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Murakami, Tsutomu; Hishida, Masahiko; Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hayafune, Hiroki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Uno, Osamu; Saigusa, Toshiie; et al.
JNC TY9400 2004-014, 78 Pages, 2004/07
This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor performed in JFY2003, which is the third year of Phase 2. In the JFY2003 design study, critical subjects related to safety, structural integrity and thermal hydraulics which found in the last fiscal year has been examined and the plant concept has been modified. Furthermore, fundamental specifications of main systems and components have been set and economy has been evaluated. In addition, as the interim evaluation of the candidate concept of the FBR fuel cycle is to be conducted, cost effectiveness and achievability for the development goal were evaluated and the data of the three large-scale reactor candidate concepts were prepared.
Hishida, Masahiko; Murakami, Tsutomu; Kisohara, Naoyuki; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Hayafune, Hiroki; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Hori, Toru; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; et al.
JNC TY9400 2004-012, 97 Pages, 2004/07
Based on the concept of a plant consisting of four modules with a capacity of 750 MWe each, which has been established by the end of FY2002, a concept of the entire plant was proposed, reflecting the modifications related to the high internal conversion type core, the double-wall straight tube steam generator (SG), and the fuel storage system. Concept studies were also performed to overcome the drawbacks of the sodium and to achieve in-service inspection and repair as easily as in light water reactor. Furthermore, feasibility studies were carried out to confirm the design, which included safety, thermal-hydraulics and the structures of the primary reactor auxiliary cooling system and the double-wall straight tube SG. A prospect for realization of this plant concept has been obtained through the evaluation results. In addition, as the interim evaluation of the candidate concepts of the FBR fuel cycle is to be conducted, cost effectiveness and achievability for the development goal were evaluated and the data of the three medium-scale reactor candidate concepts were prepared.
Moribe, Takeshi; Kubo, Shigenobu; Saigusa, Toshiie; Konomura, Mamoru
JNC TY9400 2004-007, 408 Pages, 2004/06
In "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle System", technological options including various coolant (sodium, heavy metal, gas, water, etc.), fuel type (MOX, metal, nitride) and output power are considered and classified, and commercialized FBR that have economical cost equal to LWR are pursued. In FY2003, in order to define the prospect for technical feasibility of the helium gas cooled FR using coated particle fuel (He GFR), which has been selected as a prospective concept in FY2001, the preliminary conceptual designs of the core and plant are conducted, and a concept of gas cooled plant is established and data required for the interim evaluation of Phase 2 are prepared. This report summarizes the results of the plant design study and the preparation of data for "Multi-Criteria Evaluation" in FY2003. The result of study: (1)The plant specifications and main equipment concept design were studied for preliminary plant design. In this study, effectiveness of the thermal insulators in the reactor structure, seismic evaluation of the gas turbines and integrity of structure in the core catcher were studied. The plant layout was reviewed based on the results of plant designs. (2)The result of study for the preparation of data for "Multi-Criteria Evaluation" : ISI procedure (draft) for the primary system equipment of He GFR was set up, and the inspection processes were reviewed, according to the ISI standard for LWR. The amount of wastes produced in decommissioning and operation was roughly estimated.Major R&D items concerning the He GFR plant design were proposed including the required methods and schedules. (3)The data required for construction cost evaluation was prepared, and the construction cost of He GCR was 10% above the target cost.
Konomura, Mamoru; Ogawa, Takashi; Okano, Yasushi; Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Murakami, Tsutomu; Takaki, Naoyuki; Nishiguchi, Youhei; Sugino, Kazuteru; Naganuma, Masayuki; Hishida, Masahiko; et al.
JNC TN9400 2004-035, 2071 Pages, 2004/06
The attractive concepts for Sodium-, lead-bismuth-, helium- and water-cooled FBRs have been created through using typical plant features and employing advanced technologies. Efforts on evaluating technological prospects of feasibility have been paid for these concepts. Also, it was comfirmed if these concepts satisfy design requierments of capability and performance presumed in the feasibilty study on commertialization of Fast Breeder Reactor Systems. As results, it was concluded that the selection of sodium-cooled reactor was most rational for practical use of FBR technologies in 2015.
Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hishida, Masahiko; Nibe, Nobuaki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; Soman, Yoshindo; et al.
