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Journal Articles

Beam profile measurement using the highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite

Kitamura, Ryo; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Morishita, Takatoshi; Nemoto, Yasuo*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2687(7), p.072006_1 - 072006_6, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical)

The mitigation of heat loading is one of the important issues for beam instrumentation to measure the high-power proton beam. Recently, the highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) material was used for the target probe of the bunch-shape monitor at the front-end in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). Since the thermal conductivity of the HOPG is high, it is suitable to measure the beam profile under the condition of high heat loading. As an application of the HOPG, for example, the thin HOPG may be used as a substitutive material of the target wire for the transverse profile monitor such as the wire scanner monitor. The possibility of the HOPG target for the beam profile monitor is discussed from some results of the test experiment using the 3-MeV negative hydrogen ion beam at the test stand.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the longitudinal bunch-shape distribution for a high-intensity negative hydrogen ion beam in the low-energy region

Kitamura, Ryo; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Morishita, Takatoshi; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Oguri, Hidetomo

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (Internet), 26(3), p.032802_1 - 032802_12, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.19(Physics, Nuclear)

A bunch-shape monitor (BSM) is a useful device for performing longitudinal beam tuning using the pointwise longitudinal phase distribution measured at selected points in the beam transportation. To measure the longitudinal phase distribution of a low-energy negative hydrogen (H$$^{-}$$) ion beam, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was adopted for the secondary-electron-emission target to mitigate the thermal damage due to the high-intensity beam loading. The HOPG target enabled the measurement of the longitudinal phase distribution at the center of a 3-MeV H$$^{-}$$ ion beam with a high peak current of about 50 mA. The longitudinal bunch width was measured using HOPG-BSM at the test stand, which was consistent with the beam simulation. The correlation measurement between the beam transverse and longitudinal planes was demonstrated using HOPG-BSM. The longitudinal Twiss and emittance measurement with the longitudinal Q-scan method was conducted using HOPG-BSM.

Journal Articles

Studies of beam diagnostics with bunch-shape monitor for high-power and low-beta H$$^{-}$$ beam

Kitamura, Ryo; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Morishita, Takatoshi

Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.330 - 332, 2023/01

In the J-PARC linac, a new bunch-shape monitor (BSM) is developed to stably measure the high-intensity and low-energy H$$^{-}$$ beam by improving the strength of the target probe for the heat loading. The new target probe is made of the graphite. The first measurement of the longitudinal beam profile has been realized with the BSM at the core region of the high-intensity beam. Since the beam profile can be measured with the new BSM at any transverse position thanks to the new target probe, we propose the advanced application of the beam diagnostics with the BSM. In this presentation, some new approaches of the beam diagnostics with the BSM; the transverse profile measurement using the secondary electrons and the beam current evaluation from the transverse profile measurement, are discussed beyond the original usage of the BSM.

Journal Articles

Bunch-size measurement of the high-intensity H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV by the bunch-shape monitor

Kitamura, Ryo; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Morishita, Takatoshi; Oguri, Hidetomo

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011012_1 - 011012_6, 2021/03

The new bunch shape monitor (BSM) is required to measure the bunch size of the high-intensity H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV at the front-end section in the J-PARC linac. The carbon-nano tube wire and the graphene stick are good candidates for the target wire of the BSM, because these materials have the enough strength to detect the high-intensity beam. However, since the negative high voltage of more than a few kV should be applied to the wire in the BSM, the suppression of the discharge is the challenge to realize the new BSM. After the high-voltage test to investigate the effect of the discharge from the wire, the detection of the signal from the BSM was successful at the beam core with the peak current of 55 mA using the graphene stick. The preliminary result of the bunch-size measurement is reported in this presentation.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of the bunch-shape monitor for the high-intensity proton beam

Kitamura, Ryo; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Morishita, Takatoshi; Oguri, Hidetomo

Proceedings of 17th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.251 - 253, 2020/09

A bunch-shape monitor (BSM) in the low-energy region is being developed in the J-PARC linac to accelerate the high-intensity proton beam with the low emittance. A highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was introduced as the target of the BSM to mitigate the thermal loading. The stable measurement of the BSM was realized thanks to the HOPG target, while the tungsten target was broken by the thermal loading from the high-intensity beam. However, since the longitudinal distribution measured with the BSM using the HOPG target was wider than the expected one, the improvement of tuning parameters is necessary for the BSM. The BSM consists of an electron multiplier, a bending magnet, and a radio-frequency deflector, which should be tuned appropriately. Behavior of these components were investigated and tuned. The longitudinal distribution measured with the BSM after the tuning was consistent with the expected one.

