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山本 徳洋

デコミッショニング技報, (55), P. 1, 2017/03

本件は、デコミッショニング技報(2017, No.55)に巻頭言を投稿するものである。平成26年9月に東海再処理施設を廃止措置に向かわせることを公表した。廃止措置を進めるうえで、安全確保、コスト低減、廃棄物量低減は原子炉施設や再処理施設に共通な基本的な大原則であるが、再処理施設の廃止措置の場合、機器の内面が基本的に汚染していること、汚染レベルを推定することが難しいこと、汚染の種類は$$beta$$$$gamma$$核種のみならず$$alpha$$核種もあること等の技術的特徴を有している。更に、世代を跨る非常に長期にわたる再処理施設の廃止措置を進めていく上でのプロジェクト遂行上のいくつかの主要な課題もある。当面は、廃止措置計画を取りまとめ認可を取得することや操業廃棄物の着実な処理、施設・設備の除染等を優先していくことになるが、廃止措置技術や再処理技術の更なる向上に向け、我が国初の再処理プラントの廃止措置の機会をいかに最大限に活用していくかという観点が極めて重要になると考えている。様々な御立場で活躍されている多くの関係者の皆様の御協力や積極的な参画を期待したい。


Perspective on the Japanese next reprocessing for the future transitional period from LWR to FBR

山名 元*; 小野 清; 大滝 明; 山本 徳洋

no journal, , 

In the Japanese future, continuous utilization of nuclear power generation is expected. To draw a future vision of reprocessing, as a preparatory investigation prior to the official deliberation of future fuel cycle policy, future demand for reprocessing, as well as other factors relating to the size and timing of the fuel cycle activity were carefully analyzed. The importance of the critical period from 2050 to 2100, which is called a Transitional Period from LWR to FBR, was pointed out, and the reprocessing strategy for this period was discussed. An emphasis was put on the necessity of a consolidated strategy for reprocessing of LWR and FBR spent fuels during this Transitional Period.



山本 徳洋

no journal, , 



INPROベースJAEA評価手法による次世代再処理技術の核拡散抵抗術評価,1; 制度的バリア及び技術的バリアによる主要再処理技術の抵抗性評価比較

久野 祐輔; 小山 智造; 瀬谷 道夫; 勝村 聡一郎; 駒 義和; 山本 徳洋

no journal, , 



Technical discussion on tritiated water treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

山西 敏彦*; 柿内 秀樹*; 田内 広*; 山本 徳洋; 山本 一良*

no journal, , 

One of the essential subjects for the contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is to serve technical data for handling the water, over a long period. All the radio nuclides other than tritium in the water can be treated by multi-nuclide removal equipment (advanced liquid processing system). However, it is not easy task to remove tritium. For this reason, a series of technical discussions has been carried out at a task force (Tritium Water Task Force) to handle the tritiated water after the treatment by the advanced liquid processing system. As of March 2016, 820,000 m$$^{3}$$ of the contaminated water has been stored within tanks, and 620,000 m$$^{3}$$ water has been treated by the multi-nuclide removal equipment. The concentration of tritium in the water is about 0.3 - 3.3 million Bq/litter. Various options for the treatment of the tritiated water; such as off shore release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor or hydrogen release; have been discussed. The discussions have been carried out from viewpoint of technical and regulatory feasibility. Some pre-treatment methods, such as dilution and isotope separation, have also been discussed. A series of discussions on the isotope separation has been carried out with actual experimental tests. Some valuable results have been produced through the tests. This report presents a summary of the above-mentioned technical discussions on the tritiated water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Some recent conditions of the tritiated water will also be introduced.

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