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Journal Articles

Upgrade of the transport monitoring system of nuclear materials

Uchida, Shinichi; Yuasa, Wataru; Hayashi, Akihiko; Inose, Shoichi; Ouchi, Yuichiro; Asakawa, Kenichi*; Uchikoshi, Yuta*

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-32-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 7 Pages, 2011/11

JAEA has developed a TMS which can monitor the movement of nuclear material convoys to make safe and proper transport of nuclear materials. The TMS mainly consists of the location information monitoring system to monitor the location of the convoys and the visual information monitoring system to survey around the convoys. The TMS can send information in real-time to the TCC located at the shipper site. The JAEA has operated the TMS for ground transportation of MOX fuels since 2005, and the JAEA solved visual control problems that were observed during the operational experience and upgraded the system by adding the automatic communication control system, etc. In the case of emergency during transport, the TMS can send much more detailed visual information of the accident site to the TCC, which is useful for planning and executing an effective response. This paper reports the overview of the upgraded TMS and its effectiveness.

Journal Articles

Upgrade of the transport monitoring system of nuclear materials

Yuasa, Wataru; Uchida, Shinichi; Hayashi, Akihiko; Inose, Shoichi; Ouchi, Yuichiro

Proceedings of INMM 52nd Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2011/07

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed a transport monitoring system (TMS), which tracks the movement of nuclear material convoys in real time, and which is consistent with the physical protection requirements for transport of Category 1 nuclear materials. The TMS has been used for land transport of MOX fuels since 2005. JAEA solved some problems that were observed during operational experience and upgraded the system by adding the following features. In the case of emergency during transport, the upgraded TMS can send much more detailed visual information of the accident site to the TCC, which is useful for planning and executing an effective response. This paper presents the features of the TMS and the results obtained from operational experiences.

Journal Articles

Development of monitoring system for land transport conditions of nuclear materials

Yamamoto, Kiyoaki; Yuasa, Wataru; Uchida, Shinichi; Inose, Shoichi; Fujiwara, Shigeo

Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transport of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 2010) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2010/10

It is very important to monitor land transport conditions continually in order to implement the safe and smooth transport of nuclear materials, especially to quickly obtain the accurate visual information and carry out emergency response swiftly and properly in the event of transport accident. Plutonium Fuel Development Center of JAEA developed the system for real-time monitoring of transport conditions of nuclear materials. The location information from GPS is transmitted to ground station from transport monitoring equipment installed on vehicle of convoy via the satellite, and transmitted to the TransportControlCenter (TCC) periodically through telephone line. The location information from GPS is also directly transmitted to ground station from transport monitoring equipment by ground wave and transmitted to TCC through telephone line. In both cases, location information is shown on a monitoring panel in TCC. Image monitoring system is one for transmitting motion picture taken by cameras equipped on the roof of vehicle of convoy to TCC through ground wave and showing it on a monitoring panel in TCC. It is also possible to transmit image to TCC with this system, which is taken by the portable camera for emergency response. The camera is taken out of transport monitoring equipment, installed on the proper place, and remotely controlled from TCC. For the development of transport conditions monitoring system, following requirements were considered taking into account the use in emergency response and long-term transport, -Compactness to fit limited space on the vehicles -Applicability for conditions in vibration and temperature change anticipated in transport operation. -Long-term stability and redundancy of power supply The developed system is very useful not only for monitoring normal transport conditions but also for planning emergency response program because it can transmit accurate visual information to TCC in the event of transport accident.

JAEA Reports

Report of Working Group for Technical Standard of Cutting and Melting Works in Glovebox Dismantling

Asazuma, Shinichiro; Takeda, Shinso; Toshihiko, Ohnishi,; Soma, Susumu; Onose, Ken ; Shoichi, Tajima,; Okada, Takashi

JNC TN8420 2004-001, 122 Pages, 2004/11


In order to prevent spread of contamination, glovebox dismantling activity is usually performed in a confined enclosure with personal radioactive protective equipment. Since large potion of these materials is made of vinyl acetate, there exist potential risks of fire, damage and injury to the environment and workers during the dismantling (cutting or melting) operation. It is therefore important to establish standard for proper use of equipment and hazard controls in such a specific environment. Working Group composed of Tokai Works and O-arai Works has examined and developed the operational standard for cutting work in glovebox dismantlement. The result is reflected to the Tokai Works Safety Operational Standard.

