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Journal Articles

One-dimensional band structure in quasi-two-dimensional $$eta$$-Mo$$_4$$O$$_{11}$$ revealed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculation

Sumida, Kazuki; Higaki, Sota*; Sato, Hitoshi*; Tsuru, Daichi*; Miyamoto, Koji*; Okuda, Taichi*; Kuroiwa, Yoshihiro*; Moriyoshi, Chikako*; Takase, Koichi*; Oguchi, Tamio*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(8), p.084706_1 - 084706_6, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

PSTEP: Project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction

Kusano, Kanya*; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi*; Ishii, Mamoru*; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi*; Yoden, Shigeo*; Akiyoshi, Hideharu*; Asai, Ayumi*; Ebihara, Yusuke*; Fujiwara, Hitoshi*; Goto, Tadanori*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.159_1 - 159_29, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:44.49(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

The PSTEP is a nationwide research collaboration in Japan and was conducted from April 2015 to March 2020, supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. It has made a significant progress in space weather research and operational forecasts, publishing over 500 refereed journal papers and organizing four international symposiums, various workshops and seminars, and summer school for graduate students at Rikubetsu in 2017. This paper is a summary report of the PSTEP and describes the major research achievements it produced.

Journal Articles

Space weather benchmarks on Japanese society

Ishii, Mamoru*; Shiota, Daiko*; Tao, Chihiro*; Ebihara, Yusuke*; Fujiwara, Hitoshi*; Ishii, Takako*; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi*; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Koga, Kiyokazu*; Kubo, Yuki*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.108_1 - 108_20, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.78(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

We surveyed the relationship between the scale of space weather events and their occurrence rate in Japan and we discussed the social impact of these phenomena during the Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP). The information was compiled for domestic users of space weather forecasts for appropriate preparedness against space weather disasters. This paper gives a comprehensive summary of the survey, focusing on the fields of electricity, satellite operations, communication and broadcasting, satellite positioning usage, aviation, human space activity, and daily life on the Earth's surface, using the cutting-edge knowledge of space weather. Quantitative estimations of the economic impact of space weather events on electricity and aviation are also given.

Journal Articles

Insight into Kondo screening in the intermediate-valence compound SmOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ uncovered by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Saito, Yuji; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Yasui, Akira*; Kadono, Toshiharu*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; Sato, Hideyuki*; Suga, Shigemasa*; Yamasaki, Atsushi*; Sekiyama, Akira*; et al.

Physical Review B, 102(16), p.165152_1 - 165152_8, 2020/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:4.84(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2018

Nakano, Masanao; Fujii, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Kono, Takahiko; Hosomi, Kenji; Nishimura, Shusaku; Matsubara, Natsumi; Maehara, Yushi; Narita, Ryosuke; et al.

JAEA-Review 2019-048, 165 Pages, 2020/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2018 to March 2019. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Heavy fermion state of YbNi$$_2$$Si$$_3$$ without local inversion symmetry

Nakamura, Shota*; Hyodo, Kazushi*; Matsumoto, Yuji*; Haga, Yoshinori; Sato, Hitoshi*; Ueda, Shigenori*; Mimura, Kojiro*; Saiki, Katsuyoshi*; Iso, Kosei*; Yamashita, Minoru*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89(2), p.024705_1 - 024705_5, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.17(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Study on characterization of colloidal silica grout for rock excavation under saline groundwater

Tsuji, Masakuni*; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Saito, Akira*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Sato, Toshinori

45th Annual Waste Management Conference (WM 2019); Encouraging Young Men & Women to Achieve Their Goals in Radwaste Management, Vol.7, p.4749 - 4763, 2020/01

A rock excavation grouting technology has been recently studied as significant technology for reducing the ingress of water into the deep repository. However, it has not been studied for applying to the coastal region, where it is discussed to be a more suitable region for the geological disposal in Japan. The latest material called colloidal silica grout (CSG) is good for sealing narrow fractures but is known to be sensitive to the salinity of groundwater because of its gelling property with salt accelerator. Although the gelling of CSG can be controlled by adding an acidic pH adjuster, the methodology for delivering the appropriate grout is not well established for such conditions of saline groundwater. Therefore, this research project was established to enhance the existing rock grouting technology for deep repositories.

