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永井 崇之; 岡本 芳浩; 柴田 大輔*; 小島 一男*; 長谷川 毅彦*; 佐藤 誠一*; 深谷 茜音*; 畠山 清司*

JAEA-Research 2024-014, 54 Pages, 2025/02




Adsorption isotherm and kinetics of diffusion of water accumulated between polypropylene thin film and Si substrate; Neutron reflectivity investigation

宮崎 司*; 宮田 登*; 有馬 寛*; 下北 啓輔*; 山本 勝宏*; 竹中 幹人*; 中西 洋平*; 柴田 基樹*; 青木 裕之; 山田 悟史*; et al.

Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 701, p.134928_1 - 134928_8, 2024/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Isotactic polypropylene (PP) thin films deposited on Si substrates were subjected to neutron reflectivity (NR) measurements under various humidity conditions to evaluate the isothermal adsorption of water accumulated between the PP layer and Si substrate, with focus on the temperature-dependence of the adsorption isotherm. The adsorption of accumulated water followed a single type II isotherm according to the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) classification, regardless of temperature. This can be attributed to the weak interactions between the PP layer and Si substrate, and between the PP layer and water molecules. Hydrophobic PP does not significantly interact with water molecules and the hydrophilic Si surface. Therefore, the interfacial water molecules are simply adsorbed on the native oxide layer on Si via simple interaction between the water molecules and the silicon oxide surface without being affected by the PP layer. Consequently, the adsorption isotherm of the accumulated water follows the single type II adsorption isotherm regardless of temperature, similar to the adsorption isotherm of water simply adsorbed on exposed silica surfaces. These weak interactions of the PP layer with the Si surface and water molecules also lead to fast diffusion kinetics for the accumulated water along the interface.


強磁性5$$d$$ $$j_{eff}=3/2$$絶縁体Sr$$_3$$OsO$$_6$$のX線磁気円二色性測定

若林 勇希*; Krockenberger, Y.*; 山神 光平*; 和達 大樹*; 芝田 悟朗; 藤森 淳*; 河村 直己*; 鈴木 基寛*; 谷保 芳孝*; 山本 秀樹*

SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(インターネット), 12(5), p.291 - 293, 2024/10

本研究では、高温強磁性酸化物Sr$$_3$$OsO$$_6$$の電子状態を明らかにすることを目的として、Os $$L_{2,3}$$吸収端におけるX線吸収分光(XAS)及びX線磁気円二色性(XMCD)測定を行った。実験結果から、Osの軌道磁気モーメントがスピン磁気モーメントと同程度のオーダーであることが明らかになった。しかし、XMCD総和則による推定では、軌道磁気モーメントはSQUID磁化測定の値よりもかなり小さかった。今後の課題としては、SrやOの吸収端でのXMCD測定による磁気モーメントの観測や、サンプルの経時変化を低減させるための対策が挙げられる。


Neutron reflectivity study on the adsorption layer of polyethylene grown on Si substrate

下北 啓輔*; 山本 勝宏*; 宮田 登*; 柴田 基樹*; 中西 洋平*; 荒川 勝利*; 竹中 幹人*; 木田 拓充*; 徳満 勝久*; 田中 亮*; et al.

Langmuir, 40(30), p.15758 - 15766, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

To investigate the structure of the interface between polyethylene films and substrates, the neutron reflectivity (NR) of deuterated polyethylene (dPE) thin films deposited on Si substrates was measured, demonstrating water accumulation at the interface, even under ambient conditions. After leaching the thermally annealed dPE films in hot p-xylene, NR measurements were conducted on the layers remaining on the substrate, clearly revealing that the adsorption layer of dPE grew during annealing and consisted of two layers, an inner adsorption layer and an outer adsorption layer, as previously proposed for amorphous polymers. The inner adsorption layer was approximately 3.7 nm thick with a density comparable to that of the bulk. The outer adsorption layer was several nanometers thick and appeared to grow insufficiently on top of the inner adsorption layer under the annealing conditions examined in this study. This study clarifying the growth of the adsorption layer of polyethylene at the interface with an inorganic substrate is useful for improving the performance of polymer/inorganic filler nanocomposites due to the wide utility of crystalline polyolefins as polymer matrix materials in nanocomposites.


