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高田 兵衛*; 脇山 義史*; 和田 敏裕*; 平尾 茂一*; 青野 辰雄*; 中西 貴宏; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦; 青山 道夫*
Marine Chemistry, 262, p.104384_1 - 104384_6, 2024/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)The radiocesium (Cs) distribution between dissolved and particulate phases was examined in river water and coastal seawater as a function of the
Cs sorption behavior on suspended particles. Dissolved
Cs activity concentrations in the Tomioka River (salinity
0.1) and in coastal seawater at Tomioka fishery port (salinity
30), Fukushima Prefecture, from June 2019 to October 2021 were 3.6-20 Bq/m
(geometric mean 11 Bq/m
) and 2.4-86 Bq/m
(13 Bq/m
), respectively. Although the suspended particle concentration was lower in the river (0.2-44 mg/L; geometric mean 2 mg/L) than in seawater (0.8-24 mg/L; 6.4 mg/L), the mean
Cs activity on suspended particles was 11,000 Bq/kg-dry in the river versus 3,200 Bq/kg-dry in seawater. Proportions of ion-exchangeable, organically bound, and refractory fractions of
Cs on suspended particles were determined by sequential extraction. The ion-exchangeable fraction accounted for 0.3-2.0% (mean 1.2%) and 0.4-1.3% (0.8%) at the river and port sites, respectively. The organically bound fraction accounted for 0.3-4.8% (1.8%) and 0.1-5.5% (2.1%) at the river and port sites, respectively. In both areas, the refractory fraction accounted for
90% of
Cs. Unexpectedly, the ion-exchangeable fraction did not differ between the river and port sites, and the percentage at the river site did not vary during the sampling period. Therefore, the ion-exchangeable fraction in the river's lower reach was originally low or had decreased before the particles arrived there. The small labile
Cs fraction on suspended particles indicates that the mobility of radiocesium to marine biota in this coastal region is low.
鈴木 翔太郎*; 天野 洋典*; 榎本 昌宏*; 松本 陽*; 守岡 良晃*; 佐久間 一幸; 鶴田 忠彦; 帰山 秀樹*; 三浦 輝*; 津旨 大輔*; et al.
Science of the Total Environment, 831, p.154670_1 - 154670_15, 2022/07
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:15.53(Environmental Sciences)The monthly monitoring data (total 3647 samples) between May. 2011 and Mar. 2020 were analyzed to describe temporal variability of Cs concentration in coastal sediments off Fukushima.
Cs concentration of sediment had decreasing trend, but non-linear model fitting suggested that this decreasing trend showed slower. Additionally,
Cs concentration were up to 4.08 times greater in shallow sampling sites (7, 10, 20 m depth) following heavy rainfall events (before five months vs. after five months), such as typhoons. These were consistent with increasing particulate
Cs (P-
Cs) fluxes from river and increasing dissolved
Cs (D-
Cs) concentration in seawater. Finally, the numerical experiment was conducted and revealed that riverine
Cs input could preserve
Cs concentration in coastal sediment. These results indicate that riverine
Cs input via heavy rainfall events is one of the main factors for preserving
Cs concentration in coastal sediment off Fukushima.
高田 兵衛*; 久万 健志*; 磯田 豊*; 乙坂 重嘉; 千手 智晴*; 皆川 昌幸*
Geophysical Research Letters, 35(2), p.L02606_1 - L02606_5, 2008/01
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:42.92(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)日本海の2つの海盆(大和海盆及び日本海盆)で採取した海水中の鉄(溶存鉄と可溶性鉄)濃度から、両海盆での鉄の挙動について考察した。孔径0.22mのフィルターで濾過し、緩衝液でpH=3.2に調整した海水に含まれる鉄を溶存鉄、濾過せずにpH調整のみを行った海水に含まれる鉄を可溶性鉄とした。表層(0
mol m
青野 辰雄*; 西川 淳*; 乙坂 重嘉*; 高田 兵衛*; 御園生 敏治; 中西 貴宏; 三浦 輝*; 福田 美保*; 神林 翔太*; 櫻田 正宣*; et al.
no journal, ,
Chaboche, P.-A.*; 脇山 義史*; 高田 兵衛*; 和田 敏裕*; Evrard, O.*; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦; 舟木 泰智
no journal, ,
Following the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011, large quantities of radionuclides in general, and radiocaesium (Cs) in particular, were emitted in terrestrial and marine environments of Fukushima Prefecture. Although
Cs activity in these environments has decreased since the accident, the secondary inputs via the rivers draining and eroding the main terrestrial radioactive plume were shown to sustain high level of
Cs in riverine and coastal sediments, which are likely deposited off the coasts of the Prefecture. Accordingly, quantifying the riverine sources of sediment deposited along the coast and characterizing its spatial and depth distribution, as well as its physico-chemical properties, is of the utmost importance to ensure the safety of fishery products and anticipate the environmental fate of radiocaesium. To conduct this project, coastal sediment cores (n=6) from 26 to 60cm depth were collected during cruise campaigns between July and September 2022 at the Ota, Niida and Ukedo river mouths. In this presentation, we report preliminary results regarding the spatial and depth distribution of radiocaesium activities in these sediment cores. Finally, we will discuss the main challenges identified so far to design and implement a sediment tracing method along the coast of the Fukushima Prefecture.