Journal Articles

Upgrade of the 3-MeV linac for testing of accelerator components at J-PARC

Kondo, Yasuhiro; Hirano, Koichiro; Ito, Takashi; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro; Kitamura, Ryo; Morishita, Takatoshi; Oguri, Hidetomo; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Shinto, Katsuhiro; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1350, p.012077_1 - 012077_7, 2019/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:47.43(Physics, Particles & Fields)

We have upgraded a 3-MeV linac at J-PARC. The ion source is same as the J-PARC linac's, and the old 30-mA RFQ is replaced by a spare 50-mA RFQ, therefore, the beam energy is 3 MeV and the nominal beam current is 50 mA. The main purpose of this system is to test the spare RFQ, but also used for testing of various components required in order to keep the stable operation of the J-PARC accelerator. The accelerator has been already commissioned, and measurement programs have been started. In this paper, present status of this 3-MeV linac is presented.

Journal Articles

Bunch shape monitor for the high-intensity H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV using the carbon material

Kitamura, Ryo; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Moriya, Katsuhiro; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Oguri, Hidetomo

Proceedings of 16th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.51 - 54, 2019/07

The longitudinal measurement and tuning at the beam transport after the RFQ are important to reduce the beam loss and the emittance growth in the J-PARC linac, when the high-intensity H$$^{-}$$ beam of more than 60 mA is supplied. The new bunch shape monitor (BSM) using the carbon-nanotube (CNT) wire is necessary to measure the bunch shape of the high-intensity H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV, because the CNT wire has a high-temperature tolerance and a small energy deposit. However, when the high voltage was applied to the CNT wire to extract the secondary electron derived, the discharge prevents the power supply from applying the voltage. Therefore, the discharge should be suppressed to measure the bunch shape with stability. Considering the characteristics of the CNT as the emitter, when the length of the CNT wire was short, the high voltage of -10 kV was applied to the CNT wire. The current status and future prospects of the BSM using the CNT wire are reported in this presentation.

Journal Articles

Development of the bunch shape monitor using the carbon-nano tube wire

Kitamura, Ryo; Hayashi, Naoki; Hirano, Koichiro; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Moriya, Katsuhiro; Oguri, Hidetomo; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Otani, Masashi*; Kosaka, Satoshi*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '19) (Internet), p.2543 - 2546, 2019/06

A bunch shape monitor (BSM) is one of the important instruments to measure the longitudinal phase space distribution. For example in the J-PARC linac, three BSMs using the tungsten wire are installed at the ACS section to measure the bunch shapes between the accelerating cavities. However, this conventional BSM is hard to measure the bunch shape of H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV at the beam transport between the RFQ and DTL sections, because the wire is broken around the center region of the beam. The new BSM using the carbon-nano-tube (CNT) wire is being developed to be able to measure the bunch shape of the H$$^{-}$$ beam with 3 MeV. The careful attention should be paid to apply the high voltage of $$-$$10 kV to the CNT wire. The several measures are taken to suppress the discharge from the wire and operate the CNT-BSM. This presentation reports the current status of the development and future prospective for the CNT-BSM.

Journal Articles

Status of JMTR decommissioning plan formulation, 2

Otsuka, Kaoru; Ide, Hiroshi; Nagata, Hiroshi; Omori, Takazumi; Seki, Misaki; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Nemoto, Hiroyoshi; Watanabe, Masao; Iimura, Koichi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; et al.

UTNL-R-0499, p.12_1 - 12_8, 2019/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of beam scrapers using a 3-Mev linac at J-PARC

Hirano, Koichiro; Asano, Hiroyuki; Ishiyama, Tatsuya; Ito, Takashi; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Oguri, Hidetomo; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Kawane, Yusuke; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro; Sato, Yoshikatsu; et al.

Proceedings of 13th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.310 - 313, 2016/11

We have used a beam scraper with the incident angle of 65deg to reduce the beam power deposition density in the MEBT between a 324 MHz RFQ and a 50-MeV DTL of the J-PARC linac. The 65$$^{circ}$$ scraper was irradiated by the H$$^{-}$$ beam up to particle number of 1.47E22. We observed a lot of surface projections with several hundred micrometers high in the beam irradiation damage on the scraper by using the laser microscope. In order to study the limits of scrapers, we constructed a new 3 MeV linac at J-PARC. We will conduct the scraper irradiation test at the end of this year.

