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荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 長谷川 健太; 岡村 信生; 渡部 雅之; 武田 啓佑*; 福元 博基*; 吾郷 友宏*; 羽倉 尚人*; 塚原 剛彦*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 542, p.206 - 213, 2023/09
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:35.91(Instruments & Instrumentation)Spent PUREX solvent, which mainly consists of tributyl phosphate (TBP) and normal dodecane, is generated by solvent extraction of Plutonium and Uranium in the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. One of the treatment options for storage of the spent solvent is adsorption of the liquid into vermiculite. The organic liquid is considered to be trapped between layers of the vermiculite. Our previous experiments on the adsorption of spent solvent into the vermiculite have shown that some parts of loaded solvent gradually leaked out from the vermiculite. In order to investigate the adsorption mechanism and capacity, elution behavior of the loaded solvent into organic diluents were evaluated. A part of the loaded solvent was easily leaked into the diluent, while some solvent remained inside the particle even after the leaching test. In this study, the adsorption capacity of the vermiculite was evaluated through amount of remaining solvent after washing with diluents. The amount of the remaining solvent was analyzed by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) on P contained in TBP. Peak intensity of P-K line depended on the washing condition, and the behavior of the amount of change in adsorbed P atom qualitatively agreed with the results of the leaching test.
海老原 健一; 岩本 隆*; 松原 幸生*; 山田 紘樹*; 岡村 司*; 漆原 亘*; 大村 朋彦*
ISIJ International, 54(1), p.153 - 159, 2014/01
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:53.57(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)応力腐食割れの原因の1つである水素脆化の機構の理解には、鋼材中における水素の偏析位置(水素存在状態)を同定する必要がある。鋼材試料の一定割合での加熱で脱離する水素の量と試料温度との関係である水素熱脱離曲線は、水素存在状態を同定する有効なデータである。本論文では、実験室でよく用いる方法と実環境での水素侵入を模擬した方法の2通りで予ひずみを与えた高強度鋼に水素を添加した場合、両者の間で見られる水素熱脱離曲線の違いを数値解析で考察した。その結果、両者の違いは添加水素量による初期水素分布の違いに起因することが分かった。また、添加水素量が少ない場合、熱脱離曲線が初期水素分布に影響されやすいことが分かった。尚、本研究は、日本鉄鋼協会における「水素脆化研究の基盤構築」研究会(2009年-2013年)において実施された。
海老原 健一; 岩本 隆*; 三輪 則暁*; 山田 紘樹*; 岡村 司*; 漆原 亘*; 大村 朋彦*
「水素脆化研究の基盤構築」研究会報告書, p.21 - 26, 2013/10
応力腐食割れの1つの原因である水素脆化の機構の理解に資するために参加した日本鉄鋼協会の「水素脆化研究の基盤構築」研究会では、鉄鋼の水素脆化評価に適切な水素添加方法を探るため、異なる鋼種の試料に異なる方法で水素を添加し、昇温脱離分析で得られる水素熱脱離曲線及び添加水素量について評価した。本発表は、その研究会での成果に関する一連の最終報告の一部である。発表では、ISIJ International誌に掲載が決定している論文の内容を中心に、低合金鋼の水素熱脱離曲線の数値シミュレーションによる考察について講演する。特に、熱脱離曲線を形成する脱離水素を捕獲する鋼材中の欠陥の種類に対する考察、及び実験によるその同定方法について、より詳細に解説する。
近澤 佳隆; 江沼 康弘; 木曽原 直之; 山野 秀将; 久保 重信; 早船 浩樹; 佐川 寛*; 岡村 茂樹*; 島川 佳郎*
Proceedings of 2012 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '12) (CD-ROM), p.677 - 686, 2012/06
岡村 浩之; 坂江 広基*; 木谷 径治*; 平山 直紀*; 青柳 登; 斎藤 拓巳*; 下条 晃司郎; 長縄 弘親; 井村 久則*
Polyhedron, 31(1), p.748 - 753, 2012/01
被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:87.59(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)The extraction constant and the two-phase stability constant of tris(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato) europium(III) between 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([Cmim][TfN]) as an ionic liquid and an aqueous phase were determined by considering the extraction equilibria. Specific solute-solvent interactions between the neutral Eu(III) chelate and [Cmim][TfN] molecules were revealed from the relationships between the distribution constant of the enol form of 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone (Htta) and the distribution constant () of the neutral Eu(III) chelate. The coordination environment of Eu in the neutral Eu(III) chelate in [Cmim][TfN] was investigated by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and infrared absorption spectroscopy. Both methods consistently indicated that not only the Eu(III)chelate extracted but also Eu(tta)(HO) synthesized as a solid crystal were almost completely dehydrated in [Cmim][TfN] saturated with water. Consequently, the higher or extractability of the neutral Eu(III) chelate in the [Cmim][TfN] system can be ascribed to the dehydration of the Eu(III) chelate, which is caused by the specific solvation with [Cmim][TfN] molecules.
岡村 浩樹*; 土田 崇*; 岡田 正男*; 山縣 諒平; 清藤 一; 春山 保幸; 金子 広久
2011年(第29回)電気設備学会全国大会講演論文集, p.367 - 368, 2011/09
岡村 浩之; 坂江 広基*; 木谷 径治*; 平山 直紀*; 下条 晃司郎; 長縄 弘親; 井村 久則*
no journal, ,
Solvation of a central Eu(III) ion in the tris(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europium(III) (Eu(tta)) chelate in 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([Cmim][TfN]; = 2-10) was investigated by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and infrared absorption spectroscopy. Both spectroscopic studies consistently indicated that Eu(tta) extracted or synthesized was almost completely dehydrated in [Cmim][TfN] saturated with water. Furthermore, it was found that a small amount of [Cmim][TfN] caused the dehydration of the Eu(III) chelate in 1,2-dichloroethane. The release of the water molecules from the Eu(III) inner coordination sphere of Eu(tta) can be ascribed to the specific solvation of [Cmim][TfN], i.e., coordination of TfN molecules.
加藤 篤志; 近澤 佳隆; 山野 秀将; 久保 重信; 早船 浩樹; 佐川 寛*; 岡村 茂樹*; 中田 崇平*
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荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 長谷川 健太; 岡村 信生; 渡部 雅之; 武田 啓佑*; 福元 博基*; 吾郷 友宏*; 羽倉 尚人*; 塚原 剛彦*
no journal, ,
The spent extraction solvent, which mainly consists of tributyl phosphate (TBP) and normal dodecane, is generated by solvent extraction of Plutonium and Uranium in the reprocessing. The spent solvent should be appropriately treated for disposal or storage. One of the treatment options for storage of the spent solvent is adsorption of the liquid into vermiculite. Our previous experiments on the adsorption of spent solvent into the vermiculite have shown that some parts of loaded solvent gradually leaked out from the vermiculite. In order to investigate the adsorption mechanism and capacity more precisely, elution behavior of loaded solvent into hexane or acetone was evaluated. In this study, the adsorption capacity of the vermiculite was evaluated through amount of remaining solvent after washing with diluents. The amount of the remaining solvent was analyzed by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) on P contained in TBP. Peak intensity of P-K line depended on the washing condition, and the behavior qualitatively agreed with the results of the leaching test.