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検索結果: 82 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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The Overview and the current construction state of the high-pressure neutron diffractometer PLANET at J-PARC

服部 高典; 有馬 寛; 佐野 亜沙美; 内海 渉; 永井 隆哉*; 飯高 敏晃*; 鍵 裕之*; 片山 芳則; 井上 徹*; 八木 健彦*

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PLANETは、大強度陽子加速器施設J-PARCのパルス中性子施設に建設されている新しいビームラインである。このビームラインは、中性子が水素に敏感であるという特徴を用い、中性子実験によって地球及び惑星内部の水が及ぼすダイナミックスに対する影響を調べる装置である。その主たる特徴は、最大荷重1軸あたり500トンを持つ6軸型マルチアンビルプレスを搭載し、30GPa, 2000Kという高温高圧を発生させ、地球内部上部マントル条件を地上に作り出して物質の状態を調べることができることである。最新の中性子回折,イメージングの手法を用いて、高温高圧条件下にある物質の微視的,巨視的な状態をその場観察することが可能となっている。2008年から建設を開始し、分光器室内の機器に関して既にインストールを終えた。また検出器架台、高圧プレス等分光器室内に入れる機器に関しても既に製作を終え、1月にインストールする予定である。また、2011年3月7日に初ビームを受け入れ、11日の祝賀会の最中に大震災を迎えた。現状と今後のスケジュールに関しても紹介する。


A New time-of-flight single crystal diffractometer SENJU at J-PARC

及川 健一; 大原 高志*; 鬼柳 亮嗣; 川崎 卓郎; 田村 格良; 金子 耕士; 中村 龍也; 坂佐井 馨; 中尾 朗子*; 花島 隆泰*; et al.

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千手観音から名前を頂いたSENJUは、J-PARCのMLFに提案されたTOF型の単結晶ラウエ回折装置である。SENJUは、結晶構造及び磁気構造の精密解析を、多重極限下において行うことに特化した装置であり、1 $$mm^3$$以下の小さな試料を測定に用いる。TOF型ラウエ法と広角二次元検出器の組合せにより、効率的な測定を実現するとともに、データの完全性を改善できる。波長変換方式のシンチレーション検出器はiBIXのために開発されたものであるが、これをSENJUの要求仕様に合わせ改良した。SENJUの建設スケジュールは地震により遅れたが、オンビームコミッショニングは2012年早々に開始される予定である。


Protein conformation and its dynamics in solution by molecular dynamics simulation for small-angle neutron scattering data analysis

Putra, E. G. R.*; 河野 秀俊; 徳久 淳師*; Bahrum, E. S.*; Patriati, A.*

no journal, , 

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of hen egg white lysozyme protein (4LZT, with and without disulphide bonds) and Ca$$^{2+}$$-binding protein calmodulin (1PRW, bent conformation and 1EXR, extended conformation) in solution have been explored using computer simulation. The dynamics of the proteins in aqueous phase at room temperature was produced for 5 nanosecond (ns) time-scale calculation. The trajectories generated from MD simulation were computed to produce the pair distribution function (PDF), the distribution of the neutron scattering length density as a function of atomic distances of a single molecule protein. Conclusively an inverse Fourier transform was applied to transform a pair-distribution function data into a theoretical small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) intensity against scattering vector (q) which can be experimentally evaluated. Several information such as the radius of gyration (Rg) and the shape of protein in solution can be obtained at every single time of simulation. In this study, the time-dependent structural changes in the extended conformation of Ca$$^{2+}$$-binding protein calmodulin every 100 picosecond (ps) presented in through the pair-distribution function and SANS scattering profiles.


Ausforming on nano-bainite steel studied by in situ neutron diffraction

Gong, W.; 友田 陽; Harjo, S.; Kelleher, J.*; Paradowska, A.*

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"Nanobainites" with the microstructure consisting of nano-sized lamellar bainitic ferrite and carbon-enriched retained austenite, exhibited a very strong tensile strength of 2 GPa and elongation of 5 %. Although the transformation speed is extremely low in general, we have previously found that it can be accelerated by ausforming. In the present work, in situ TOF neutron diffraction experiment was employed to investigate the kinetic of bainite transformation with and without ausforming, where the bulky averaged microscopic data were evaluated.


