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検索結果: 18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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Rabi-oscillation spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure of muonium atoms

西村 昇一郎*; 鳥居 寛之*; 深尾 祥紀*; 伊藤 孝; 岩崎 雅彦*; 神田 聡太郎*; 川越 清以*; Kawall, D.*; 河村 成肇*; 黒澤 宣之*; et al.

Physical Review A, 104(2), p.L020801_1 - L020801_6, 2021/08

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:83.19(Optics)

As a method to determine the resonance frequency, Rabi-oscillation spectroscopy has been developed. In contrast to conventional spectroscopy which draws the resonance curve, Rabi-oscillation spectroscopy fits the time evolution of the Rabi oscillation. By selecting the optimized frequency, it is shown that the precision is twice as good as conventional spectroscopy with a frequency sweep. Furthermore, the data under different conditions can be treated in a unified manner, allowing more efficient measurements for systems consisting of a limited number of short-lived particles produced by accelerators such as muons. We have developed a fitting function that takes into account the spatial distribution of muonium and the spatial distribution of the microwave intensity to apply this method to ground-state muonium hyperfine structure measurements at zero field. It was applied to the actual measurement data, and the resonance frequencies were determined under various conditions. The result of our analysis gives $$nu_{rm HFS}$$ = 4 463 301.61 $$pm$$ 0.71 kHz.


Real-time ${{it in vivo}}$ dosimetry system based on an optical fiber-coupled microsized photostimulable phosphor for stereotactic body radiation therapy

矢田 隆一*; 前中 一介*; 宮本 修治*; 岡田 豪*; 笹倉 亜規*; 芦田 基*; 足立 真士*; 佐藤 達彦; Wang, T.*; 赤坂 浩亮*; et al.

Medical Physics, 47(10), p.5235 - 5249, 2020/10

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:50.46(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)



New precise measurements of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC MUSE

Strasser, P.*; 阿部 充志*; 青木 正治*; Choi, S.*; 深尾 祥紀*; 東 芳隆*; 樋口 嵩*; 飯沼 裕美*; 池戸 豊*; 石田 勝彦*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 198, p.00003_1 - 00003_8, 2019/01

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:98.93(Quantum Science & Technology)

High precision measurements of the ground state hyperfine structure (HFS) of muonium is a stringent tool for testing bound-state quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory, determining fundamental constants of the muon magnetic moment and mass, and searches for new physics. Muonium is the most suitable system to test QED because both theoretical and experimental values can be precisely determined. Previous measurements were performed decades ago at LAMPF with uncertainties mostly dominated by statistical errors. At the J-PARC Muon Science Facility (MUSE), the MuSEUM collaboration is planning complementary measurements of muonium HFS both at zero and high magnetic field. The new high-intensity muon beam that will soon be available at H-Line will provide an opportunity to improve the precision of these measurements by one order of magnitude. An overview of the different aspects of these new muonium HFS measurements, the current status of the preparation for high-field measurements, and the latest results at zero field are presented.


New precise measurement of muonium hyperfine structure interval at J-PARC

上野 恭裕*; 青木 正治*; 深尾 祥紀*; 東 芳隆*; 樋口 嵩*; 飯沼 裕美*; 池戸 豊*; 石田 勝彦*; 伊藤 孝; 岩崎 雅彦*; et al.

Hyperfine Interactions, 238(1), p.14_1 - 14_6, 2017/11

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:86.37(Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical)

MuSEUM is an international collaboration aiming at a new precise measurement of the muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex). Utilizing its intense pulsed muon beam, we expect a ten-fold improvement for both measurements at high magnetic field and zero magnetic field. We have developed a sophisticated monitoring system, including a beam profile monitor to measure the 3D distribution of muonium atoms to suppress the systematic uncertainty.


New muonium HFS measurements at J-PARC/MUSE

Strasser, P.*; 青木 正治*; 深尾 祥紀*; 東 芳隆*; 樋口 嵩*; 飯沼 裕美*; 池戸 豊*; 石田 勝彦*; 伊藤 孝; 岩崎 雅彦*; et al.

Hyperfine Interactions, 237(1), p.124_1 - 124_9, 2016/12

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:90.88(Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical)

At the Muon Science Facility (MUSE) of J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), the MuSEUM collaboration is planning new measurements of the ground state hyperfine structure (HFS) of muonium both at zero field and at high magnetic field. The previous measurements were performed both at LAMPF (Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility) with experimental uncertainties mostly dominated by statistical errors. The new high intensity muon beam that will soon be available at MUSE H-Line will provide an opportunity to improve the precision of these measurements by one order of magnitude. An overview of the different aspects of these new muonium HFS measurements, the current status of the preparation, and the results of a first commissioning test experiment at zero field are presented.


Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides for the 1.5-$$mu$$m band using focused proton beam

三浦 健太*; 町田 裕貴*; 上原 政人*; 桐生 弘武*; 小澤 優介*; 佐々木 友之*; 花泉 修*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 江夏 昌志; et al.

Key Engineering Materials, 497, p.147 - 150, 2012/00

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:94.99(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Proton beam writing (PBW) is an attractive technique for next-generation micro-fabrication. We study the fabrication of optical waveguides of polymer materials using PBW. In this study, the optical waveguides of photorefractive polysilane "GLASSIA" was fabricated. The samples for the waveguides were prepared as follows; (1) An under-cladding layer of SiO$$_2$$ having a thickness of $$sim$$15 $$mu$$m was deposited on a Si substrate using radio-frequency sputtering. (2) A polysilane layer having a thickness of $$sim$$10 $$mu$$m was spin-coated onto the SiO$$_2$$ layer as a core layer. Optical waveguides were drawn by scanning a 1.7 MeV focused proton beam with $$sim$$1 $$mu$$m size and beam current of 50 pA which was produced by a submicron focused ion beam system connected with the 3 MV single-ended accelerator at JAEA. The drawing was carried out on the dose of 100, 200, 300 nC/mm$$^2$$ each. After the drawing, the sample surfaces were observed using an optical microscope and AFM. The observation result showed that the refractive index was changed and the cores of the waveguides were formed. We will report the details of above observation results in the conference. The change ratio of the refraction index will also be reported on the basis of the obtained result by inserting light ($$lambda$$ = 1.55 $$mu$$m) into the waveguide structure through a single-mode fiber.


Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides for the 1.5-$$mu$$m band using focused proton beam

三浦 健太*; 町田 裕貴*; 上原 政人*; 桐生 弘武*; 小澤 優介*; 佐々木 友之*; 花泉 修*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 江夏 昌志; et al.

Key Engineering Materials, 497, p.147 - 150, 2011/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:2.48

Single mode straight waveguides for a wavelength of 1.55-$$mu$$m were, so far, fabricated using a proton beam writing (PBW) technique. We report the fabrication of Y-junction polymer waveguides with a polymethyl methacralate (PMMA) layers as the expansion of these straight waveguides using PBW in the conference. The PMMA layers consisted of an under-cladding layer of SiO$$_2$$ having a thickness of $$sim$$ 15-$$mu$$m deposited on an Si substrate, a PMMA layer having a thickness of $$sim$$ 10-$$mu$$m spin-coated onto the SiO$$_2$$ layer and a Y-junction waveguide with a width of 8-$$mu$$m in a PMMA core layer. The Y-junction waveguides with the angle of 2$$^{circ}$$ were drawn using the 1.7 MeV proton beam with 1-$$mu$$m in diameter and a beam current of 10 pA for a dose of 100 nC/mm$$^2$$. After spin-coating the PMMA layer with $$sim$$ 10-$$mu$$m thickness as an upper cladding on the irradiated PMMA layer, the near field pattern (NFP) of an 8-$$mu$$m-width Y-junction waveguide was observed using a tunable-wavelength laser. The observation showed that the fabrication of waveguide was succeeded because its waveguide was single mode and the intensity ratio between the two outputted lights was the almost same; 1:0.96. We also briefly report the next plans of the measurement of the refractive indices of proton-irradiated PMMA and SiO$$_2$$ films and the fabrication of a thermo-optic polymer switch based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer waveguide.


Multi-quasiparticle states and ${it K}$-forbidden transitions in $$^{183}$$Os

静間 俊行; 松浦 勝之*; 藤 暢輔; 早川 岳人; 大島 真澄; 初川 雄一; 松田 誠; 古野 興平*; 佐々木 康之*; 小松原 哲朗*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 696(3-4), p.337 - 370, 2001/12

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:73.75(Physics, Nuclear)

$$^{183}$$Osの高スピン状態を、170Er(18O,5n)反応を用いて生成した。その結果、5つの回転バンドを新たに観測し、gファクターから準粒子配位を決定した。また、励起状態 5000MeV程度に、2つの核異性体を観測した。その内の1つは、K量子数43/2を有し、基底状態回転帯(K=9/2)へ、K量子数の差17を伴う遷移をしていることが明らかになった。本論文では、量子力学的トンネリグ模型を用いて、この核異性体の崩壊機構を解明する。


