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Aerosol experiments and measurement techniques on pool scrubbing-related source term issues

Lebel, L. S.*; Morreale, A. C.*; Freitag, M.*; Gupta, S.*; Allelein, H.-J.*; Klauck, M.*; 孫 昊旻; Herranz, L. E.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Properly assessing pool scrubbing decontamination factors or radionuclide re-entrainment rates in a reactor safety analysis needs to be supported by a sufficiently robust experimental dataset, based on well qualified aerosol measurement techniques. A review of different pool scrubbing-related source term experiments has been conducted, along with a comparison of the measurement techniques that have been employed. In most areas, a fairly robust dataset exists to assess decontamination factors, but there is still a need to better understand some of the underlying aerosol mechanisms. The available dataset of re-entrainment experiments is smaller, and has gaps, for example, in pools with high velocity gas injections, or with re-flooded corium applications where the pool is undergoing film boiling. There are also many measurement techniques (e.g., cascade impactors, light scattering techniques, phase Doppler anemometry, etc.) that have different capabilities and are suitable for studying different aspects of the experiments. Linking the results that the techniques give, and how their results can ultimately be employed in safety analysis (including uncertainty quantification), is an important consideration in applying the results. This work was performed as a collaborative activity within the framework of the NUGENIA IPRESCA (Integration of Pool scrubbing Research to Enhance Source-term Calculations) project.


Spatial resolution improvement of EIT system using internal invasive electrodes for measurement of two-phase flow

廣瀬 意育; 久木田 豊; 柴本 泰照; 佐川 淳*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/03

Electric impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive and radiation-free imaging method applicable to gas/liquid two-phase flow measurements. It determines the electrical resistivity distribution of an object from measurements of boundary potentials in response to current injection. Due to the severely ill posed nature of the problem, the quality of reconstructed image depends much on the quality and amount of information available from potential measurements. We have proposed a DC pulse-driven EIT system design equipped with countermeasures for the influences of electrode polarization on potential measurements (Hirose et al., in preparation). The usefulness of EIT in two-phase flow measurement is however restricted by the intrinsically limited spatial resolution. Due to the diffusive nature of electricity, the spatial resolution degrades quickly with the distance from the boundary. In this study, we attempt to improve the spatial resolution by adding thin electrodes inserted into the flow field away from the boundary. Although this means that non-invasiveness is traded off, the influence of invasive electrodes on flow field could be estimated and limited on the basis of experiences gained with other intrusive methods, e.g., needle probes for measurement of interfacial area. The benefit taken by the addition of invasive electrodes, on the other hand, would depend on two-phase flow regime and other flow parameters. In the present paper we consider dispersed bubbly flow and simulate the bubbles with thin cylindrical insulators. The results obtained with and without invasive electrodes are compared to discuss the effectiveness and limitations in measurement of two-phase flow.


A Comparative CFD exercise on bubble hydrodynamics using Euler-Euler and interface tracking approaches

Dehbi, A.*; Cheng, X.*; Liao, Y.*; 岡垣 百合亜; Pellegrini, M.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 15 Pages, 2022/03

Nuclear degraded cores produce fission product aerosols that may reach the environment if not removed by natural processes and/or filtering equipment. The transport paths of aerosols usually include transits through stagnant water pools. It is therefore essential to develop computational tools to predict the aerosols retention by water pools. Currently, this is mostly done with 1-D lumped-parameter codes that are too simplistic to capture the physics. It is hence worthwhile to attempt the CFD approach, which has recently become reasonably mature to address bubble hydrodynamics in low momentum two-phase flows. In this first comparative exercise, we restrict the investigation to a hypothetical parallelepiped water pool (2$$times$$2$$times$$8 cm$$^{3}$$) into which air is injected through a circular 4 mm ID orifice at low velocity of 0.2 m/s. We present predictions of the gas phase dynamics (void and velocity profiles) for both Euler-Euler and Interface Tracking (IT, Volume-of-Fluid (VOF)) methodologies. In addition, we compare bubble shape, volume and detachment frequency from various IT simulation codes (CFX, Fluent, Star-CCM+, OpenFOAM). Reasonable agreement is found between IT simulations near the injector, but discrepancies increase as one moves towards the free surface. The disagreement between the Euler-Euler and IT results is substantial throughout the domain. Future studies will consist of validation exercises against experimental data to highlight potential model deficiencies and point to ways of remedying them.


