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Journal Articles

Adsorption behavior of platinum-group metals and Co-existing metal ions from simulated high-level liquid waste using HONTA and Crea impregnated adsorbent

Osawa, Naoki*; Kim, S.-Y.*; Kubota, Masahiko*; Wu, H.*; Watanabe, So; Ito, Tatsuya; Nagaishi, Ryuji

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), p.812 - 818, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.05

JAEA Reports

Removal of spent fuel sheared powder for decommissioning of Main Plant

Nishino, Saki; Okada, Jumpei; Watanabe, Kazuki; Furuuchi, Yuta; Yokota, Satoru; Yada, Yuji; Kusaka, Shota; Morokado, Shiori; Nakamura, Yoshinobu

JAEA-Technology 2023-011, 39 Pages, 2023/06


Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) which shifted to decommissioning phase in 2014 had nuclear fuel materials such as the spent fuel sheared powder, the diluted plutonium solution and the uranium solution in a part of the reprocessing main equipment because TRP intended to resume reprocessing operations when it suspended the operations in 2007. Therefore, we have planned to remove these nuclear materials in sequence as Flush-out before beginning the decommissioning, and conducted removal of the spent fuel sheared powder as the first stage. The spent fuel sheared powder that had accumulated in the cell of the Main Plant (MP) as a result of the spent fuel shearing process was recovered from the cell floor, the shearing machine and the distributor between April 2016 and April 2017 as part of maintenance. Removing the recovered spent fuel sheared powder was conducted between June 2022 and September 2022. In this work, the recovered powder was dissolved in nitric acid at the dissolver in a small amount in order to remove it safely and early, and the dissolved solution was sent to the highly radioactive waste storage tanks without separating uranium and plutonium. Then, the dissolved solution transfer route was rinsed with nitric acid and water. Although about 15 years had passed since previous process operations, the removing work was successfully completed without any equipment failure because of the organization of a system that combines veterans experienced the operation with young workers, careful equipment inspections, and worker education and training. Removing this powder was conducted after revising the decommissioning project and obtaining approval from the Nuclear Regulation Authority owing to operating a part of process equipment.

Journal Articles

Phase analysis of simulated nuclear fuel debris synthesized using UO$$_{2}$$, Zr, and stainless steel and leaching behavior of the fission products and matrix elements

Tonna, Ryutaro*; Sasaki, Takayuki*; Kodama, Yuji*; Kobayashi, Taishi*; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Sato, Nobuaki*; Kumagai, Yuta; Kusaka, Ryoji; Watanabe, Masayuki

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55(4), p.1300 - 1309, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:84.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Simulated debris was synthesized using UO$$_{2}$$, Zr, and stainless steel and a heat treatment method under inert or oxidizing conditions. The primary U solid phase of the debris synthesized at 1473 K under inert conditions was UO$$_{2}$$, whereas a (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ solid solution formed at 1873 K. Under oxidizing conditions, a mixture of U$$_{3}$$O$$_{8}$$ and (Fe,Cr)UO$$_{4}$$ phases formed at 1473 K whereas a (U,Zr)O$$_{2+x}$$ solid solution formed at 1873 K. The leaching behavior of the fission products from the simulated debris was evaluated using two methods: the irradiation method, for which fission products were produced via neutron irradiation, and the doping method, for which trace amounts of non-radioactive elements were doped into the debris. The dissolution behavior of U depended on the properties of the debris and aqueous medium the debris was immersed in. Cs, Sr, and Ba leached out regardless of the primary solid phases. The leaching of high-valence Eu and Ru ions was suppressed, possibly owing to their solid-solution reaction with or incorporation into the uranium compounds of the simulated debris.

Journal Articles

Structures of magnetic excitations in the spin-$$frac{1}{2}$$ kagome-lattice antiferromagnets Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$SnF$$_{12}$$ and Rb$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$SnF$$_{12}$$

Saito, Mutsuki*; Takagishi, Ryunosuke*; Kurita, Nubuyuki*; Watanabe, Masari*; Tanaka, Hidekazu*; Nomura, Ryuji*; Fukumoto, Yoshiyuki*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi

Physical Review B, 105(6), p.064424_1 - 064424_15, 2022/02

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:69.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

JAEA Reports

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project, Annual report for fiscal year 2019

Takeuchi, Ryuji; Onoe, Hironori; Murakami, Hiroaki; Watanabe, Yusuke; Mikake, Shinichiro; Ikeda, Koki; Iyatomi, Yosuke; Nishio, Kazuhisa*; Sasao, Eiji

