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Nozawa, Yukio; Koya, Toshio; Sekino, Hajime
JAEA-Technology 2007-019, 23 Pages, 2007/03
However, RHL is the one of target "A midterm decommissioning plan of Tokai Research Establishment" as the rationalization program for a decrepit facility in JAERI. This program has been taking over in JAEA. Therefore, all PIEs had been finished in March 2003 and the destruction works of hot cells have been started. The contents of these works are to remove out the apparatus from the hot cell and to transfer the irradiated samples and disposal of radioactive waste. The authorization work of the destruction program for regulation committee is in progress. The 18 lead cells had been destructed. The examinations performed in RHL will be succeeding to the RFEF and the WASTEF. The partial area of RHL facility will be used for the temporary storage of un- irradiated fuel samples used for our previous research works and radioactive device generated in proton accelerator facility (called J-PARC which is under constructing in Tokai site).
Umino, Akira; Saito, Mitsuo; Kanazawa, Hiroyuki; Koya, Toshio; Okamoto, Hisato; Sekino, Hajime*; Nishino, Yasuharu
Dekomisshoningu Giho, (32), p.2 - 12, 2005/09
The Research Hot Laboratory (RHL) in Japan Atomic Research Institute (JAERI) was constructed in 1961, as the first one in JAPAN, to perform the examinations of irradiated fuels and materials. RHL with two floors and a basement consists of 10 heavy concrete cells, and 38 lead cells (20 lead cells at present). The RHL had been contributed to research program in JAERI. However, RHL is the one of target 'A middle-range decommissioning plan for the facility in Tokai Research Establishment' as the rationalization program for decrepit facilities in JAERI. Therefore, all PIEs had been finished in March 2003 and the dismantling works of hot cells have been started. The 18 lead cells had been dismantled. The examinations performed in RHL will be succeeded to the RFEF and the WASTEF. The partial area of RHL facility will be used for the temporary storage of un-irradiated fuel samples used for our previous research works and radioactive device generated in proton accelerator facility (called J-PARC).
Baba, Shinichi; Ishihara, Masahiro; Sozawa, Shizuo; Sekino, Hajime
JAERI-Data/Code 2003-003, 394 Pages, 2003/03
The research on the radiation damage mechanism of heat resistant ceramic composite materials is one of the research subjects of the innovative basic research in the field of high temperature engineering, using the High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR). Three series of irradiation tests on the heat resistant ceramic composite materials, first to third irradiation test program, were carried out using the Japan Material Testing Reactor (JMTR). This is a summary report on the the first irradiation test program; irradiation induced dimensional change, thermal expansion coefficient, X-ray diffraction and -ray spectrum are reported.
Sawa, Kazuhiro; Tobita, Tsutomu*; Takahashi, Masashi; Saito, Takashi; Iimura, Katsumichi; Yokouchi, Iichiro; Serizawa, Hiroyuki; Sekino, Hajime; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi
JAERI-Research 2001-043, 52 Pages, 2001/09
no abstracts in English
Sawa, Kazuhiro; Sumita, Junya; Ueta, Shohei; Suzuki, Shuichi*; Tobita, Tsutomu*; Saito, Takashi; Minato, Kazuo; Koya, Toshio; Sekino, Hajime
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(6), p.403 - 410, 2001/06
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:48.26(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Baba, Shinichi; Suzuki, Yoshio*; Takahashi, Tsuneo*; Ishihara, Masahiro; Hayashi, Kimio; Saito, Tamotsu; Sozawa, Shizuo; Saito, Takashi; Sekino, Hajime
JAERI-Research 2001-028, 109 Pages, 2001/03
no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Koya, Toshio; Sekino, Hajime; Tomita, Takeshi
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 279(2-3), p.181 - 188, 2000/06
Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:88.01(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi; Tomita, Takeshi; Iida, Shozo; Sekino, Hajime
Nuclear Technology, 130(3), p.272 - 281, 2000/06
Times Cited Count:73 Percentile:96.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Sekino, Hajime; Koya, Toshio; Kitagawa, Isamu; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi; Tomita, Takeshi;
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Future Nuclear Systems (GLOBAL'99)(CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 1999/00
no abstracts in English
Ogawa, Toru; ; Ito, Akinori; ; Sekino, Hajime; Nishi, Masahiro; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi; Akabori, Mitsuo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 271-273, p.670 - 675, 1998/00
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.14(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Fukuda, Kosaku; Sekino, Hajime; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 252, p.13 - 21, 1998/00
no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Fukuda, Kosaku; Sekino, Hajime; Kitagawa, Isamu; Mita, Naoaki
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 249(2-3), p.142 - 149, 1997/00
Times Cited Count:60 Percentile:95.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Tobita, Tsutomu; Minato, Kazuo; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Fukuda, Kosaku; Sekino, Hajime; Iida, Shozo;
JAERI-Research 96-014, 34 Pages, 1996/03
no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; Sekino, Hajime; Matsui, Yoshinori; ;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 233-237, p.599 - 603, 1996/00
no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Fukuda, Kosaku; H.Nabielek*; Sekino, Hajime; ;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 224, p.85 - 92, 1995/00
Times Cited Count:59 Percentile:97.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Minato, Kazuo; Ogawa, Toru; Fukuda, Kosaku; Sekino, Hajime; ; ;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 202, p.47 - 53, 1993/00
Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:97.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Tsukada, Takashi; Shiba, Kiyoyuki; Nakajima, Hajime; ; Kitagawa, Isamu; ; Sekino, Hajime; ; Itonaga, Fumio; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi
JAERI-M 92-169, 26 Pages, 1992/11
no abstracts in English
Shiba, Kiyoyuki; Tsukada, Takashi; Nakajima, Hajime; ; Kitagawa, Isamu; ; Sekino, Hajime; ; ; Itonaga, Fumio; et al.
JAERI-M 92-166, 27 Pages, 1992/11
no abstracts in English
Ogawa, Toru; Minato, Kazuo; Fukuda, Kosaku; ; ; Sekino, Hajime; ; Ito, Tadaharu; ;
Nuclear Technology, 96, p.314 - 322, 1991/12
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:76.42(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Takamura, Saburo; Sekino, Hajime; ; ; Hoshiya, Taiji; ;
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 30(1A), p.L18 - L20, 1991/01
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:52.27(Physics, Applied)no abstracts in English