Comparative review of high spatial neutron imaging devices in JRR-3 TNRF

松林 政仁; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 野島 健大; 酒井 卓郎

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Li conduction pathway in cathode material, LiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$, for Li ion battery studied by neutron diffraction method

井川 直樹; 樹神 克明; 田口 富嗣; 美留町 厚; 社本 真一

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Liイオン二次電池正極材として利用されるLiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$の結晶構造とLiイオン伝導経路を解析するため中性子回折実験を行った。本材料の結晶構造は、格子定数${it a}$=8.2422(3) ${AA}$、空間群${it Fd}$-3${it m}$で最適化でき、Li, Mn及びOは各々単位胞中の8${it b}$, 16${it c}$, 32${it e}$サイトを占めた。最大エントロピー法解析の結果、Liの拡散経路は8${it b}$, 16${it e}$, 8${it b}$サイトを結ぶ広がりとして観察された。


Current status of HRPD at JRR-3

井川 直樹; 樹神 克明; 社本 真一

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Neutronic performance of J-PARC pulsed spallation neutron source JSNS

前川 藤夫; 原田 正英; 勅使河原 誠; 甲斐 哲也; 及川 健一; 大井 元貴; 二川 正敏; 渡辺 昇*

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The J-PARC 1-MW pulsed spallation neutron source JSNS was successfully launched on 30th of May 2008. To demonstrate the unique features of the moderator design and the neutronic performance of JSNS the neutron spectral intensity, absolute neutron flux, and time structure of the neutron pulse shapes etc. have been measured using several neutron instruments since then. The measured energy spectra clearly revealed the feature of the para-hydrogen, as expected when designing the moderator. The measured neutron flux below 0.4 eV agreed with the corresponding design value within $$pm$$20%, thus suggesting that the JSNS design calculations to have been reliable. World-class high-resolution diffraction data could be recorded due to the suitability of design of the moderators and the instruments. Another world-class high-intensity neutron flux was also capable of being demonstrated due to the unique design of the large cylindrical coupled moderator.


Modulated crystal structure of layered cobaltate $$alpha$$'-Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$ (${it x}$ $$sim$$ 0.75)

宮崎 譲*; 井川 直樹; 湯葢 邦夫*

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$$alpha$$'(O1)型Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$ (${it x}$ $$sim$$ 0.75)について、粉末中性子回折実験を行い、(3+1)次元の超空間群を仮定した解析によって、その変調構造を解析した。その結果、本構造は${it C}$2/${it m}$(${it p}$0${it q}$)00の超空間群として求めることができ、特に${it a}$軸方向のNa原子の変調が重要であることがわかった。すなわち、Naは${it x}$が約0.68の位置の場合-0.18までシフトするが、${it x}$が0.32の位置では0.18へのシフトとなる。これらの場合、Na原子はその結晶サイト(0, 1/2, 1/2)から、近接原子に接触するほどの距離に相当する、およそ0.09nmも変位することになることが明らかになった。


Current status of J-PARC BL10 "NOBORU" instrument and efforts to be the best pulsed neutron imaging instrument

前川 藤夫; 原田 正英; 及川 健一; 大井 元貴; 甲斐 哲也; 酒井 健二; 春日井 好己; 明午 伸一郎; 篠原 武尚

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NOBORU, "NeutrOn Beam- line for Observation and Research Use", is a versatile neutron instrument, which has served a test neutron beam port environment at J-PARC. The NOBORU instrument has been utilized for various purposes such as neutron source characterization, R&Ds on neutron detectors and devices, and testing of new experimental techniques with featuring suitable properties of the pulsed neutron beam. Energy-selective imaging, such as the bragg edge imaging, resonance absorption imaging and magnetic field imaging, is one of important research fields of NOBORU. We have installed a rotary collimator and a remote-controlled neutron filter device in 2009 and 2010, respectively, for the imaging purpose. Due to the upgrading efforts, we believe that NOBORU is now the best pulsed neutron imaging instrument in the world.


Study on a neutron guides for neutron beam transport in the straight section of C3 cold neutron beam line at JRR-3

田村 格良; 新居 昌至; 村山 洋二

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The neutron guides installed in the curved section of C3 cold neutron beam line have been replaced by the neutron guides with supermirror (m = 3). Since the radius of curvature of the C3 beam line was not changed, we should carry out the design of the neutron guides in the straight section of C3 beam line in order to supply the short wavelength neutron. One of the best solutions to above-mentioned problem is to adopt a tapered guide just before the neutron beam port. Therefore, the tapered guide was designed so that neutron beam with the wavelenght of 2 ${AA}$ and with a maximum divergence of 0.45 degree was focused on the monochromator of the neutron beam instrument. Compared with the case of the alignment installed the straight neutron guide with supermirror (m = 3), we obtained that the calculation result of transport efficiency increased by 1.45 times in the case of the alignment installed the tapered neutron guide with supermirror (m = 3) just before beam port.


Pulsed neutron stroboscopic imaging in NOBORU

安田 良; 酒井 卓郎; 原田 正英; 松林 政仁

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Current status of thermal neutron radiography facility in JRR-3

安田 良; 野島 健大; 飯倉 寛; 酒井 卓郎; 松林 政仁

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Neutron capture study using the ANNRI

原田 秀郎; 藤井 俊行*; 福谷 哲*; 古高 和禎; 後神 進史*; 原 かおる; 廣瀬 健太郎; 堀 順一*; 井頭 政之*; 加美山 隆*; et al.

