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酒井 健二; 大井 元貴; 勅使河原 誠; 直江 崇; 羽賀 勝洋; 渡邊 聡彦*
Journal of Neutron Research, 22(2-3), p.337 - 343, 2020/10
核破砕中性子源やミュオン標的などを安全に効率よく運転するために、物質・生命科学実験施設(MLF)は、専用の全体制御システム(GCS)を有する。GCSは、様々な運転状況下でMLF内の多くの設備機器の監視操作やインターロック系を管理・運用する。2008年の最初の陽子ビームの受け入れ以来、GCSは10年以上も大きなトラブルもなく安定したMLFの運転を実現してきた。GCSはターゲットステーション関連の運転データを保存するデータ蓄積サーバーを有し、蓄積されたデータを調べることで異常事象検知や原因究明に貢献してきた。しかしながら、今後もMLFの安定した運転を継続するには、放射線損傷や経年劣化などに起因するターゲットステーションの潜在的な異常を予知する異常兆候判定システム(ASDS)の導入が必要になってくる。ASDSは、陽子ビーム,ターゲットステーション, 2次ビームなどの多様で長期間に渡る運転データを使った解析に基づいて、ターゲットステーションの僅かな状態変化から異常を判断する。本報告は、GCSの現状、ASDSの概念設計、及びASDSのための多様なデータを包括的に扱う統括データ蓄積サーバーの導入について論ずる。
梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 飯田 一樹*; 蒲沢 和也*; 池内 和彦*; 稲村 泰弘; 石角 元志*
Journal of Neutron Research, 22(2-3), p.99 - 107, 2020/10
The elastic energy resolution, integrated intensity, and peak intensity of the direct-geometry neutron chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) were re-investigated. This was done with respect to the incident energy and the rotation speed of the Fermi chopper using incoherent scattering of vanadium and simple analytical formulas. The model calculations reproduced the observed values satisfactorily. The present work should be useful for estimating in instrument performance in experiments.
中島 健次; 河村 聖子; 古府 麻衣子; 村井 直樹; 稲村 泰弘; 菊地 龍弥*; 若井 大介*
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AMATERAS is a cold-neutron disk-chopper spectrometer installed at BL14 port of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at J-PARC. AMATERAS started its operation from May 2009 and was opened for the user program from December 2009. Up to now, experiments of more than 160 proposals have been carried out, which resulted in more than 50 papers, 15 theses and 11 press releases. Along with performing a user program, we are continually maintaining and improving the performance of the spectrometer. During the operation, we had have number of technical problems, which we have overcome or are trying to do so. In this presentation, based on our experience of 10 years of operation of the spectrometer, we will show the current status, issues and future plans of AMATERAS.
稲村 泰弘; 安 芳次*; 大下 英敏*; 中谷 健
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柴田 薫
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梶本 亮一; 横尾 哲也*; 中村 充孝; 川北 至信; 松浦 直人*; 遠藤 仁*; 瀬戸 秀紀*; 伊藤 晋一*; 中島 健次; 河村 聖子
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There are 6 inelastic scattering neutron beamlines in the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), covering a wide dynamic range from 10 meV to 10
meV. A high energy part above sub-meV is covered by 4 direct-geometry spectrometers: HRC, AMATERAS, 4SEASONS, and POLANO, while
eV and sub-
eV dynamics are covered by an indirect-geometry spectrometer DNA and the spin echo instrument suite VIN ROSE, respectively. The suite of these 6 spectrometers in MLF now contributes the scientific research activities, and produced scientific outcomes in a diverse research fields such as superconductivities, quantum spin systems, energy materials, amorphous materials, liquids, and soft and biological matters. In this presentation, we review the major specifications, recent upgrades, and outcomes of the MLF neutron spectrometers.
神谷 潤一郎; 長谷川 和男; 金正 倫計; 小栗 英知; 山本 風海
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廣井 孝介
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We have been developing a magnetic imaging technique using pulsed polarized neutrons at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of J-PARC. Wavelength-resolved polarization distribution image enable us to visualize magnetic field distributions in free space or within a material. Moreover, the integrated field strength at each position in the image can be quantitatively evaluated by analyzing the wavelength dependence of the polarization degree. We constructed the polarization analysis system for neutron imaging at BL22 RADEN and performed some application studies. In this presentation, we will describe the present status of our polarized neutron imaging method and show some experimental results of recent studies.
中村 充孝; 梶本 亮一; 及川 健一; 篠原 武尚; 相澤 一也; Harjo, S.; 岩橋 孝明*; 蒲沢 和也*; 池内 和彦*; 飯田 一樹*; et al.
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