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JAEA Reports

Assessment report on research and development activities in FY2018; Activity "Research and development of the technologies for Fukushima environment recovery" (Interim report)

Planning and Co-ordination Office, Sector of Fukushima Research and Development

JAEA-Evaluation 2019-008, 129 Pages, 2019/12


The Committee evaluated the research and development programs and activities of during the period of about three years from April 2015. The Committee evaluated the research and development activities and programs based on the explanatory materials prepared by JAEA and its oral presentations with questions-and-answers sessions. This report summaries the results of the evaluation by the Committee with the Committee report.

JAEA Reports

External evaluation on the logical adequacy of the safety measures and coolability of the reactor core and others in Monju considering Earthquake and Tsunami; The Technical Committee on Severe Accident Countermeasures and others considering Tohoku district - off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake

FBR Plant Engineering Center; Fast Breeder Reactor Research and Development Center, Tsuruga Head Office; Policy Planning and Co-ordination Department, Tsuruga Head Office

JAEA-Evaluation 2011-004, 132 Pages, 2012/01


The logical adequacy of the safety measures in Monju, coolability of the reactor core and the ex-vessel storage tank by natural circulation, and coolability of the spent fuel storage pool, considering Tohoku district - off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake were explained by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and reviewed in the above-titled committee. Main conclusions by the chairman of the committee are summarized as follows: (1) Natural circulation cooling is secured in the reactor after station blackout (SBO) as far as flow path exist. Therefore, the reactor core will never melt because of the decay heat removal as far as the natural circulation is reserved after the reactor shutdown; (2) Spent fuels will never melt due to temperature rise in the ex-vessel fuel storage system, since natural circulation cooling can be expected even after SBO; (3) It is possible to take sufficient countermeasures such as water supply against the spent fuel pool because it takes approximately two month before the top of the spent fuel cans which contain spent fuels are exposed by evaporation of the water.

JAEA Reports

Summative report of the public competition research and development on software for computational science and engineering in the fiscal year 1997 through 2002

Office of Planning; Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering

JAERI-Review 2005-038, 68 Pages, 2005/09


Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute started the public competition research and development on software for computational science and engineering in 1997, and closed it in 2002. This report describes the system of the competition research and development, application situations, R&D subjects adopted, evaluation findings, outputs produced, achievements and problems, as a summative report of practice of the system for six years.

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