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検索結果: 12 件中 1件目~12件目を表示
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Evaluation of analytical uncertainty in quantitative determination of elements; The Case of boron

墨田 岳大*; 大澤 崇人; Chiu, I.-H.; 池田 篤史

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1329, p.343256_1 - 343256_10, 2024/11

The uncertainty including accuracy and precision is the most vital factor that determines the overall quality of quantitative analysis. The objectives of this study are (1) to investigate the analytical uncertainty of a prompt gamma-ray analysis (PGA), a chemical interference-free method in principle, on the quantitative analysis of boron and (2) to evaluate the applicability of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), a common technique for quantitative elemental analysis including boron. PGA provided analytical quantity that is equivalent to the true quantity. The analytical uncertainty in both methods was adequately evaluated by comparing the results from PGA and ICP-OES for a series of boron-containing materials with different physical/chemical properties and the major sources of uncertainty in both methods are specified. The evaluation concept demonstrated in this study could be beneficial to a wide range of analytical chemistry.



墨田 岳大; 池田 篤史

Isotope News, (783), p.28 - 32, 2022/10

原著論文「High temperature reaction of multiple eutectic-component system; The Case of solid metallic Zr and molten SUS-B$$_{4}$$C」の解説記事である。


Potential bacterial alteration of nuclear fuel debris; A Preliminary study using simulants in powder and pellet forms

Liu, J.; 土津田 雄馬; 墨田 岳大; 北垣 徹; 大貫 敏彦; 香西 直文

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 331(6), p.2785 - 2794, 2022/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:63.91(Chemistry, Analytical)

福島第一原子力発電所(FDNPP)における燃料デブリは10年以上微生物を含んでいる地下水に保存した。微生物による燃料デブリの変化が起こる可能性がある。本研究では、CeO$$_{2}$$, ZrO$$_{2}$$, Fe(0), SiO$$_{2}$$を用いて燃料デブリの模擬体を調製し、好気性条件下で金属元素酸化細菌として認識されていない2つの常在菌Pseudomonas fluorescens及びBacillus subtilisに曝露して、模擬体の物理的及び化学的変化を調べた。粉末模擬体を用いた実験では、Ce, Zr, Siはほとんど溶解せず、Feを溶解したままFe(II)とFe(III)として液相に存在し、一部溶解した鉄は鉄(水)酸化物のナノ粒子として析出した。ペレット模擬体を用いた実験では、バクテリアはFe(0)粒子表面に選択的に集まり、腐食ピットを作った。これらの結果は地下水中のバクテリアがFDNPPの燃料デブリ中の鉄を腐食し、燃料デブリを多孔質体に変え、ナノサイズの鉄(水)酸化物粒子を水中に放出することを示唆した。


Direct ${it in-situ}$ temperature measurement for lamp-based heating device

墨田 岳大; 須藤 彩子; 高野 公秀; 池田 篤史

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; Methods (Internet), 2(1), p.50 - 54, 2022/02

Despite a wide variety of its practical applications, handiness, and cost-effectiveness, the advance of lamp-based heating device is obstructed by one technical difficulty in measuring the temperature on a heated material. This difficulty originates in the combination of polychromatic light source and a radiation thermometer that determines temperature from radiation (i.e. light). A new system developed in this study overcomes this intrinsic difficulty by measuring exclusively the radiation from the heated material, allowing us to perform the direct and ${it in-situ}$ measurement of temperature in a light-based heating device (an arc image furnace). Test measurements demonstrated the reliability of temperature measurement using the developed system as well as its promising potential for the determination of emissivity at high temperature particularly in the infrared region.


High temperature reaction of multiple eutectic-component system; The Case of solid metallic Zr and molten stainless steel-B$$_{4}$$C

墨田 岳大; 小畠 雅明; 高野 公秀; 池田 篤史

Materialia, 20, p.101197_1 - 101197_11, 2021/12

The eutectic melting, one of the fundamental phenomena in high temperature reactions involving liquid phases, is a primitive but important subject for both scientific and industrial fields associated with metallurgy. The present study aims at revealing the formation and reaction mechanisms of the multiple eutectic-component system consisting of solid metallic Zr and molten stainless steel- boron carbide (SS-B$$_{4}$$C) by combining multiple analytical methods (i.e. powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy- energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (D-SIMS)) with thermodynamical consideration. The results indicate that the solidified Zr-SS-B$$_{4}$$C mixture is composed of major phases of (Fe,Cr)$$_{2}$$Zr, (Fe,Cr,Ni)$$_{2}$$Zr, (Ni,Fe)Zr$$_{2}$$, ZrB$$_{2}$$, and a minor phase of ZrC. The results also reveal that the eutectic melting between solid metallic Zr and molten SS-B$$_{4}$$C can be described as the combination of diffusion kinetics and thermodynamic stability. That is, the initial formation of ZrC and ZrB$$_{2}$$ layers at the reaction interface significantly retards the diffusion of other SS-B$$_{4}$$C components (i.e. Cr, Fe, and Ni) into solid metallic Zr.