Journal Articles

Operating status of the ACS in the J-PARC linac

Nemoto, Yasuo; Tamura, Jun; Ito, Takashi; Morishita, Takatoshi; Hirano, Koichiro; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Oguri, Hidetomo; Sugimura, Takashi*; Nammo, Kesao*; Ao, Hiroyuki*

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.1101 - 1104, 2015/09

In J-PARC linac, ACS (Annular-ring Coupled Structure) has been operating for one and a half years. Through the long term operation, the ACS cavities have been well conditioned. Therefore, the vacuum pressure of the ACS was reduced to 1$$times$$10$$^{-7}$$Pa, which is much lower than the required value, and RF trip rate was steadily decreased. At present, the ACS continues to be stably operating without sacrificing the operating time of the J-PARC accelerator complex. The vacuum leaks caused by the generated crack in the aluminum chain clamps in the ACS beam line have happened five times in the past. To prevent the same situation from occurring, we replaced all the aluminum clamps to the stainless steel clamps. The residual radiation between each ACS cavity is considerably high. It is considered that the CT monitors, which have smaller aperture than that of other instruments in the beam line, contributes to the residual radiation. We are trying to reduce the residual radiation by enlarging the monitor's aperture and by replacing the unused monitors to the titanium ducts in this summer shutdown period.

Journal Articles

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank in the decommissioning program of the JRTF

Mimura, Ryuji; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2015/05

The JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) was the first engineering-scale reprocessing facility constructed in Japan. The JRTF was operated from 1968 to 1969 to reprocess spent fuels from the Japan Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3). As a result of the operation (total 3 runs) by PUREX process, 200 g of highly purified plutonium (Pu) were extracted. In this operation, about 70 m$$^{3}$$ of liquid waste was generated and part of this waste, which including Pu, with relatively high radioactivity, was stored in six large tanks. After shutdown of the facility, the JRTF decommissioning program was started in 1990 to develop decommissioning technologies and to obtain experiences and data on dismantling of fuel cycle facilities. Liquid waste in the tanks was treated from 1982 to 1998. Dismantling of tanks started in 2002. The tanks were installed in narrow concrete cells and inside of the cell was high dose area. Dismantling method for the tank is important factor to decide manpower and time for dismantlement. In this paper, in-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank and its preparation work are discussed.

Journal Articles

Present status of J-PARC linac

Oguri, Hidetomo; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ito, Takashi; Chishiro, Etsuji; Hirano, Koichiro; Morishita, Takatoshi; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Kondo, Yasuhiro; et al.

Proceedings of 11th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.389 - 393, 2014/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Complementary characterization of radioactivity produced by repetitive laser-driven proton beam using shot-to-shot proton spectral measurement and direct activation measurement

Ogura, Koichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hayakawa, Takehito; Yogo, Akifumi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Orimo, Satoshi; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(4), p.048003_1 - 048003_2, 2012/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:8.63(Physics, Applied)

A proton beam driven by a repetitive high-intensity-laser is utilized to induce a $$^{7}$$Li(p,n)$$^{7}$$Be nuclear reaction. The total activity of $$^{7}$$Be are evaluated by two different methods. The activity obtained measuring the decay $$gamma$$-rays after 1912 shots at 1 Hz is 1.7$$pm$$0.2 Bq. This is in good agreement with 1.6$$pm$$0.3 Bq evaluated from the proton energy distribution measured using a time-of-flight detector and the nuclear reaction cross-sections. We conclude that the production of activity can be monitored in real time using the time-of-flight-detector placed inside a diverging proton beam coupled with a high-speed signal processing system.

JAEA Reports

Removal of the liquid waste storage tank LV-2 in JRTF, 2; Removal works

Kanayama, Fumihiko; Hagiya, Kazuaki; Sunaoshi, Mizuho; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Satomi, Shinichi; Nemoto, Koichi; Terunuma, Akihiro; Shiraishi, Kunio; Ito, Shinichi

JAEA-Technology 2011-011, 36 Pages, 2011/06


Dismantling activities of equipments in JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) started from 1996 as a part of decommissioning of this facility. Removing out of the large liquid waste storage tank LV-2 as a whole tank without cutting in pieces from the annex building B to confirm safety and efficiency of this method started from 2006. After preparatory works, ceiling of LV-2 room was opened, and LV-2 was transferred. Useful data were collected on manpower, radiation control and waste amount through the preparatory works, and work efficiency was analyzed by use of these data.

