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Yoshinuma, Akihiko; Shiotsuki, Masao; Nakayama, Jiro
Chiso Shobun Taisho Hoshasei Haikibutsu No Hinshitsu Manejimento, Chiso Shobun-nioite Hitsuyo To Kangaerareru Koreberu Hoshasei Haikibutsu "Garasu Kokatai" No Kino To Yoken Hokokusho (Internet), 54 Pages, 2011/03
no abstracts in English
Yoshinuma, Akihiko; Shiotsuki, Masao
Chiso Shobun Taisho Hoshasei Haikibutsu No Hinshitsu Manejimento, Chiso Shobun-nioite Hitsuyo To Kangaerareru Koreberu Hoshasei Haikibutsu (Garasu Kokatai) No Tokusei, Hokokusho/Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai "Chiso Shobun Taisho Hoshasei Haikibutsu No Hinshitsu Manejimento" Tokubetsu Senmon Iinkai, 67 Pages, 2010/01
In the conference for environmental preservation technical cooperation, JAEA accepted the cooperation request from JNFL, which is concerned with the technical information necessary for study of quality management for geological disposal waste including vitrified high radioactive waste. For this study, offering the technical information by JAEA and proceeding the study with cooperation of Atomic Energy Society of Japan were scheduled in the conference between JAEA, JNFL, power companies, and NUMO, which treat, store and dispose vitrified high radioactive waste. Furthermore, the characteristic of waste necessary for design and safety assessment of geological disposal facilities, the records appropriate for the characterization, etc. were discussed in the above conference.
Aoshima, Atsushi; Ueno, Tsutomu; Shiotsuki, Masao
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-16) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2008/05
In TVF, concentrated high radioactive liquid waste produced in TRP has been vitrified since 1995. Because of very corrosive condition of melting glass, design life of a melter is limited five years and it requires interruption of plant operation and generation of high radioactive solid waste for melter change. To improve this situation, prolongation of melter design life time by increasing corrosion resistance of structural material is required strongly. Effective removal of noble metal from a melter is also required because accumulated noble metal cause shortening lifetime of a melter. So, JAEA tried to develop a melter which equipped with ability of high corrosion resistance and control temperature distribution for noble metal easy drain out. Mechanical removal technology of remained noble metal rich glass also used if necessary. Low temperature glassing technology and advance removal of noble metal from concentrated high radioactive liquid are also be studying.
Aoshima, Atsushi; Ueno, Tsutomu; Shiotsuki, Masao
Proceedings of European Nuclear Conference 2007 (ENC 2007) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2007/09
Tokai Vitrification Facility (TVF) started hot operation in 1996 and produced 241 canisters as of June 2007. Through TVF operation, JAEA had much experience and accumulated much technical know-how which indicated that management for noble metal accumulation in a melter was key technology for smooth plant operation. JAEA should continue service operation based on a vitrification contract with the Japanese utilities because there remains about two third of High Active Liquid Waste (HALW) produced in the reprocessing service operation of Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP). TVF melter is designed in condition of five years life time because of very corrosive characteristic of melted glass. Five years design life time is equivalent to 500 canisters production in TVF. Because estimated number of canisters which will be produced in the future is over 500 canisters, exchange of the present melter is necessary. From these situations, JAEA decided basic strategy to increase stability of the existing melter operation and develop an advanced new melter for replacement in future which has largely prolonged life time and high noble metal drain ability. To attain these targets, JAEA extracted necessary key technologies to assemble into a ten years road map and started development. This development has been progressing on schedule.
Martin, A. J.*; Kamei, Gento; Shiotsuki, Masao; Kuroda, Shigeki*
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposium 2007 (WM '07) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2007/03
In Japan, the Federation of Electric Power Companies and The Japan Atomic Energy Agency have been collaborating with relevant organizations to promote generic R&D for the safe geological disposal of TRU waste based on the technical achievements in Japan's HLW disposal program. A result of this collaborative effort was production of a recent progress report on the R&D for TRU waste disposal in Japan (project TRU-2). This paper is an overview of TRU-2 describing the key results and some unique methodologies developed.
Mathieson, J.*; Hooper, A. J.*; Alexander, W. R.*; Shiotsuki, Masao; Kamei, Gento
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposium 2006 (WM '06) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2006/02
In January, 2005 an international workshop was held in Oxford, UK to discuss research progress in the disposability of transuranic (TRU) waste (also known as long-lived intermediate level waste. This was the third such workshop, with two previous ones being held in Switzerland in 1996 and Japan in 1999. Whilst TRU/ILW represents more complex wasteforms than high-level waste (HLW) or spent fuel (SF), it is recognised that it has not received the same amount of attention. This paper summarises the themes discussed at the workshop and the conclusions derived. Moreover, it provides a status report and future direction of work in relation to TRU and ILW wastes. The overall conclusion of the workshop was a recognition of the uncertainties surrounding the subject and outstanding issues where further work was required. However, there were no insurmountable obstacles to making safety cases for the disposal of TRU/ILW waste - safety assessment strategies were at a mature stage.