Measurement of the lifetime of the first 2$$^{+}$$ state in $$^{124}$$Ba

内山 浩志*; 古野 興平*; 静間 俊行*; 杉田 道昭; 加藤 雅規*; 鴇田 由希*; 村崎 麻美*; 橋本 奈美*; 高橋 英美*; 小松原 哲郎*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 2(1), p.13 - 15, 1998/00

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:52.75(Physics, Nuclear)



超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,6; 実証試験,核種移行挙動

青山 佳男; 山口 大美; 宮本 泰明; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 村田 実*; 室井 正行*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 




三浦 健太*; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 石井 保行; 高野 勝昌; 加田 渉; 山崎 明義; 横山 彰人; 神谷 富裕; 上原 政人*; et al.

no journal, , 

高信頼性、かつ低価格の光スイッチとして、マッハツェンダー干渉計(Mach-Zehnder Interferometer: MZI)型熱光学スイッチが期待されている。本研究では有機材料のPMMAにプロトンビーム描画(Proton Beam Writing: PBW)を用いて光導波路を製作することで、このスイッチの開発を行っている。今回、Si基板の上に三層構造、すなわちSiO$$_2$$層,PMMAコア層及びPMMAクラッド層を持つ試料を製作し、これにPBWを用いて直線導波路を製作した。この直線導波路の近視野像の観察結果からシングルモードとなるコアサイズを特定した。さらにこの結果をもとに同じ三層構造の試料を用いてMZIの基本要素であるY分岐導波路を試作し、近視野像の観察から波長1.55$$mu$$mにおいてシングルモードを観察した。本研究会ではこれらの研究開発に関しての発表を行うとともに、今回の成果を発展させたMZI型光スイッチに関しても言及する。


超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,5; 実証試験,溶融性能確認試験

山口 大美; 宮本 泰明; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 青山 佳男; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 村田 実*; 室井 正行*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 



超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,4; 実証炉の概要

山口 大美; 宮本 泰明; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 青山 佳男; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 村田 実*; 室井 正行*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 



超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,9; 実用大型システム設計

青山 佳男; 山口 大美; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 村田 実*; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 谷口 尚司*; 島崎 真一*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 



超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,7; 実証試験,焼却・溶融性能試験

青山 佳男; 山口 大美; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 村田 実*; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 谷口 尚司*; 島崎 真一*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 



Fabrication of PMMA film waveguides utilizing proton beam writing

三浦 健太*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 江夏 昌志; 町田 裕貴*; 上原 政人*; 桐生 弘武*; 高野 勝昌*; 大久保 猛; 山崎 明義; et al.

no journal, , 

Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) type thermo-optic switches are recently increasing the importance in the fields, such as optical fiber telecommunication and optical interconnection. The optical waveguides using planar polymers are developed as a component of MZI. On the other hand, proton beam writing (PBW), which is a direct-writing technique, has recently attracted much attention as a next generation micro-fabrication technology. In this paper, the fabrication of the optical waveguides was tried to be directly drawn using the PBW technique in a thin polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) layer spin-coated on a Si substrate because the refractive index of PMMA was increased by proton beam irradiation. As a result of this study, we demonstrated that the straight-line and the Y-junction PMMA film waveguides were successfully fabricated using PBW from the observation of working as a first single-mode at $$lambda$$=1.55 $$mu$$m for long-haul optical fiber telecommunication systems. We will present that the fabrication results of the optical waveguides and future plans in the conference.



佐々木 祐二; 須郷 由美; 川崎 武志*; 鈴木 智也*; 池田 泰之*; 中瀬 正彦*; 竹下 健二*

no journal, , 

MIDOA(メチルイミノビスジオクチルアセトアミド)やMIDEA(メチルイミノビスジエチルアセトアミド)は、骨格中心に窒素原子を持ち、その両端にアミド基を持つ化合物である。このため、金属イオンとの結合に窒素原子の影響が大きく、Tc(Re)やPd等の金属と高い反応性を示す。この物質を高レベル廃液中のTc, Pd回収に用いる場合、放射線場や高温下での安定性が重要となってくる。そこで、本化合物のこれら情報を得て、抽出性能と併せて検討することを目的とした。熱分析の測定結果から、MIDEAとMIDEA-Re錯体で、高温下で異なる反応性を持つことが明らかとなり、Re-MIDEA錯体は高い錯形成能力を持つことが示唆された。


超高周波誘導炉による廃棄物減容処理システムの開発,8; 実証試験, 溶融固化体物性評価

青山 佳男; 山口 大美; 榊原 哲朗; 花本 行生; 村田 実*; 佐々木 尚*; 西川 雄*; 谷口 尚司*; 島崎 真一*; Park, J.*; et al.

no journal, , 


18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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