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Journal Articles

Research and development of three-dimensional isolation system for sodium cooled fast reactor, 7; Development summary of three-dimensional isolation system

Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Okamura, Shigeki; Miyazaki, Masashi; Miyagawa, Takayuki; Uchita, Masato*; Hirayama, Tomoyuki*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Yukawa, Masaki*; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; et al.

Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/07

To secure the seismic safety of the thin-walled mechanical components and piping under a severe design earthquake level, employing a three-dimensional (3D) seismic isolation system has been planned in a sodium-cooled fast reactor. The development results of the 3D isolation system have been reported in previous papers so far. Its update is reported in Part 7 to Part 9. Part 7 describes the overview of the development, the test plan of the isolation system in the assembled state of each element, and the performance of individual isolation elements. In part 8, the performance of the isolation device that each element was assembled into was investigated through loading tests. Part 9 reports analytical studies by an analysis model validated based on the insight of the test results.

Journal Articles

Current status of development in the 3D seismic isolation applied to SFRs

Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Miyazaki, Masashi; Okamura, Shigeki; Miyagawa, Takayuki; Yokoi, Shinobu*; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Fujita, Satoshi*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00393_1 - 23-00393_21, 2024/04

Journal Articles

Contributions of multimodal microstructure in the deformation behavior of extruded Mg alloys containing LPSO phase

Hagihara, Koji*; Mayama, Tsuyoshi*; Yamasaki, Michiaki*; Harjo, S.; Tokunaga, Toko*; Yamamoto, Kazuki*; Sugita, Mika*; Aoyama, Kairi*; Gong, W.; Nishimoto, Soya*

International Journal of Plasticity, 173, p.103865_1 - 103865_21, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:98.50(Engineering, Mechanical)

Journal Articles

Development of seismic isolation system for sodium-cooled fast reactors using high load and high-velocity loading machines

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Uchita, Masato*; Hirayama, Tomoyuki*

Dai-10-Kai Kozobutsu No Anzensei, Shinraisei Ni Kansuru Kokunai Shimpojiumu (JCOSSAR2023) Koen Rombunshu (Internet), p.135 - 142, 2023/10

Horizontal seismic isolation systems have been studied for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors to improve their seismic resistance. However, challenges arise in reducing seismic forces not only in the horizontal direction but also in the vertical direction. The authors have developed a new three-dimensional seismic isolation system to address this issue. A 1/2-scale test specimen was fabricated, and the force-displacement relationships were examined using static loading tests with a maximum axial force of 8000 kN to evaluate the feasibility of this design. Moreover, a horizontal oil damper was fabricated as a horizontal damping element, and its damping force was assessed through excitation tests with a maximum velocity of 2.7 m/s. This paper reports the findings of these tests.

Journal Articles

Research and development of three-dimensional isolation system for SFR (Experimental study on static characteristics using half scale size model)

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Hirayama, Tomoyuki*; Yokoi, Shinobu*; Hirota, Akihiko*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Yukawa, Masaki*; Miyagawa, Takayuki; Uchita, Masato*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Miyazaki, Masashi; et al.

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 89(924), p.23-00023_1 - 23-00023_17, 2023/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Status of development in the 3D seismic isolation applied to SFRS

Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Miyazaki, Masashi; Miyagawa, Takayuki*; Yokoi, Shinobu*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Fujita, Satoshi*

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Study on vertical restoring force device using disc springs; Examination of optimum combination of disc spring units and identification method of hysteresis loop

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Miyagawa, Takayuki*; Uchita, Masato*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Ishizuka, Futoshi*; Suzuno, Tetsuji*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Fujita, Satoshi*

Kozo Kogaku Rombunshu, B, 68B, p.462 - 475, 2022/04

Journal Articles

Spin current at a magnetic junction as a probe of the Kondo state

Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi*; Kato, Takeo*; Matsuo, Mamoru

Physical Review B, 104(12), p.L121401_1 - L121401_5, 2021/09

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:40.16(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Fundamental study on seismic safety margin for seismic isolated structure using the laminated rubber bearings

