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 年 ~ 

Development of an iron(II) complex exhibiting thermal- and photoinduced double proton-transfer-coupled spin transition in a short hydrogen bond


中西 匠*; 堀 優太*; 重田 育照*; 佐藤 寛泰*; 鬼柳 亮嗣  ; 宗像 孝司*; 大原 高志   ; 岡澤 厚*; 島田 林太郎*; 坂本 章*; 佐藤 治*

Nakanishi, Takumi*; Hori, Yuta*; Shigeta, Yasuteru*; Sato, Hiroyasu*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Munakata, Koji*; Ohara, Takashi; Okazawa, Atsushi*; Shimada, Rintaro*; Sakamoto, Akira*; Sato, Osamu*

Multiple proton transfer (PT) controllable by external stimuli plays a crucial role in fundamental chemistry, biological activity, and material science. However, in crystalline systems, controlling multiple PT, which results in a distinct protonation state, remains challenging. In this study, we developed a novel tridentate ligand and iron(II) complex with a short hydrogen bond (HB) that exhibits a PT-coupled spin transition (PCST). Single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements revealed that the positions of the two protons in the complex can be controlled by temperature and photoirradiation based on the thermal- and photoinduced PCST. The obtained results suggest that designing molecules that form short HBs is a promising approach for developing multiple PT systems in crystals.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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