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Quantitative measurements of element distributions using neutron-transmission resonance-absorption method

原田 正英; Parker, J.*; 澤野 達哉*; 窪 秀利*; 谷森 達*; 篠原 武尚; 前川 藤夫

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Neutron Resonance Absorption method (NRA) which is one of the imaging methods is very suitable for nondestructive analysis of element distributions in a sample. In this study, the NRA test experiments used by Micro Pixel Chamber ($$mu$$PIC) developed by Kyoto University as a detector were done at NOBORU in J-PARC to confirm the quantitativity. The detector was located at 14.5 m from the moderator. A sample was located at 15 cm upstream from the detector. Neutron intensity, neutron irradiation field size and $$gamma$$-ray intensity were controlled by a rotary collimator, slits and a filter exchange device. Thin tantalum foils of 20 $$mu$$m and 100 $$mu$$m in thickness were used as a sample. Transmittance spectra were obtained from the measured transmission spectra with and without the samples. It was found that the measurement error in case of the tantalum sample of 100$$mu$$m in thickness was within about 7% compared with nuclear data.


Measurement of neutronic characteristics in JSNS and its improvement

原田 正英; 及川 健一; 前川 藤夫; 明午 伸一郎; 二川 正敏

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To validate the neutronics design of JSNS, we have measured neutron spectra at all available neutron beam lines by a current-mode TOF (C-TOF) method. Measured values were in good agreement with evaluated ones for beam lines without guide tubes. Some discrepancies in spectral intensity were found in some of beam lines using a neutron guide tube. This result indicates that the C-TOF method is very useful for checking initial installation of beam lines because neutron spectral intensity can be measured systematically in a short time (several shots). On the other hands, we also found that the C-TOF method had larger measurement error than pulse counting type detector. Therefore, to reduce measurement error, we had additional experiments. It was found that measured Li-6 contents in scintillators were different from values in specification data sheets. Then, amount of charge produced in photomultiplier by a detected neutron was measured. As a result, the measurement error could be reduced.


Current status of neutron supermirror development in the JAEA

丸山 龍治; 山崎 大; 林田 洋寿; 曽山 和彦

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Phase diagram of solid solution of BiFeO$$_{3}$$-BaTiO3$$_{3}$$ system studied by neutron and X-ray powder diffraction

鬼柳 亮嗣; 山崎 但*; 坂元 勇馬*; 木村 宏之*; 野田 幸男*; 大山 研司*; 鳥居 周輝*; 米村 雅雄*; Zhang, J.*; 神山 崇

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BiFeO$$_{3}$$ (BFO) is well known as a room-temperature multiferroic material. The solid solution of BFO with another perovskite type ferroelectric material, BaTiO$$_{3}$$ (BTO), has been reported to have improved multiferroicity. In this presentation, the structural study of (1-$$x$$)BFO-$$x$$BTO system in order to clarify the relationship between the structure and the physical properties will be reported. From the structural analyses using neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data, it was found that there exist multiple phases in the wide range of $$x$$. The coexistence of a hexagonal phase and a cubic one was confirmed suggesting the origin of the ferroelectricity of the solution to be the hexagonal phase. Structural deformation with the variation of $$x$$ was observed, which results in the lowering of the phase transition temperatures. Combining all the information, the whole phase diagram of BFO-BTO system with respect to temperature and the composition was drawn.


Dynamic structure factor for random copolymers investigated by neutron spin echo

遠藤 仁; 高野 敦志*

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The Novel measuring method in inelastic region; RRM planned for the backscattering spectrometer DNA at the MLF, J-PARC

高橋 伸明; 柴田 薫*; 川北 至信; 蒲沢 和也*; 山田 武*; 中島 健次; 稲村 泰弘; 中谷 健; Mezei, F.*; Neumann, D.*; et al.

no journal, , 

A Si-analyzer neutron backscattering spectrometer, DNA, in MLF is the first indirect geometry instrument which chooses the coupled moderator as a pulsed neutron source in addition with a high speed disc chopper as a pulse-shaping device, aiming for high energy resolution with high intensity. The pulse-shaping has the advantage of obtaining a variety of slit opening times. On the other hand, it has the disadvantage of limiting the wavelength band width measured within one pulse-shaped neutron beam. This disadvantage is solved by employing 4 slit discs on the pulse-shaping chopper and generating multiple pulse-shaped incident beams to realize efficient measuring, the so called Repetition Rate Multiplication: RRM technique. An automatic phasing procedure for this RRM technique is planned.

82 件中 1件目~20件目を表示