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江村 優軌; 高井 俊秀; 菊地 晋; 神山 健司; 山野 秀将; 横山 博紀*; 坂本 寛*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.911 - 920, 2024/07
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Boron carbide (BC)- stainless steel (SS) eutectic reaction behavior is one of the most important issues in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In this study, the immersion experiments using BC pellets with molten SS were conducted to evaluate the CDA sequences such as contact event of solid BC with degraded core materials including SS at very high temperature. The immersion experiment aims at understanding the kinetic behavior of solid BC-liquid SS reaction based on the reduced thickness of BC pellet after the experiment in the temperature ranges from 1763 to 1943 K, which is higher than the temperature of solid BC-solid SS reaction. Based on the kinetic consideration of the reaction rate constants for solid BC-liquid SS reaction, it was found that similar temperature dependency was identified between solid BC-liquid SS and solid BC-solid SS. Besides, the reaction rate constants of solid BC-liquid SS were smaller than those of solid BC-solid SS extrapolated in higher temperature region by two or more orders of magnitude due to two different evaluation method for BC side/SS side. It was confirmed that this difference was reasonable through the consideration of previous reaction tests in solid-solid contact for BC side/SS side.
Riyana, E. S.; 奥村 啓介; 坂本 雅洋; 松村 太伊知; 寺島 顕一; 神野 郁夫
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(2), p.269 - 276, 2024/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)We investigated the possibility of estimating the effective neutron multiplication factor () of the fuel debris inside the canister and primary containment vessel (PCV) of Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) using remote gas-radioactivity measurement via simulation-based calculations. Our results demonstrate an almost linear correlation between and the Kr-to-Xe activity ratio with respect to various fuel debris compositions. This correlation is maintained regardless of geometries such as the fuel debris canister and the PCV.
坂本 寛*; Adachi, Mika*; 徳島 二之*; 青見 雅樹*; 柴田 裕樹; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝
Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry; 20th International Symposium (ASTM STP 1645), p.411 - 432, 2023/11
Steam oxidation tests under steam-starved and non-steam-starved conditions were conducted up to 1573 K using prototypic BWR fuel assembly (four fuel pins and fuel channel box) with approximately 750 mm length. Significant suppression of oxide layer growth and enhancement of hydrogen uptake were found at the downstream positions under the steam-starved conditions. To understand the results obtained in the tests using the prototypic BWR fuel assembly, three separate-effects tests were conducted to obtain a fundamental understanding of mechanism of oxygen and hydrogen uptake and its axial variations and evaluation of hydrogen solubility in oxygen-dissolved Zircaloy-2. It is retrieved that the fuel channel box contributes to the axial variations of oxide layer growth and hydrogen uptake of the fuel pins by acting as a source of hydrogen and a sink of oxygen. The evaluation of hydrogen uptake and release requires a detailed estimation of steam oxidation with time at each elevation.
鵜飼 重治; 坂本 寛*; 大塚 智史; 山下 真一郎; 木村 晃彦*
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 583, p.154508_1 - 154508_24, 2023/09
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:97.07(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Following the severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011, FeCrAl-ODS claddings have been developed in Japan. This paper presents an overview of the alloy design and the process used to manufacture the recrystallized cladding, together with an analysis of the applicability of these alloys as BWR fuel cladding and a summary of the simulated severe accident performance. It was verified that core excess reactivities affected by the increased neutron absorption by Fe, Cr, Al can be compensated by reducing the thickness to half that of Zircaloy cladding, while maintaining mechanical integrity. A simulated design basis LOCA event with assessment of post-LOCA ductility confirmed that FeCrAl-ODS cladding provided a greater safety margin. The SA code analysis indicated that melting of the Zircaloy core could be slightly accelerated due to release of the huge amount of exothermic reaction heat, whilst the water injection always acts toward cooling the FeCrAl-ODS core.
