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Crystal structure and magnetic properties of uranium-based intermetallic compound U$$_2$$Pt$$_6$$Al$$_{15}$$

芳賀 芳範; 山本 悦嗣; 松本 裕司*; 白崎 謙次*

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U$$_2$$Pt$$_6$$Al$$_{15}$$ is known as a uranium intermetallic compound with the hexagonal structure. Detailed crystal structure investigations revealed that uranium atoms form a honeycomb layer stacking along the c-axis. Two magnetic phase transitions were identified by thermodynamic measurements, suggesting a successive change in the magnetic structure.


Physical properties of semimetallic magnets UOX (X = S, Se, Te)

Opletal, P.; 酒井 宏典; 芳賀 芳範; 三宅 厚志*; 徳永 将史*; 常盤 欣文; 山本 悦嗣; 神戸 振作; 徳永 陽

no journal, , 

UOX (X = S, Se, Te) crystallizes in tetragonal PbFCl-type structure (P4/nmm space group). Only polycrystalline samples are reported in literature. UOS, UOSe and UOTe were reported to be antiferromagnets with T$$_{mathrm{N}}$$ = 55, 100 and 160 K, respectively. Magnetic structure of UOS and UOSe were reported to have moment along the c-axis with Q = (0,0,1/2). UOS and UOSe were both reported to exhibit semiconducting behavior on polycrystalline samples. UOTe was theoretically predicted to have nontrivial topology. We have prepared first single crystals of UOX (X = S, Se, Te) and shown they exhibit semimetallic conductivity and UOS exhibits increase of T$$_{mathrm{N}}$$ by almost 30 K in contrast to published literature. We will present the method of preparation of single crystals, results of magnetic, transport, thermal measurements, all effect and data obtained in high magnetic fields. We will discuss these results in connection to Weyl semimetals and results published in literature and anisotrpy observed in electric resistivity.


Partial ordering mechanisms in $$f$$-electron systems

石飛 尊之

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This presentation focuses on partial ordering in frustrated systems. Partial orders typically arise as a three sublattice order in systems with frustration and Ising anisotropy. In this presentation, we present new mechanisms for stabilizing partial orders beyond Ising-type anisotropy. We show a partial quadrupole order with one-fourth disordered sites, stabilized by $$Z_3$$ anisotropy unique to electric degrees of freedom. This partial order is robust at high temperatures within a framework of the Landau theory. This mechanism is an extension of the three-sublattice partial order with $$Z_2$$ Ising anisotropy. We also discuss magnetic partial order mechanisms involving quadrupole moment interactions, where partial magnetic disorder persists even in quadrupole-ordered ground states. Finally, we examine a scenario with three partially magnetic ordered states due to quadrupole interactions, with potential applications to partially ordered state in UNi$$_4$$B.


Single crystal growth and precise phase diagram of superconducting UTe$$_2$$

酒井 宏典; 常盤 欣文; Opletal, P.; 木俣 基*; 淡路 智*; 佐々木 孝彦*; 青木 大*; 神戸 振作; 徳永 陽; 芳賀 芳範

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Induced first-order transition inside superconducting state by metamagnetism in an easy-axis magnetic field on UTe$$_2$$

常盤 欣文; Opletal, P.; 酒井 宏典; 山本 悦嗣; 神戸 振作; 徳永 陽; 芳賀 芳範; 木俣 基*; 淡路 智*; 佐々木 孝彦*; et al.

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Observation of topological electronic structure in actinide monopnictide ThSb

角田 一樹

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Topological materials have attracted vast research interests due to their exotic physical properties. The peculiar electronic structures in these materials, such as Dirac-cone-like surface states (SS) in topological insulators, originate from the band inversion caused by spin-orbit coupling. Therefore, heavy-element compounds can be a good platform for searching the topologically non-trivial phases. Recently, the band inversion and Dirac-cone-like SS have been verified in rare-earth monopnictides utilizing angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). For actinide monopnictides, on the other hand, similar topological band structures were theoretically predicted, but few experimental investigations have been conducted. In this work, we have investigated the electronic structures of Th-based actinide monopnictides by first-principles calculations and observed the signature of band inversion in ThSb by soft X-ray ARPES.


