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Overview of toroidal momentum transport

Peeters, A. G.*; Angioni, C.*; Bortolon, A.*; Camenen, Y.*; Casson, F. J.*; Duval, B.*; Fiederspiel, L.*; Hornsby, W. A.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Hein, T.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 51(9), p.094027_1 - 094027_13, 2011/09

 被引用回数:111 パーセンタイル:97.37(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Toroidal momentum transport mechanisms are reviewed and put in a broader perspective. The generation of a finite momentum flux is closely related with the breaking of symmetry (parity) along the field. The symmetry argument allows for the systematic identification of possible transport mechanisms. Those that appear to lowest order in the normalized Larmor radius (the diagonal part, Coriolis pinch, E$$times$$B shearing, particle flux, and up-down asymmetric equilibriums) are reasonably well understood. At higher order, thought to be of importance in the plasma edge, the theory is still under development.


Consequences of profile shearing on toroidal momentum transport

Camenen, Y.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Jolliet, S.; Peeters, A. G.*

Nuclear Fusion, 51(7), p.073039_1 - 073039_11, 2011/07

 被引用回数:93 パーセンタイル:96.16(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Turbulent transport of toroidal momentum is investigated in global linear gyrokinetic simulations. The poloidal tilt of the global mode structure arising from the radial variation of the equilibrium (profile shearing) is shown to induce non-diagonal non-pinch momentum transport (residual stress). Local simulations performed at finite radial wave vector show that the effect is mainly due to the antisymmetric radial component of the magnetic drift. The residual stress resulting from profile shearing enhances co-current rotation for ion temperature gradient turbulence and counter-current rotation for trapped electron mode turbulence (for positive magnetic shear).


Overview of anomalous toroidal momentum transport

Peeters, A. G.*; Angioni, C.*; Bortolon, A.*; Camenen, Y.*; Casson, F. J.*; Dubal, B.*; Fiederspiel, L.*; Hornsby, W. A.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Kluy, N.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 13 Pages, 2011/03

Toroidal momentum transport mechanisms are reviewed and put in a broader perspective. The generation of a finite momentum flux is closely related with the breaking of symmetry along the field. The symmetry argument allows for the systematic identification of possible transport mechanisms. Those that appear to lowest order in the normalized Larmor radius (the diagonal part, Coriolis pinch, E$$times$$B shearing, particle flux, and up-down asymmetric equilibriums) are reasonably well understood. At higher order, thought to be of importance in the plasma edge, the theory is still under development.


Global nonlinear electromagnetic simulations of tokamak turbulence

Bottino, A.*; Scott, B. D.*; Brunner, S.*; McMillan, B. F.*; Tran, T. M.*; Vernay, T.*; Villard, L.*; Jolliet, S.; Hatzky, R.*; Peeters, A. G.*

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38(9), p.2129 - 2135, 2010/09

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:68.06(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The particle-in-cell code ORB5 is a global gyrokinetic turbulence simulation code in tokamak geometry. It solves the gyrokinetic equation in the whole plasma core, including the magnetic axis. A field-aligned filtering procedure and sophisticated noise/control and heating operators allow for accurate simulations. Recently, the code ORB5 has been extended to include self-consistent perpendicular magnetic field perturbations. The inclusion of magnetic perturbations allows for a comprehensive study of finite $$beta$$ effects on microinstability. In this paper, we present the first linear and nonlinear code results concerning electromagnetic effects on tokamak microinstabilities.


Particle transport in tokamak plasmas; Theory and experiment

Angioni, C.*; Fable, E.*; Greenwald, M.*; Maslov, M.*; Peeters, A. G.*; 竹永 秀信; Weisen, H.*

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51(12), p.124017_1 - 124017_14, 2009/12

 被引用回数:155 パーセンタイル:98.03(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Progress in the ITER physics basis, 2; Plasma confinement and transport

Doyle, E. J.*; Houlberg, W. A.*; 鎌田 裕; Mukhovatov, V.*; Osborne, T. H.*; Polevoi, A.*; Bateman, G.*; Connor, J. W.*; Cordey, J. G.*; 藤田 隆明; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(6), p.S18 - S127, 2007/06

本稿は、国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER)の物理基盤に関し、プラズマ閉じ込めと輸送に関する最近7年間(1999年に発刊されたITER Physics Basis後)の世界の研究の進展をまとめたものである。輸送物理一般、プラズマ中心部での閉じ込めと輸送,Hモード周辺ペデスタル部の輸送とダイナミクス及び周辺局在化モード(ELM)、そして、これらに基づいたITERの予測について、実験及び理論・モデリングの両面から体系的に取りまとめる。


Off-axis neutral beam current drive experiments on ASDEX Upgrade and JT-60U

Hobirk, J.*; 及川 聡洋; 藤田 隆明; 福田 武司; G$"u$nter, S.*; Gruber, O.*; 諫山 明彦; 鎌田 裕; 菊池 満; Maraschek, M.*; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (CD-ROM), 27A, 4 Pages, 2003/00


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