Preliminary application of eutectic reaction model on boron carbide and stainless steel to severe accident simulation of sodium-cooled fast reactors

山野 秀将; 守田 幸路*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03



Overview and main outcomes of the pool scrubbing lumped-parameter code benchmark on hydrodynamic aspects in IPRESCA project

Marchetto, C.*; Ha, K. S*; Herranz, L. E.*; 廣瀬 意育; Jankowski, T.*; Lee, Y.*; Nowack, H.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Sun, X.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 17 Pages, 2022/03

After the Fukushima Daiichi accident of March 2011, one of the main concerns of the nuclear industry has been the research works for improving atmospheric radioactive release mitigation systems. Pool scrubbing is an important process in reactors that mitigates radioactive release. It is based on the injection of gases containing fission products through a water pool. Bubble hydrodynamics, as a result of gas injection and the associated water pool thermal-hydraulics, is an important aspect of the process since the bubble size, shape, velocity, etc. influence the fission product trapping at the bubble interface with the water. Computer codes dedicated to the pool scrubbing have been mainly developed in the 90's last century and modelling drawbacks have been identified in particular for bubble hydrodynamics. One of IPRESCA project objectives is to improve the pool scrubbing modelling. In order to highlight the main modelling issues, a benchmark exercise has been performed focusing on the bubble hydrodynamics. This benchmark, performed by nine organisations coming from six countries, aims at simulating a basic configuration, a single upward injector in ambient conditions, experimentally characterized in the RSE tests carried out in the European PASSAM project. In this paper, a short description of the code modelling and a comparison between the code results and the experimental data are presented and discussed. Then, outcomes from the benchmark result analysis and proposals of improvements are emphasized.


Development of reacting jet evaluation model based on engineering approaches with particle method for improvement of LEAP-III code

小坂 亘; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; 柳沢 秀樹*; 渡部 晃*; Jang, S.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2022/03



Development of dispersed phase tracking method for time-series 3-dimensional interface shape data

堀口 直樹; 吉田 啓之; 山村 聡太*; 藤原 広太*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 14 Pages, 2022/03

In severe accidents of nuclear reactors, molten fuel and structural materials leak out of the pressure vessel into the water pool on the pedestal floor. If the water pool is shallow, the molten material enters the shallow pool as a liquid jet, disperses as debris, spreads over the floor, and it cooled by fuel-coolant interaction (FCI). Numerical simulations and experiments with state-of-the-art visualization techniques are developed and used to consider the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the liquid jet as a debris jet. By performing these simulations and experiments, we obtain detailed 3-dimensional shapes of the liquid jet interfaces. However, to evaluate the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the liquid jet, we require not only 3-dimensional shapes but also the velocity and size of dispersed liquid. We have developed a dispersed phase tracking method by using time-series data of 3-dimensional shapes of the melt interface obtained by numerical simulations or experiments to obtain these data. Firstly, we verified the applicability of the developed method by applying a simple system. Next, we applied the method to the numerical results of a liquid jet entering a shallow pool by TPFIT. The results show that the liquid jet entering the shallow pool reproduces the dispersion behavior of the fragments. The generated fragments were quantitively confirmed to have curved and rotational trajectories with complex nonlinear motions. In the relationship between the volume equivalent diameter of the fragments and the magnitude of velocity, it was confirmed that the larger the equivalent diameter, the smaller the velocity fluctuation.


Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in fuel assemblies with a spacer grid using a mechanistically based method

小野 綾子; 山下 晋; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03



LIVE-J1 experiment on debris melting behavior toward understanding late in-vessel accident progression of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

間所 寛; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; St$"a$ngle, R.*; Wenz, T.*; Vervoortz, M.*; 溝上 伸也

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Debris and molten pool behavior in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower plenum is a key factor to determine its failure mode, which affects the initial condition of ex-vessel accident progression and the debris characteristics. These are necessary information to accomplish safe decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. After dryout of the solidified debris in the lower plenum, metallic debris is expected to melt prior to the oxide debris due to its lower melting temperature. The lower head failure is likely be originated by the local thermal load attack of a melting debris bed. Numerous experiments have been conducted in the past decades to investigate the homogeneous molten pool behavior with external cooling. However, few experiments address the transient heat transfer of solid-liquid mixture without external cooling. In order to enrich the experimental database of melting and heat transfer process of debris bed consisted of materials with different melting temperatures, LIVE-J1 experiment was conducted using ceramic and nitrate particles as high melting and low melting temperature simulant materials, respectively. The test results showed that debris height decreased gradually as the nitrate particles melt, and molten zone and thermal load on vessel wall were shifted from bottom upwards. Both conductive and convective heat transfer could take place in a solid-liquid mixture pool. These results can support the information from the internal investigations of the primary containment vessel and deepen the understanding of the accident progression.