Analyses of hierarchical structures in SBR rubber by using contrast-variation SANS; Effects of a silane coupling agent

中西 洋平*; 柴田 基樹*; 澤田 諭*; 近藤 寛朗*; 元川 竜平; 熊田 高之; 山本 勝宏*; 三田 一樹*; 宮崎 司*; 竹中 幹人*

Polymer, 306, p.127209_1 - 127209_7, 2024/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:58.58(Polymer Science)

Adding silane coupling agents to rubber/silica particles systems improves their mechanical properties and the dispersion of the particles. The improvement is believed to be attributed to the enhanced adsorption of rubber molecules on the surface of silica particles by the silane coupling agent. However, the enhancement of the adsorption by silane coupling agent has not been clarified quantitatively yet. In this study, we have investigated the difference in (i) the adsorption of rubber on silica surfaces and (ii) the aggregation of silica particles in rubber/silica particle systems with and without silane coupling agents by using contrast variation neutron scattering (CV-SANS). The CVSANS results quantitatively clarified the adsorption layer's thickness and the degree of aggregation for both systems. In the case of the system without silane coupling agents, the adsorption layers do not exist around the particles, and the particles tend to aggregate. On the other hand, the adsorption layers of about 5.3 nm are formed on the surface of the particles in the system with silane coupling agents, and the addition of silane coupling agents suppressed the aggregation.


Deformation-induced martensitic transformation at tensile and compressive deformations of bainitic steels with different carbon contents

上路 林太郎*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 柴田 曉伸*; 木村 勇次*; 井上 忠信*; 土田 紀之*

ISIJ International, 64(2), p.459 - 465, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Deformation-induced martensitic transformation (DIMT) during tensile or compressive deformations of the bainitic steels with various carbon content (0.15%C, 0.25%C, 0.62%C) was studied. In all of the bainitic steels, the tensile deformation exhibited larger work hardening than the compression. This difference indicates the suppression of the DIMT at the compression, and actually the measurements of electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) confirmed the less reduction of retained austenite at the compression of all the bainitic steels. Additionally, the steel with the highest carbon content was examined by in situ neutron diffraction and clarified the difference similar to that obtained by the EBSD measurement. The regression of the relation between the fraction of austenite and applied strain with the conventional empirical equation revealed that the kinetic of DIMT is strongly dependent with the stress polarity, but not significantly changed by the carbon content.



芝田 陵大; 天野 宰; 山田 博之; 宮地 紀子; 中村 仁宣

第44回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2023/11



令和3年度開始 廃炉・汚染水対策事業費補助金に係る補助事業「燃料デブリの性状把握のための分析・推定技術の開発(燃料デブリの分析精度の向上、熱挙動の推定及び簡易分析のための技術開発)」; 2022年度最終報告

小山 真一; 池内 宏知; 三次 岳志; 前田 宏治; 佐々木 新治; 大西 貴士; Tsai, T.-H.; 高野 公秀; 深谷 洋行; 中村 聡志; et al.

廃炉・汚染水・処理水対策事業事務局ホームページ(インターネット), 216 Pages, 2023/11



Structural changes of polystyrene particles in subcritical and supercritical water revealed by in situ small-angle neutron scattering

柴田 基樹*; 中西 洋平*; 阿部 淳*; 有馬 寛*; 岩瀬 裕希*; 柴山 充弘*; 元川 竜平; 熊田 高之; 高田 慎一; 山本 勝宏*; et al.

Polymer Journal, 55(11), p.1165 - 1170, 2023/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:27.48(Polymer Science)

Marine ecosystem degradation due to micro plastics is a significant environmental problem, as acknowledged by Sustainable Development Goal 14. Decomposition of plastics using near critical or supercritical water is one of the promising methods to reduce micro plastics. To attain the optimization of the method for improving environmental friendliness, it is necessary to clarify the structural change of materials during the process. We, thus, investigated the decomposition processes of polystyrene particles dispersed in deuterated water (D$$_{2}$$O) during heating under near critical or supercritical conditions by using in situ small-angle neutron scattering. Under subcritical conditions, the PS particles were swollen by D$$_{2}$$O due to increased compatibility with temperature. Near the critical point in subcritical conditions, the cleavage of PS chains in the particles occurred, so that the swollen ratio was much enhanced though the PS particles kept their shapes. In a supercritical condition, the PS particles were degraded into oil including oligomers or monomers and the phase-separated structures with styrene-rich and D$$_{2}$$O-rich regions.


