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中村 いずみ*; 滝藤 聖崇; 嶋津 龍弥*; 奥田 幸彦; 酒井 理哉*; 大谷 章仁*; 渡壁 智祥; 奥田 貴大; 渋谷 忠弘*; 白鳥 正樹*
Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2024/07
A new seismic design procedure which evaluates the inelastic behavior of piping system by detailed finite element method (FEM) analysis has been developed in Japan (the JSME CC); however, the inelastic behavior is only considered for pipe body in the JSME CC, and the evaluation of inelastic behavior of pipe support structure is still not included. To clarify the current analytical accuracy of inelastic analysis of pipe support structures and to develop an analytical guideline to reasonably include the inelastic behavior of pipe support structure in the seismic design of piping system, a series of benchmark analysis on pipe support structures has been launched in 2022. The benchmark analysis of pipe support structures consists of mainly two stages; the first stage is the analysis of pipe support structures themselves, and the second stage is the analysis of piping system with inelastic support structure. As of January 2024, the first stage of benchmark analysis is in progress. It is confirmed that there are some variabilities in modeling of support structures, stress-strain relationship, and boundary conditions. The load-deflection relationships also show variability even when the support structures are in the elastic region. The effect of these variations to the response of piping system model is remained as future tasks.
中村 いずみ*; 大谷 章仁*; 奥田 幸彦; 渡壁 智祥; 滝藤 聖崇; 奥田 貴大; 嶋津 龍弥*; 酒井 理哉*; 渋谷 忠弘*; 白鳥 正樹*
第10回構造物の安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム(JCOSSAR2023)講演論文集(インターネット), p.143 - 149, 2023/10
森 隆*; 島田 貴弘*; 甲斐 聡流*; 大谷 章仁*; 山本 智彦; Yan, X.
Proceedings of ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/07
Experiment of a floating seismic isolation technology for application to small modular reactor (SMR) is conducted on a small-scale apparatus. The SMR is assumed to be located on land rather than offshore, and installed on a newly proposed floating structure in a pool. The floating structure is designed acts to mitigate the propagation of the horizontal component of seismic motion between the ground and the SMR buildings, and to reduce the excitation force on the buildings caused by the vertical wave propagation through water of vertical seismic motion. The floating structure was designed to have a gaseous space called Air Cavity and orifice at the bottom of the structure. Experiment is conducted to verify the effect of the floating structure on reduction to vertical seismic motions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Air Cavity and orifice to reduce response during vertical earthquake motion, and those method is more reduce response than Compared to using only Air Cavity. Thus these method were founds an isolating effect against vertical seismic motion, and it is considered that result in this study will help SMR.
森 隆*; 島田 貴弘*; 甲斐 聡流*; 大谷 章仁*; 山本 智彦; Yan, X.
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05
Experiment of a floating seismic isolation technology for application to small modular reactor (SMR) is conducted on a small-scale apparatus. The SMR is assumed to be located on land rather than offshore, and installed on a newly proposed floating structure in a pool. The floating structure is designed acts to mitigate the propagation of the horizontal component of seismic motion between the ground and the SMR buildings, and to reduce the excitation force on the buildings caused by the vertical wave propagation through water of vertical seismic motion. The floating structure was designed to have a gaseous space called Air Cavity at the bottom of the structure. Experiment is conducted to verify the effect of the floating structure on reduction to horizontal and vertical seismic motions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Air Cavity to reduce response during vertical earthquake motion, thus providing an isolating effect against vertical seismic motion. Furthermore, the reduction in response during vertical seismic motion varies with the air volume in the Air Cavity, indicating that the volume modulus of elasticity is an important parameter to determining the seismic reduction performance of the floating structure.
古屋 治*; 藤田 聡*; 牟田 仁*; 大鳥 靖樹*; 糸井 達哉*; 岡村 茂樹*; 皆川 佳祐*; 中村 いずみ*; 藤本 滋*; 大谷 章仁*; et al.
Proceedings of ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2021) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2021/07
大谷 章仁*; 甲斐 聡流*; 金子 尚昭*; 渡壁 智祥; 安藤 勝訓; 月森 和之*
Proceedings of 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2018), 10 Pages, 2018/07
広田 憲亮; 寺田 敦彦; Yan, X.; 田中 康平*; 大谷 章仁*
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2018/07
A new conceptual design of intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) is proposed for application to the gas turbine high temperature reactor system (GTHTR300C) which is being developed by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency). The GTHTR300C cogenerates hydrogen using the iodine-sulfur (IS) hydrogen production process and electric power using gas turbine. The IHX is used to transport high temperature heat from the nuclear reactor to the hydrogen plant. The IHX proposed in this paper is a horizontal design as opposed to conventional vertical design. Therefore, JAEA investigated the advantage of the horizontal IHX and the economic evaluation when scaling up to GTHTR300C. To meet the performance requirement, both thermal and structural designs were performed to select heat transfer tube length, tube bundle diameter, tube header arrangement, and tube and shell support in a horizontal pressure vessel. It is found that the length of the heat exchanger tube can be shortened and the superalloy-made center pipe structure can be eliminated, which results in reducing the quantity of construction steel by about 30%. Furthermore, the maximum stress concentration in the tubes is found to be significantly reduced such that the creep strength to withstand continuous operation is extended to 40 years, equaling the nuclear reactor life time, without replacement.
