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Yamasaki, Masanao*; Tsusaka, Kimikazu*; Otani, Tatsuhiko*; Shinji, Masato*
Doboku Gakkai Rombunshu, F2 (Chika Kukan Kenkyu) (Internet), 71(1), p.1 - 10, 2015/04
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been constructed the Underground Research Laboratory in Hokkaido. In the shaft excavation, length, direction and aperture of geological observation are measured and analyzed in order to estimate rock permeability around lining. In this report, correlation between frequency of cracks and rock permeability based on crack tensor and stereology was discussed. Prediction equation of rock permeability from the frequency of cracks on the shaft wall was also proposed.
Sano, Michiaki; Ishii, Eiichi; Niinuma, Hiroaki; Fujikawa, Daisuke; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Hiraga, Naoto; Tsusaka, Kimikazu; Yamasaki, Masanao*
JAEA-Data/Code 2009-015, 142 Pages, 2009/11
In the Horonobe Underground Laboratory (URL) Project, Construction of the Ventilation Shaft, the East Shaft and the drifts has been conducted as a Phase 2 research. In the research, observation of the lithofacies and fracture, and in-situ tests, simple elastic wave exploration, Schmidt hammer test, Equotip test, point load test are conducted in each face, and measuring instruments such as extensometer, rock-bolt axial force meter, shotcrete stress meter and tunnel lining concrete stress meter are installed in particular face. In addition, for the purpose of the validation of the results of predictive analysis, conducted in Phase 1, about the amount of spring water during construction of Underground facilities, data on the changes of amount of spring water and water quality is obtained. This report summarizes the measurements data acquired at the Ventilation Shaft (GL -161m -250m), the East Shaft (GL -110m -140m) and the 140m drift.
Abe, Hironobu; Shimoyama, Tadashi; Yamasaki, Masanao*; Sanoki, Satoru*
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Tsusaka, Kimikazu; Yamasaki, Masanao*; Inagaki, Daisuke
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