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Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Saito, Takakazu; Tobita, Shigeharu; Nagai, Akinori; Kitamura, Ryoichi; Okazaki, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2012-027, 49 Pages, 2012/08
In-Vessel Observations (IVO) techniques for Sodium cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) are important in confirming its safety and integrity. In order to secure the reliability of IVO techniques, it was necessary to demonstrate the performance under the actual reactor environment with high temperature, high radiation dose and remained sodium. During the investigation of an incident occurred in Joyo, the following observation systems were specifically developed for Joyo. And the following two observations were conducted. (1) Simple overhead observation using a standard video camera for the top of the sub-assemblies and the in-vessel storage rack (2) Narrow space observation using remote handling device equipped with radiation-resistant fiberscope for the bottom face of the upper core structure. As a result, the observations under the actual reactor environment were successfully made even in the narrow space in the reactor vessel and the results provided useful information on incident investigations and planning of restoration work.
Saito, Takakazu; Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Oka, Kiyoshi; Aizawa, Hideyuki*; Katagiri, Genichi*
FAPIG, (179), p.3 - 9, 2009/07
The experimental fast reactor Joyo is the first sodium cooled fast reactor in Japan. In-vessel visual inspections have been conducted with an obstacle on the in-vessel storage rack in Joyo. Because of the high radiation dose in the reactor vessel, radiation-resistant fiberscope was applied to Joyo. The radiation-resistant fiberscope was inserted into the reactor vessel thorough the inspection hole and fuel handling hole on rotating plugs. In order to observe the top of the subassemblies and in-vessel storage rack, an I-shape device which had a downward and side view monitoring radiation-resistant fiberscopes was used. To observe the bottom face of the upper core structure, a remote handling visual device whose tip could bend into an L-shape was developed to insert the radiation-resistant fiberscope into the 70 mm gap between the bottom of the upper core structure and the top of the subassemblies. The observations of the top of the subassemblies and in-vessel storage rack were conducted from October 2007 to February 2008. The bottom face of the upper core structure was observed in July 2008. The number of photographs of the entire bottom face of the upper core structure reached approximately 35,000. Confirmation was made that the remote handling device equipped with the radiation-resistant fiberscope would achieve the expected performance. These observations results provided useful information on incident investigations. In addition, fundamental findings and the experience gained during this study, which included the design of equipment, operating procedures, resolution, lighting adjustments, photograph composition and the durability of the radiation-resistant fiberscope under radiation exposure, provided valuable insights into possible further improvements and verifications for in-vessel visual observation techniques in an sodium fast reactor.
Itagaki, Wataru; Saito, Takakazu; Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Nagai, Akinori; Aoyama, Takafumi; Maeda, Yukimoto
Dai-14-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.435 - 438, 2009/06
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Ishikawa, Koki; Takamatsu, Misao; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Mihara, Takatsugu; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Terano, Toshihiro; Murakami, Takanori; Noritsugi, Akihiro; Iseki, Atsushi; Saito, Takakazu; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2009-004, 140 Pages, 2009/05
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has been applied to nuclear plants as a method to achieve effective safety regulation and safety management. In order to establish the PSA standard for fast breeder reactor (FBR), the FBR-PSA for internal events in rated power operation is studied by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The level1 PSA on the experimental fast reactor Joyo was conducted to investigate core damage probability for internal events with taking human factors effect and dependent failures into account. The result of this study shows that the core damage probability of Joyo is 5.010 per reactor year (/ry) and that the core damage probability is smaller than the safety goal for existed plants (10 ry) and future plants (10/ry) in the IAEA INSAG-12 (International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group) basic safety principle.
Isozaki, Kazunori; Saito, Takakazu; Sumino, Kozo; Yamazaki, Yuji*; Karube, Koji; Terano, Toshihiro; Sakaba, Hideo
JNC TN9410 2004-014, 172 Pages, 2004/06
This technical report describes MK-III function tests on the primary main cooling pump. MK-III function tests (SKS-1) before MK-III core configuration completed from October 17, 2001 to October 23, 2001. MK-III function tests (SKS-2) after MK-III core configuration completed from January 27, 2003 to February 13, 2003. The results of function tests were shown as follows; (1) The primary main pump was confirmed to do stable control on both CAS (cascade) mode and MAN (manual) mode in the flow control system. And also this was confirmed no-emanation trend both flow and revolution per minute against flow step response, too. (2) The main motor was shifted run-back operation in about 54 seconds after scram. Run-back operation of the main motor (A) was 167m3/h with 117 rpm. 185 m/h with 118 rpm was the main motor (B). And they were controlled within the limit of run-back operational revolution 122 rpm 8 rpm. The flow was confirmed to maintain in 10 percent and over of the rated flow. (3) Succeeding operation to the pony motor was confirmed to do in about 39 seconds after the primary main pump trip. The pony motor (A) operation was 180m3/h with 124rpm. 190 m/h with 123 rpm was the pony motor (B). They were enough satisfied with the forgiven revolution per minute which was 93 rpm and over. And the flow was confirmed to maintain in 10 percent and over of the rated flow. (4) Free flow coast down characteristic of the primary main pump was confirmed that time constant was 10 seconds at both the trip and run-back operation time of the primary main pump. (5) Over flow column sodium level of the main pump duty operation was NL-1,550 mm Na by column (A), NL-1,468mm Na by column (B). They were smaller than NL-1,581 mm Na by the design value. Pressure loss value of the new IHX had more conservative value than the design value. (6) The primary main pump was confirmed which the rated flow could be restored no-scram by the instantaneous power loss within 0.6 second.