JAEA Reports

MK-III Function Tests in JOYO; Dump Heat Exchanger (DHX)

Kawahara, Hirotaka; Isozaki, Kazunori; Ishii, Takayuki; Ichige, Satoshi; Nose, Shoichi; Sakaba, Hideo; Nakai, Satoru

JNC TN9410 2004-016, 106 Pages, 2004/06


A key part of the upgrade of the experimental fast reactor JOYO to the MK-III design was the replacement of the dump heat exchangers. MK-III function tests (SKS-1) of the new dump heat exchangers were carried out from August 27,2001 through September 13,2001. The major results of the function tests of the dump heat exchangers were as follows: (1) Air flow of the main blower with an inlet vane opening of 50% was confirmed to exceed the design rated flow of 7,700m3/min. It was also demonstrated that an inlet vane opening of 100% provides about 130% of the design rated flow. This is because the new DHX flow route has more low pressure loss than the design value. (2) Tests of the air flow of the main blower demonstrated that with a fully opened inlet damper a full opened outlet damper and an inlet vane opening of O% provides about 5% of the design rated flow. (3) Free flow coast down characteristics of the main blower achieved an inlet vane O% opening in an average of 7.9 seconds. Revolutions per minute of the main blower reached zero in an average of 8.7 seconds. The delay time from the opening of the vacuum contact breaker to the air flow decrease was approximately 1 second. This was a more conservative value than the 5 seconds assumed in design thermal transient analyses. (4) The loudest noise occurred with the main blower operating with a 25% inlet vane opening. At that time, the noise around the main blower was approximately 100dB, and in the surrounding monitoring area boundary, the noise was 50dB. This was confirmed to be within the standard of the Ibaraki prefectural ordinance. (5) Although the MK-III inlet vane and inlet damper drive unit was bigger than the MK-II unit, the accumulator tank was confirmed to provide sufficient volume during a compression air loss event.

JAEA Reports

Development of Cladding Material Creep Rupture Detection System Using Laser Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Fast Reactor

Ito, Chikara; Nose, Shoichi; Harano, Hideki; Arima, Toshihiro*

JNC TN9400 2004-007, 44 Pages, 2004/01


In the experimental fast reactor JOYO, an on-line instrumented material irradiation rig developed to acquire various irradiation data. The Material Testing Rig Temperature Control (MARICO) is capable of collecting creep rupture strength data for fast reactor fuel cladding materials. The irradiation using MARICO rig began in 1994 with JOYO's 29th operational cycle and ended in 1998 with the 32nd cycle. A ruptured sample might not be able to be specified with a device of MARICO in the irradiation examination. To improve irradiation technology, the trace rare gas detection technique using laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) is applied to creep rupture experiment. The irradiation capsules are labeled with tagging gases. The identification uses isotope analysis of the tagging gas leaked out of the breached steel capsule, diffused in the argon cover gas. The RIMS device analyzed the isotopic composition of the cover gas of which it took a sample. As that result, the isotopic composition that it was measured with a RIMS device corresponded with the tag gas identified by the MARICO device.

JAEA Reports

Measurement and analysis of JOYO MK-II spent MOX fuel decay heat(2)

Maeda, Shigetaka; Nose, Shoichi; ; Aoyama, Takafumi

JNC TN9400 2001-031, 39 Pages, 2001/01


Decay heat of the spent MOX fuel is important not only from the viewpoint of reactor safety concerning a decay heat removal at the reactor shut down, but also for the thermal design of the spent fuel storage and handling facility. In order to obtain the experimental data and to improve the accuracy of calculation, the decay heat of spent fuel subassemblies of the JOYO Mk-II core was measured. The burn-up was 66 GWd/t and the cooling time was between 40 and 150 days. Measured decay heat of the spent fuel subassemblies was approximately 1446$$pm$$ 24$$sim$$663$$pm$$20W. The decay heat was calculated by "ORIGEN2" code and then it was compared with the measured value. In the "ORIGEN2" calculation, the JENDL-3.2 cross section library and the JNDC-V2 decay data library were used and fuel power calculated by the core management code system "MAGI" was used as a input. The ratios between calculated and experimental values, C/Es, were approximately between 0.94 and 0.90. The discrepancy between calculation and measurement was considered to be larger than the experimental error (1$$sigma$$ = 1.7$$sim$$3.0%) or the uncertainty of calculated FP decay heat (1$$sim$$2%). It appears due to the uncertainty of actinides decay heat and that indicates cross sections of actinides and initial composition of actinides are important to evaluate decay heat accurately.

