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Suyama, Kenya; Gunji, Satoshi; Watanabe, Tomoaki; Araki, Shohei; Fukuda, Kodai; Shimada, Kazuya; Fujita, Tatsuya; Ueki, Taro; Nguyen, H.
JAEA-Conf 2024-001, 40 Pages, 2024/07
The 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023) was held from October 1 to October 6, 2023, at the Sendai International Center (Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi-prefecture 980-0856, Japan), organized by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and co-organized by the Reactor Physics Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA). 224 presentations passed peer review and 273 technical session registrations, bringing the total number of registered participants to 289, including accompanying persons. Technical tours were also conducted to i) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of TEPCO holdings and Interim Storage Facility Information Center, ii) Nuclear Science Research Institute of JAEA (STACY Renewable Reactor and FCA), iii) NanoTerasu of Tohoku University (synchrotron radiation facility) and Onagawa Nuclear Power Station of Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. This report summarizes the conference and compiles the papers that were presented and agreed to be published in the Proceedings.
Shimada, Taro; Shimada, Asako; Miwa, Kazuji*; Nabekura, Nobuhide*; Sasaki, Toshihisa*; Takai, Shizuka; Takeda, Seiji
JAEA-Research 2024-004, 115 Pages, 2024/06
We have studied the confirmation method for the termination of decommissioning of nuclear facilities based on the site release flow presented at the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) study team meeting in 2017, and organized it as a procedure for the site soil. First, the effects of radionuclides released by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident are excluded as background radioactivity, and the distribution of radioactivity concentration of facility origin on the site is evaluated using geostatistical method kriging. Then, considering the downstream transport of sediment by surface runoff generated by rainfall that exceeds the infiltration capacity of the ground surface, a series of evaluation procedures are presented to evaluate the exposure dose reflecting future changes from the evaluated radioactivity concentration distribution, and a comparison method with the assumed 0.01 mSv/y as a dose criterion is proposed. Furthermore, an example of the procedure for evaluating the distribution of contamination in the subsurface was also presented for the case where groundwater is affected.
Takai, Shizuka; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Koike, Katsuaki*
Mathematical Geosciences, 56(2), p.333 - 360, 2024/02
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)To enable proper remediation of accidental groundwater contamination, the contaminant plume evolution needs to be accurately estimated. In the estimation, uncertainties in both the contaminant source and hydrogeological structure should be considered, especially the temporal release history and hydraulic transmissivity. Although the release history can be estimated using geostatistical approaches, previous studies use the deterministic hydraulic property field. Geostatistical approaches can also effectively estimate an unknown heterogeneous transmissivity field via the joint data use, such as a combination of hydraulic head and tracer data. However, tracer tests implemented over a contaminated area necessarily disturb the in situ condition of the contamination. Conversely, measurements of the transient concentration data over an area are possible and can preserve the conditions. Accordingly, this study develops a geostatistical method for the joint clarification of contaminant plume and transmissivity distributions using both head and contaminant concentration data. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method are demonstrated through two numerical experiments assuming a two-dimensional heterogenous confined aquifer. The use of contaminant concentration data is key to accurate estimation of the transmissivity. The accuracy of the proposed method using both head and concentration data was verified achieving a high linear correlation coefficient of 0.97 between the true and estimated concentrations for both experiments, which was 0.67 or more than the results using only the head data. Furthermore, the uncertainty of the contaminant plume evolution was successfully evaluated by considering the uncertainties of both the initial plume and the transmissivity distributions, based on their conditional realizations.