Status of the laser stripping of H$$^{-}$$ beam at J-PARC RCS

Saha, P. K.; 原田 寛之; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 佐藤 篤*; 柴田 崇統*; 金正 倫計

Proceedings of 20th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.59 - 63, 2023/11

To overcome the issues and practical limitations associated with the stripper foil used for the charge-exchange injection (CEI) of H$$^{-}$$ beam for high-intensity proton accelerators, we are studying a foil-less H$$^{-}$$ CEI by using only lasers at J-PARC RCS. To establish our principle, we are preparing for a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping to proton by using lasers. We will use both IR and UV lasers in the process of H$$^{-}$$ stripping to protons. A prototype YAG laser system has been developed through experimental studies of 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ neutralization. We have also developed a multi-reflection laser cavity system to sufficiently reduce the seed laser energy. We have succeeded for 32 reflections to gain on the laser energy up to 16 to obtain a neutralization fraction of 25%. To realize a perfect benefit of the cavity, we also recently developed higher efficient vacuum windows by which we can achieve the laser energy gain to almost 32, proportional to the number of reflections. As a result, the average power of the seed laser can be reduced to 1/32, which is more useful for the UV laser. The laser setup at the 400 MeV beam line is in progress to start POP experimental studies in 2024.


Axial variations of oxide layer growth and hydrogen uptake of BWR fuel claddings under steam starvation conditions

坂本 寛*; Adachi, Mika*; 徳島 二之*; 青見 雅樹*; 柴田 裕樹; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝

Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry; 20th International Symposium (ASTM STP 1645), p.411 - 432, 2023/11

Steam oxidation tests under steam-starved and non-steam-starved conditions were conducted up to 1573 K using prototypic BWR fuel assembly (four fuel pins and fuel channel box) with approximately 750 mm length. Significant suppression of oxide layer growth and enhancement of hydrogen uptake were found at the downstream positions under the steam-starved conditions. To understand the results obtained in the tests using the prototypic BWR fuel assembly, three separate-effects tests were conducted to obtain a fundamental understanding of mechanism of oxygen and hydrogen uptake and its axial variations and evaluation of hydrogen solubility in oxygen-dissolved Zircaloy-2. It is retrieved that the fuel channel box contributes to the axial variations of oxide layer growth and hydrogen uptake of the fuel pins by acting as a source of hydrogen and a sink of oxygen. The evaluation of hydrogen uptake and release requires a detailed estimation of steam oxidation with time at each elevation.



永井 崇之; 岡本 芳浩; 山岸 弘奈*; 柴田 大輔*; 小島 一男*; 長谷川 毅彦*; 佐藤 誠一*; 深谷 茜音*; 畠山 清司*

JAEA-Research 2023-004, 45 Pages, 2023/09





永武 拓; 柴田 光彦; 上澤 伸一郎; 小野 綾子; 吉田 啓之

第27回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 5 Pages, 2023/09



Quasielastic neutron scattering probing H$$^{-}$$ dynamics in the H$$^{-}$$ conductors LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$

玉造 博夢; 福井 慧賀*; 飯村 壮史*; 本田 孝志*; 多田 朋史*; 村上 洋一*; 山浦 淳一*; 倉本 義夫*; 佐賀山 基*; 山田 武*; et al.

Physical Review B, 107(18), p.184114_1 - 184114_8, 2023/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:18.74(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Using an incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique, we investigate H$$^{-}$$ dynamics in a series of oxyhydrides LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ that exhibit characteristic high H$$^{-}$$ conductivity. In the end member LaH$$_{3}$$ ($$x$$ = 0), two kinds of H$$^{-}$$ dynamics are identified: the jump diffusion and the localized motion. The jump length in the jump diffusion mode increases with increasing $$T$$. The localized motion is identified as a jump between the two inequivalent sites. These dynamics are corroborated by our molecular dynamical simulations. Our QENS data suggest that similar H$$^{-}$$ dynamics occurs also in oxyhydrides LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ ($$x$$ $$neq$$ 0), whose H$$^{-}$$ concentration dependence is consistent with the previous measurement of ionic conductivity. We also discuss the possibility that LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ is an example of H$$^{-}$$ ion conductors governed by the concerted migration mechanism. The identified H$$^{-}$$ dynamics is a key to understanding the anomalous hydrogen concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient in lanthanum hydrides, which has been a longstanding mystery in this compound.


