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JAEA Reports

Development of radiation resistant PEEK insulation cable

Mio, Keigo; Ogiwara, Norio; Furukori, Hisayoshi*; Arai, Hideyuki*; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Nishidono, Toshiro*; Hikichi, Yusuke

JAEA-Technology 2009-018, 86 Pages, 2009/04


Material characterization and development has been carried out for cable insulation suitable for use in the J-PARC 3-GeV RCS radiation environment. In spite of its high cost, PEEK (polyether-ether-ketone) has emerged as the leading candidate satisfying requirements of being non-halogen based, highly incombustible and with radiation resistant at least 10 MGy, along with the usual mechanical characteristics such as good elongation at break, which are needed in a cable insulation. $$gamma$$-ray irradiation tests have been done in order to study radiation resistance of PEEK cable. Further, mechanical, electrical and fire retardant characteristics of a complete cable such as would be used at the J-PARC RCS were investigated. As a result, PEEK cables were shown to be not degraded by radiation up to at least 10 MGy, and thus could be expected to operate stably under the 3-GeV RCS radiation environment.

Journal Articles

Radiation resistance of vacuum equipment in J-PARC RCS

Mio, Keigo; Ogiwara, Norio; Hikichi, Yusuke; Marushita, Motoharu*; Arai, Hideyuki*; Goto, Keiichi*; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Furukori, Hisayoshi*

Proceedings of 5th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 33rd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan (CD-ROM), p.252 - 254, 2008/00

$$gamma$$-Ray irradiation tests of vacuum system equipment were carried out to evaluate radiation resistance for J-PARC 3GeV RCS(Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron). Intense of radiation fields will be expected since large intensity proton beam current of RCS. Regarding Steady operation and radiation protection, radiation hardness is required approximately 10MGy to 100MGy. Cable, Feed-through-connector, Cooling-fan, Baking heater, piping Sealants have been tested. All the examination objects were evaluated to have radiation hardness at least 10MGy and expected to operate with stability under radiation field of 3GeV RCS.

Journal Articles

Roundness and straightness measurement of ceramic beam ducts for the 3GeV-synchrotron of Japan-Proton Accelerator Research Complex

Nishizawa, Daiji*; Kinsho, Michikazu; Kanazawa, Kenichiro; Ogiwara, Norio; Saito, Yoshio*; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*

Shinku, 47(4), p.339 - 343, 2004/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of alumina ceramics vacuum duct for the 3GeV-RCS of the J-PARC project

Kinsho, Michikazu; Saito, Yoshio*; Kabeya, Zenzaburo*; Tajiri, Keisuke*; Nakamura, Tomaru*; Abe, Kazuhiko*; Nagayama, Taketoshi*; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Ogiwara, Norio

Vacuum, 73(2), p.187 - 193, 2004/03

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:54.46(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Alimina ceramics vacuum duct has been developing at JAERI for the 3GeV-RCS of the J-PARC project. There are two type of the alumina ceramics vacuum ducts, one is a 1.5m-long duct with a circular cross section for use in the quadrupole magnet, the other is a 3.5m-long being bending 15 degree with an elliptical cross section for use in the dipole magnet.These ducts could be manufactured by brazed jointing several duct segments of 0.5-0.8 m long. Since some electrically conductive boundary is necessary to form on the ceramics duct in order to reduce the duct impedance, the alumina ceramics ducts have copper stripes on the outside surface of the ducts. This is called for rf shielding system. The copper stripes as rf shielding is produced by an electroforming method. In order to reduce emitting secondary electrons when primary protons or electrons impinge onto the surface, TiN film is coated inside surface of the alumina ceramics duct.

Journal Articles

Roundness and straightness measurement of ceramic beam ducts for the 3GeV-synchrotron of Japan-proton accelerator research complex

Nishizawa, Daiji*; Kinsho, Michikazu; Kanazawa, Kenichiro; Ogiwara, Norio; Saito, Yoshio*; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*

Shinku, 47(4), p.339 - 343, 2004/02

Large aperture cylindrical beam ducts consisting of alumina ceramics will be used for the first time in the 3GeV-synchrotron of High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility. It is necessary to evaluate roundness and straightness of ceramic ducts because we have to compensate contact area of the connected beam duct large as well as we have to compensate large enough beam aperture. We developed an apparatus of measuring roundness and straightness, and we completed data analysis method as well as measuring method. Then we are measuring and evaluating roundness and straightness of ceramic beam ducts. Now, we have newly made an ellipse ceramic duct for the 3GeV-synchrotron BM. This duct has ellipse cross-sections to satisfy with larger aperture that the beam dynamics requires. In this conference, we are going to present taken data and findings regarding form accuracy including roundness and straightness of the ellipse ceramic duct.

Journal Articles

2.5 MeV electron irradiation effect of alumina ceramics

Kinsho, Michikazu; Saito, Yoshio*; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Michizono, Shinichiro*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 318, p.307 - 312, 2003/05

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.70(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In order to choose an alumina ceramic material for use as a vacuum beam duct in a rapid cycling synchrotron, several kinds of alumina ceramics, having different microstructures, were examined under radiation fields of 2.5 MeV electrons. Since a long ceramic duct can only be manufactured by glazing duct segments, the mechanical strength and deterioration not only a ceramics but also in the glazing joint were measured after irradiation. These ceramic have a sufficiently high flexural strength which is more than 300 MPa before electron beam irradiation, and we could get the experimental results that there was no deterioration on the flexural strength of the ceramic after 1000 MGy electron beam irradiation. No noticeable changes could be seen in the measured tensile strength of Ti-ceramic brazed samples after 1000 MGy electron beam irradiation.