Shimada, Taro; Sasagawa, Tsuyoshi; Miwa, Kazuji; Takai, Shizuka; Takeda, Seiji
Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM2023) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/10
Nuclear regulatory inspection should be performed on the basis of the risk information during the decommissioning phase of the nuclear power plant. However, it is difficult because the methodology for quantitatively assessing the radiation exposure risk during decommissioning activities has not been established. Therefore, a decommissioning risk assessment code, DecAssess-R, has been developed based on the decommissioning safety assessment code, DecAssess, which creates event trees from initiating events and evaluates the radiation risk resulting from public exposure dose for each accident sequence. The assessment took into account that mobile radioactive inventories that can be easily dispersed in the work area, such as radioactive dust accumulated in HEPA filters attached to a contamination control enclosure, will fluctuate with the progress of the decommissioning work. Initiating events were selected based on the investigation of accidents and malfunctions during dismantling, disassembly, and component replacement activities around the world, and event trees were created from the initiating events to indicate the progress scenario. The frequencies of occurrence were determined with reference to general industry data in addition to the above accidents and malfunctions, and the probabilities of event progression were determined with reference to failure data during the operation phase. The exposure risks during dismantling of components in the reference BWR were evaluated. As a result, the public exposure dose was maximum in case of fire during dismantling of reactor internals and fire spread to combustibles and filters, including radioactivity temporarily stored in the work area. The exposure risk was also maximum because the probability of occurrence of this accident sequence was greater than that of other scenarios.
Nakanishi, Takumi*; Hori, Yuta*; Shigeta, Yasuteru*; Sato, Hiroyasu*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Munakata, Koji*; Ohara, Takashi; Okazawa, Atsushi*; Shimada, Rintaro*; Sakamoto, Akira*; et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(35), p.19177 - 19181, 2023/08
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:39.98(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Shimada, Taro; Namekawa, Masakazu*; Miwa, Kazuji; Takeda, Seiji
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2023 (WM2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/02
It is supposed that radioactive dust deposited at the land surface will be moved downstream and concentrated at the depression by overland flow at heavy rain after the accidental release of radioactive dusts accumulated at the filters in the decommissioning stage of nuclear facilities. The authors are developing a calculation code to evaluate distribution changes of radioactivity on the surface and public dose considering the conditions such as rainfall, topography and types of cover surface. It is necessary to construct methods for setting parameter values used for the calculations based on the actual situation. Therefore, the parameter values were obtained by the experiments where FeO powder spread on the cover surface such as smooth and aged-asphalt, concrete and bare soil, was eroded by overland flow and raindrops and they were collected at the lower end of the slope at a minute interval. The collected weights of overland flow and FeO powder were measured. Based on the Manning's roughness coefficient for smooth asphalt already known as a fixed value, the erosion velocity coefficient was evaluated. Then Manning's roughness coefficients for other cover surfaces were obtained using the erosion velocity coefficient. Manning's roughness coefficients were slightly smaller than the range of literature values. In addition, elevations for the cover surface were measured by 3D scanner as point cloud data, and the surface roughness were evaluated. The values of surface roughness and Manning's roughness coefficients had a correlation. It indicated a possibility to utilize the surface roughness to set the Manning's roughness coefficient for the evaluation of radioactivity distribution change by heavy rainfall.
Takai, Shizuka; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Koike, Katsuaki*
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 251, p.104097_1 - 104097_12, 2022/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:43.41(Environmental Sciences)When assessing the risk from an underground environment that is contaminated by radioactive nuclides and hazardous chemicals and planning for remediation, the contaminant plume distribution and the associated uncertainty from measured data should be estimated accurately. While the release history of the contaminant plume may be unknown, the extent of the plume caused by a known source and the associated uncertainty can be calculated inversely from the concentration data using a geostatistical method that accounts for the temporal correlation of its release history and groundwater flow modeling. However, the preceding geostatistical approaches have three drawbacks: (1) no applications of the three-dimensional plume estimation in real situations, (2) no constraints for the estimation of the plume distribution, which can yield negative concentration and large uncertainties, and (3) few applications to actual cases with multiple contaminants. To address these problems, the non-negativity constraint using Gibbs sampling was incorporated into the geostatistical method with groundwater flow modeling for contaminant plume estimation. This method was then tested on groundwater contamination in the Gloucester landfill in Ontario, Canada. The method was applied to three water soluble organic contaminants: 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, and diethyl ether. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by the general agreement of the calculated plume distributions of the three contaminants with concentration data from 66 points in 1982 (linear correlation coefficient of about 0.7). In particular, the reproduced large spill of organic contaminants of 1,4-dioxane in 1978 was more accurate than the result of preceding minimum relative entropy-based studies. The same peak also appeared in the tetrahydrofuran and diethyl ether distributions approximately within the range of the retardation factor derived from the fraction of organic carbon.
