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Journal Articles

Improvement of engineer ethics education using resilience engineering concept

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

Kogaku Kyoiku, 69(3), p.3 - 10, 2021/05

The purpose of engineering ethics education is to understand the effects and impacts of technology on society and nature and the responsibilities that engineers have to fulfill for society. There are many cases used in the educational method so that the students can understand the problems surrounding the engineers. However, most of the cases correspond to event scenarios where engineers have failed to maintain safety. Resilience engineering was born from the criticism of safety measures for the purpose of preventing recurrence by seeking human error and organizational culture as the cause of accidents in the field of ergonomics. Its features are that people are considered as beings that realize safety in dangerous systems, and that they focus on good practices. This paper describes the improvement of engineering ethics education by utilizing resilience engineering concept.

Journal Articles

Enhancing emergency response in the field based on analysis of workload distribution at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 18(2), p.55 - 68, 2019/06

This study aims to improve the potential of an emergency response by analyzing the workload management during the accident at the Emergency Response Center (ERC) of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Specifically, the research focused on the response of the ERC during the time between the discontinuation of Unit 3 core water injection and its recovery. It identified the different types of workload at the ERC had and how they had been managed based on the record of a TV conference. It also deduced the casual factors of the responses, supplementing the interview record of the director of ERC at the time by applying workload management analysis. On the basis of these findings, lessons to enhance the potential of the on-site emergency response have been obtained for ERC and outside organizations.

Journal Articles

Lessons learned from the process focusing on achieving the state of cold shutdown of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

Ningen Kogaku, 54(3), p.124 - 134, 2018/06

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused a severe accident which released a large amount of radioactivity triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The existing investigation reports of the accident prepared by several institutions pay attention only to the process which caused the accident but not much to the accident mitigation or the recovery process. This study focused on Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, including its recovery process from the accident. Based on the public data, the time sequences for the recovery process between the accident occurrence and the state of cold shutdown were classified. Then, the groups of actions were sorted out in terms of ergonomics viewpoint. The important responses in the recovery process were identified and analyzed referring to the m-SHEL model. As a result, new lessons were learned from the accident case regarding the actions required for recovering from the accident.

Journal Articles

Study on improving safety by applying Safety-II concept based on accident responding analysis for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

Ningen Kogaku, 54(1), p.1 - 13, 2018/02


The two approaches as the concepts to ensure safety of the complicated socio-technical systems have been proposed by Hollnagel. They are the safety concepts called "Safety-I" to reduce risks and "Safety-II" to expand successes. The resilience engineering is suggested as the methodology to achieve Safety-II. The study analyzes the recovery of the water injection of Unit 3 based on the resilience engineering, focusing on the fact that preventing further progress of the accident case in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant which has been evaluated for extracting risk factors. Based on those results, the study has clarified the method of learning to enhance safety which has a different view from existing accident investigation.

Journal Articles

Lessons learned from emergency response during severe accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant viewed in human resource development

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 83(856), p.17-00263_1 - 17-00263_17, 2017/12

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Improvement of case study in engineering ethics; Effective use of Fukushima-Daiichi Accident

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Enhancement of organizational resilience in light of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, 3; Analysis of Unit 5 operation by time-flow responding structure

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kunito, Susumu*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Extract a lesson from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident in the light of Safety-II; People perform an important role at the respond to a risk on an accident

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

This study introduces the necessity of stepping up the concept from Safety-I, risk removal type of safety, to the Safety-II, which aims to enhance system flexibility and resilience. In order to achieve Safety-II, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident was investigated by using Resilience Engineering, which is the methodology going toward Safety-II. Focusing on responding, which is one of the four cornerstones of Resilience Engineering, workers in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants executed flexible ideas to prevent catastrophic damage of the accident. Those responding were created by human with strong attitude in which few investigation reports mentioned. Those approaches show the importance of the Safety-II concept and Resilience Engineering methodology.

Oral presentation

Nuclear risk communication on the basis of safety-II concept

Kitamura, Masaharu*; Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*

no journal, , 

A new framework of information provision and public dialogue concerning safety of nuclear facilities has been proposed in this paper. Basic ideas behind the framework are a novel concept of safety named Safety-II and a relevant emerging methodology of safety management called Resilience Engineering. The new ideas emphasize practices that contributed to positive outcomes in addition to failures and errors experienced during accident management. Implication of the new framework concerning the nuclear risk communication has been addressed through reflection of several field experiences.

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Enhancing attitude of nuclear professionals by utilizing the Fukushima accident

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

Five years have passed since the Fukushima accident, and at first look Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station appears as an ordinary factory. However, regarding safety education and training, the remains of the accident which bore the brunt of the overwhelming impact of the disaster carry an important meaning in the development of attitude and motivation for safety, and many organizations have already begun working on implementing it for future safety. This article seeks to propose the proper attitude for nuclear industry by utilizing remains of the Fukushima accident focusing on the transportation industry, while considering previous approaches which utilized remains.

Oral presentation

Enhancing emergency response on the field based on analysis of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, 1; Workload management against multi tasks

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Socially constructed resilience by multiple organizations; The Case of Tokai No.2 Power Station

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

This paper focuses on the Tokai No.2 Nuclear Power Station, which was hit by earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 but swiftly achieved cold shutdown. The earthquake struck the power station just before the scheduled completion of engineering work to raise the walls of the room housing a seawater intake pump. The fact that the work had been applied helped continuous operation of the seawater intake pump, a key piece of equipment for achieving cold shutdown. The power station followed its pre-defined procedure to bring its reactors to cold shutdown. Focusing on the background of the engineering work, which was not mentioned in past reports, this paper analyzes multiple organizations (main actors) based on the concept of Resilience Engineering to reveal how the collaboration between these organizations enhanced the power station's resilience, and considers the potential of such collaboration in boosting the resilience of our society.

Oral presentation

Lessons learned from good practices during the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in light of resilience engineering

Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Oba, Kyoko; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which was triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake, has presented significant issues about in which the safety of massive socio-technical systems is structured. We must derive the greatest number of lessons possible from this accident to ensure the safety of systems in the future, but the lessons learned so far have mainly focused on risks and been deduced from an analysis of failures that led to the accident. This paper references the approach of Resilience Engineering which aims to extend successes in a changing environment, and focuses on the actions that prevented "further catastrophe" through an analysis of the Fukushima accident and derives new lessons to improve the capability to handle "unforeseen contingencies."

Oral presentation

Background factors for emergence of resilience

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Enhancement of safety by incorporating aspects of Safety-II, 1; Evaluation of effects based on defense in depth and necessity of safety

Oba, Kyoko; Yoshizawa, Atsufumi*; Kitamura, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

38 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)