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安楽 総太郎; Walker, C.*; 小田 治恵; 三原 守弘; 本田 明
Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2019/09
Ordinary Portland cement based materials used to construct a repository for the geological disposal of nuclear wastes in Japan, have the potential to form a hyperalkaline (pH 12.5) plume that would affect the performance of other repository components. A High volume Fly ash (FA = 40 wt.%) Silica fume (SF = 20 wt.%) Cement (HFSC424) has therefore been developed to avoid the formation of a hyperalkaline plume. Hydration of HFSC424 in ion exchanged water (IEW) at liquid/solid (L/S) mass ratio = 0.5 caused the loss of portlandite within 56 days by the pozzolanic reaction of SF and FA. Hydrated solid phases included calcium (aluminate) silicate hydrate (C(-A)-S-H) gel and ettringite, and the expressed porewater had a pH = 11.7 after a year of hydration at 20C. Leaching of HFSC424 in IEW was consistent with the dissolution of C(-A)-S-H gel and a decrease to pH = 11.1 at L/S = 1000. Leaching of HFSC424 in SW caused the loss of C(-A)-S-H gel and ettringite for L/S 30 and a rapid decrease in pH = 10.2. This was followed by the precipitation of hydrotalcite, calcite and magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) and a further decrease to pH = 8.8. These hydration and leaching tests demonstrate that HFSC is a suitable material for repository construction to avoid the formation of a hyperalkaline plume.
Walker, C.*; 安楽 総太郎; 小田 治恵; 三原 守弘; 本田 明
Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2019/09
Reaction of cationic metals (M) and anionic ligands (L) to form ML complexes can alter the dissolution of minerals and the concentration levels of elements in solution. A provisional assessment of ML complex formation in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) porewater and leachates was made with the assistance of the geochemical computer program PHREEQC and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) thermodynamic database for geochemical reactions. Thermodynamic properties of ML complexes were either compiled from the literature or estimated by X-Y weighted linear correlation methods. Simulation of OPC hydration and degradation experiments demonstrated that ML complex formation had little effect on the concentrations of K, Na and Ca, and so too therefore the pH of OPC porewater and leachates. Formation of NaL, CaL and MgL complexes caused a significant increase in the concentrations of Mg, Al, Fe, Si, S, and C. Increased concentrations of these elements meant that OPC hydrates were more soluble and more rapidly consumed during the course of OPC degradation.
Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; 入澤 啓太; 目黒 義弘; 木下 肇*
Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/09
低中レベルの放射性廃棄物を閉じ込めるために、ポルトランドセメントと添加剤の混合物であるグラウトが、低中レベルの放射性廃棄物に対して一般的に使用されている。しかしながら、ポルトランドセメントを用いた従来のセメント固化工程では、マトリクス中に存在する間隙水や水和物といった水の放射線分解により、水素ガス発生のリスクが残る。カルシウムアルミネートセメントに対してリン酸を添加すると、酸塩基反応によって硬化することが知られている。従来のセメントとは異なる反応メカニズムであることから、放射性廃棄物による水の放射線分解に相当する水素ガスのリスクを最小化する利点があると考えられ、低含水セメント固化体の作製を試みた。本研究は、初期の7日間養生時に温度(35C, 60C, 95C, 110C,180C)を変化させた条件でリン酸添加カルシウムアルミネートセメントに及ぼす含水率低減の影響を調査した。実験結果は、試験された条件において従来のカルシウムアルミネートセメントに結晶性水和物が生成されず、大量の水を減少できたにも関わらず構造的に問題ないことを示した。95Cで養生したサンプルにおいては、水酸化アパタイトの形成が確認された。