JAEA-Review 2021-003, 63 Pages, 2021/06


The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project is being pursued by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to enhance the reliability of geological disposal technologies through investigations of the deep geological environment in the crystalline rock (granite) at Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. On the occasion of JAEA reformation in FY2014, JAEA identified three remaining important issues on the geoscientific research program based on the synthesized latest results of research and development (R&D): "Development of countermeasure technologies for reducing groundwater inflow", "Development of modeling technologies for mass transport" and "Development of drift backfilling technologies". At the MIU, the R&D are being pursued with a focus on the remaining important issues from FY2015, and satisfactory results have been achieved. Based on this situation, the R&D on the MIU Project were completed at the end of FY2019. In this report, the results of R&D and construction activities of the MIU Project in FY2019 are summarized.

Journal Articles

Stable structure of hydrogen atoms trapped in tungsten divacancy

Osawa, Kazuhito*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Hatano, Yuji*; Yamaguchi, Masatake; Watanabe, Hideo*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 527, p.151825_1 - 151825_7, 2019/12

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:65.31(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Preliminary test of the EA-AGE3 system for $$^{14}$$C measurement of CaCO$$_{3}$$ samples and coral-based estimation of marine reservoir correction in the Ogasawara Islands, Northwestern Subtropical Pacific

Kokubu, Yoko; Mitsuguchi, Takehiro*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Yamada, Tsutomu*; Asami, Ryuji*; Iryu, Yasufumi*

Radiocarbon, 61(5), p.1593 - 1601, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:5.74(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

We performed $$^{14}$$C measurements of two fossil and one modern corals using a combined system of an elemental analyzer and an automated graphitization equipment AGE3 (EA-AGE3 system) and JAEA-AMS-TONO. The $$^{14}$$C concentrations (pMC values) of mid-Holocene Okinawa corals obtained by our EA-AGE3 system appear to be slightly higher than those obtained by the conventional graphitization method using phosphoric acid. The pMC increase in our EA-AGE3 system may result in significant underestimation of $$^{14}$$C age especially for older samples (e.g., 10,000 BP); however, the pMC increase is negligible in $$^{14}$$C measurements of modern or recent samples. We applied the EA-AGE3 method to the pre- and post-bomb annual-band samples from the modern Ogasawara coral for $$^{14}$$C measurements. On the basis of the pre-bomb coral $$^{14}$$C data, we estimated marine reservoir correction ($$Delta$$R) around Ogasawara Islands and its stability between $$sim$$1900 and 1950 AD.

Journal Articles

Determination of fusion barrier distributions from quasielastic scattering cross sections towards superheavy nuclei synthesis

Tanaka, Taiki*; Narikiyo, Yoshihiro*; Morita, Kosuke*; Fujita, Kunihiro*; Kaji, Daiya*; Morimoto, Koji*; Yamaki, Sayaka*; Wakabayashi, Yasuo*; Tanaka, Kengo*; Takeyama, Mirei*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(1), p.014201_1 - 014201_9, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:73.84(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Excitation functions of quasielastic scattering cross sections for the $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{208}$$Pb, $$^{50}$$Ti + $$^{208}$$Pb, and $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{248}$$Cm reactions were successfully measured by using the gas-filled recoil-ion separator GARIS. Fusion barrier distributions were extracted from these data, and compared with the coupled-channels calculations. It was found that the peak energies of the barrier distributions for the $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{208}$$Pb and $$^{50}$$Ti + $$^{208}$$Pb systems coincide with those of the 2n evaporation channel cross sections for the systems, while that of the $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{248}$$Cm is located slightly below the 4n evaporation ones. This results provide us helpful information to predict the optimum beam energy to synthesize superheavy nuclei.

Journal Articles

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 3; Neutron devices and computational and sample environments

Sakasai, Kaoru; Sato, Setsuo*; Seya, Tomohiro*; Nakamura, Tatsuya; To, Kentaro; Yamagishi, Hideshi*; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Yamazaki, Dai; Maruyama, Ryuji; Oku, Takayuki; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(2), p.10_1 - 10_35, 2017/09

Neutron devices such as neutron detectors, optical devices including supermirror devices and $$^{3}$$He neutron spin filters, and choppers are successfully developed and installed at the Materials Life Science Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), Tokai, Japan. Four software components of MLF computational environment, instrument control, data acquisition, data analysis, and a database, have been developed and equipped at MLF. MLF also provides a wide variety of sample environment options including high and low temperatures, high magnetic fields, and high pressures. This paper describes the current status of neutron devices, computational and sample environments at MLF.

