evaluated data of thermal scattering law and fission product yield for the first time. Light charged-particle and photon induced reaction data were also included for the first time as the JENDL general purpose file.


${it Operando}$ structure observation of pyroelectric ceramics during power generation cycle

川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 山中 暁*; 坂本 友和*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 馬場 将亮*; 橋本 英樹*; Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), p.134103_1 - 134103_7, 2022/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.28(Physics, Applied)

The microscopic origin of the pyroelectric power generation using ferroelectric ceramics for energy harvesting from time-varying waste heat can be understood by conducting ${it operando}$ neutron diffraction measurements. The behavior of the domain orientation and lattice strain in the lead zirconate titanate (PZT)-based ceramics with a tetragonal structure during the novel power generation cycle combining electric field and temperature change were investigated. The [001] domains and the lattice strain of the (111) plane in the direction of parallel to the electric field increase in the process of simultaneous rise in the electric field and temperature, and rapidly decrease in the process of the field drop. The alignment of the domain orientation by the electric field and its randomization by the higher temperature during the cycle are critical features of the current power generation system.


Morphological reproductive characteristics of testes and fertilization capacity of cryopreserved sperm after the Fukushima accident in raccoon (${it Procyon lotor}$)

小松 一樹*; 岩崎 亜美*; 村田 康輔*; 山城 秀昭*; Goh, V. S. T.*; 中山 亮*; 藤嶋 洋平*; 小野 拓実*; 木野 康志*; 清水 良央*; et al.

Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 56(3), p.484 - 497, 2021/03

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:81.81(Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science)



Status of JENDL

岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 柴田 恵一; 市原 晃; 国枝 賢; 湊 太志; 中山 梓介

EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.09002_1 - 09002_6, 2020/09

 被引用回数:57 パーセンタイル:99.93(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Recent progress and future plan of the JENDL project are presented. Two special purpose files were released recently. One is the JENDL Photonuclear Data File 2016 (JENDL/PD-2016) and the other one is the JENDL Activation Cross Section File for Nuclear Decommissioning 2017 (JENDL/AD-2017). Regarding the general-purpose file, we are planning to release a next version of JENDL-4.0 opened in 2010, which would be made available by 2022 as JENDL-5. New data evaluation and revision are in progress. The first test version of the JENDL-5 called JENDL-5$$alpha$$1 has been created by updating neutron reaction data for about 100 nuclides.


Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon $$^{136}$$Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets

Sun, X. H.*; Wang, H.*; 大津 秀暁*; 櫻井 博儀*; Ahn, D. S.*; 合川 正幸*; 福田 直樹*; 磯部 忠昭*; 川上 駿介*; 小山 俊平*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(6), p.064623_1 - 064623_12, 2020/06

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:58.73(Physics, Nuclear)

理化学研究所RIビームファクトリーにて逆運動学法を使用し、核子当たり168MeVの陽子, 重陽子, 炭素イオン入射による$$^{136}$$Xeのスポレーションおよびフラグメンテーション反応からの同位体生成断面積を測定した。炭素イオンの場合は全運動エネルギーが高くなるため、質量数の小さな同位体の生成断面積が大きくなった。また、今回新たに測定されたデータを以前により高い入射エネルギーで測定されたデータと比較することで、同位体生成断面積の入射エネルギー依存性を調査した。さらに、測定データをPHITS, SPACS, EPAX, DEURACSの計算値と比較した。本研究で測定したデータは、理論計算の良いベンチマークになると考えられる。


Pyroelectric power generation from the waste heat of automotive exhaust gas

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 坂本 友和*; 川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 関野 徹*; 中山 忠親*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Internet), 4(3), p.1143 - 1149, 2020/03

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:65.42(Chemistry, Physical)

Waste heat is a potentially exploitable energy source but remains a problem awaiting a solution. To explore solutions for automobile applications, we investigate pyroelectric power generation from the temperature variation of exhaust gas using a novel electro-thermodynamic cycle. Niobium-doped lead zirconate titanate stannate (PNZST) ceramics were applied as pyroelectric materials, and their structural characteristics were investigated. In the driving cycle assessments (JC-08) using real exhaust gas, the maximum power generated was identified as 143.9 mW cm$$^{-3}$$ (777.3 J L$$^{-1}$$ per 1 cycle) over a temperature range of 150-220 $$^{circ}$$C and an electric field of 13 kV cm-1. The net mean generating power of the total driving cycle was 40.8 mW cm$$^{-3}$$, which is the most enhanced result in our power generating systems to date and 314 times greater than our first report. Materials with sharp transition behaviors with the temperature and electric field are worthy of study with regard to pyroelectric energy harvesting materials, and their corresponding crystal and domain structures were investigated to optimize performance.


