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Sanada, Yukihisa; Tokiyoshi, Masanori*; Nishiyama, Kyohei*; Sato, Rina; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Funaki, Hironori; Abe, Tomohisa; Ishida, Mutsushi*; Nagamine, Haruo*; Fujisaka, Motoyuki*
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi (Internet), 22(2), p.87 - 96, 2023/04
Since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, many decontamination works have been carried out, but it is difficult to say that much data on workers' exposure has necessarily been analyzed in detail. In this paper, based on the GPS location information carried by the workers together with their personal dosimeters, the air dose rate in the work area and the characteristics of each type of work were analyzed. The results showed that more than 50% of the measured actual doses were more than twice the median planned dose calculated from the air dose rate and actual working hours. Furthermore, as a result of the analysis by work type, it was found that the exposure doses of demolition workers tended to be high, and that this was due to the fact that most of the work was carried out before the work was carried out to reduce the dose at the work site. In addition, when the conversion from air dose to effective dose was taken into account, there were many cases of underestimation where the planned values were lower than the measured values, and it is considered important for management to set appropriate working factor.
Tada, Hiroyuki*; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Saito, Akira*; Nakaya, Atsushi*; Ishii, Takashi*; Fujita, Tomoo; Sugita, Yutaka; Nakama, Shigeo; Sanada, Masanori*
Doboku Gakkai Rombunshu, F2 (Chika Kukan Kenkyu) (Internet), 73(1), p.11 - 28, 2017/03
This study examined the mechanical characteristics of rock segments and backfill materials and analyzed the stability of the drift that is supported by the rock segments and gravel backfill. The results confirmed the technical aspects of the formation of the rock segments and the effectiveness of the planned efforts to further reduce the amount of cement used.
Hashiba, Kimihiro*; Fukui, Katsunori*; Sugita, Yutaka; Sanada, Masanori*
Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 21(2), p.75 - 82, 2014/12
Diatomaceous earth and siliceous rock are widespread in the areas along the Sea of Japan in Hokkaido Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Noto Peninsula and Oki Islands. To construct underground structures in the siliceous rock mass, it is essential to understand its mechanical properties. In this study, siliceous mudstone of the Wakkanai formation obtained from the deep underground in Horonobe, Hokkaido was applied to various laboratory tests; uniaxial compression test, Brazilian tension test, drying shrinkage test and the test to investigate the time dependent behavior and strength recovery. The testing results showed that water has a huge effect on the deformation and failure of the siliceous mudstone; when the specimen is air dried in room temperature, the axial shrinkage strain reashes 0.9% and the strength is twice larger than that in wet condition. It was found that the siliceous mudstone exhibits the same degree of time dependent behavior and strength recovery as other rocks such as tuff and sandstone.
Sugita, Yutaka; Sanada, Masanori; Fujita, Tomoo; Hashiba, Kimihiro*; Fukui, Katsunori*; Okubo, Seisuke*
Dai-13-Kai Iwa No Rikigaku Kokunai Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.207 - 212, 2013/01
Radionuclide migration can be undesirably increased by weakening the mechanical properties of a rock mass in the excavated disturbed zone (EDZ) around the tunnels of a geolical disposal facility for high level radioactive waste. Laboratory testing of loading stress and loading time on failed siliceous mudstone specimens has identified the potential for the long-term recovery of the strength and impermeability of the rock mass in the EDZ.
Tada, Hiroyuki*; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Saito, Akira*; Nakaya, Atsushi*; Ishii, Takashi*; Sanada, Masanori; Noguchi, Akira*; Kishi, Hirokazu*; Nakama, Shigeo; Fujita, Tomoo
Dai-13-Kai Iwa No Rikigaku Kokunai Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.133 - 138, 2013/01
The authors have been developing methods for constructing tunnels using the minimum quantities of cement-type support materials in high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities and advancing research and development about the technical formation of rock segment using low alkaline mortar. In this study, the mechanical characteristic values concerning the rock segment and backfill materials were examined. The stability analysis of tunnel supported by the rock segment and backfilling with gravel were performed. Technical formation and effectiveness of the alternative supports planned for further reduction in cement influence was confirmed from a study result above-mentioned.
Sanada, Masanori; Kishi, Hirokazu*; Sugita, Yutaka; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Takebe, Atsuji*; Okubo, Seisuke*
JAEA-Research 2012-025, 130 Pages, 2012/09
In this study, strength recovery, generalized stress relaxation and two tensile strength tests were carried out using shale sampled in the Wakkanai-formation. As the results, by using the value of a suitable constant with the constitutive equation showing strength recovery, it was showed that change of the axial stress in a compacting test could be expressed. About the generalized relaxation, it examined by the air dried and the saturated condition. Visco-elastic behavior was more remarkable in saturated condition than the air dried. Moreover, when the loading rate up to the starting point of the generalized relaxation test was large, the influence on visco-elastic behavior was remarkable. About tensile characteristics, a splitting tensile strength test and a uniaxial tensile strength test were carried out. About splitting tensile strength, it turned out that the influence of the loading direction on a bedding plane is great.
Sanada, Masanori; Kishi, Hirokazu; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Takebe, Atsuji*
JAEA-Research 2011-055, 79 Pages, 2012/03
In order to refine and rationalize a design method of multi tunnels in the deep geological repository, various study have been conducted. In this study, an effect of procedure for excavating multi-tunnels on extent of EDZ was examined by 3D FEM analysis. In modeling the multi tunnels and setting cases of analysis, workability, cost and safeness under construction were considered. Results of 3D FEM analysis showed that 3D effect of procedure for excavating such as a gap of progress with tunnel faces can be considered by 3D FEM and extent of EDZ is demonstrated more practically compared with 2D FEM. Another 2D FEM analysis modeling for crystalline rock (granite) was executed and the results showed that plastic zone did not appear in all cases.
Sanada, Masanori; Hayashi, Katsuhiko*; Kishi, Hirokazu; Takebe, Atsuji*; Okubo, Seisuke*
JAEA-Research 2011-028, 102 Pages, 2011/11
In this study, strength recovery, generalized stress relaxation and two tensile strength tests were carried out using shale sampled in the Wakkanai-formation. As the results, recovery of failed rocks in strength and hydraulic conductivity were observed under a certain condition. We believe this result is very important for the stability evaluation of underground space in the bedrock that needs good sealing up characteristic, isolation characteristic, safety and high reliability for long term. Generalized stress relaxation test was conducted submerging samples in water. Experimental results showed comparatively smaller scatter than those in air-dried condition. It was also found that testing results were affected by strain rate up to the starting point of generalized relaxation test. Indirect and uniaxial tensile strength tests were also conducted submerging samples in water and smaller tensile strength with smaller scatter were obtained than those in air-dried condition.
Abe, Tomohisa; Sanada, Yukihisa; Tokiyoshi, Masanori*; Nishiyama, Kyohei*; Sato, Rina*; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Funaki, Hironori; Ishida, Mutsushi*; Nagamine, Haruo*; Fujisaka, Motoyuki*
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We attempted to analyze in detail the actual external exposure doses of workers involved in decontamination work, which had been difficult to analyze in detail until now, by recording location information and exposure doses using GPS. As a result, it was found that more than 50% of the planned exposure dose calculated from the air dose rate and the number of actual working hours were more than twice the median the measured exposure doses. Furthermore, analysis by work type showed that the exposure doses of demolition workers tended to be higher. This information on the external exposure dose of workers linked to location information is useful for detailed analysis of external exposure factors and will contribute to the optimization of future radiation protection programs for workers.