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Kurihara, Osamu; Hato, Shinji; Kanai, Katsuta; Takada, Chie; Takasaki, Koji; Ito, Kimio; Ikeda, Hiroshi*; Oeda, Mikihiro*; Kurosawa, Naohiro*; Fukutsu, Kumiko*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 44(10), p.1337 - 1346, 2007/10
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the case of internal contamination of radionuclides, it is necessary to perform internal dose assessment for radiation protection. For this purpose, the ICRP has given the dose coefficients and the retention and excretion rates for various radionuclides. However, these dosimetric quantities are calculated only in typical conditions, therefore, are not necessarily covered enough in the case of dose assessment in which specific information on the incident or/and individual biokinetic characteristics should be taken into account retrospectively. This paper describes a developed PC-based package of software REIDAC to meet the needs in retrospective dose assessment. REIDAC was verified by comparisons with dosimetric quantities given on the ICRP publications and several examples of practical use were also shown.
Tachibana, Haruo; Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Sekita, Tsutomu; Yamaguchi, Takenori; Oeda, Mikihiro*; Kurosawa, Naohiro*
JAERI-Data/Code 2004-010, 19 Pages, 2004/06
This report is a revised edition of "Isopleths of Surface Air Concentration and Surface Air Absorbed Dose Rate due to a Radioactive Cloud Released from a Stack(II)"(JAERI-M 90-206) and based on the revised Nuclear Safety Guidelines reflected the ICRP1990 Recommendation. Characteristics of this report are the use of Air Karma Rate (Gy/h) unit instead of Air Absorbed Dose Rate (Gy/h) unit, and the records of isopleths of surface air concentration and surface air karma rate on CD-ROM. These recorded data on CD-ROM can be printed out on paper and/or pasted on digital map by personal computer.
Oeda, Mikihiro; Nakajima, Masayoshi; Miura, Akihiko; Yamashita, Teruo; Shiotsuki, Masao
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Nakajima, Masayoshi; Oeda, Mikihiro; Yamashita, Teruo; Shiotsuki, Masao; Kawahara, Hitoshi*; Sato, Akihiro*
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