Michino, Masanobu; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Aita, Tsuyoshi; Suto, Masayoshi; Saito, Takakazu; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Isozaki, Kazunori; Ito, Hideaki; Inoue, Setsunari; Aoki, Hiroshi; et al.
JNC TN9430 2004-001, 103 Pages, 2004/03
This report describes the results of the primary and secondary cooling system interlock test and the fuel handling system function test, which were done as a part of JOYO MK-3 function test. The items of the test are: (1) Primary and secondary cooling system interlock test (SKS-106,210) (2) Loss of electric power supply test (SKS-116) (3) In-vessel and ex-vessel automatic fuel transportation test (SKS-501,502) As the interlock of the primary and secondary cooling system was changed, the interlock test by the reactor scram and the loss of electric power supply was carried out. The function of the remote automatic fuel handling system was confirmed before the handling of the fuel for MK-3 core configuration. The results of the test satisfied the required performance, and it was confirmed that operation of the primary and secondary cooling system interlock and operation of the fuel handling system in JOYO MK-3 were normal.
Isozaki, Kazunori; ; Oshima, Jun; ; Ashida, Takashi; Saito, Takakazu; Sumino, Kozo
JNC TN9410 2002-007, 142 Pages, 2002/07
The MK-III Project to improve the irradiation capability of the experimental fast reactor JOYO have been in underway since 1987. The increase of fast neutron flux and the enlargement of that field increase the reactor thermal rate from 100MWt To 140MWt. To increase cooling capacity of heat transport system, intermediate heat exchangers (IHXs), dump heat exchangers (DHXs), piping connecting to IHXs and DHXs, main motors on Primary and secondary main circulation pumps were replaced. The replacement of these large components was carried out under following hard conditions. (1)Limitation of work space, (2)Fuel subassembly and melten sodium in the reactor vessel, (3)high radiation circumstances for primary cooling system, (4)treatment of radioactive sodium (radioactive sodium and corrosion product such as CO, Mn). There are little experiences of this kind of work in the world. Therefore the organization, workmg plan and safety management points were carefully examined and established, based on the previous experience of JOYO operation and maintenance, research and development results of safety treatment of sodium, experience of previous work on sodium facilities. Following sresults were obtained and effectiveness was confirmed in the work. (1)Development of most suitable working plan derived from elements and full size mock up experiments, reduction of exposure time by workers training, reduction of radiation dose by installation of temporal radiation shielding were useful to reduce radiation dose. The usage of seal bag was useful to prevent the contamination spreading over. (2)The usage of seal bag, oxygen concentration monitoring in the seal bag, nitrogen concentration monitoring in the cooling system cover gas, low pressure control of cover gas were useful to reduce the inflow of oxygen to cooling system. (3)The bite cutting method for piping in air and press down cuttmg by roller cutter in the seal bag to prevent inflow of cutting piece, ...
Itagaki, Wataru; Noguchi, Koichi; Endo, Norio; Nakamura, Toshiyuki; Ashida, Takashi; Saito, Takakazu; Someya, Hiroyuki*; Tomine, Hiroshi*; Kato, Jun*; Gunji, Masakatsu*
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Saito, Takakazu; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Isozaki, Kazunori; Nagai, Akinori
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Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Saito, Takakazu; Tobita, Shigeharu; Suzuki, Toshiaki
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Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Tobita, Shigeharu; Saito, Takakazu; Katagiri, Genichi*; Aizawa, Hideyuki*; Yaginuma, Yoshihiro*
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Oka, Kiyoshi; Suzuki, Yasuo*; Nishimura, Akihiko; Saito, Takakazu; Maeda, Yukimoto
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Imaizumi, Kazuyuki; Saito, Takakazu; Tobita, Shigeharu; Nagai, Akinori
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Kawasaki, Toru; Sawada, Toru; Kaito, Yasuaki; Yonekawa, Mitsuru; Saito, Takakazu
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