中西 匠*; 堀 優太*; 重田 育照*; 佐藤 寛泰*; 鬼柳 亮嗣; 宗像 孝司*; 大原 高志; 岡澤 厚*; 島田 林太郎*; 坂本 章*; et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(35), p.19177 - 19181, 2023/08
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:38.77(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Multiple proton transfer (PT) controllable by external stimuli plays a crucial role in fundamental chemistry, biological activity, and material science. However, in crystalline systems, controlling multiple PT, which results in a distinct protonation state, remains challenging. In this study, we developed a novel tridentate ligand and iron(II) complex with a short hydrogen bond (HB) that exhibits a PT-coupled spin transition (PCST). Single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements revealed that the positions of the two protons in the complex can be controlled by temperature and photoirradiation based on the thermal- and photoinduced PCST. The obtained results suggest that designing molecules that form short HBs is a promising approach for developing multiple PT systems in crystals.
澤田 淳; 坂本 和彦*; 綿引 孝宜*; 今井 久*
SKB P-17-06, 154 Pages, 2023/08
An aim of Task 8, which was 8th modeling task of the SKB Task Forces on Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes, was to improve the knowledge of the bedrock-bentonite interface with regard to groundwater flow, mainly based on a set of data obtained by Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment (BRIE) at sp. JAEA had developed an approach to Task 8 assuming that the discrete features dominate the delivery of groundwater to the bentonite columns emplaced into the vertically drilled boreholes from TASO tunnel floor, resulting in heterogeneous bentonite wetting behavior. This assumption was implemented as a FracMan Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) model for groundwater flow. Due to the assumption, no permeable rock matrix was implemented. The variability and uncertainty of this stochastic "HydroDFN" model was constrained by conditioning the model to match measured fracture location and orientation, and specific capacity (transmissivity) data observed at five probe boreholes. Groundwater from the HydroDFN being delivered to the bentonite columns, was modeled using Thames code with implementing a specific feature at the interface between the fractured rock mass and the bentonite. This modeling approach and the assumption of fracture dominated bentonite wetting appears to be able to provide a reasonable approximation to the observed heterogeneous bentonite wetting behavior of BRIE. We would suggest that a systematic investigation at pilot holes, including both geological mapping of the fractures and also testing of the hydraulic properties, might be required to get more practical prediction of heterogeneous wetting behavior in bentonite, as observed in BRIE.
川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 山中 暁*; 坂本 友和*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 馬場 将亮*; 橋本 英樹*; Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; et al.
Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), p.134103_1 - 134103_7, 2022/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.22(Physics, Applied)The microscopic origin of the pyroelectric power generation using ferroelectric ceramics for energy harvesting from time-varying waste heat can be understood by conducting neutron diffraction measurements. The behavior of the domain orientation and lattice strain in the lead zirconate titanate (PZT)-based ceramics with a tetragonal structure during the novel power generation cycle combining electric field and temperature change were investigated. The [001] domains and the lattice strain of the (111) plane in the direction of parallel to the electric field increase in the process of simultaneous rise in the electric field and temperature, and rapidly decrease in the process of the field drop. The alignment of the domain orientation by the electric field and its randomization by the higher temperature during the cycle are critical features of the current power generation system.
菊地 晋; 高井 俊秀; 山野 秀将; 坂本 寛*
Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2021/08
Aghamiri, S. M. S.*; 菅原 直也*; 鵜飼 重治; 大野 直子*; 坂本 寛*; 山下 真一郎
Materials Characterization, 176, p.111043_1 - 111043_6, 2021/06
菊地 晋; 坂本 寛*; 高井 俊秀; 山野 秀将
日本機械学会2020年度年次大会講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2020/09
原子炉の炉心損傷に至るような過酷事故(シビアアクシデント)を想定した場合、制御材である炭化ホウ素(BC)と被覆管や関連する構造材であるステンレス鋼(SS)との共晶融解が発生する恐れがある。このため、仮にナトリウム冷却高速炉において炉心損傷事故(Core Disruptive Accident: CDA)に至る場合を想定すると、BC-SS共晶融解挙動は安全評価上、重要な現象の一つに位置付けられる。本報告では、共晶融解が進展した界面における融解速度を把握することを目的にSSにBCが移行した状態を模擬した低濃度BC含有のSSとSSを接触させた浸食試験を実施し、得られたデータから接触界面の反応速度定数を評価した。評価の結果、低濃度BC含有のSSとSSによる共晶の反応速度定数は、BC-SS共晶の反応速度定数よりも高温域において小さいことが分かった。また、BC含有量が少なくなるにつれて速度定数が高温域では、小さくなる傾向が見られた。
Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 坂本 友和*; 川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 関野 徹*; 中山 忠親*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.
Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Internet), 4(3), p.1143 - 1149, 2020/03
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:64.99(Chemistry, Physical)Waste heat is a potentially exploitable energy source but remains a problem awaiting a solution. To explore solutions for automobile applications, we investigate pyroelectric power generation from the temperature variation of exhaust gas using a novel electro-thermodynamic cycle. Niobium-doped lead zirconate titanate stannate (PNZST) ceramics were applied as pyroelectric materials, and their structural characteristics were investigated. In the driving cycle assessments (JC-08) using real exhaust gas, the maximum power generated was identified as 143.9 mW cm (777.3 J L per 1 cycle) over a temperature range of 150-220 C and an electric field of 13 kV cm-1. The net mean generating power of the total driving cycle was 40.8 mW cm, which is the most enhanced result in our power generating systems to date and 314 times greater than our first report. Materials with sharp transition behaviors with the temperature and electric field are worthy of study with regard to pyroelectric energy harvesting materials, and their corresponding crystal and domain structures were investigated to optimize performance.
Aghamiri, S. M. S.*; 曽和 貴志*; 鵜飼 重治*; 大野 直子*; 坂本 寛*; 山下 真一郎
Materials Science & Engineering A, 771, p.138636_1 - 138636_12, 2020/01
被引用回数:36 パーセンタイル:89.97(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)酸化物分散強化型FeCrAlフェライト鋼は、高温までの優れた機械特性とアルミナ皮膜形成による水蒸気酸化特性の著しい改善により、軽水炉用事故耐性燃料被覆管候補材料として開発されてきている。本研究では、被覆管成型プロセスにおいて、1100Cと1150Cの異なる引き抜き温度で成型した時のFeCrAl-ODS被覆管の微細組織特性及び引張特性を調査した。温間引き抜き成型した試料では、110方向に沿った集合組織を有するミクロンサイズの繊維であったのに対し、冷間ピルガ-圧延で成型した微細組織では、結晶の回転を経由し、110方向に沿った集合組織を有するミクロンサイズの繊維と{111}面に沿った集合組織を有するサブミクロンサイズの繊維が確認された。次に、最終アニーリングを行うことで、これらの組織は約810-850Cで再結晶化した大粒径の再結晶組織に変化した。再結晶被覆管材において、これら2つの異なる集合体組織発達が生じた。すなわち、引き抜き温度を1100Cにして成型した時に形成した(110) 211集合組織を有する大きな伸張粒と、より高い温度の1150Cで引き抜き成型した時に見られた(110) 211集合組織と{111} 112集合組織である。1100Cで引き抜き加工を施した被覆管において生じた異なる集合組織の発達と再結晶の遅延は、酸化物粒子の高密度分散に起因していると考えられる。
大橋 訓英*; 日野 孝則*; 小林 寛*; 小野寺 直幸; 坂本 信晶*
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 24(3), p.884 - 901, 2019/09
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:80.24(Engineering, Marine)船舶の運動解析に向けて、移動重合格子に対して非定常レイノルズ平均モデルによる解析手法を構築した。解析手法の定式化として、圧力と速度の連成は弱圧縮性近似による手法を採用するとともに、複雑な船体運動は格子変形手法および対流項補正によって実現している。本研究では、マルチグリッド法による圧力Poisson方程式の解法を導入することで計算の高速化を実現した。重合格子に対する複雑なマルチグリッド法においても、各解像度および重合格子の接続情報に従って圧力の修正を行うことで、連続の式を満足している。以上の解析手法により、定常波を含む船舶周りの流れの計算が実現された。
山下 真一郎; 井岡 郁夫; 根本 義之; 川西 智弘; 倉田 正輝; 加治 芳行; 深堀 智生; 野澤 貴史*; 佐藤 大樹*; 村上 望*; et al.
Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.206 - 216, 2019/09
高野 和也; 阪本 善彦; 諸星 恭一*; 岡崎 仁*; 儀間 大充*; 寺前 卓真*; 碇本 岩男*; Botte, F.*; Dirat, J.-F.*; Dechelette, F.*
Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2019/05
仏実証炉ASTRIDにおいては、炉心の状態監視のため集合体出口温度や破損燃料検出のための計測設備が設置される。これらの計測用配管は炉心燃料集合体上部に設置され、炉上部機構(Above Core Structure: ACS)にて集約される。本検討では、ASTRID (1500MWth)におけるACSを対象に熱電対用配管と破損燃料検出用配管のレイアウトを3Dモデリングで検討するとともに、得られたレイアウト及び製作手順について検証するためにモックアップ試験を実施した。また、モックアップ試験を通じて製作性の観点から抽出された課題に対し、対応策を検討した。本検討は、ACSについて製作側から設計側へのフィードバックを提示するものであり、今後のACSの設計と製作性に係る知見拡大に貢献する。
坂本 哲夫*; 森田 真人*; 金成 啓太*; 富田 英生*; Sonnenschein, V.*; 齊藤 洸介*; 大橋 雅也*; 加藤 弘太郎*; 井口 哲夫*; 河合 利秀*; et al.
Analytical Sciences, 34(11), p.1265 - 1270, 2018/11
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:33.07(Chemistry, Analytical)Characterization of radionuclides in Fukushima is important to determine their origins and current state in the environment. Radionuclides exist as fine particles and are mixed with other constituents. A measurement method with both micro-imaging capability and highly selective element detection is necessary to analyze these particles. We developed such an imaging technique using a time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and wavelength tunable Ti:Sapphire lasers for resonance ionization of target elements without mass interference. This is called resonant laser ionization sputtered neutral mass spectrometry. The instrument has high lateral resolution and higher ionization selectivity using two-step resonance excitation of Cs with two lasers at different wavelengths. Optimization of the wavelength for resonance ionization using a Cs compound was performed, and a real environmental particle containing radioactive Cs was analyzed. Isotope images of three kinds of Cs were successfully obtained without interfere from Ba isotopes for the first time.
佐野 雄一; 坂本 淳志; 竹内 正行; 三角 隆太*; 國井 佳奈子*; 轟 慧*; 仁志 和彦*; 上ノ山 周*
化学工学論文集, 44(6), p.335 - 340, 2018/11
若林 勇希*; 野中 洋亮*; 竹田 幸治; 坂本 祥哉*; 池田 啓祐*; Chi, Z.*; 芝田 悟朗*; 田中 新*; 斎藤 祐児; 山上 浩志; et al.
Physical Review Materials (Internet), 2(10), p.104416_1 - 104416_12, 2018/10
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:40.50(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of epitaxial (NiCo)FeO(111) layers with thicknesses = 1.7 - 5.2 nm grown on AlO(111)/Si(111) structures. We revealed the crystallographic (octahedral or tetrahedral ) sites and the valences of the Fe, Co, and Ni cations using experimental soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra and configuration-interaction cluster-model calculation.
高畠 容子; 安倍 弘; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行; 小泉 健治; 坂本 寛*; 山下 真一郎
Proceedings of Annual Topical Meeting on Reactor Fuel Performance (TopFuel 2018) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2018/10
事故耐性軽水炉燃料の燃料被覆管として開発されているFeCrAl-ODS鋼の硝酸腐食評価を、使用済燃料再処理工程に対して燃料被覆管腐食生成物が与える影響を評価するために実施した。3mol/L硝酸における腐食試験を、60C, 80C,沸騰条件において実施し、浸漬試験の試験片に対してはXPS分析を行った。沸騰条件にて最も腐食が進展し、腐食速度は0.22mm/yであった。酸化被膜内のFe割合は減少しており、CrとAlの割合は増加していた。腐食試験の結果、FeCrAl-ODS鋼は高い硝酸腐食耐性を持つため、再処理工程中の溶解工程において許容可能であることを確かめた。
山崎 宰春; Pshenichnikov, A.; Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 徳島 二之*; 青見 雅樹*; 坂本 寛*
Proceedings of Annual Topical Meeting on Reactor Fuel Performance (TopFuel 2018) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2018/10