JENDL/ImPACT-2018; A New nuclear data library for innovative studies on transmutation of long-lived fission products

国枝 賢; 古立 直也; 湊 太志; 岩本 信之; 岩本 修; 中山 梓介; 江幡 修一郎*; 吉田 亨*; 西原 健司; 渡辺 幸信*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(12), p.1073 - 1091, 2019/12

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:69.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

長寿命核分裂生成核種(LLFP)の核変換技術確立に向けた革新的研究開発に資することを目的とし、新たな核データライブラリJENDL/ImPACT-2018を開発した。開発した核データライブラリは主要なLLFPである$$^{79}$$Se, $$^{93}$$Zr, $$^{107}$$Pd, $$^{135}$$Csおよび周辺核種(計163核種)に対する中性子及び陽子入射の評価済核反応断面積がエネルギー200MeVを上限として格納されている。断面積の評価においては核反応モデルコードCCONEを用いると共に、測定データの乏しい核種やエネルギー領域の断面積を根拠を持って推定するために微視的な核構造理論を積極的に活用した。また、近年RIBF/RIKENにおいて逆運動学を用いて測定された測定データに基づいて主要な核反応モデルパラメータを最適化した。得られたデータは従来手法により求められた既存の核データライブラリJENDL-4.0/HEやTENDL-2017に比べて、安定核種に対する測定データをよく再現することを確認した。


Enhancement of element production by incomplete fusion reaction with weakly bound deuteron

Wang, H.*; 大津 秀暁*; 千賀 信幸*; 川瀬 頌一郎*; 武内 聡*; 炭竃 聡之*; 小山 俊平*; 櫻井 博儀*; 渡辺 幸信*; 中山 梓介; et al.

Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), p.78_1 - 78_6, 2019/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:55.81(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Electrical and crystallographic study of an electrothermodynamic cycle for a waste heat recovery

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Advanced Sustainable Systems (Internet), 2(11), p.1800067_1 - 1800067_8, 2018/11

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:25.35(Green & Sustainable Science & Technology)

An innovative electrothermodynamic cycle (pyroelectric effect with an external electric field) was recently presented, which is based on temporal temperature variations in wasted heat from engine exhaust gas. In this paper, for further improvement, a generating mechanism of the cycle is investigated using in-operando time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction with generating assessment. The polarizations of the sample are gained from both crystal/domain changes and simultaneous electrical measurements. Three types of materials are prepared: soft and hard types of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT). Among them, PMN-PT has the highest generating power. When an external electric field is applied, the PMN-PT exhibits only 180$$^circ$$ domain rotations, whereas PZTs exhibit both 90$$^circ$$ and 180$$^circ$$ rotations. A strong driving force for 180$$^circ$$ rotation depresses rotations in other angles and increases polarization changes. The results show that the material development, which has only 180$$^circ$$ switching domains, has potential for use in the establishment of a high-efficiency waste heat recovery system.


Temperature stability of PIN-PMN-PT ternary ceramics during pyroelectric power generation

茂呂 拓哉*; Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 中山 忠親*; 武田 雅敏*; 山田 昇*; 西畑 保雄; 福田 竜生; et al.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 768, p.22 - 27, 2018/11

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:61.62(Chemistry, Physical)

Relaxor-based ternary Pb(In$$_{1/2}$$Nb$$_{1/2}$$)O$$_3$$-Pb(Mg$$_{1/3}$$Nb$$_{2/3}$$)O$$_3$$-PbTiO$$_3$$ (PIN-PMN-PT) ceramics near a morphotropic phase boundary were grown, and their electrical properties at various temperatures were investigated in the electrothermodynamic cycle for the future environment-friendly automotive applications. Structural disordering, depending on the PIN content, influenced the diffuse phase transition between the tetragonal and cubic structures and contributed to the power-generating behavior. The net power-generating energies (P$$_{net}$$) were 2.43-3.01 mW/cm$$^3$$ at temperatures above 200$$^circ$$C and were maintained at above 1 mW/cm$$^3$$ over a temperature range of approximately 100 degrees. Therefore, the PIN-PMN-PT system has a possibility of a wider usage temperature range, the disordering of the perovskite crystal structure can be controlled, and it will be a candidate for the application of pyroelectric energy conversion system.


Status of the JENDL project

岩本 修; 柴田 恵一; 岩本 信之; 国枝 賢; 湊 太志; 市原 晃; 中山 梓介

EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02005_1 - 02005_6, 2017/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:59.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The latest version of the general purpose file JENDL-4.0 was released in 2010 with enhancing data of fission products and minor actinides. After that, the neutron energy range of JENDL-4.0 were extended up to 200 MeV adding proton induced reaction data. They were compiled as JENDL-4.0/HE and released in 2015. An activation cross section library for decommission of nuclear reactor, JENDL/AD-2016, is under development and will be released by 2017. It will contain neutron reaction data for approximately 300 nuclides in energy range of $$10^{-5}$$ eV to 20 MeV including isomer production cross sections. Evaluation of nuclear data for the next version of the general purpose file is also in progress. It is planned to be released by 2022. Several new evaluations mainly for fission products that had not been updated in JENDL-4.0 were already done. Data for light nuclei and structure material will be updated. Minor actinides data are still important to develop transmutation system of nuclear waste. They will be updated using new measurements especially done in J-PARC. Status of the JENDL project in developing the general and special purpose files will be presented.