Journal Articles

Basic Study on Fast Reactor Failed Fuel Detection and Location Method with Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Iguchi, Tetsuo; Watanabe, Kenichi*; Ogita, Toshiyuki*; Nose, Shoichi; Harano, Hideki; Ito, Kazuhiro

Saikuru Kiko Giho, (9), p.79 - 88, 2000/12


JAEA Reports


Iguchi, Tetsuo; Watanabe, Kenichi*; ; Nose, Shoichi; Harano, Hideki;

JNC TY9400 2000-019, 34 Pages, 2000/05



JAEA Reports

Development of the FFDL system using resonance ionization mass spectrometry for sodium cooled fast reactors; System design for the JOYO

Harano, Hideki; Nose, Shoichi;

JNC TN9400 2000-076, 34 Pages, 2000/05


lmmediate detection of fuel failure and subsequent precise identification of failed fuel assembiies are extremely important and indispensable for fast reactors from the viewpoint of their safety and reliability as well as the improvement of plant availability. ln order to develop the failed fuel detection and location (FFDL) technology, laser resonance ionization spectrometry (RIMS) has been proposed to be applied to the trace analysis of krypton and xenon contained in cover gas, Various promising features have been reported including the results which suggest the feasibility of the method to the on-power real-time monitoring, through the fundamental study using the RIMS device at the nuclear engineering research laboratory (NERL) of the university of Tokyo. Based on the information obtained above, we are developing a new laser FFDL system using RIMS which is planned to be introduced onto the fast experimental reactor JOY0. By the use of the system at the JOY0, isotope analysis can be performed with high sensitivity for not only radioactive but also stable elements in fission product (FP) and tag gas in the cover gas. This permits the improvement of irradiation technology and the immediate identification of failed fuel assemblies. For instance, it is possible to identify burst samples in the breach test of fuel cladding materials during irradiation. From the isotopic composition of the FP nuclides, the burnup of failed fuel can be estimated which allows the preliminary focusing in the FFDL. ln this paper, we review the fundamental study using the RIMS device at NERL and report the basic design of the laser FFDL system for the JOY0.

Journal Articles

Laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry for failed fuel detection and location in the experimental fast reactor JOYO

Harano, Hideki; Nose, Shoichi; Ito, Kazuhiro

RIS2000 FINAL PROGRA, 0 Pages, 2000/00


Journal Articles

Measurement and Analysis of Decay Heat of Fast Reactor Spent Fuel

Aoyama, Takafumi; Torimaru, Tadahiko; Nose, Shoichi; ;

Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7), 0 Pages, 1999/00


JAEA Reports

A Study of reactor diagnosis method with neural network using PWR plant simulator

Nabeshima, Kunihiko; Nose, Shoichi*; ; Suzuki, Katsuo

JAERI-Research 96-051, 46 Pages, 1996/10


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of nuclear power plant monitoring system with neural network using on-line PWR plant simulator

Nabeshima, Kunihiko; Suzuki, Katsuo; Nose, Shoichi*;

Monitoring and Diagnosis Systems to Improve Nuclear Power Plant Reliability and Safety, 0, p.17 - 26, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles


Inose, Shoichi

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Senta Nyusu, 19(6), p.8 - 10, 1990/00

Oral presentation

Future expert educational/training support system at Fuels and Materials Department of JAEA, 1; Basic concept and preparation of introductive apparatuses

Asaka, Takeo; Osaka, Masahiko; Donomae, Takako; Ichikawa, Shoichi; Sasaki, Shinji; Ishimi, Akihiro; Inoue, Toshihiko; Sekio, Yoshihiro; Miwa, Shuhei; Onishi, Takashi; et al.

no journal, , 

Activities on a system development for education and training of future experts in the nuclear field thorough experiments at PIE facilities are given. Basic concept of the system and acceptance-support apparatus are introduced.

Oral presentation

Experience of MOX fuel transport

Inose, Shoichi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

17 (Records 1-17 displayed on this page)
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