Strongly renormalized quasiparticles in UPt$$_3$$

藤森 伸一; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 山本 悦嗣; 芳賀 芳範; 川崎 郁斗

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UPt$$_{3}$$ shows a superconducting transition at Tc = 0.5 K, and the superconducting state has multiple phases in the magnetic-field and temperature plane, revealing the presence of multiple superconducting order parameters. The above superconducting state is formed by heavy quasiparticles. In this study, we performed angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments using soft X rays to investigate the electronic structure of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt$$_{3}$$. The overall band structure revealed by the present ARPES measurements is compared with density-functional calculations for UPt$$_{3}$$ and the non-5f reference compound ThPt$$_{3}$$. We showed that the calculation for ThPt$$_{3}$$ gives a better description of ARPES results except for heavy quasiparticle bands at the Fermi level (EF). In addition, we extracted the U 5f spectral weight by utilizing photo energy dependence on the photoemission cross-section. In the soft X-ray range, the U 5f and Pt 5d orbitals have dominant contributions, and the relative photoemission cross-section ratio decreases with increasing photon energy, and therefore, we can extract the U 5f component by comparing the spectra measured at different photon energies. Figure 1 shows the ARPES spectra at the high-symmetry points measured at two different photon energies. The difference curves reflect the U 5f spectral function. The narrow peak located at EF, whose bandwidth is narrower than the present energy resolution, is the coherent heavy quasiparticle component. The difference curves in Fig. 1 revealed that most of the U 5f spectral weight exist not as the coherent heavy fermion bands but as incoherent components which distribute over a wide energy range from near EF region to 2 eV. Therefore, this result shows that the heavy quasiparticle bands are enormously renormalized by the electron correlation effect and is consistent with the reported heavy fermion behavior.


Exploration for multipole order in 5$$d$$-electron systems; X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of Ba$$_2$$CaOsO$$_6$$

芝田 悟朗; 林 浩章*; 河村 直己*; 岡本 淳*; Huang, D. J.*; 田中 新*; Streltsov, S.*; 山浦 一成*; 藤森 淳*

no journal, , 

The double perovskite-type (DP) oxide Ba$$_2$$CaOsO$$_6$$ with $$(5d)^2$$ electron configuration is one of the candidates for magnetic octupole order. In the present study, we investigated the Os 5$$d$$ electronic structure of Ba$$_2$$CaOsO$$_6$$ polycrystals under magnetic fields via Os $$L_{2,3}$$-edge hard X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). In contrast to conventional XMCD spectra of 3$$d$$ and 4$$d$$ electron systems, relatively large ($$sim 1$$%) XMCD signal was observed at the $$L_2$$-edge, whereas it is weak ($$sim 0.1$$%) at the $$L_3$$ edge, suggesting a large orbital magnetic moment due to the strong SOI of Os 5$$d$$ electrons. The overall line shapes of the XAS and XMCD spectra can be simulated by atomic multiplet calculations with cubic symmetry. The calculations show that Coulomb interaction is weak compared to Os 5$$d$$ SOI, suggesting that SOI plays an importance role in the electronic structure of Ba$$_2$$CaOsO$$_6$$.


Electronic structure of UTe$$_2$$; A Perspective from photoelectron spectroscopy

藤森 伸一; 川崎 郁斗; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 仲村 愛*; 本間 佳哉*; 青木 大*

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The unconventional superconductors in $$f$$-based materials attract much attention in recent years. Recently, it was discovered that UTe$$_2$$ has relatively high transition temperature, and it is classified into one of such class of materials. In the present study, the electronic structure of UTe$$_2$$ was studied by resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (RPES) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) with soft X-ray synchrotron radiation. The partial U 5$$f$$ density of states of UTe$$_2$$ were imaged by the U 4$$d$$-5$$f$$ RPES and it was found that the U 5$$f$$ state has an itinerant character, but there exists an incoherent peak due to the strong electron correlation effects. The band structure of UTe$$_2$$ was obtained by ARPES and its overall band structure was mostly explained by band structure calculations, except for the incoherent band at $$E_B sim 0.5$$ eV. These results suggest that the U 5$$f$$ states of UTe$$_2$$ have itinerant but strongly-correlated nature with enhanced hybridization with the Te 5$$p$$ states. The new ARPES data of the detailed electronic structure of Z point will be presented.


Restriction on Hidden order parameter from Local symmetry at Ru site under uni-axial stress in URu$$_{2}$$Si$$_{2}$$

神戸 振作

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