Journal Articles

Three-dimensional electronic structures and the metal-insulator transition in Ruddlesden-Popper iridates

Yamasaki, Atsushi*; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Tachibana, Shoichi*; Iwasaki, Daisuke*; Higashino, Yuji*; Yoshimi, Chiaki*; Nakagawa, Koya*; Nakatani, Yasuhiro*; Yamagami, Kohei*; Aratani, Hidekazu*; et al.

Physical Review B, 94(11), p.115103_1 - 115103_10, 2016/11


 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:60.70(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In this study, we systematically investigate three-dimensional(3D) momentum-resolved electronic structures of Ruddlesden-Popper-type iridium oxides Sr$$_{n+1}$$Ir$$_{n}$$O$$_{3n+1}$$ using soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES). Our results provide direct evidence of an insulator-to-metal transition that occurs upon increasing the dimensionality of the IrO$$_{2}$$-plane structure. This transition occurs when the spin-orbit-coupled $$j_{eff}$$ = 1/2 band changes its behavior in the dispersion relation and moves across the Fermi energy. By scanning the photon energy over 350 eV, we reveal the 3D Fermi surface in SrIrO$$_{3}$$ and $$k_{z}$$-dependent oscillations of photoelectron intensity in Sr$$_{3}$$Ir$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$. To corroborate the physics deduced using low-energy ARPES studies, we propose to utilize SX-ARPES as a powerful complementary technique, as this method surveys more than one whole Brillouin zone and provides a panoramic view of electronic structures.

Journal Articles

Valence-band electronic structure evolution of graphene oxide upon thermal annealing for optoelectronics

Yamaguchi, Hisato*; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Watanabe, Daiki*; Hozumi, Hideaki*; Gao, Y.*; Eda, Goki*; Mattevi, C.*; Fujita, Takeshi*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Ishizuka, Shinji*; et al.

Physica Status Solidi (A), 213(9), p.2380 - 2386, 2016/09

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:51.96(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report valence-band electronic structure evolution of graphene oxide (GO) upon its thermal reduction. The degree of oxygen functionalization was controlled by annealing temperature, and an electronic structure evolution was monitored using real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. We observed a drastic increase in the density of states around the Fermi level upon thermal annealing at $$sim$$ 600$$^{circ}$$C. The result indicates that while there is an apparent bandgap for GO prior to a thermal reduction, the gap closes after an annealing around that temperature. This trend of bandgap closure was correlated with the electrical, chemical, and structural properties to determine a set of GO material properties that is optimal for optoelectronics. The results revealed that annealing at a temperature of 500$$^{circ}$$C leads to the desired properties, demonstrated by a uniform and an order of magnitude enhanced photocurrent map of an individual GO sheet compared to an as-synthesized counterpart.

Journal Articles

Towards a novel laser-driven method of exotic nuclei extraction-acceleration for fundamental physics and technology

Nishiuchi, Mamiko*; Sakaki, Hironao*; Esirkepov, T. Zh.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Pirozhkov, A. S.*; Sagisaka, Akito*; et al.

Plasma Physics Reports, 42(4), p.327 - 337, 2016/04

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:58.65(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

A combination of a petawatt laser and nuclear physics techniques can crucially facilitate the measurement of exotic nuclei properties. With numerical simulations and laser-driven experiments we show prospects for the Laser-driven Exotic Nuclei extraction-acceleration method proposed in [M. Nishiuchi et al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 033107 (2015)]: a femtosecond petawatt laser, irradiating a target bombarded by an external ion beam, extracts from the target and accelerates to few GeV highly charged short-lived heavy exotic nuclei created in the target via nuclear reactions.

Journal Articles

Progress report of Japanese simulation research projects using the high-performance computer system Helios in the International Fusion Energy Research Centre

Ishizawa, Akihiro*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Imadera, Kenji*; Kasuya, Naohiro*; Kanno, Ryutaro*; Satake, Shinsuke*; Tatsuno, Tomoya*; Nakata, Motoki*; Nunami, Masanori*; Maeyama, Shinya*; et al.