Shiotsuki, Masao; Aoshima, Atsushi; Nomura, Shigeo
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposium 2006 (WM '06) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2006/02
Achievement of reliable technologies on solidification and disposal of the HLW from future fuel cycle systems such for high burnup LWR, Pu-thermal (MOX), fast breeder reactor (FBR) and their transient stages is one of the most important issues to establish such advanced fuel cycle systems. In this paper, applicability and flexibility of the current vitrification technology for LWR fuel cycle to HLW from the future fuel cycle systems were reviewed by examining characteristics of the HLWs. The current developed vitrification technology is expected to have an advantage for applying to the solidification process of the HLW generated from future fuel cycle systems with some modification/optimization of the melting condition, etc. Moreover, it is thought that the advance aqueous reprocessing system developed for future FBR cycle has the potential which can contribute to the further reducing the number/volume of the HLW. It is also confirmed that development efforts on countermeasure for accumulation of noble metals, which JAEA has been carrying out aiming to accomplishing more stable and reliable operation of the vitrification process and extending the melter's life, will be able to contribute in the future fuel cycle system furthermore.
Shiotsuki, Masao; Kuroda, Shigeki*; ; Honda, Akira; Mihara, Morihiro; Ono, Fumihiko*; Kozawa, Takashi*; Tsukamoto, Masaki*
IAEA-CN-135/59, p.229 - 232, 2005/10
Hooper, A.*; Mathieson, J.*; Alexander, W. R.*; Shiotsuki, Masao
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM '05) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2005/09
This paper reviews the topics discussed at the 3rd international TRU workshop, presents the conclusions of the workshop and provides an update of the current status and the future direction of work in relation to TRU/ILW wastes.
Igarashi, Hiroshi; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Miyahara, Kaname; Shiotsuki, Masao; Tachi, Yukio
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Dai-8-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.467 - 472, 2002/06
no abstracts in English
Shiotsuki, Masao; Yamana, Hajime
Hoshasei Haikibutsu Kenkyu, 2(1&2), p.47 - 62, 1996/02
Shiotsuki, Masao; Yamana, Hajimu; Nakajima, Ichiro
PNC TN9410 95-156, 85 Pages, 1995/05
From the viewpoint of environmental effect that is one of the objectives of the actinide recycle, effect of reduction of the potential toxicity by recovery of minor actinides is considered from relation with geological disposal system. And, the influence of a recycling nuclides and recovery fraction into potential toxicity reduction effect and comparison with shallow disposal criteria are evaluated assumed an equivalent FBR cycle with each recycling methods. It is an each independent concepts from the effect of potential toxicity reduction of waste and the disposal technology, and a combination of these two concepts will contribute to reduce an environmental impact. Then potential toxicity reduction effect may be thought about it is adjusted with a recent geological disposal studies that respect for the mechanical barrier potential. The nuclides that should be recovered for reduction of the potential toxicity are evaluated by comparison with the potential toxicity in the uranium ore used in the atomic energy in Japan with the present fuel recycle by 2100. From the result of the waste from an equilibrated FBR cycle, to reduce the potential toxicity effectively, the recovery fraction of MA need about 99.9% and those of Pu and U must be improved more than 99.9%. Comparison evaluation with shallow disposal criteria, the geological disposal system is indispensable in any kind of recycling methods in the light of not only alpha activity but also those of fission products and activation products. And it is evaluated that Cm-Delay and neutron spectrum of FBR core do not influence greatly on these environmental effect.
Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Sasage, Kenichi; Usui, Yasufumi; Ayame, Yasuo; Shiotsuki, Masao
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Kato, Junya; Miura, Akihiko; Yamashita, Teruo; Shiotsuki, Masao
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Sasage, Kenichi; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Ayame, Yasuo; Fujiwara, Koji; Shiotsuki, Masao; Miura, Nobuyuki
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Miura, Akihiko; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Ayame, Yasuo; Shiotsuki, Masao; Weisenburger, S.*; Roth, G.*
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Sasage, Kenichi; Nakajima, Masayoshi; Yamashita, Teruo; Shiotsuki, Masao; Matsumoto, Shiro*
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Yamashita, Teruo; Masaki, Toshio; Nakajima, Masayoshi; Shiotsuki, Masao; Kojima, Keizo; Toyoshima, Mikihiro; Matsumoto, Shiro*
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Aoshima, Atsushi; Shiotsuki, Masao; Yamashita, Teruo
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TVF is unique operating vitrification facility in Japan constructed to vitrify HALW from TRP. In TVF, the total number of produced canisters is 247 and about 80% of HALW generated so far still remains in TRP. In TVF, a ceramic type melter was adopted of which design life time is set five years by structural material corrosion. Present melter is the second generation and future exchange of the second melter is inevitable. For the third melter, JAEA has been developing an advanced melter concept with prolonged design life time of twenty years and better noble metal drainability. This concept features two new technologies; skull layer and reverse viscosity operation mode. The former intends to decrease corrosion rate of refractory by forming low temperature glass zone on the surface. The latter intends to decrease viscosity of glass along wall lower than that of inside to remove accumulated noble metalby glass flow along wall. For both technologies, temperature control is a key point.
Yamashita, Teruo; Masaki, Toshio; Kojima, Keizo; Shiotsuki, Masao; Ito, Toshiyuki*; Ono, Isamu*; Matsumoto, Shiro*
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