Sasagawa, Tsuyoshi; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji
Proceedings of 31st International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE2022) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2022/12
In the risk assessment of the decommissioning phase, the inventory of radioactivity accumulated in filters and other materials changes with the progress of dismantling work under normal conditions, and a method that can evaluate the public exposure dose during an accident in which these changes are taken into account is required. The inventories (the mobile radioactive contaminants) include filters in which radioactive dust dispersed by equipment cutting work has accumulated and combustible waste generated by decontamination work. In this study, we developed a method to evaluate the accumulation of mobile contaminants in filters by calculating the amount of dust transferred into the air during equipment cutting operations using a model that evaluates the volume of the cutting kerf width and the dispersion ratio. Furthermore, the amount of the mobile contaminants that accumulates in local filters and building filters for each equipment was evaluated using this method, taking into account differences in cutting methods (underwater or in air) and work processes, and the equipment and work processes that should be focused on during regulatory inspections were studied preliminarily. It was suggested that some equipment cut in air generate the same amount of the mobile contaminants compared to reactor internals with high radioactivity that are cut in underwater. This indicates that the mobile contaminant is one of the important indicators in nuclear regulatory inspections that influence the selection of inspection targets.
Takai, Shizuka; Namekawa, Masakazu*; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 69(7), p.1789 - 1798, 2022/07
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)To reduce a large amount of contaminated concrete rubble stored in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station site, recycling low-radioactivity rubble within the site is a possible remedy. To promote recycling while ensuring safety, not only the average radioactivity but also the radioactivity distribution of concrete rubble should be efficiently evaluated because the details of rubble contamination caused by the accident remain unclear and likely include hotspots. However, evaluating inhomogeneous contamination of thick and/or dense materials is difficult using previous measurement systems, such as clearance monitors. This study experimentally confirmed the potential applicability of image reconstruction algorithms for radioactivity distribution evaluation in concrete rubble filled in a chamber. Radiation was measured using plastic scintillation fiber around the chamber (50 50 40 cm). Localized hotspots were simulated using standard sources of Cs, which is one of the main nuclides of contaminated rubble. The radioactivity distribution was calculated for 100 or 50 voxels (voxel size: (10 cm) or 10 10 20 cm) constituting the chamber. For 100 voxels, inner hotspots were undetected, whereas, for 50 voxels, both inner and surface hotspots were reconstructible. The distribution evaluated using the maximum likelihood expectation maximization algorithm was the most accurate; the average radioactivity was estimated within 70% accuracy in all seven cases.
Tateishi, Ryo*; Shimada, Koji; Iwamori, Akiyuki*; Wada, Shinya*; Seno, Shotaro*; Nagata, Ken*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Internet), 128(1), p.63 - 64, 2022/04
The Tsuruga Fault is an active right-lateral strike-slip fault that is about 20 km in length and distributed in the northeast-southwest direction from the eastern part of Tsuruga City to the southern part of Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture. The Tsuruga fault borders the Jurassic accretionary complex (mixed rock) and the late Cretaceous granite around the Oritodani area in the Shinjo district of Mihama-cho. Lateral bendings of valleys along the fault in this area are clear geomorphological signatures of fault activity. We briefly report newly found multiple fault outcrops at these bending points with photos of them. This research is the result of joint research by Kansai Electric Power Company, University of Toyama, and JAEA.