Development of numerical simulation method of natural convection around heated porous medium by using JUPITER

上澤 伸一郎; 山下 晋; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05



Case study activities for nuclear security culture development in JAEA

天野 宰; 芝田 陵大; 佐藤 義治; 山崎 勝幸; 白茂 英雄; 中村 仁宣

Proceedings of INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting 2023 (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/05



Origin of magnetically dead layers in spinel ferrites $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$ grown on Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$; Effects of postdeposition annealing studied by XMCD

野中 洋亮*; 若林 勇希*; 芝田 悟朗; 坂本 祥哉*; 池田 啓祐*; Chi, Z.*; Wan, Y.*; 鈴木 雅弘*; 田中 新*; 田中 雅明*; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 7(4), p.044413_1 - 044413_10, 2023/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:53.07(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We study the electronic and magnetic states of as-grown and annealed $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$(111)/Al$$_2$$O3(111) ($$M =$$Co, Ni) thin films with various thicknesses grown on Si(111) substrates with the $$gamma$$-Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$(111)buffer layers by using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), to investigate magnetically dead layers in these films. Although the magnetically dead layers in the as-grown samples are formed near the interface with the Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$ buffer layer, we reveal that ferrimagnetic order is partially recovered by postdeposition annealing at 973 K for 48 hours in air. By analyzing the line shapes of the XAS and XMCD spectra, we conclude that, in the dead layers, there are a significant number of vacancies at the $$T_d$$ sites of the spinel structure, which may be the microscopic origin of the degraded ferrimagnetic order in the $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$ thin films.


Experimental investigation of spray cooling behavior in 4$$times$$4 simulated fuel bundle

永武 拓; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之; 根本 義之; 加治 芳行

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(3), p.320 - 333, 2023/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:34.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)




上澤 伸一郎; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

混相流, 37(1), p.55 - 64, 2023/03

東京電力株式会社福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉工程において、放射性飛散微粒子の発生が指摘されており、その閉じ込め管理が課題となっている。エアロゾル粒子の捕集にはHigh Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)フィルタが用いられるが、HEPAフィルタの負荷を軽減するためにスクラバなどの前処理設備の適用が考えられる。スクラバでは、気液界面を介して気体から液体へ移動することによりエアロゾル粒子を除去する。捕集効率は気液界面積に依存するため、高い効率を得るためには気泡の微細化が必要となる。そこで本研究では、ベンチュリ管における気泡微細化現象に着目した新しい粒子捕集技術を開発し、その有用性を確認するため捕集性能評価試験を行った。その結果、ベンチュリ管を用いることにより、捕集性能が直管と比較して1,000倍以上向上し、その捕集効率がHEPAフィルタと同程度であることを確認した。また、関東ローム、SUS、オイルなどの様々な粒子に対して十分な捕集性能があることも確認できた。一方で、液体流量の増加とともに捕集効率は増加したものの、気相流量の増加とともに減少するなど、捕集効率が液相流量や気相流量に依存することが明らかとなった。この原因としては、流量により気泡微細化が活発もしくは抑制されるためと考えられる。本試験においても、気泡微細化現象のパラメータであるキャビテーション数と捕集効率に関係があることが確認されており、気泡微細化現象が捕集性能に大きく寄与していることが明らかとなった。


Neutron reflectivity study on the nanostructure of PMMA chains near substrate interfaces based on contrast variation accompanied with small molecule sorption

下北 啓輔*; 山本 勝宏*; 宮田 登*; 中西 洋平*; 柴田 基樹*; 竹中 幹人*; 山田 悟史*; 瀬戸 秀樹*; 青木 裕之; 宮崎 司*

Soft Matter, 19(11), p.2082 - 2089, 2023/03

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:60.65(Chemistry, Physical)

In the case of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) thin films on a Si substrate, thermal annealing induces the formation of a layer of PMMA chains tightly adsorbed near the substrate interface, and the strongly adsorbed PMMA remains on the substrate, even after washing with toluene (hereinafter called adsorbed sample). Neutron reflectometry revealed that the concerned structure consists of three layers: an inner layer (tightly bound on the substrate), a middle layer (bulk-like), and an outer layer (surface) in the adsorbed sample. When an adsorbed sample was exposed to toluene vapor, it became clear that, between the solid adsorption layer (which does not swell) and bulk-like swollen layer, there was a "buffer layer" that could sorb more toluene molecules than the bulk-like layer. This buffer layer was found not only in the adsorbed sample but also in the standard spin-cast PMMA thin films on the substrate. When the polymer chains were firmly adsorbed and immobilized on the Si substrate, the freedom of the possible structure right next to the tightly bound layer was reduced, which restricted the relaxation of the conformation of the polymer chain strongly. The "buffer layer" was manifested by the sorption of toluene with different scattering length density contrasts.

704 件中 1件目~20件目を表示