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Miyagawa, Takayuki*; Uchita, Masato*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Miyazaki, Masashi; Okamura, Shigeki*; Fujita, Satoshi*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 87(898), p.21-00007_1 - 21-00007_17, 2021/06

This paper describes a fundamental study on the seismic safety margin for the isolated structure using laminated rubber bearings. The variation of the seismic response assumed in the isolated structure will occur under the superposition of "Variations in seismic response due to input ground motions" and "Error with design value accompanying manufacture of the isolation devices ". The seismic response analysis which allows to their conditions is important to assess the seismic safety margin for the isolated structure. This paper clarifies that the seismic safety margin of the isolated structure, which consists of rubber bearings, for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) is ensured against the basis ground motions of Japan Electric Association Guide 4601 (JEAG4601) and SFR through the seismic response analysis considering the variation factors of seismic response. In addition, a relationship between the seismic safety margin and the excess probability of linearity limits is discussed using the results of seismic response analysis.

JAEA Reports

Registration and related activities of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the response and assistance network of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Togawa, Orihiko; Hayakawa, Tsuyoshi; Tanaka, Tadao; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Okuno, Hiroshi

JAEA-Review 2020-017, 36 Pages, 2020/09


In 2010, the government of Japan joined the Response and Assistance Network (RANET) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in order to contribute to offering international assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency. At that occasion, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) was registered as the National Assistance Capability (NAC) having resources capable of the External Based Support (EBS) in the following seven areas: (1) aerial survey, (2) radiation monitoring, (3) environmental measurements, (4) assessment and advice, (5) internal dose assessment, (6) bioassay and (7) dose reconstruction. After the registration, three inquiries were directed to the JAEA about a possibility of its support. However, the JAEA's assistance has not eventually been realized. On the other hand, the JAEA participated almost every year in the international Convention Exercise (ConvEx) carried out by the IAEA in connection with RANET. This report describes an outline of the RANET and related activities of the JAEA for RANET registration and participation in the ConvEx.

Journal Articles

A Chemiluminescence sensor with signal amplification based on a self-immolative reaction for the detection of fluoride ion at low concentrations

Hisamatsu, Shugo; Suzuki, Shinichi; Komoto, Shigeo*; Kishikawa, Keiki*; Yamamoto, Yusuke*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Tetrahedron, 73(27-28), p.3993 - 3998, 2017/07

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:61.22(Chemistry, Organic)

Journal Articles

Research and development of thick rubber bearing for SFR; Aging properties tests of semi full-scale thick rubber bearing

Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Morobishi, Ryota*; Sakurai, Yu*; Kato, Koji*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 83(850), p.16-00444_1 - 16-00444_14, 2017/06

A seismic isolation system composed of a thick rubber bearing and an oil damper has been developed for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor. This paper focused on the aging properties of thick rubber bearings, such as basic mechanical properties and ultimate strength. Aging of the rubber bearings was reproduced using thermal degradation based on Arrhenius law.

Journal Articles

Probabilistic risk assessment method development for high temperature gas-cooled reactors, 2; Development of accident sequence analysis methodology

Matsuda, Kosuke*; Muramatsu, Ken*; Muta, Hitoshi*; Sato, Hiroyuki; Nishida, Akemi; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Itoi, Tatsuya*; Takada, Tsuyoshi*; Hida, Takenori*; Tanabe, Masayuki*; et al.

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/04

This paper proposes a set of procedures for accident sequence analysis in seismic PRAs of HTGRs that can consider the unique accident progression characteristics of HTGRs. Main features of our proposed procedure are as follows: (1) Systematic analysis techniques including Master Logic Diagrams are used to ensure reasonable completeness in identification of initiating events and classification of accident sequences, (2) Information on factors that govern the accident progression and source terms are effectively reflected to the construction of event trees for delineation of accident sequences, and (3) Frequency quantification of seismically-initiated accident sequence frequencies that involve multiplepipe ruptures are made with the use of the Direct Quantification of Fault Trees by Monte Carlo (DQFM) method by a computer code SECOM-DQFM.

