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 年 ~ 


Development of real-time boron imaging method for BNCT using CdTe-DSD at JRR-3

Chiu, I.-H.; 大澤 崇人  ; 墨田 岳大*   ; 池田 瑞*; 二宮 和彦*; 武田 伸一郎*; 高橋 忠幸*; 南 喬博*; 渡辺 伸*

Chiu, I.-H.; Osawa, Takahito; Sumita, Takehiro*; Ikeda, Mizuha*; Ninomiya, Kazuhiko*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Minami, Takahiro*; Watanabe, Shin*


Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a cancer treatment method that uses neutrons. After administering a boron drug that has the property of collecting in cancer cells to the human body, the affected area is irradiated with neutrons, and the generated alpha rays selectively destroy the cancer cells. To confirm the effectiveness of the treatment, it is extremely important to accurately confirm the area where boron reacts with neutrons. Therefore, we investigated the possibility of applying BNCT-SPECT using a CdTe double-sided strip-type detector. The CdTe-DSD is a comma-ray two-dimensional imaging detector that combines a high energy resolution of several keV with a FWHM of several hundred keV and a spatial resolution of 250 micro-m. By utilizing such high resolution of the detector, the prompt gamma rays originating from boron that causes a nuclear reaction can be detected, and the localization location of boron can be precisely identified. In this study, the CdTe-DSD was combined with a pinhole collimator to evaluate the boron distribution in solid samples in the research reactor JRR-3 of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The sample weighed 8.86 mg and contained 0.3 mg of boron. The figure shows the energy spectrum measured in this experiment and an image in the boron signal region. A circular boron projection image with a diameter of 11.5 mm was successfully obtained. The boron count rate was 0.115 cps and the signal-to-noise ratio was about 0.25. These results indicate that the CdTe-DSD has the potential to contribute to the development of BNCT-SPECT.



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