高田 兵衛*; 脇山 義史*; 和田 敏裕*; 平尾 茂一*; 青野 辰雄*; 中西 貴宏; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦*; 青山 道夫*
no journal, ,
The aim of this study was to measure the sorption behavior of Cs in suspended particles in Tomioka River and its coastal seawater near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and then, by comparing the sorbed fractions between river water and seawater. Proportions of ion-exchangeable, organically bound, and refractory fractions of
Cs on suspended particles were determined by sequential extraction. The ion-exchangeable fraction accounted for less than 2% at those two sites. The organically bound fraction accounted for only a few %, suggesting that in both areas, the refractory fraction accounted for
90% of
青野 辰雄*; 西川 淳*; 乙坂 重嘉*; 高田 兵衛*; 御園生 敏治; 中西 貴宏; 三浦 輝*; 神林 翔太*; 福田 美保*; 櫻田 正宣*; et al.
no journal, ,
鈴木 翔太郎*; 佐久間 一幸; 鶴田 忠彦; 松本 陽*; 天野 洋典*; 榎本 昌宏*; 守岡 良晃*; 神山 享一*; 高田 兵衛*
no journal, ,
To evaluate contribution of riverine particulate Cs input, we estimated
Cs concentration coastal sediment (7-20 m depth) with particulate
Cs flux of the total 13 rivers (Uda, Mano, Niida, Ohta, Odaka, Ukedo(+Takase), Maeda, Kuma, Tomioka, Ide, Kido, Natsui, Same) calculated by tank model for water discharge and empirical equations for suspended solids fluxes and
Cs discharge between May 2011 and March 2020. Calculated particulate
Cs flux from the river were ranged from 2.11
to 4979
Bq/month. Estimated
Cs concentration including particulate
Cs via deposition kept concentration level more than minimum 0.351 Bq/kg-dry when initial
Cs concentration, variation rate and deposition ratio were set 300 Bq/kg-dry, -95% and 0.1, respectively.
Chaboche, P.-A.*; 脇山 義史*; 高田 兵衛*; 和田 敏裕*; Evrard, O.*; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦; 舟木 泰智
no journal, ,
The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident trigged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March 2011 released large quantities of radionuclides in terrestrial and marine environments of Fukushima Prefecture. Although radiocaesium activity in these environments has decreased since the accident, the secondary inputs via the rivers draining and eroding the main terrestrial radioactive plume were shown to sustain high levels of Cs in riverine and coastal sediments, which are likely deposited off the coast of the Prefecture. Accordingly, identifying the sources of sediment is required to elucidate the links between terrestrial and marine radiocaesium dynamics and to anticipate the fate of these persistent radionuclides in the environment.
高田 兵衛*; 和田 敏裕*; 脇山 義史*; 平尾 茂一*; 佐藤 俊*; 青野 辰雄*; 中西 貴宏; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦
no journal, ,
The Cs sorption behavior on suspended particles was studied in river and coastal seawater, Fukushima Prefecture from June 2019 to October 2021. Although the suspended particle concentration was lower in the river than in seawater, the
Cs activity on suspended particles in the river lager than that in seawater. Proportions of ion-exchangeable, organically bound, and refractory fractions of
Cs on suspended particles were also determined by conducting sequential extraction method. The ion-exchangeable fraction was less than 1% at both areas. The organically bound fraction was a few %, resulting in that the refractory fraction accounted for
90%. Thus, it is indicated that the mobility of
Cs to marine biota is low in the studied areas.
高田 兵衛*; 久万 健志*; 磯田 豊*; 西岡 純*; 乙坂 重嘉; 千木良 充*; 高木 省吾*; 亀井 佳彦*; 坂岡 桂一郎*
no journal, ,
高田 兵衛*; 大槻 あずさ*; 佐藤 俊*; 乙坂 重嘉*; 戸田 亮二*; 西川 淳*; 剣持 瑛行*; 石倉 明依*; 山田 萌々加*; 新開 祐介*; et al.
no journal, ,
青野 辰雄*; 福田 美保*; 櫻田 正宣*; 高橋 博路*; 山崎 慎之介*; 神林 翔太*; 御園生 敏治; 中西 貴宏; 三浦 輝*; 西川 淳*; et al.
no journal, ,
Chaboche, P.-A.*; 脇山 義史*; 高田 兵衛*; 和田 敏裕*; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦; 舟木 泰智
no journal, ,