Journal Articles

Probabilistic risk assessment method development for high temperature gas-cooled reactors, 1; Project overviews

Sato, Hiroyuki; Nishida, Akemi; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Muramatsu, Ken*; Muta, Hitoshi*; Itoi, Tatsuya*; Takada, Tsuyoshi*; Hida, Takenori*; Tanabe, Masayuki*; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi*; et al.

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/04

JAEA, in conjunction with Tokyo City University, The University of Tokyo and JGC Corporation, have started development of a PRA method considering the safety and design features of HTGR. The primary objective of the project is to develop a seismic PRA method which enables to provide a reasonably complete identification of accident scenario including a loss of safety function in passive system, structure and components. In addition, we aim to develop a basis for guidance to implement the PRA. This paper provides the overview of the activities including development of a system analysis method for multiple failures, a component failure data using the operation and maintenance experience in the HTTR, seismic fragility evaluation method, and mechanistic source term evaluation method considering failures in core graphite components and reactor building.

Journal Articles

Development on rubber bearings for sodium-cooled fast reactor, 4; Aging properties of a half scale thick rubber bearings based on breaking test

Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Morobishi, Ryota*; Sakurai, Yu*; Kato, Koji*

Proceedings of 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2016) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2016/07

A seismic isolation system composed of a thick rubber bearing and an oil damper has been developed for Sodium cooled Fast Reactor. One of the advantages of the isolation system is employing the thick rubber bearing in order to realize the longer vertical natural period of a plant, and it leads to mitigation of seismic loads to mechanical components. Rubber bearing technology has progressed based on many past studies, but test data regarding an aging effect is not enough. Also, there is no data of linear strain limit and breaking behavior for the thick rubber bearing after aging. This paper focuses on aging properties of the thick rubber bearing, such as basic mechanical properties and ultimate strength. An aging promote test of the thick rubber bearing was performed by using 1/2 scale and 1/8 scale rubber bearings. Aging of the rubber bearing was reproduced by thermal degradation, where the target aging period was 30 years and 60 years. The load deflection curves of the thick rubber bearing after aging were obtained through the horizontal and vertical static loading tests, and the aging effect was evaluated by comparing with the initial mechanical properties.

Journal Articles

Development on rubber bearings for sodium-cooled fast reactor, 3; Ultimate properties of a half scale thick rubber bearings based on breaking test

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Hirotani, Tsutomu*; Moriizumi, Eriko*; Sakurai, Yu*; Masaki, Nobuo*

Proceedings of 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2016) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2016/07

Half-scale thick rubber bearing to investigate ultimate properties application for a Sodium-cooled-Fast-Reactor. The fundamental restoring-force characteristics of the thick rubber bearings has been already cleared through the static loading tests using a half-scale thick rubber bearing, 800 mm in diameter. However, variations of the restoring force characteristics and ultimate properties have not been obtained yet. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the variation of the stiffness and damping ratio concerning restoring force characteristics and the breaking strain or stress as ultimate properties through static loading tests using the half-scale thick rubber bearings.

Journal Articles

Development of seismic isolation systems for sodium-cooled fast reactors in Japan

Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Wakai, Takashi; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*

Proceedings of 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2016) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2016/07