Measurement of velocity and temperature profiles in boundary layer with steam condensation

相馬 秀; 安部 諭; 柴本 泰照; 石垣 将宏*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/03

The experimental data of boundary layer profiles are necessary to validate condensation models applied in numerical simulation of CFD codes and also to develop wall treatment models for heat and mass transfer in the presence of significant buoyancy and suction. The available data for velocity, temperature, and concentration boundary layer, however, is quite limited. In this study, we present experimental results of measuring boundary layer profiles by our experimental facility WINCS (WINd tunnel for Condensation of Steam and air mixture). WINCS is a once-through type of wind tunnel having a 1.5m-long measuring part of rectangular duct. The velocity and temperature profiles were obtained with laser doppler velocimetry and thermocouple, respectively. The temperature data was then used to calculate the steam concentration boundary layer by assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium. The laminar boundary layer profiles were obtained in the present condition. The dropwise condensation and fimwise condensation are available in this apparatus. We also conducted numerical simulations with CFD codes and compared the experimental and numerical results of boundary layer profiles and heat fluxes. The wall condensation model based on Stefan flow and bulk condensation model were used in the numerical analysis. The comparison, in general, shows good agreement between the experimental and numerical results.


Development of 1D-CFD coupling method through benchmark analyses of SHRT tests in EBR-II

吉村 一夫; 堂田 哲広; 田中 正暁; 藤崎 竜也*; 村上 諭*; Vilim, R. B.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03



ETSON-SAMHYCO-NET benchmark on simulations of upward flame propagation experiment in representative hydrogen-air-steam mixtures of severe accidents containments atmosphere

Bentaib, A.*; Chaumeix, N.*; Nyrenstedt, G.*; Bleyer, A.*; Maas, L.*; Gastaldo, L.*; Kljenak, I.*; Dovizio, D.*; Kudriakov, S.*; Schramm, B.*; et al.

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2022/03

In case of a core melt-down accident in a light water nuclear reactor, hydrogen is produced during reactor core degradation and released into the reactor building. In case of failure of in-vessel corium retention, a large amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in addition to H$$_{2}$$ and other gases may be produced during molten core concrete interaction (MCCI). This subsequently creates a combustion hazard. A local ignition of the combustible mixture may generate standing flames or initially slow propagating flames. Depending on geometry, mixture composition and turbulence level, the flame can accelerate or be quenched after a certain distance. The pressure and temperature loads generated by the combustion process may threaten the integrity of the containment building and safety equipment. The evaluation of such loads requires validated codes which can be used with a high level of confidence. Currently, turbulence and steam effect on flame propagation mechanisms are not well reproduced by combustion models usually implemented in safety tools and further model enhancement and validation are still needed. For this purpose and at the initiative of the SAMHYCO-NET project consortium and of the European Technical Safety Organization Network (ETSON), a benchmark on hydrogen combustion was organized with the goal to identify the current level of the computational tools in the area of hydrogen combustion simulation under conditions typical for safety considerations in a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). This benchmark is composed of four main steps with increasing difficulty starting from flame propagation in homogenous dry atmosphere and finishing with more representative conditions with (H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O/O$$_{2}$$/N$$_{2}$$) stratified mixtures. In this paper, only experiments related to flame propagation in homogenous atmosphere are considered.


Implementation of the heat and mass transfer models for BT and post-BT regions in three-field two-fluid CFD

安部 諭; 小尾 善男*; 佐藤 聡; 岡垣 百合亜; 柴本 泰照

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/03

A modeling of heat transfers with boiling transition (BT) and that after the occurrence of BT, called post-BT, is one of the key technical issues to estimate the duration of surface dryout and the peak cladding temperature during DBA (Design Basis Accident) and BDBA (Beyond Design Basis Accident) in light water reactors. Recently, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) has emerged as a powerful tool for representing the heat transfer mechanism. Our main purpose is to obtain in-depth physical insight into the BT and post-BT phenomena by combining experiment and CFD simulation research. This paper introduces our developing activity for an integrated three-field two-fluid CFD methodology based on the Eulerian-Eulerian approach toward the accurate prediction of the dryout behavior from annular-mist to mist flow regimes. We implemented following interaction terms and functions into OpenFOAM ver.7, an opensource code developed by OpenFOAM foundation, as (1) Interaction terms between liquid film and droplets due to deposition and entrainment, (2) Interaction terms on the liquid interface between the liquid film and the gas phase on friction and heat conduction, (3) Heat transfer from the heated wall to the liquid film, (4) Dryout occurrence judgement and the switching function on the boundary condition. The dryout occurrence judgment is based on a correlation on critical film thickness, which is originally applied into the MARS (Multi-dimensional Analysis of Reactor Safety) code. A trial calculation with the developed solver called two Phase Three Field Euler Foam was performed to check the solver operation. The CFD could simulate temperature increase behavior due to the dryout occurrence, whereas here were still challenges in reproducing the transition from mist flow to single-phase vapor flow.