Journal Articles

Characterisation of colloidal silica for rock grouting under saline groundwater

Tsuji, Masakuni*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Saito, Akira*; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Sato, Toshinori

Dai-47-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (Internet), p.266 - 271, 2020/01

As engineering technique for geological disposal, a lot of advancement development of the grout technology has been performed. But the design, construction method in consideration of the properties of matter acquisition and mechanism of the hardening that assumed a seawater condition bottom is non-establishment. As we carried out the knowledge under saline water, the basic properties acquisition, the penetration properties acquisition, a study revue based on such situation.

Journal Articles

Characterisation of colloidal silica grout under saline groundwater; Overall results for 3-year research project

Tsuji, Masakuni*; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Sato, Toshinori

Proceedings of the Nordic Grouting Symposium 2019 (Internet), 15 Pages, 2019/09

This paper shows an overall result of the 3-year study on the characterisation of the colloidal silica grout (CSG) under saline groundwater, aiming to enhance the existing rock grouting technology, especially for the CSG under the saline groundwater. As a first step, we performed the survey of the latest grouting technology of CSG. We developed a feasible mixing methodology and have obtained the various CSG's properties impacted by the salty mixing water or submerged by saline water. Moreover, we proposed a theory for the grout penetration under saline water and performed the injection tests. In the second workshop in the final year, our overall findings in this study were recognised to attain some progress in the development of the grouting technology.

Journal Articles

Characterisation of colloidal silica grout under saline groundwater; Penetration theory and injection tests in a fracture test system

Martikainen, J.*; Tsuji, Masakuni*; Schatz, T.*; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Sato, Toshinori

Proceedings of the Nordic Grouting Symposium 2019 (Internet), 13 Pages, 2019/09

This paper shows a result of the part of the study on characterisation of penetration of the colloidal silica grout (CSG) under saline groundwater, aiming to understand the impact of salinity on grout penetration by verifying the improved penetration theory with laboratory tests. This theory was proposed to add a time factor $$phi$$ to the existing penetration theory of Funehag, especially under the saline groundwater conditions. A series of grout injection tests by the fracture test system were performed. The CSG of one European and Japanese were injected in the system, filled with the five different groundwater simulants. All no-flow tests were successful, resulting in the formation of relatively homogeneous gelled zones. Based on the analysis of acquired $$phi$$, it was found that as an alternative method, designing a longer gel time by multiplying the inverse value of $$phi$$ can be proposed to attain the required penetration. Although the results were fruitful, further investigation is necessary to develop this penetration theory.

Journal Articles

Gamma-ray spectroscopy of single $$Lambda$$-hypernuclei at J-PARC; Results and perspective

Koike, Takeshi*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hayakawa, Shuhei*; Hosomi, Kenji; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; Sako, Hiroyuki; Sato, Susumu; Sugimura, Hitoshi; Tamura, Hirokazu; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 2130, p.020011_1 - 020011_9, 2019/07

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:69.64(Physics, Nuclear)

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2017

Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Kono, Takahiko; Hosomi, Kenji; Hokama, Tomonori; Nishimura, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Natsumi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2018-025, 171 Pages, 2019/02


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2016 to March 2017. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and were exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Safe and rapid development of capillary electrophoresis for ultratrace uranyl ions in radioactive samples by way of fluorescent probe selection for actinide ions from a chemical library

Haraga, Tomoko; Ouchi, Kazuki; Sato, Yoshiyuki; Hoshino, Hitoshi*; Tanana, Rei*; Fujihara, Takashi*; Kurokawa, Hideki*; Shibukawa, Masami*; Ishimori, Kenichiro; Kameo, Yutaka; et al.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1032, p.188 - 196, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:45.12(Chemistry, Analytical)

The development of safe, rapid and highly sensitive analytical methods for radioactive samples, especially actinide (An) ions, represents an important challenge. Here we propose a methodology for selecting appropriate emissive probes for An ions with very low consumption and emission of radioactivity by capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fluorescence detection (CE-LIF), using a small chemical library of probes with eight different chelating moieties. It was found that the emissive probe, which possesses the tetradentate chelating moiety, was suitable for detecting uranyl ions. The detection limit for the uranyl-probe complex using CE-LIF combined with dynamic ternary complexation and on-capillary concentration techniques was determined to be 0.7 ppt. This method was successfully applied to real radioactive liquid samples collected from nuclear facilities.