JNC TY9400 2003-015, 103 Pages, 2003/09
In Phase I of the "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems (F/S)", an advanced loop type reactor has been selected as a promising concept of sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor, which has a possibility to fulfill the design requirements of the F/S. This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor performed in JFY2002, which is the second year of Phase 2. The construction cost of the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor, which has been constructed in JFY2002, was almost achieved the economical goal. But its achievability was not sufficient to accept the concept. In order to reduce the construction cost, the plant concept has been re-constructed based on the 50 MWe plant studied in JFY2002. After that, fundamental specifications of main systems and components for the new concept have been set, and critical subjects have been examined and evaluated. In addition, in order to achieve the further cost reduction, the plant with simplified secondary system, the plant with electric magnetic pump in secondary system, and the fuel handling system are examined and evaluated. As a result of this study, the plant concept of the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor has been constructed, which has a prospect to satisfy the economic goal (construction cost: less than 200,000 yens/kWe, etc.) and has a prospect to solve the critical subjects. From now on, reflecting the results of elemental experiments, the preliminary conceptual design of this plant will be preceded toward the selection for narrowingdown candidate concepts at the end of Phase 2.
Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hishida, Masahiko; Nibe, Nobuaki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; Soman, Yoshindo; et al.
JNC TY9400 2003-014, 52 Pages, 2003/09
In Phase 2 of the F/S, it is planed to precede a preliminary conceptual design of a sodium-cooled large-scale reactor based on the design of the advanced loop type reactor. Through the design study, it is intended to construct such a plant concept that can show its attraction and competitiveness as a commercialized reactor. This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor performed in JFY2002, which is the second year of Phase 2. In the JFY2002 design study, critical subjects related to safety, structural integrity and thermal hydraulics which found in the last fiscal year has been examined and the plant concept has been modified. Furthermore, fundamental specifications of main systems and components have been set and economy has been evaluated.As a result of this study, the plant concept of the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor has been constructed, which has a prospect to satisfy the economic goal (construction cost: less than 200,000yens/kWe, etc.) and has a prospect to solve the critical subjects.
Moribe, Takeshi; Kubo, Shigenobu; Saigusa, Toshiie; Konomura, Mamoru
JNC TY9400 2003-007, 188 Pages, 2003/05
In (Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle System), technological options including various coolant (sodium,heavy metal, gas, water,etc.), fuel type (MOX, metal, nitride) and output power are considered and classified, and commercialized FBR that have economical cost equal to LWR are pursued. In conceptual study on gas cooled FBR in FY2002, to identify the prospect of the technical materialization of the helium cooled FBR using coated particle fuel which is an attractive concept extracted in the year of FY2001, the preliminary conceptual design of the core and entire plant was performed. This report summarizes the results of the plant design study in FY2002. The result of study is as follows. (1)For the passive core shutdown equipment, the curie point magnet type self-actuated device was selected and the device concept was set up. (2)For the reactor block, the concept of the core supporting structure, insulators and liners was set up. For the material of the heat resistant structure, SiC was selected as a candidate. (3)For the seismic design of the plant, it was identified that a design concept with three-dimensional base isolation could be feasible taking the severe seismic condition into account. (4)For the core catcher, an estimation of possible event sequences under severe core damage condition was made. A core catcher concept which may suit the estimation was proposed. (5)The construction cost was roughly estimated based on the amount of materials and its dependency on the plant output power was evaluated. The value for a small sized plant exceeds the target construction cost about 20%.
Konomura, Mamoru; SAIGUSA, Toshiie; Mizuno, Tomoyasu; OHKUBO, Yoshiyuki*
Fast Spectrum Reactors, 0 Pages, 2003/00
In Feasibility Studies on Commercialized Fast Reactor (FR) Systems, examining about the subject of three gas cooled FR concepts, (1) carbon dioxide cooled FR using pin type fuel, (2) helium cooled FR using pin type fuel, (3) helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, a promising concept has been selected from three concepts. From a viewpoint of economic competitiveness and ensuring safety, etc, "helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel" has been selected as a promising concept of gas cooled FR. About fuel assembly concept of helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, block type vertical flow cooling concept with 2nd boundaries was also examined, other than horizontal flow cooling concept with directly cooling system. About selected helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, it drew up R&D plan about the most important R&D items influencing on the feasibility of the design concept.