Journal Articles

Laser-driven proton generation with a thin-foil target

Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ma, J.*; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

NIFS-PROC-85, p.30 - 33, 2011/02

The experiment of proton generation is performed for developing the laser-driven ion source. We observe proton signals in the laser-plasma interaction by using a thin-foil target. To get higher energy protons the size of the preformed plasma is reduced by changing the laser contrast level. In the high-contrast laser pulse case the maximum energy of the protons generated at rear side of the target increases.

JAEA Reports

Decommissioning five facilities in Nuclear Science Research Institute

Terunuma, Akihiro; Naito, Akira; Nemoto, Koichi; Usami, Jun; Tomii, Hiroyuki; Shiraishi, Kunio; Ito, Shinichi

JAEA-Review 2010-038, 96 Pages, 2010/09


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has midterm plan for decommissioning the facilities being finished their role and the facilities that became unnecessary by shifting their functions to other facilities. In the first midterm plan (from the latter half of fiscal year 2005 to fiscal year 2009), decommissioning of five facilities (Ceramic Research Facility, Plutonium Research Facility No.2, Metallurgy Research Facility, Isotope Separation Research Facility and Reprocessing Test Facility) had been carried out in order to release controlled area and dismantle the facilities in Nuclear Science Research Institute (NSRI), JAEA. The decommissioning activity for each facility had been reported to the regulatory body and municipalities. On this report, we summarize the each activity for five facilities by reviewing the reports to the regulatory body and municipalities. We also added the knowledge obtained through the activity.

Journal Articles

Proton generation and terahertz radiation from a thin-foil target with a high-intensity laser

Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ma, J.*; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

Reza Kenkyu, 38(9), p.702 - 705, 2010/09

High-intensity laser and thin-foil interactions produce high-energy particles, hard X-ray, high-order harmonics, and terahertz (THz) radiation. A proton beam driven by a high-intensity laser has received attention as a compact ion source for medical applications. In this study we have tested simultaneous generation of protons and THz radiation from a thin-foil target. We use a Ti:sapphire laser system (J-KAREN) at JAEA. A laser beam is focused by an off-axis parabolic mirror at the thin-foil target. We observed the high-energy proton in the rear side of the target and THz radiation in the reflected direction. Next, high energy protons are observed by reducing the size of preformed plasma.

Journal Articles

A Novel technique for monitoring the reproducibility of laser tape-target interactions using an X-ray pinhole camera

Ogura, Koichi; Fukumi, Atsushi*; Li, Z.*; Orimo, Satoshi; Sagisaka, Akito; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Kado, Masataka; Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Hayashi, Yukio; et al.

Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan, 52(10), p.570 - 574, 2009/10

For accurate control of relativistic laser-plasma interaction under the repetitive operation, we have to measure and control the laser irradiation conditions such as laser parameters, the target shooting accuracy and so on as well as measuring proton parameter on each laser shot. The displacement of the laser shooting position on a tape target, that are used in the high energy proton generation using an ultra-short Ti:sapphire laser system, is measured by observing an X-ray image from laser plasma with an X-ray pinhole camera for each laser shot. The displacement of the shooting position on the target is about 20micron and the accuracy of the target positioning is within 20micron which is small enough for present laser focusing optics with an F number of 3.6 (f=179mm). The technique contributes to accurate control of a repetitive laser driven proton accelerators.

Journal Articles

Ion acceleration using temporally-controlled high-intensity laser pulses

Yogo, Akifumi; Daido, Hiroyuki; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Bulanov, S. V.; Bolton, P. R.; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Orimo, Satoshi; et al.

Reza Kenkyu, 37(6), p.449 - 454, 2009/06

The acceleration of protons driven by a high-intensity laser is comprehensively investigated via control of the target density by using ASE just before the time of the main-laser interaction. Two cases were investigated for which the ASE intensity differed by three orders of magnitude: In the low contrast case the beam centre for higher energy protons is shifted closer to the laser-propagation direction of 45$$^{circ}$$, while the center of lower-energy beam remains near the target normal direction. Particle-in-cell simulations reveal that the characteristic proton acceleration is due to the quasistatic magnetic field on the target rear side with the magnetic pressure sustaining a charge separation electrostatic field.

91 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)