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Journal Articles

Preliminary fabrication of small Li$$_{2}$$O spheres by sol-gel method

Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Oyamada, Rokuro; ; ;

16th IEEE/NPSS Symp. on Fusion Engineering (SOFE '95), 2, p.1123 - 1126, 1996/00

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Journal Articles

Mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels irradiated at 323K in the Japan materials testing reactor

Matsui, Yoshinori; Hoshiya, Taiji; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Tsukada, Takashi; Omi, Masao; ; Oyamada, Rokuro;

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 233-237, p.188 - 191, 1996/00

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:44.80(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Reweldability test of irradiated SS316 by the TIG welding method

Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Oyamada, Rokuro

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 233-237(PT.A), p.218 - 223, 1996/00

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:61.58(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of thermocouple re-instrumentation technique for irradiated fuel rod; Techniques for making center hole into UO$$_{2}$$ pellets and thermocouple re-instrumentation to fuel rod

; Saito, Junichi; ; Endo, Yasuichi; ; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; ; Kawamata, Kazuo; ; Kawamura, Hiroshi; et al.

JAERI-Tech 95-037, 87 Pages, 1995/07


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JAEA Reports

Joining technology development of advanced materials/SS304 by friction welding

Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Oyamada, Rokuro

JAERI-Tech 95-017, 72 Pages, 1995/03


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JAEA Reports

Trial fabrication and preliminary characterization of electrical insulator for liquid metal system

Nakamichi, Masaru; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Oyamada, Rokuro

JAERI-Tech 95-009, 44 Pages, 1995/03


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Journal Articles

Development of re-instrumentation technology for irradiated fuel rod

Saito, Junichi; ; Oyamada, Rokuro

KAERI-NEMAC/TR-32/95, 0, p.125 - 136, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Current Status and future plan of JMTR Hot Laboratory

Oyamada, Rokuro;

KAERI-NEMAC/TR-32/95, 0, p.31 - 43, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Properties measurements of silicide fuels for JMTR safety evaluation

; ; ; Yamamoto, Katsumune; Oyamada, Rokuro; Saito, Minoru

JAERI-M 94-042, 0, p.305 - 312, 1994/03

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JAEA Reports

Review on JMTR safety design for LEU core conversion

; Miyazawa, Masataka; ; ; ; Yamamoto, Katsumune; Oyamada, Rokuro; Saito, Minoru

JAERI-M 93-227, 73 Pages, 1993/12


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Journal Articles

Release of fission products from plate type fuel at elevated temperature

; ; Iwai, Takashi; Saito, Junichi; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; Oyamada, Rokuro; Saito, Minoru

JAERI-M 93-016, 0, p.259 - 267, 1993/02

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Journal Articles

JAERI-KAERI Joint Semin.on Post Irradiation Examination

Oyamada, Rokuro

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 35(3), p.223 - 224, 1993/00

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Journal Articles

Development of re-instrumentation technique of pressure gauge and thermocouple for irradiated fuel rod

; ; ; Oyamada, Rokuro; Saito, Minoru

Proc. of 4th Asian Symp. on Research Reactors, 10 Pages, 1993/00

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Journal Articles

Release of fission products from silicide fuel at elevated temperatures

; Saito, Minoru; Oyamada, Rokuro; ; ; Saito, Junichi; Iwai, Takashi; ; Nakagawa, Tetsuya

Nucl. Saf., 33(3), p.334 - 343, 1992/07

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Journal Articles

Preliminary safety analysis for JMTR core conversion to LEU fuel

; ; Ando, Hiroei; Saito, Minoru; Oyamada, Rokuro

11th Int. Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors, 18 Pages, 1991/00

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Journal Articles

Drop test I.II and thermal test of full scale spent fuel shipping cask for a research reactor JMTR

Miyazawa, Masataka; Itabashi, Yukio; ; ; ; ; ; Oyamada, Rokuro;

9th Int. Symp. on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Vol. 3, p.1686 - 1693, 1989/00

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Journal Articles

Computerized operator support system for the JMTR

Oyamada, Rokuro; Yamamoto, Katsumune; Ishii, Yoshiki; ;

Japan-China Symp. on Research and Test Reactors, 15 Pages, 1988/00

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JAEA Reports

Deveropments on fuel rad diameter measuring technique, I; Trial fabrication of driving device and it's property valuations

; Niimi, Motoji; Ito, Noboru; Ando, Hiroei; ; Oyamada, Rokuro

JAERI-M 87-202, 36 Pages, 1987/11


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Journal Articles

Postirradiation examination of higher uranium density fuels at JAERI

; ; Shirai, Eiji; Oyamada, Rokuro; Saito, Minoru; ;

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 55, P. 279, 1987/00

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JAEA Reports

2nd power-up test for JRR-2

Kambara, Toyozo; Uno, Hidero; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Takayanagi, Hiroshi; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Morita, Morito; Ichihara, Masahiro; et al.

JAERI 1045, 11 Pages, 1963/03


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25 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)