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検索結果: 7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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Intrabeam scattering at low temperature range

Yu, P.*; He, Z.*; Wei, J.*; Sessler, A. M.*; 岡本 宏巳*; 百合 庸介

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.1943 - 1945, 2010/05

In the process of beam cooling, the main heating source is intra-beam scattering (IBS), in which Coulomb collisions among particles lead to a growth of the beam's 6D phase-space volume. The results of molecular dynamics simulations have shown an increase of heating rate as the temperature increases from absolute zero, then a peak in the heating rate, and subsequent decrease with increasing temperature. On the other hand, in the traditional IBS theory, heating rate increases monotonically as the temperature becomes lower and lower. In this paper, we attempt to extend the traditional IBS theory valid at high temperatures to relatively low temperature range, by including some many-body effects in the traditional IBS theory. In particular, we take into account the static and dynamic effect of the self-electromagnetic field of the beam. We shall show how these effects modify the traditional theory, and present the evaluation of IBS heating rate of an ion beam in the low temperature range.


Status and challenges in beam crystallization

Wei, J.*; Yu, P.*; 岡本 宏巳*; 百合 庸介; Li, X.-P.*; Sessler, A. M.*

Proceedings of Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL '09) (Internet), p.86 - 90, 2010/00

During the past several decades, beam crystallization has been studied both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical investigations have been numerical, mainly using computer modeling based on the method of molecular dynamics, and analytical, based on phonon theory. Experimental investigations involve both ion storage rings and ion traps using both electron and laser beam cooling. Topics of interests include crystal stability in various accelerator lattices and under different beam conditions, crystalline beam formation in shear-free ring lattices with both magnets and electrodes, experimental simulation of alternating-gradient conditions with an ion trap, etc. In this paper, we first review theoretical approaches and major conclusions pertaining to beam crystallization. Then, we analyze conditions and methods of the various major experiments. Finally, we discuss, both theoretically and experimentally, some improvements, open questions, and challenges in beam crystallization.



杉本 寛*; 岡本 宏巳*; Wei, J.*; 百合 庸介; Sessler, A. M.*

Proceedings of 5th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 33rd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan (CD-ROM), p.436 - 438, 2008/00



High-energy colliding crystals; A Theoretical study

Wei, J.*; 岡本 宏巳*; 杉本 寛*; 百合 庸介; Sessler, A. M.*

Proceedings of Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL '07), p.91 - 95, 2007/09

Recent theoretical investigations of beam crystallization using computer modeling based on the method of molecular dynamics (MD) and analytical approach based on the phonon theory are motivated by the study of colliding crystalline beams. In order to investigate the stability of 1D crystals at high energies, we present a newly developed phonon theory in a time-dependent Hamiltonian system representing the actual alternating-gradient focusing ring. Using the theory, we explore ring lattices appropriate for beam crystallization at high energies. In comparison, we study both 1D and multi-dimensional high-energy crystals using the MD method. Both theoretical and numerical results show that it is possible to form 1D crystalline beams at high energies in rings that have high ($$gamma_T gg nu_x$$) and imaginary ($$gamma_T^2 < 0$$) transition energy. Finally, we present examples of ion-ion and electron-ion colliders with 1D ordered ions.


Phonon spectrum and the maintenance condition of crystalline beams

Li, X.-P.*; 榎園 隼人*; 岡本 宏巳*; 百合 庸介; Sessler, A. M.*; Wei, J.*

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 9(3), p.034201_1 - 034201_10, 2006/03

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:47.05(Physics, Nuclear)



Crystalline beams at high energies

Wei, J.*; 岡本 宏巳*; 越智 秀太*; 百合 庸介; Sessler, A. M.*; 町田 慎二*

Proceedings of 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2006) (CD-ROM), p.2841 - 2843, 2006/00



Various RF methods for non-scaling FFAGs

岡本 宏巳*; 金田 健一*; 杉本 寛*; Ruggiero, A.*; Sessler, A. M.*; 百合 庸介

no journal, , 

We study three different rf schemes in NS-FFAGs: (1) Harmonic jumping, (2) Harmonic jumping with frequency modulation and (3) Fixed frequency with phase control. We also use a circuit model of an rf cavity to study the effect of rapid variation of cavity drive frequency as well as cavity resonant frequency. It is shown that if the drive frequency is changed, according to the schemes above, the cavity must have a rather low Q (of the order of 50). On the other hand, if the cavity resonant frequency can be altered, in concert with the drive frequency change, then the cavity can be made with an arbitrarily high Q. In the third poster we describe the hardware necessary to construct an rf cavities having a low Q. In the fourth poster we describe the hardware necessary to construct an rf cavities having a high Q.

7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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