Journal Articles

Vacuum system design for the 3 GeV-proton synchrotron of JAERI-KEK joint project

Kinsho, Michikazu; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Saito, Yoshio*; Suzuki, Hiromitsu; Yokomizo, Hideaki

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 20(3), p.829 - 832, 2002/06

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:53.65(Materials Science, Coatings & Films)

The 3 GeV synchrotron accelerator for JAERI-KEK joint project is aimed to supply a high-intensity proton beam to both the 50 GeV synchrotron ring and the neutron production target. For this purpose, the 3 GeV synchrotron, having a circumference of 313.5 m, is designed to accelerate a high-power beam of 1MW, by setting 25 Hz as a repetition rate and 8.3 x 1013 as a proton number for each acceleration. A rapid-cycling magnetic field is necessary to operate a synchrotron with such a high repetition rate. Since an eddy-current effect in a metal duct would produce an unacceptable perturbation of the magnetic field and unnecessarily large ohmic losses, an alumina ceramic is a candidate material for vacuum ducts in the dipole and quadrupole magnets. This paper discrives the design for the 3GeV synchrotron of JAWRI-KEK joint project.

JAEA Reports

Roundness and straightness measurement of ceramic beam ducts for the 3GeV-synchrotron

Nishizawa, Daiji*; Kinsho, Michikazu; Kanazawa, Kenichiro; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*; Saito, Yoshio*

JAERI-Tech 2001-081, 117 Pages, 2001/12


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Irradiation effects on alumina ceramics for vacuum duct

Kinsho, Michikazu; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Uota, Masahiko*; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*; Saito, Yoshio*

Shinku, 44(3), p.131 - 134, 2001/03

no abstracts in English



西澤 代治; 大山 孝一; 宮内 厚志; 永井 崇之

猪瀬 毅彦*

JP, 2014-029623  Patent licensing information  Patent publication (In Japanese)

【課題】簡単、迅速、正確なガラス固化体の元素濃度を測定するレーザアブレーション法誘導結合プラズマ発光分光分析法を提供する。 【解決手段】光源としてYAGレーザが光源として用い、標準ガラス試料検量線が作成される工程、上記検量線が使用され、分析対象のガラス固化体の元素濃度が分析される工程を含む。更にYAGレーザは試料スキャン速度が100μM/S以上、パルス繰返し数が20HZ以上、レーザパルスエネルギー強度が5J/CM2以上で照射され、発生するエアロゾルがバッファ容器で一時蓄積され、平均化されて分析対象のガラス固化体中に偏在する白金族元素及び/又は異物の平均濃度が定量される工程を含む。



西澤 代治; 大山 孝一; 宮内 厚志; 永井 崇之

猪瀬 毅彦*

JP, 2014-182856  Patent licensing information  Patent publication (In Japanese)

【課題】簡単で迅速なガラス固化体中の異物の検出方法を提供する。 【解決手段】YAG-5ωレーザが光源として用いられるレーザアブレーション法誘導結合プラズマ発光分光分析法(LA法ICP-AES)によるガラス固化体中の異物の検出方法が、当該レーザ光の線状照射により、(A)異物に特有な元素の局所的なICP発光強度又はICP発光強度の変化、若しくは(B)異物に特有な酸化物の局所的な濃度又は濃度変化が測定され、ガラス固化体中に混入又は偏在する異物が検出される工程を含む。

Oral presentation

Elemental analysis of simulated waste glass by laser ablation ICP-AES, 4; Verification of quantitative analysis of various elements in simulated waste glass

Inose, Takehiko*; Nishizawa, Daiji; Oyama, Koichi; Miyauchi, Atsushi; Nagai, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Investigation of glass structure and cesium redox state in simulated waste glass by Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron XAFS measurement

Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Kano, Shigeru; Nishizawa, Daiji; Seki, Katsumi*; Homma, Masanobu*; Kobayashi, Hiromi*; Ayame, Yasuo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Influence of chemical composition on cerium valence in simulated vitrified waste glasses

Nagai, Takayuki; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Watanabe, So; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Seki, Katsumi*; Homma, Masanobu*; Ayame, Yasuo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Elemental analysis of simulated waste glass by laser ablation ICP-AES, 5; Application of LA-ICP-AES for inactive mock-up test of vitrification process

Inose, Takehiko*; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Miyauchi, Atsushi; Oyama, Koichi; Yamakawa, Atsushi*; Nagai, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Elemental analysis of simulated waste glass by laser ablation ICP-AES, 2; Comparison of LA method with solution method and application to elemental analysis of simulated waste glass

Inose, Takehiko*; Nishizawa, Daiji; Yamakawa, Atsushi*; Oyama, Koichi; Nagai, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Examination of cyclic voltammetry of molten borosilicate glass

Nagai, Takayuki; Nishizawa, Daiji; Inose, Takehiko*; Sato, Seiichi*; Hatakeyama, Kiyoshi*; Seki, Katsumi*; Oyama, Koichi; Kano, Shigeru

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Application of laser ablation ICP-AES for inactive mock-up test of vitrification process

Oyama, Koichi; Inose, Takehiko*; Miyauchi, Atsushi; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Nagai, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Elemental analysis of borosilicate glass by laser ablation ICP-AES

Inose, Takehiko*; Oyama, Koichi; Miyauchi, Atsushi; Nishizawa, Daiji*; Nagai, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

22 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)