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 92(3), p.157 - 210, 2016/03

The high-performance computer system Helios which is located at The Computational Simulation Centre (CSC) in The International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC) started its operation in January 2012 under the Broader Approach (BA) agreement between Japan and the EU. The Helios system has been used for magnetised fusion related simulation studies in the EU and Japan and has kept high average usage rate. As a result, the Helios system has contributed to many research products in a wide range of research areas from core plasma physics to reactor material and reactor engineering. This project review gives a short catalogue of domestic simulation research projects. First, we outline the IFERC-CSC project. After that, shown are objectives of the research projects, numerical schemes used in simulation codes, obtained results and necessary computations in future.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of long term creep strength of mod. 9cr heat resistant ferritic steel with the aid of system free energy concept

Murata, Yoshinori*; Watanabe, Naoya*; Nagae, Yuji

Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants; Proceedings from the 8th International Conference (EPRI 2016), p.487 - 494, 2016/00

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2014

Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki*; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sakauchi, Nobuyuki*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2015-030, 115 Pages, 2015/12


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2014. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.

Journal Articles

Laser-driven multi-charged heavy ion beam acceleration

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Sagisaka, Akito; Ogura, Koichi; Kanasaki, Masato; et al.

Research Using Extreme Light; Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers II (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9515), p.95151D_1 - 95151D_4, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Experimental demonstration of multi-charged heavy ion acceleration from the interaction between the ultra-intense short pulse laser system and the metal target is presented. The laser pulse of $$<$$10 J laser energy, 36 fs pulse width, and the contrast level of $$sim$$ 10$$^{10}$$ from 200 TW class Ti:sapphire J-KAREN laser system at JAEA is used in the experiment. Almost fully stripped Fe ions accelerated up to 0.9 GeV are demonstrated. This is achieved by the high intensity laser field of $$sim$$10$$^{21}$$Wcm$$^{-2}$$ interacting with the solid density target. The demonstrated iron ions with high charge to mass ratio (Q/M) is difficult to be achieved by the conventional heavy ion source technique in the accelerators.

Journal Articles

Acceleration of highly charged GeV Fe ions from a low-Z substrate by intense femtosecond laser

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T.*; Faenov, A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Sako, Hiroyuki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 22(3), p.033107_1 - 033107_8, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:96.81(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Almost fully stripped Fe ions accelerated up to 0.9 GeV are demonstrated with a 200 TW femtosecond high-intensity laser irradiating a micron-thick Al foil with Fe impurity on the surface. An energetic low-emittance high-density beam of heavy ions with a large charge-to-mass ratio can be obtained, which is useful for many applications, such as a compact radio isotope source in combination with conventional technology.

Journal Articles

Self-accelerating oxidation on Si(111)7$$times$$7 surfaces studied by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy

Tang, J.*; Nishimoto, Kiwamu*; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Ishizuka, Shinji*; Watanabe, Daiki*; Teraoka, Yuden; Takakuwa, Yuji*

Surface and Interface Analysis, 46(12-13), p.1147 - 1150, 2014/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:1.65(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Cesium-adsorption behavior of weathered biotite from Fukushima Prefecture depends on the degree of vermiculitization

Yamada, Hirohisa*; Yokoyama, Shingo*; Watanabe, Yujiro*; Suzuki, Masaya*; Suzuki, Shinichi; Hatta, Tamao*

Nihon Ion Kokan Gakkai-Shi, 25(4), p.207 - 211, 2014/11

JAEA Reports

Results of pilot borehole investigation in -500m access/research gallery-south (12MI32 borehole)

Kawamoto, Koji; Kuroiwa, Hiroshi; Yamada, Nobuto; Onuki, Kenji; Omori, Kazuaki; Takeuchi, Ryuji; Ogata, Nobuhisa; Omori, Masaki; Watanabe, Kazuhiko

JAEA-Technology 2014-011, 92 Pages, 2014/07


This document summarizes the data of pilot boreholes (12MI32) in the -500m Access/Research Gallery-South. The geological, hydraulic and geochemical data were obtained. In addition, groundwater monitoring system was installed to observe the groundwater pressure in initial condition and change during the excavation of gallery. The results of investigation, biotite granite with medium to coarse-grained equigranular texture are characterized. Rock mass classification is B from CM class. Minor fault with fault breccia are observed around 48.90mabh. However, S200_13 fault and IF_SB3_13_3 fault (that were presumed by an original model) were not observed. Density of fracture is large in the section of 40.00 to 80.00mabh. Water inflow was a maximum of 600 L/min in 78.83mabh. Permeability ranges from 2.0E-9 to 1.5E-08m/sec at the zone with low inflow, from 1.1E-05 to 1.6E-05m/sec at the zone with high inflow, respectively. Groundwater chemistry is rich in Na and Cl ion.

195 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)