Journal Articles

Status of development on LaB$$_6$$ filament arc-driven multi-cusp ion source for iBNCT

Shibata, Takanori*; Takagi, Akira*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*; Sugimura, Takashi*; Nammo, Kesao*; Naito, Fujio*; Kobayashi, Hitoshi*; Kurihara, Toshikazu*; Honda, Yosuke*; Sato, Masaharu*; et al.

Proceedings of 15th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.385 - 387, 2018/10

Journal Articles

Preheat effect on titanium plate fabricated by sputter-free selective laser melting in vacuum

Sato, Yuji*; Tsukamoto, Masahiro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Yamashita, Yoshihiro*; Yamagata, Shuto*; Nishi, Takaya*; Higashino, Ritsuko*; Okubo, Tomomasa*; Nakano, Hitoshi*; Abe, Nobuyuki*

Applied Physics A, 124(4), p.288_1 - 288_6, 2018/04

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:62.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The dynamics of titanium (Ti) melted by laser irradiation was investigated in a synchrotron radiation experiment. As an indicator of wettability, the contact angle between a selective laser melting (SLM) baseplate and the molten Ti was measured by synchrotron X-rays at 30 keV during laser irradiation. As the baseplate temperature increased, the contact angle decreased, down to 28 degrees at a baseplate temperature of 500$$^{circ}$$C. Based on this result, the influence of wettability of a Ti plate fabricated by SLM in a vacuum was investigated. It was revealed that the improvement of wettability by preheating suppressed sputtering generation, and a surface having a small surface roughness was fabricated by SLM in a vacuum.

Journal Articles

First determination of the level structure of an $$sd$$-shell hypernucleus, $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F

Yang, S. B.*; Ekawa, Hiroyuki; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hayakawa, Shuhei; Hosomi, Kenji; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; Sako, Hiroyuki; Sato, Susumu; Tanida, Kiyoshi; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 120(13), p.132505_1 - 132505_5, 2018/03


 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.87(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

JAEA Reports

Study on characterisation of colloidal silica grout under condition of sea water

Toguri, Satohito*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Tsuji, Masakuni*; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Sugiyama, Hirokazu*; Saito, Akira*; Sato, Toshinori; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Masunaga, Kosuke

JAEA-Research 2017-013, 131 Pages, 2018/02


The discussions on scientifically promising site for the geological disposal has been made at the council of studying group on techniques for geological disposal of radioactive wastes, which is held by Resources and Energy Agency. From the aspect of ensuring safety during the transportation of disposal waste, the coastal area is discussed to be a more suitable area. This report shows the result of the first year of this project as following items; Study on the state-of-art technology and remain tasks; laboratory tests on characterization of colloidal silica grout under sea water; Study on the development of grouting technology (design and the evaluation method of influence on the rock mass).

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2016

Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Hosomi, Kenji; Nagaoka, Mika; Hokama, Tomonori; Nishimura, Tomohiro; Koike, Yuko; et al.

JAEA-Review 2017-028, 177 Pages, 2018/01


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2016 to March 2017. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and were exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Latest rock grouting technologies under sea water in Nordic countries and Japan

Tsuji, Masakuni*; Okihara, Mitsunobu*; Nakashima, Hitoshi*; Sato, Toshinori; Aoyagi, Kazuhei

Proceedings of 6th East Asia Forum on Radwaste Management Conference (EAFORM 2017) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2017/12

Regarding the engineering technology, the rock grouting has been recently studied as one of the most important technologies. Although the cement grout has not been reported to be affected by the sea water, the latest grouting material called colloidal silica grout is known to be sensitive to the saline water. The mechanism of its affection by sea water is not clear and its grouting methodology in such condition is not yet established either. Therefore, we studied on the latest grouting technologies for geological disposal in Nordic countries and Japan by article survey and a grouting workshop. As a result, it was found that the approach for countermeasures in grouting under sea water is different between Japan, Sweden, and Finland, which are based respectively on the mixture, on the design method, and on the controlling method. It seems that the best solution against this problem is to establish a hybrid and optimal grouting methodology under sea water by combining each country's developed grouting technology in the near future for saline condition, which is respectively based on mixing, design, and controlling method.

Journal Articles

The First gamma-ray spectroscopic study of $$sd$$-shell hypernucleus, $$^{19}_{Lambda}$$F

Yang, S. B.*; Ekawa, Hiroyuki; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hayakawa, Shuhei; Hosomi, Kenji; Hwang, S.; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; Sako, Hiroyuki; Sato, Susumu; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 17, p.012004_1 - 012004_4, 2017/07

217 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)