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Shelley, A.; Kugo, Teruhiko; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi
JAERI-Research 2004-002, 47 Pages, 2004/03
Neutronic study has been done for a PWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor with seed-blanket fuel assemblies to achieve a high conversion ratio, a negative void coefficient and a high burnup by using a MOX fuel. The results of the precise assembly burnup calculations show that the recommended numbers of seed and blanket layers are 15(S15) and 5(B5), respectively. By the optimization of axial configuration, the S15B5 assembly with the seed of 10002 mm high, internal blanket of 150 mm high and axial blanket of 4002 mm high is recommended. In this configuration, the conversion ratio is 1.0 and the core average burnup is 38 GWd/t. The S15B5 assembly can attain the core average burnup of 45 GWd/t by decreasing the height of seed to 5002 mm, however, the conversion ratio becomes 0.97. The void and fuel temperature coefficients are negative for both of the configurations. Effect of metal or T-MOX (PuO+ThO) fuel has been also investigated. Metal improves the conversion ratio but makes the void coefficient worse. T-MOX improves the void coefficient, but decreases the conversion ratio.
Shelley, A.; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Kugo, Teruhiko; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 224(3), p.265 - 278, 2003/10
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.40(Nuclear Science & Technology)Parametric studies have been done for a PWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) with seed-blanket fuel assembles to achieve a high conversion ratio, negative void reactivity coefficient and a high burnup. It was found that 50 to 60% of seed in a seed-blanket assembly has higher conversion ratio. The number of seed-blanket layers is 20, in which the number of seed layers is 15 and blanket layers is 5. The fuel assembly with the height of seed of 1000mm2, internal blanket of 150 mm and axial blanket of 400mm2 is recommended. The conversion ratio is 1.0 and the average burnup in core region is 38.2 GWd/t. The enrichment of fissile Pu is 14.6 wt%. The void coefficient is +21.8 pcm/% void, however, it is expected that the void coefficient will be negative if the radial neutron leakage is taken into account. It is also possible to use this fuel assembly for a high core averaged burnup of 45GWd/t, however, the height of seed must be 500mm2 to improve the void coefficient. The conversion ratio is 0.97 and void coefficient is +20.8 pcm/%void.
Shimada, Shoichiro*; Kugo, Teruhiko; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi
JAERI-Research 2003-003, 72 Pages, 2003/03
As a part of the design study on PWR-type Reduced-Moderation Water Reactors (RMWRs), a light water cooled core with the seed-blanket type fuel assemblies has been investigated. An assembly with seed of 13 layers and blanket of 5 layers was selected by optimization calculations. The core was composed with the 163 assemblies. The following results were obtained by burn-up calculations with the MVP-BURN code; The cycle length is 15 months by 3-batch refueling. The discharge burn-up including the inner blanket is about 25 GWd/t. The conversion ratio is about 1.0. The void reactivity coefficient is about -26.1pcm/%void at BOC and -21.7pcm/%void at EOC. Effects of about 10% of MA or about 2 % of FP on core performances were investigated, and they were confirmred within the design margins. Capability of multi-recycling of plutonium was confirmed, using discharged plutonium for 4 cycles, if fissile plutonium of 15.5wt% is used.
Hibi, Koki*; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi; Wada, Shigeyuki*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 210(1-3), p.9 - 19, 2001/12
Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:83.94(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Shimada, Shoichiro*; Akie, Hiroshi; Suzaki, Takenori; Okubo, Tsutomu; Usui, Shuji*; Shirakawa, Toshihisa*; Iwamura, Takamichi; Kugo, Teruhiko; Ishikawa, Nobuyuki
JAERI-Research 2000-026, 74 Pages, 2000/06
no abstracts in English
Hibi, Koki*; Kugo, Teruhiko; Tochihara, Hiroshi*; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi; Wada, Shigeyuki*
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-8) (CD-ROM), p.11 - 0, 2000/00
no abstracts in English
Iwamura, Takamichi; Okubo, Tsutomu; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Usui, Shuji*; Shirakawa, Toshihisa*; Nakatsuka, Toru; Kugo, Teruhiko; Akie, Hiroshi; Nakano, Yoshihiro; Wada, Shigeyuki*
JAERI-Research 99-058, p.61 - 0, 1999/11
no abstracts in English
Iwamura, Takamichi; Okubo, Tsutomu; Usui, Shuji*; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Nabeshima, Kunihiko; ; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Ishikawa, Nobuyuki; Suzudo, Tomoaki; Nakatsuka, Toru; et al.
JAERI-Review 99-017, 60 Pages, 1999/08
no abstracts in English
Kugo, Teruhiko; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Okubo, Tsutomu; Ochiai, Masaaki
JAERI-Research 98-059, 40 Pages, 1998/10
no abstracts in English
Okubo, Tsutomu; Kugo, Teruhiko; ; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Ochiai, Masaaki
Proc. of Workshop on Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels, p.127 - 137, 1998/10
no abstracts in English