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) have components with thinner walls as compared with light water reactors, although Japan is an earthquake-prone country. Thus, seismic isolation systems have been conventionally employed in SFR system design to reduce seismic forces on the systems in Japan. Implementation of seismic design in the reactor core and buckling design in the reactor vessel requires 8 Hz (or less) vertical frequency's isolation system being applied. This paper introduces three isolation concepts to achieve the frequency. The isolation systems, which enable vertical 8 Hz natural frequency, comprise thicker laminated rubber bearings (TRBs). By combining coned disk springs with TRBs, vertical natural frequency is in a range from roughly 3 Hz to 5 Hz. Combining pneumatic springs to RBs and adding the rocking suppression system, vertical natural frequency becomes under 1 Hz. All isolation systems need horizontal damping like oil dampers. A vertical 8 Hz isolation system with TRBs and oil dampers is under development in Japan as a principal isolation concept. The reasons of choosing this system are its simplicity and the number of developing issues. Since TRBs and oil dampers are basic isolation elements, they can be applied to other isolation systems. The response acceleration of 5 Hz vertical isolation is 50% of that of 8 Hz based on the analytical survey. A series of static tests of coned disk springs was carried out to confirm design equations. Based on these knowledge, 5 Hz vertical isolation system with TRBs and the coned disk springs can be designed. The response acceleration of 1 Hz vertical isolation is 10% of that of 8 Hz. A rocking suppression system was studied in the past, and the further simplification of this system is the largest challenge for this concept. These three isolation concepts are isolation candidates for SFRs in Japan. To obtain enough seismic margins for each plant site, these isolation systems need to be developed.

Journal Articles

Hazard-consistent ground motions generated with a stochastic fault-rupture model

Nishida, Akemi; Igarashi, Sayaka*; Sakamoto, Shigehiro*; Uchiyama, Yasuo*; Yamamoto, Yu*; Muramatsu, Ken*; Takada, Tsuyoshi*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 295, p.875 - 886, 2015/12

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.31(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Most probabilistic risk assessments (PRA) of structures involve the use of probabilistic schemes such as the scheme using probabilistic seismic hazard and fragility curves. Even when earthquake ground motions are required in Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS), they are generated to fit the specified response spectra, such as uniform hazard spectra at a specified exceedance probability. These ground motions, however, are not directly linked with corresponding seismic source characteristics. In this paper, the authors propose a methodology based on MCS to reproduce a set of input ground motions to develop an advanced PRA scheme that can explain the exceedance probability and sequence of functional loss in a nuclear power plant. These generated motions are consistent with the seismic hazard for the target site and their seismic source characteristics can be recognized in detail.

Journal Articles

Development of instrumentation and control systems for the ITER diagnostic systems in JADA

Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi; Hashimoto, Yasunori*; Kitazawa, Sin-iti; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Ogawa, Hiroaki; Takeuchi, Masaki; Kawano, Yasunori; Itami, Kiyoshi

Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97, p.1012 - 1016, 2015/10

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Japan Domestic Agency (JADA) is responsible for six diagnostic systems in the ITER project. We have successfully developed an instrumentation and control (I&C) system for the diagnostic systems. The I&C system manages internal operations for measurement such as health checks of sensors, configuration of measurement parameters, and consistency checks between measurement parameters. We developed a conversion tool to convert operational flowcharts to EPICS records. The sequencing management function coordinates the execution of operation steps by monitoring changes in the record values. It was designed so that the relationship between the records and steps is determined automatically according to the flowcharts as much as possible. We validated the performance of the I&C system for the thermocouple measurement system, and are continuing the development of even more complex I&C systems for other JADA diagnostic systems.

Journal Articles

Seismic damage probability by ground motions consistent with seismic hazard

Igarashi, Sayaka*; Sakamoto, Shigehiro*; Uchiyama, Yasuo*; Yamamoto, Yu*; Nishida, Akemi; Muramatsu, Ken; Takada, Tsuyoshi*

Transactions of the 23rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT-23) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2015/08

In the preceding study, the methodology to generate ground-motion time histories for advanced PRA of NPPs was proposed by Nishida et al.. They are consistent with seismic hazard at reference site, and incorporate uncertainties of seismic-source characteristics. The ground motions utilized in conventional PRA are generated to fit to specified spectra such as UHS, and they are often generated without considering the variation of spectra. Even if it is considered, their inter-period correlations are generally assumed to be 1.0. In this paper, the authors prepared some cases of ground-motions sets. Ground motions are generated to fit to the response spectra calculated from hazard-consistent ground motions. While the target response spectra have the same median for all case, they have different variation and inter-period correlation. The response analyses of general RC structure and PWR building are conducted and the damage frequencies of simplified equipment system are compared.

171 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)