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Pyroelectric power generation with ferroelectrics (1-x)PMN-xPT


Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生  ; 吉井 賢資  ; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 武田 雅敏*; 山田 昇*; 中山 忠親*; 新原 晧一*; 田中 裕久*

Kim, J.*; Yamanaka, Satoru*; Nakajima, Akira*; Kato, Takanori*; Kim, Y.*; Fukuda, Tatsuo; Yoshii, Kenji; Nishihata, Yasuo; Baba, Masaaki*; Takeda, Masatoshi*; Yamada, Noboru*; Nakayama, Tadachika*; Niihara, Koichi*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*

We have been investigating a novel electrothermodynamic cycle based on temporal temperature variations using the pyroelectric effect to utilize the waste heat as renewable energy. An improved generating performance with relaxer ferroelectric ceramics was achieved using 75Pb(Mg$$_{2/3}$$Nb$$_{1/3}$$)O$$_3$$-25PbTiO$$_3$$ which is well known for the high dielectric and pyroelectric properties. The potential was evaluated by using the hysteresis loops and generating properties are analyzed both in laboratory and engine dynamometer. Results showed 0.48 mW/cm$$^3$$ in engine dynamometer assessment, which is 3 times larger than the previous study using Pb(Zr,Ti)O$$_3$$.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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