Pyroelectric power generation with ferroelectrics (1-x)PMN-xPT

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Ferroelectrics, 512(1), p.92 - 99, 2017/08

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:53.37(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We have been investigating a novel electrothermodynamic cycle based on temporal temperature variations using the pyroelectric effect to utilize the waste heat as renewable energy. An improved generating performance with relaxer ferroelectric ceramics was achieved using 75Pb(Mg$$_{2/3}$$Nb$$_{1/3}$$)O$$_3$$-25PbTiO$$_3$$ which is well known for the high dielectric and pyroelectric properties. The potential was evaluated by using the hysteresis loops and generating properties are analyzed both in laboratory and engine dynamometer. Results showed 0.48 mW/cm$$^3$$ in engine dynamometer assessment, which is 3 times larger than the previous study using Pb(Zr,Ti)O$$_3$$.


Relationship between the material properties and pyroelectric-generating performance of PZTs

山中 暁*; Kim, J.*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 山田 昇*; et al.

Advanced Sustainable Systems (Internet), 1(3-4), p.1600020_1 - 1600020_6, 2017/04




眞田 幸尚; 森 愛理; 石崎 梓; 宗像 雅広; 中山 真一; 西澤 幸康; 卜部 嘉; 中西 千佳; 山田 勉; 石田 睦司; et al.

JAEA-Research 2015-006, 81 Pages, 2015/07




Novel electrothermodynamic power generation

Kim, Y.*; Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 小川 孝*; 芹沢 毅*; 田中 裕久*; 馬場 将亮*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; et al.

Advanced Energy Materials, 5(13), p.1401942_1 - 1401942_6, 2015/07

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:58.54(Chemistry, Physical)



Spin pumping blocked by single-layer graphene

白 怜士*; 田代 隆治*; 中山 裕康*; 家田 淳一; 圓谷 志郎; 境 誠司; 安藤 和也*

Applied Physics Express, 8(7), p.073009_1 - 073009_3, 2015/07

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:17.69(Physics, Applied)



Interface-dependent magnetotransport properties for thin Pt films on ferrimagnetic Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$

塩見 雄毅*; 大谷 隆史*; 井口 敏*; 佐々木 孝彦*; Qiu, Z.*; 中山 裕康*; 内田 健一*; 齊藤 英治

Applied Physics Letters, 104(24), p.242406_1 - 242406_5, 2014/06

 被引用回数:30 パーセンタイル:73.19(Physics, Applied)

We have studied magnetoresistance and Hall effects for 1.8-nm-thick Pt films grown on a ferrimagnetic insulator Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$ in a wide temperature (0.46-300 K) and magnetic-field (-15 to 15 T) region. In the low-temperature regime where quantum corrections to conductivity are observed, weak antilocalization behavior observed in Pt films is critically suppressed when the film is attached to Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$. Hall resistance in the Pt film is also affected by Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$, and it exhibits logarithmic temperature dependence in a broad temperature range. The magnetotransport properties in the high-field range are significantly influenced by the interface between Pt and Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$.


Isolation and characterization of the fragrant cyclamen ${it O}$-methyltransferase involved in flower coloration

秋田 祐介; 北村 智; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 石坂 宏*; 近藤 恵美子*; 亀有 直子*; 中山 真義*; 谷川 奈津*; 森田 裕将*; et al.

Planta, 234(6), p.1127 - 1136, 2011/12

 被引用回数:43 パーセンタイル:75.96(Plant Sciences)

Anthocyanin ${it O}$-methyltransferase (OMT) is one of the key enzymes for anthocyanin modification and flower pigmentation. We previously bred a novel red-purple-flowered fragrant cyclamen (KMrp) from the purple-flowered fragrant cyclamen "Kaori-no-mai" (KM) by ion-beam irradiation. Since the major anthocyanins in KMrp and KM petals were delphinidin 3,5-diglucoside and malvidin 3,5-diglucoside, respectively, inactivation of a methylation step in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was indicated in KMrp. We isolated and compared ${it OMT}$ genes expressed in KM and KMrp petals. RT-PCR analysis revealed that ${it CkmOMT2}$ was expressed in the petals of KM but not in KMrp. Three additional ${it CkmOMT}$s with identical sequences were expressed in petals of both KM and KMrp. Genomic PCR analysis revealed that ${it CkmOMT2}$ was not amplified from the KMrp genome, indicating that ion-beam irradiation caused a loss of the entire ${it CkmOMT2}$ region in KMrp. In vitro enzyme assay demonstrated that CkmOMT2 catalyzes the 3' or 3',5' ${it O}$-methylation of the B-ring of anthocyanin substrates. These results suggest that CkmOMT2 is functional for anthocyanin methylation, and defective expression of ${it CkmOMT2}$ is responsible for changes in anthocyanin composition and flower coloration in KMrp.

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