In-depth analysis for uncertain phenomena on fission product transport in the OECD/NEA ARC-F project

Lind, T.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 15 Pages, 2022/03

The accident progression and fission product release from the three damaged units of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were systematically investigated in the OECD/NEA BSAF project phases 1 and 2. As a result of those investigations, a good progress was achieved in establishing defendable accident scenarios and the corresponding fission product releases to the environment. Nonetheless, there are some areas requiring further work, particularly concerning fission product behavior. They are addressed in the OECD/NEA project "Analysis of Information from Reactor Buildings and Containment Vessels of Fukushima Daiichi NPS" (ARC-F). Based on the outcome of the BSAF project, several focus areas were selected for further investigations in the ARC-F project, one of them being the behavior of fission products and source term. In this paper, five topics which were ranked with a high significance as open issues based on the BSAF project regarding fission product behavior are discussed: i) fission product speciation, ii) iodine chemistry, iii) pool scrubbing, iv) fission product transport and behavior in the buildings, and v) uncertainty analysis and variant calculations. Significant progress has been made in these five topics in the ARC-F project. In this paper, background is given for choosing these topics for specific investigations based on the outcome of the BSAF project. The topics are described and the approach to study them in the ARC-F given along with some exemplary, preliminary results. Finally, the readers' attention is drawn to open issues which are not included in the ARC-F work scope and could need further attention.


Integration of pool scrubbing research to enhance source-term calculations (IPRESCA) project

Gupta, S.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Lebel, L. S.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Marchetto, C.*; 丸山 結; Dehbi, A.*; Suckow, D.*; K$"a$rkel$"a$, T.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Pool scrubbing is a major topic in water cooled nuclear reactor technology as it is one of the means for mitigating the source-term to the environment during a severe accident. Pool scrubbing phenomena include coupled interactions between bubble hydrodynamics, aerosols and gaseous radionuclides retention mechanisms under a broad range of thermal-hydraulic conditions as per accident scenarios. Modeling pool scrubbing in some relevant accident scenarios has shown to be affected by substantial uncertainties. In this context, IPRESCA (Integration of Pool scrubbing Research to Enhance Source-term CAlculations) project aims to promote a better integration of international research activities related to pool scrubbing by providing support in experimental research to broaden the current knowledge and database, and by supporting analytical research to facilitate systematic validation and model enhancement of the existing pool scrubbing codes. The project consortium includes more than 30 organisations from 15 countries involving research institutes, universities, TSOs, and industry. For IPRESCA activities, partners join the project with in-kind contributions. IPRESCA operates under NUGENIA Technical Area 2/SARNET (Severe Accident) - Sub Technical Area 2.4 (Source-term). The present paper provides an introduction and overview of the IPRESCA project, including its objectives, organizational structure and the main outcomes of completed activities. Furthermore, key activities currently ongoing or planned in the project framework are also discussed.


Gas entrainment phenomenon from free liquid surface in a sodium-cooled fast reactor; Measurements and evaluation on a gas core growth form the liquid surface

内田 真緒*; Alzahrani, H.*; 塩野 幹人*; 堺 公明*; 松下 健太郎; 江連 俊樹; 田中 正暁

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03



Development of evaluation method for core deformation reactivity feedback in sodium-cooled fast reactor by coupled analysis approach

堂田 哲広; 上羽 智之; 横山 賢治; 根本 俊行*; 田中 正暁

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 14 Pages, 2022/03



Unstructured-mesh simulation of sodium-water reaction in tube bundle system by SERAPHIM code

内堀 昭寛; 椎名 祥己*; 渡部 晃*; 高田 孝*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/03



Scaling-up capabilities of TRACE integral reactor nodalization against natural circulation phenomena in small modular reactors

Mascari, F.*; Bersano, A.*; Woods, B. G.*; Reyes, J. N.*; Welter, K.*; 中村 秀夫; D'Auria, F.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Safety analyses have a key role for designing the mitigation strategies and for a safety review process, which are carried-out with best-estimate thermal-hydraulic system codes. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) adopting passive mitigation strategies under development are characterized by some common features with the current reactors and by other features typical of their designs. While many of Natural Circulation (NC) have been studied, further analyses are necessary to confirm the code capability against experimental data representative of SMR phenomenology. Though different scaling methods have been developed, distortions are unavoidable in the experimental facility design. Then, scaled-down facilities are limited in scaling-up capabilities, which may affect the capability of the code to predict full-scale behavior. Therefore, in a V&V process, uncertainty related to the code scaling-up capability is still an open issue. Since the OSU-MASLWR is scaled in volume and height, this paper aims to assess the scaling-up capability of the OSU-MASLWR Reactor Pressure Vessel nodalization against NC phenomenology typical of SMR, having the OSU-MASLWR-002 single phase NC data as a base. This may give some first insights about the TRACE scaling-up capability against single-phase NC in integral type configuration.


CFD analysis of natural circulation in LBE-cooled accelerator-driven system

菅原 隆徳; 渡辺 奈央; 小野 綾子; 西原 健司; 市原 京子*; 半澤 光平*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/03


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