Shimada, Taro; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Takeda, Seiji
Hoken Butsuri (Internet), 57(1), p.5 - 29, 2022/03
Of the asbestos-containing wastes arising from the dismantling activities of nuclear facilities, those with radioactive concentrations that do not need to be treated as radioactive substances will be cleared from the nuclear regulatory control. Those will be disposed of or recycled as specially controlled industrial waste based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act. The authors constructed evaluation scenarios according to the treatment manual for asbestos-containing waste and evaluated public exposure doses per year for 33 radionuclides. Based on the evaluated doses, the radioactive concentration corresponding to the dose criteria of 10 Sv/y for clearance was calculated for each radionuclide and scenario. As a result, the evaluated concentration was equal to or higher than the current clearance level. It was confirmed that the application of the current clearance level for asbestos-containing wastes did not affect safety.
Miwa, Kazuji; Namekawa, Masakazu*; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji
MRS Advances (Internet), 7(7-8), p.165 - 169, 2022/03
We have developed evaluation method of radiocesium (RCs) migration by surface runoff and soil erosion in considering vertical distribution of RCs in initial contaminated soil and concentration of RCs in different particle size. RCs migration on ground surface during single year has been evaluated in virtual site contaminated uniformly by Cs-137. As a result, RCs has concentrated in the impoundment, and 0.18% of total inventory in the site migrated into the sea. These results suggest that surface migration of RCs effects increasing of external exposure at impoundment and internal exposure from ingestion of marine product.
Shimada, Asako; Tsukahara, Takehiko*; Nomura, Masao*; Kim, M. S.*; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Yamaguchi, Tetsuji
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(11), p.1184 - 1194, 2021/11
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:63.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)Determining the completeness of nuclear reactor decommissioning is an important step in safely utilizing nuclear power. For example, Cs from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident can be treated as background radioactivity, so determining the origin of Cs is essential. To accomplish this, measuring the Cs/Cs isotope ratio can be useful, so this study optimized a solvent extraction method, with calix[4]arene-bis(t-octylbenzo-crown-6) [BOBCalixC6] in 1-octanol, to purify radioactive Cs, radiocesium, from a solution of major environmental soil elements and mass spectrometry interference elements. This optimized method was applied to Cs purification in soil samples (40 g), and the final solutions contained a total of 10g/ml of the major soil elements and ng/ml concentrations at most of interfering elements. Soil samples collected near the FDNPS were then purified, and the Cs/Cs isotope ratios were measured, using both thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and triple quadrupole induced coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ). The results of each of these measurements were compared, and we found that Cs isotope ratios obtained by TIMS were more precise, by an order of magnitude, while the ICP-QQQ results possessed good abundance sensitivities. A slightly higher Cs/Cs ratio in the northwest area of the FDNPS was observed, while other areas exhibited similar values, all within the measurement error range, which indicated different origins of radiocesium. These results agreed with previously reported Cs/Cs activity distributions, suggesting that this ratio may be useful in identifying radiocesium origins for evaluating future nuclear reactor decommissions.
Takai, Shizuka; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Koike, Katsuaki*
Joho Chishitsu, 32(3), P. 95, 2021/09
We received best presentation award GEOINROUM-2021 for the presentation on "Estimation of contaminated materials concentration by a geostatistical method with groundwater flow". We submit the comments of impression for getting the Award to Geoinformatics.
Shimada, Taro; Miwa, Kazuji; Takeda, Seiji
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO, 61(7), p.531 - 534, 2019/07
Rubbles less than 5 Sv/h of surface dose rate, which are stored outdoor in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (1F) site, will be recycled and applied in a restricted reuse only within 1F site in the future. However, there is no precedent for establishing the reference values such as dose and/or concentration for reuse or recycling under the existing exposure situation. In this study, we suggested a concept for establishing the reference radioactive concentration of recycling material for the restricted use in the 1F site. In addition, based on the concept, we calculated the reference radiocesium concentrations of the recycling material used for paved roads and the bases of concrete building.