Solidification and re-melting mechanisms of SUS-B$$_{4}$$C eutectic mixture

墨田 岳大; 北垣 徹; 高野 公秀; 池田 篤史

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 543, p.152527_1 - 152527_15, 2021/01

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:89.64(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Fundamental understanding of the high-temperature interaction between stainless steel (SUS) and B$$_{4}$$C is indispensable for estimating and characterizing the fuel debris generated during severe accidents of boiling water reactors (BWR), such as Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS, also referred to as "1F") in Japan. This study aims at systematically characterizing the solidified products of molten SUS-B$$_{4}$$C mixtures by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy- energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) with a range of the B$$_{4}$$C content relevant to the fuel debris composition expected at 1F, in order to elucidate the solidification and re-melting mechanisms. The results indicated that $$gamma$$-Fe and (Cr,Fe)$$_{2}$$B are the major solidified phases when the B$$_{4}$$C content is below 3 mass%, while (Cr,Fe)$$_{23}$$(C,B)$$_{6}$$ is formed as an additional third phase when the B$$_{4}$$C content exceeds 3 mass%. The solidification of molten SUS-B$$_{4}$$C mixture and re-melting of solidified SUS-B$$_{4}$$C melt are eutectic, which is mainly controlled by the pseudo-binary Fe-B system that is influenced by the C and Cr content and additional minor components such as Mo.



墨田 岳大*; 米川 夏津夫*; 関尾 佳弘; 佐藤 勇*; 小林 能直*; 逢坂 正彦; 前田 宏治; 赤坂 尚昭

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所(1F)事故において1-3号機では燃料溶融により核分裂生成物(FP)である$$^{137}$$Cs, $$^{133}$$Iなどの高放射性核種が主として放出され、圧力容器内の構造材料部分ばかりでなく原子炉建屋内が高線量化した。今後1Fの廃止措置を進めるにあたり、適切な燃料デブリ取出し手法やアクセスルート(人の動線及び遠隔装置の経路など)の確立、炉内の低線量化及び除染の手法の決定を行うためには、シビアアクシデント(SA)時におけるCs化合物の炉内構造材料等への吸着挙動に関する知見を取得する必要がある。しかしながら、既往研究は大気圧下のみで行われており、SA環境を模擬した高圧下でのCs化合物の炉内構造材料への吸着挙動評価の例はない。本試験では、温度・圧力・雰囲気の制御が可能なCs吸着挙動評価装置を開発し、基礎試験としてSA模擬条件下でSUS304L材に対するCsIの吸着挙動に係る試験・評価を行った。吸着試験後の試料観察と元素分析から、試験片へのCsIの吸着量は、雰囲気や水蒸気の有無よりも、圧力の寄与が大きい傾向にあることが示唆された。



Chiu, I.-H.; 大澤 崇人; 墨田 岳大*; 池田 瑞*; 二宮 和彦*; 武田 伸一郎*; 高橋 忠幸*; 南 喬博*; 渡辺 伸*

no journal, , 



Development of a boron imaging method for BNCT using CdTe-DSD

Chiu, I.-H.; 大澤 崇人; 墨田 岳大*; 池田 瑞*; 二宮 和彦*; 武田 伸一郎*; 南 喬博*; 高橋 忠幸*; 渡辺 伸*

no journal, , 

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a neutron-based cancer treatment requiring real-time $$^{10}$$B dose monitoring for optimal effectiveness. We demonstrate the use of a cadmium telluride double-sided strip detector (CdTe-DSD) for precise boron imaging, offering a few keV energy resolution (FWHM) in the hundred-keV range and 0.25 mm spatial resolution. Using a pinhole collimator, our experiment at JRR-3 measured the $$^{10}$$B distribution in a solid sample containing 0.3 mg of $$^{10}$$B under neutron exposure. Despite gamma-ray background from $$^{113}$$Cd, we obtained an 11.5 mm diameter projection image with a 0.115 cps counting rate. These results highlight the CdTe-DSD's potential to enhance BNCT by providing high-fidelity $$^{10}$$B distribution insights.


Development of BNCT-SPECT Using CdTe-DSD at JRR-3

Chiu, I.-H.; 大澤 崇人; 墨田 岳大*; 池田 瑞*; 二宮 和彦*; 武田 伸一郎*; 南 喬博*; 高橋 忠幸*; 渡辺 伸*

no journal, , 



Development of BNCT-SPECT using the CdTe-DSDs at JRR-3

Chiu, I.-H.; 大澤 崇人; 墨田 岳大*; 池田 瑞*; 二宮 和彦*; 武田 伸一郎*; 南 喬博*; 高橋 忠幸*; 渡辺 伸*

no journal, , 




墨田 岳大

no journal, , 

Fundamental understanding of the high-temperature interaction between stainless steel and B$$_{4}$$C is indispensable for estimating and characterizing the fuel debris generated during severe accidents of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS, also referred to as "1F") in Japan. This study aims at systematically characterizing the solidified products of molten SUS-B$$_{4}$$C mixtures by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy- energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) with a range of the B$$_{4}$$C content relevant to the fuel debris composition expected at FDNPPs, in order to elucidate the solidification and re-melting mechanisms.

12 件中 1件目~12件目を表示
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