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山田 一夫*; 洞 秀幸*; 丸山 一平*; 粟飯原 はるか; 富田 さゆり*; 東條 安匡*; 渋谷 和俊*; 細川 佳史*; 五十嵐 豪*; 駒 義和
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2024 (WM2024) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2024/03
Estimation of Cs and Sr contamination of concrete below the turbine pits after the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident was carried out. Considerations were based on the type of cement and aggregate used, drying, carbonation and cracking of the concrete, and the contamination history, i.e. contact with contaminated water after a one-day immersion in seawater from the tsunami. The relationship between crack density and the amount of contaminated concrete was determined from the reproduction of crack density and the acquisition of apparent diffusion coefficients for cracked and uncracked areas from the immersion experiment with contamination history.
山田 一夫*; 東條 安匡*; 粟飯原 はるか; 富田 さゆり*; 洞 秀幸*; 渋谷 和俊*; 駒 義和; 五十嵐 豪*; 細川 佳史*; 丸山 一平*
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2023 (WM2023) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2023/02
Experiments were conducted on mortar made from aggregates used in the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, which were dry carbonated and further cracks were introduced to reproduce the contamination history of the lower part of the turbine pit. The concrete was exposed to contaminated water after being in contact with seawater for one day due to the post-earthquake tsunami; Cs and Sr interacted differently with the constituent materials of the concrete and competitively adsorbed with ions in the seawater. The effects of various factors were quantitatively evaluated by experiment. Dry carbonation conditions enhanced infiltration but had a limited effect on cracking.
芳賀 和子*; 渋谷 和俊*; 大杉 武史; 山田 一夫*
廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 33(6), p.435 - 447, 2022/11
山田 一夫*; 丸山 一平*; 芳賀 和子*; 五十嵐 豪*; 粟飯原 はるか; 富田 さゆり*; Kiran, R.*; 大澤 紀久*; 柴田 淳広; 渋谷 和俊*; et al.
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2021 (WM2021) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2021/03
To properly decommission the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the contamination levels and mechanisms for the concrete structures must be assessed. In this review, we outline the results of this study and present the objectives of a future study called "Quantitative Evaluation of Contamination in Reinforced Concrete Members of Fukushima Daiichi NPP Buildings Considering the Actual Environment Histories for Legitimate Treatments", which will run from October 2020 to March 2023. The experimental results from the first project indicate that concrete carbonation, Ca leaching, and drying conditions affected the adsorption of Cs and Sr and their penetration depths. Additionally, the studies showed that -nuclides precipitated on the surface of the samples because of the high pH of concrete. A reaction transfer model was developed to further assess the adsorption characteristics of Cs and Sr in carbonated cement paste and concrete aggregates. The model used real concrete characteristics from the FDNPP materials and historical boundary conditions at the site, including radionuclide concentrations and penetration profiles within the turbine pit wall. The water suction by dried concrete was evaluated with the consideration of the structure change of cement hydrates by X-ray CR and H-NMR relaxometry. In the new project, the studies will also include concrete cracks for more realistic contamination estimations.
山田 一夫*; 丸山 一平*; 駒 義和; 芳賀 和子*; 五十嵐 豪*; 渋谷 和俊*; 粟飯原 はるか
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2019 (WM2019) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2019/03
For the decommissioning of a Nuclear Power Station (NPS) after a severe accident, estimation of contamination depth and radioactivity level in concrete is essential. This paper outlines a recently begun project on the analysis of the contamination mechanisms of concrete in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. For this analysis, data on various parameters are required, such as the materials used in the NPS, the environmental conditions of the exposed concrete, the conditions of exposure during the accident and until decommissioning, and the fundamental transport characteristics of nuclides in concrete. These aspects of this project are illustrated with some examples.
丸山 一平*; 渋谷 和俊*; 富田 さゆり*; 五十嵐 豪*; 駒 義和; 山田 一夫*
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福島第一原子力発電所(1F)の廃炉工程で実施される、作業環境改善を目的とした建屋コンクリートの除染、除染手法の検討、廃棄物量の推計等を行う際の基盤情報に資することを目的に、放射性物質によるコンクリート汚染の機構解明と将来の汚染分布の推定に関する基礎研究を水分移動や核種の挙動を含めて進めている。本報では、1F建屋のコンクリートを模擬して炭酸化または乾燥させた試料を用いてCs, Srの浸透試験を実施し、セメント種類、骨材中の粘土鉱物量や炭酸化、乾燥がCs, Srの浸透に及ぼす影響について、実験的に検証した結果を報告する。
山田 一夫*; 丸山 一平*; 渋谷 和俊*; 東條 安匡*; 粟飯原 はるか; 細川 佳史*; 五十嵐 豪*; 駒 義和
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丸山 一平*; 山田 一夫*; 井田 雅也*; 渋谷 和俊*; 五十嵐 豪*; 駒 義和
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東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉工程で想定される、作業環境改善を目的とした建屋コンクリートの除染手法の検討と最終段階で発生する廃棄物量の推計等を最終目的に、放射性物質によるコンクリート汚染の機構解明に 基づいた将来の汚染分布の推定に関する基礎研究を進めている。汚染は、核種の収着・浸透挙動に依存するが、それはコンクリートの特性(セメント種類, 骨材中の粘土鉱物)、状態(飽水・乾燥、各種の劣化)および核種の種類によって異なると考えらえる。このため、将来の汚染分布の推計に向けて、各種コンクリートと核種(Cs, Sr, 核種)との相互 作用と、水分移動も考慮した評価/予測手法の検討が必要である。本報では、実験的検討の一部を報告する。
駒 義和; 山田 一夫*; 渋谷 和俊*; 細川 佳史*; 東條 安匡*; 日比野 陽*; 五十嵐 豪*; 丸山 一平*
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