Miwa, Kazuji; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 6, p.166 - 170, 2019/01
In this study, in order to validate the restricted use of recycling material at the reference radiocesium concentration (determined in series report (1)), we evaluated worker annual doses, air dose rate at the site boundary and impact of migrated radiocesium into groundwater. Firstly, we evaluated the additional annual dose for workers, on the assumption that typical workers coming in contact with the source after construction (Road: 1.2 mSv/y, Building: 1.3 mSv/y). Secondly, we evaluated the air dose rates by distance from road and building including recycling material, and investigated the distance for not exceeding 1 mSv/y (including additional dose rate by recycling and background dose rate of 0.6 mSv/y) at the site boundary (Road: 25 m, Building: 1 m). Thirdly, we evaluated the Cs migration in groundwater, and investigated the distance required for satisfying the operation target value (Cs: 1 Bq/L, Cs: 1 Bq/L) at the boundary (coastal line) (Road: 10 m, Building: 10 m).
Shimada, Taro; Miwa, Kazuji; Takeda, Seiji
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 6, p.203 - 207, 2019/01
Rubbles less than 5 Sv/h of surface dose rate, which are stored outdoor in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (1F) site, will be recycled and applied in a restricted reuse only within 1F site in the future. In this study, we suggested a concept for establishing the reference radioactive concentration of recycling material for the restricted use in the 1F site. Reference radiocesium concentration is calculated so that increased dose rate by restricted reuse does not exceed 1 Sv/h which is the minimum value of dose rate map in the 1F entire site. In order to justify the restricted reuse under the reference concentration calculated, additional occupational dose, dose rate at the site boundary and groundwater concentration at the outlet to the ocean are evaluated and confirmed that the values are below 2 mSv/y, 1 mSv/y and 1 Bq/cm of Cs and Cs, respectively. And then calculated the reference radiocesium concentrations of the recycling material used for paved roads and the bases of concrete building.
Shimada, Taro; Takubo, Kazuya*; Takeda, Seiji; Yamaguchi, Tetsuji
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 5, p.183 - 187, 2018/11
After fuel debris is removed from the reactor containment vessel at Fukushima Daiichi NPS (1F) and collected in waste containers in the future, the waste containers will be disposed at a deep geological repository. The uranium inventory and uranium-235 (U) enrichment of the fuel debris are larger than those of high-level vitrified wastes which are produced from liquid waste during reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels. Therefore, there is a possibility not to be excluded that a criticality occurs in the geological media where the uranium precipitates at the far-field from the repository, after the uranium located in the repository is dissolved by groundwater. In this study, we calculated the quantity of uranium precipitated at the natural barrier, and studied dimension of uranium deposited in the natural barrier and carried out the criticality analysis.
Takai, Shizuka; Takeda, Seiji; Sakai, Ryutaro*; Shimada, Taro; Munakata, Masahiro; Tanaka, Tadao
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 16(1), p.34 - 48, 2017/03
In geological disposal, direct effect on geological repositories by active faults is avoided at a stage of site characterization; however, uncertainty remains for avoidance of faults derived from the active faults, which are concealed deep under the ground and difficult to detect in advance. In this research, the influence of growth of undetected splay faults on natural barrier in a geological disposal system, which will caused by attack of the faults in the future, was evaluated. We investigated examples of splay faults in Japan and set conditions for growth of splay faults. Furthermore, we assumed a disposal site composed of sedimentary rocks and made a hydrogeological model of growth of splay faults. We carried out groundwater flow analyses, changing parameters such as location and depth of repository and growth velocity of splay faults. The results indicate that main flow path from the repository is changed into upward flow along the splay fault due to its growth and the average velocity to the ground surface becomes one or two orders of magnitude higher than that before its growth. The results also suggest that the splay fault growth leads into the possibility of downward flow of oxidizing groundwater from ground surface area.
Shimada, Taro; Nishimura, Yuki; Takeda, Seiji
MRS Advances (Internet), 2(12), p.687 - 692, 2017/01
A disposal measure for fuel debris generated at the accident in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has been studied so far. However, physical and chemical properties of the fuel debris have not yet investigated in reactor containment vessels. In order to investigate the safety function of barriers required for disposal of fuel debris, sensitivity analyses for radionuclide migration were carried out, considering with uncertainty of the properties. As a result, it is indicated that it was important for evaluation of fuel debris disposal to obtain the physical and chemical properties of C and I during release to groundwater, in addition to U.