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神川 豊; 鈴木 真琴; 安掛 寿紀; 村上 貴彦; 森田 祐介; 椎名 秀徳; 福島 学; 平根 伸彦; 大内 靖弘
JAEA-Technology 2023-030, 57 Pages, 2024/03
航空機落下事故に関するデータが原子力規制庁により更新されたことに伴い、原子力科学研究所における航空機落下確率を再評価するため、経済産業省原子力安全・保安院「実用発電用原子炉施設への航空機落下確率の評価基準について(内規)」に基づき評価を行い、原子力科学研究所の各施設における航空機落下確率を評価した。評価の結果、航空機落下確率の総和は最大となる放射性廃棄物処理場において 5.6810
回/(炉・年))であり、航空機落下を「想定される外部人為事象」として設計上考慮する必要があるか否かの基準である 10
椎名 秀徳; 小野 勝人; 西 雅裕; 宇野 希生; 金沢 浩之; 大井 龍一; 二瓶 康夫
デコミッショニング技報, (61), p.29 - 38, 2020/03
椎名 秀徳; 小野 勝人; 西 雅裕; 二瓶 康夫
Proceedings of 54th Annual Meeting of Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling (HOTLAB 2017) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2017/00
豊川 琢也; 宇佐美 浩二; 椎名 秀徳; 小野澤 淳
Proceedings of 49th Conference on Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling (HOTLAB 2012) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2012/09
The power ramp test will be performed at Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to study the safety margin of high burnup fuels. The commercial fuel rods irradiated in Europe (approx. 70 GWd/t) will be refabricated as the test rods with the several instrumentations to observe the fuel behavior under the transient condition. One of the important parameters to be measured during this test is the center temperature of the fuel pellet. For this measurement, a thermocouple is installed into the hole bored at the pellet center by the center boring device, which can fix the fuel pellet with the frozen CO gas(dry ice) during its boring process. At the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility (RFEF) in Tokai Research and Development Center, several improvements were applied for the previous boring device to upgrade its performance and reliability. The major improvements are the change of the drill bit, modification of the boring process and the optimization of the remote operability. The improved boring device was installed into the hot cell in 2010, and the mock-up test was performed with the dummy pellets to confirm the benefit of the improvements.
椎名 秀徳; 宇佐美 浩二; 桜庭 直敏; 原田 晃男; 小野澤 淳; 仲田 祐仁
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The power ramp test will be performed at JMTR to study the safety margin of high bumup fuels. The commercial fuel rods irradiated in Europe will be refabricated as the test rods with the several instrumentations to observe the fuel behavior under the transient condition. One of the important parameters to be measured during this test is the center temperature of the fuel pellet. For this measurement, a thermocouple is installed into the hole bored at the pellet center by the center boring device, which can fix the fuel pellet with the frozen CO gas during its boring process. At the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility, several improvements were applied for the previous boring device to upgrade its performance and reliability. The major improvements are the change of the drill bit, modification of the boring process and the optimization of the remote operability. The mock-up test was performed with the dummy pellets to confirm the benefit of the improvements.
梅田 幹; 杉山 智之; 永瀬 文久; 更田 豊志; 田口 祐司; 椎名 秀徳
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佐藤 篤司; 椎名 秀徳; 片岡 健太郎*; 大友 進*; 垣内 一雄*; 大平 幸一*; 板垣 登*; 神永 敬久; 木村 康彦; 鈴木 和博; et al.
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Oxide thickness measurements of irradiated fuel rods by eddy current test (ECT) method are generally applied for Post Irradiation Examination. But the oxide thickness of BWR type spent fuel rod by ECT is thicker than that by metallography because of the crud deposited on the fuel rod surface. Normally, the hard crud is not so thick, but the hard crud has magnetic property, and this property causes systematic error on oxide thickness measurement by Estate new crud removal technique which could remove the hard crud without removing oxide layer has been developed.
椎名 秀徳; 野沢 幸男; 小野 勝人; 西 雅裕; 高野 利夫; 石川 明義
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The Research Hot Laboratory (RHL) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is the first facility in Japan for the post irradiation examination (PIE) on reactor fuels and structural materials, which had contributed to advancement of the fuels and materials since 1961. The building of RHL consists of two stories above ground and a basement, in which 10 heavy concrete and 38 lead cells were installed. In RHL, all operations for PIE had been completed in 2003. Then the decommissioning program has been implemented in order to promote the rationalization of research facilities in JAEA. As the first step of the program, PIE apparatuses and irradiated samples were removed from the cells, which have been managed as radioactive wastes. The dismantling of lead cells was initiated in 2005. At present 20 lead cells are successfully dismantled. This paper shows technical review of dismantling operations and waste management for the lead cells.