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Journal Articles

The Examination of automatic reactor power control system of the experimental fast reactor JOYO

Terakado, Tsuguo; Izawa, Osamu

UTNL-R-0466, p.8_1 - 8_11, 2008/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO MK-III Functional Test; Secondary Cooling System Main Pumps Test

Terakado, Tsuguo; Morimoto, Makoto; Izawa, Osamu; Ishida, Koichi; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-003, 87 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the results of Secondary Cooling System main pumps test ,which were done as a part of JOYO MK-3 function test. The function tests were cexcuted to get the operating characteristics of secondary cooling system, after the Intermediate Heat Exchangers, Dump Heat Exchangers, secondary main pump motors, pump speed control board and rheostat were replaced in the MK-3 conversion. These tests are composed of six items. These tests purpose are confirmed in the function of the Main pumps, sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in Secondary Cooling System. (1) SKS-205-1: flow control test, (2) SKS-205-2: flow coast down characteristics test, (3) SKS-205-3: running operation test, (4) SKS-205-4: pump vibration measurement test, (5) SKS-212: secondary sodium purification system electromagnetic-pump flow control test, (6) SKS-213: argon cover gas pressure in secondary cooling system pressure control test function tests are satisfied the design criteria. We have confirmed the system performance of the main pump, secondary sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in the Secondary Cooling System after the MK-3 conversion.

JAEA Reports

Development of the Automatic Control Rod Operation System for JOYO; Appreciation of apply to MK-III reactor operation

Terakado, Tsuguo; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9410 2004-008, 55 Pages, 2004/03


The automatic control rod operation system was developed to control the JOYO reactor power automatically in all operation modes(critical approach, cooling system heat up, power ascent and power descent), development began in 1989. Prior to applying, we are examined possibility of apply to the automatic control rod operation guide system which developed in MK-2 operation to get the control rod operation guide data in MK-3 performance tests. The main results are as follows: (1).Critical approach mode in control rod operation guide function will be need tuning of fuzzy algorisms structure for changed MK-3 reactor critical point. (2).Cooling system heet up mode, power ascent mode and power descent mode will be supply to good guidance at MK-3 reactor operation. Because, power change rate and cooling system heet up rate same MK-2 reactor operation. (3).Plant operation guide function will be need change, based on MK-3 reactor operation manual. (4).The automatic control rod operation guide system will be need renewal for system maintainability.

JAEA Reports

MK-III Modification work of heat transport system in JOYO; Dismantling and sodium cleaning of secondary cooling system components

Ishii, Takayuki; Isozaki, Kazunori; Ashida, Takashi; Minakawa, Satoru; Terakado, Tsuguo; Nogami, Hiroshi*; Kakurai, Katsuhiko*; Ueda, Soji*; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Ichige, Satoshi; et al.

JNC TN9410 2002-013, 86 Pages, 2002/11


The MK-III project has been proceeding to improve the irradiation capability of the experimental fast reactor JOY0. The MK-III project has three major purposes such as increase high neutron flux, improvement of plant availability factor and upgrading in irradiation techniques. Thermal output by core transformation for high neutron flux was increased from 100MWt to 140MWt. The main components in the cooling system such as IHX(Intermediate Heat Exchanger) and DHX(Dump Heat Exchanger) were replaced in MK-III modification in order to increase heat removal capability. Heat transfer capacity of IHX was increased from 50MWt/Unit to 70MWt/Unit and that of DHX was increased from 25MWt/Unit to 35MWt/Unit. These components replacement has been safety completed from october 30, 2000 through September 21, 2001. This report summarizes the way, results and safety measures about dismantling of no sodium adhered components and such as DHX blower and sodium cleaning of sodium components such as the DHX, the pipes connected with DHX and secondary side of IHX. Dismantling and sodium cleaning of secondary cooling system components were performed safely and efficiently as almost planned. The total amount of removed sodium was about 13.5kg.

Journal Articles


Terakado, Tsuguo; Kashimura, Yoichi

Donen Giho, (91), p.20 - 28, 1994/09


Oral presentation

Probabilistic safety assessment on experimental fast reactor Joyo, 3-1; Evaluation of the CDF caused by the ATWS event and the PLOHS event of Joyo

Yamamoto, Masaya; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Terakado, Tsuguo; Aoyama, Takafumi; Sato, Ikken; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

no journal, , 

CDF caused by ATWS (Anticipated Transient Without Scram) event and PLOHS (Protected Loss of Heat Sink) event are majority of CDF in probabilistic safety study at Joyo. Evaluation of these values by reactor dynamic characteristics analysis and natural convection analysis are conducted with a detailed success standard. It was found from evaluation result that CDF are quite low and a dominant core damage accident is UTOP (Unprotected Transient Over Power) event.

Oral presentation

Probabilistic safety assessment on the experimental fast reactor Joyo, 4-1; Identification of the most important accident sequence on risk assessment of Joyo

Yamamoto, Masaya; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Terakado, Tsuguo; Maeda, Shigetaka; Saito, Hiroto; Aoyama, Takafumi

no journal, , 

Frequency of ATWS (Anticipated Transient Without Scram) and PLOHS(Protected Loss of Heat Sink) are relatively high in Joyo. To identificate the most important accident and to select the subject of Joyo's level 2 PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment), frequency of these accidents were estimated through dynamics characteristic analysis and natural circulation analysis with detailed success standard. Moreover, consequence of these accidents were also evaluated. As a results of these evaluation, the most important accident is identified as UTOP and this accident is selected to the subject of Joyo's level 2 PSA.

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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