渡壁 智祥; 月森 和之; 大谷 章仁*; 森泉 真; 金子 尚昭*
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 3(3), p.16-00054_1 - 16-00054_11, 2016/06
渡壁 智祥; 月森 和之; 大谷 章仁*; 森泉 真; 金子 尚昭*
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2015/05
It is important to investigate failure mode and ultimate strength of piping components in order to evaluate seismic integrity of piping. Many failure tests of a thick wall and a high pressure piping for Light Water Reactors (LWRs) have been conducted, and the results suggest that the failure mode which should be considered in the design of a thick wall piping for LWRs under seismic loading is low cycle fatigue. On the other hands, the piping in Sodium cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) is a thin wall configuration compared to the piping in LWRs. Failure tests of a thin wall piping is necessary because the past failure tests for the piping in LWRs are not enough to discuss failure behavior of a thin wall piping. This present work investigated the failure mode and the ultimate strength of a thin wall tees, the critical parts in seismic evaluation of the actual piping of SFRs.
渡壁 智祥; 月森 和之; 大谷 章仁*; 森泉 真; 金子 尚昭*
Proceedings of 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2014) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2014/07
渡壁 智祥; 金子 尚昭*; 相田 重一*; 大谷 章仁*; 月森 和之; 森泉 真; 北村 誠司
Dynamics and Design Conference 2013(D&D 2013)講演論文集(USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2013/08
渡壁 智祥; 金子 尚昭*; 相田 重一*; 大谷 章仁*; 森泉 真*; 月森 和之; 北村 誠司
Proceedings of 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2013) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2013/07
島田 貴弘*; 大谷 章仁*; 岩本 浩祐*; 北村 誠司
日本機械学会論文集,C, 77(777), p.1661 - 1673, 2011/05
國富 一彦; 篠崎 正幸; 深谷 好夫; 大久保 実; 馬場 治; 丸山 茂樹*; 大谷 章仁*
JAERI-M 92-147, 77 Pages, 1992/10
滝藤 聖崇; 中村 いずみ*; 奥田 幸彦; 酒井 理哉*; 嶋津 龍弥*; 大谷 章仁*; 渡壁 智祥; 奥田 貴大; 渋谷 忠弘*; 白鳥 正樹*
no journal, ,
鈴木 哲*; 丸山 茂樹*; 上條 智春*; 大谷 章仁*; 菅 憲夫*; Yan, X.; 佐藤 博之; 田澤 勇次郎; 大橋 弘史; 橘 幸男
no journal, ,
山本 智彦; Yan, X.; 島田 貴弘*; 茂木 春樹*; 甲斐 聡流*; 大谷 章仁*
no journal, ,
森下 正樹; 大谷 章仁*
no journal, ,
中村 いずみ*; 滝藤 聖崇; 嶋津 龍弥*; 奥田 幸彦; 酒井 理哉*; 渡壁 智祥; 奥田 貴大; 大谷 章仁*; 白鳥 正樹*; 渋谷 忠弘*
no journal, ,
中村 いずみ*; 大谷 章仁*; 森下 正樹; 奥田 幸彦; 渡壁 智祥; 渋谷 忠弘*; 滝藤 聖崇; 奥田 貴大; 白鳥 正樹*
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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IIIやJEAC4601 (Japan Electric Association Code)などの学協会規格における現行の配管系の耐震設計手法は弾性解析に基づいており、大きな裕度が含まれていることが知られている。そこで、日本機械学会(JSME)発電用設備規格原子力専門委員会耐震許容応力検討タスクでは配管系の弾塑性挙動を考慮したより合理的な耐震設計手法を確立するため、2014年から活動に着手し、2019年に配管本体の疲労評価に関する規定とFEMによる詳細弾塑性解析手法を発電用原子力設備規格 設計・建設規格の事例規格NC-CC-008として発行した。本報告では、事例規格の構成及び耐震設計手法の全体フローと事例規格の関係を説明するとともに、耐震許容応力検討タスクが事例規格の高度化のために取り組んでいる配管サポートの弾塑性挙動を考慮した耐震評価手法、配管本体の簡易的な応答スペクトル解析手法及び配管溶接部の疲労損傷評価法等の中長期的な技術項目をそれぞれ紹介する。