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検索結果: 22 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Tritium decontamination of contaminated system with tritiated heavy water by drying treatment

門脇 春彦; 松嶌 聡; 中嶌 良昭

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/06



Comparative study on neutronics characteristics of a 1500 MWe metal fuel sodium-cooled fast reactor

大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; Stauff, N. E.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/06



Development of numerical simulation method for melt relocation behavior in nuclear reactors; Validation of applicability for actual core support structures

山下 晋; 徳島 二之; 倉田 正輝; 高瀬 和之; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2016/06



Development of error reduction methods in aerosol measurement for pool scrubbing experiment

孫 昊旻; 柴本 泰照; 岡垣 百合亜; 与能本 泰介

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2016/06

Pool scrubbing is one of the effective mechanisms to filter out radioactive aerosols in a severe accident of a nuclear reactor. A lot of work has been done on the pool scrubbing models and experiments. However, large discrepancies still exist between the simulation and experimental results. To improve the pool scrubbing model, an accurate decontamination factor (DF) evaluation by an aerosol measurement is inevitable. A pool scrubbing experimental apparatus was constructed. The aerosol particle diameter distribution was measured by a light scattering aerosol spectrometer. We focused on investigating and reducing the error of DF experimentally. Several problems resulting in the error and their solutions for the error reduction were summarized in this paper. Based on the error reduction methods, the DFs of pool scrubbing were measured in two water submergences.


Preparation for a new experimental program addressing core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident with BWR design conditions; Conduction of preparatory tests applying non-transfer-type plasma heating technology

阿部 雄太; 佐藤 一憲; 石見 明洋; 中桐 俊男; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Thermal mixing behavior in the annulus of co-axial double-walled piping in HTGR

栃尾 大輔; 藤原 佑輔; 小野 正人; 篠原 正憲; 濱本 真平; 飯垣 和彦; 高田 昌二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2016/06



First experiments at the CIGMA facility for investigations of LWR containment thermal hydraulics

柴本 泰照; 安部 諭; 石垣 将宏; 与能本 泰介

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2016/06

There has been an extensive reorientation of the light water reactor research in Japan since the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident, which focuses on severe accidents and accident managements. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) initiated the ROSA-SA project in 2013 for the purpose of studying thermal hydraulics relevant to over-temperature containment damage, hydrogen risk, and fission product transport. For this purpose, the JAEA newly constructed the Containment InteGral Measurement Apparatus (CIGMA) in 2015 for the experiments addressing containment responses, separate effects, and accident managements. Recently, we successfully conducted first experiments using CIGMA to characterize the facility under typical experimental conditions investigating basic phenomena such as buildup of pressure by steam injection, containment cooling and depressurization by internal or external cooling, and density stratified layer mixing by impinging jet. This paper provides an overview of the research programs, the brief description of the facility specification and the outcomes obtained from the first experiments.


Evaluation of sodium pool fire and thermal consequence in two-cell configuration

大野 修司; 高田 孝; 田嶋 雄次*

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Experimental study on splashing during liquid jet impingement onto a liquid film

Yi, Z.*; 大箭 直輝*; 榎木 光治*; 大川 富雄*; 大野 修司; 青柳 光裕

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



A Parametric study for the seismic response analysis of a nuclear reactor building by using a three-dimensional finite element model

崔 炳賢; 西田 明美; 中島 憲宏

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Development of risk assessment methodology of decay heat removal function against natural external hazards for sodium-cooled fast reactors; Project overview and volcanic PRA methodology

山野 秀将; 西野 裕之; 栗坂 健一; 岡野 靖; 堺 公明; 山元 孝広*; 石塚 吉浩*; 下司 信夫*; 古川 竜太*; 七山 太*; et al.

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2016/06

本論文では、プロジェクト概要を述べたうえで、ナトリウム冷却高速炉を対象にして火山ハザードに対する確率論的リスク評価(PRA)手法開発について述べる。火山灰は崩壊熱除去に必須である空気取入口のフィルター目詰まりを引き起こす恐れがある。フィルタ閉塞の程度は、火山灰大気中濃度と降灰継続時間に加えて、各機器の吸い込み風量で計算される。本研究では、火山ハザードは火山灰粒径、層厚及び継続時間の組み合わせで評価できるとした。また、各機器の機能喪失確率はフィルタ破損限界までの猶予時間を使って得られるフィルタ交換失敗確率で表されるとした。イベントツリーに基づいて、炉心損傷頻度は離散的なハザード確率と条件付崩壊熱除去失敗確率を掛け合わせることで求められ、約3$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$/年の結果を得た。支配的なシーケンスは、非常用原電喪失後に、フィルタ目詰まりによる崩壊熱除去系の機能喪失であった。また、支配的な火山ハザードは、大気中濃度10$$^{-2}$$ kg/m$$^{3}$$、粒径0.1mm、層厚50-75cm、継続時間1-10hrであった。


Confirmation of seismic integrity of HTTR against 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

小野 正人; 飯垣 和彦; 島崎 洋祐; 清水 厚志; 猪井 宏幸; 栃尾 大輔; 濱本 真平; 西原 哲夫; 高田 昌二; 沢 和弘; et al.

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2016/06

2011年3月11日、地震の強さを示すマグニチュード9.0の東北地方太平洋沖地震が発生した。地震発生時は、HTTR施設は定期検査中であったため原子炉を停止していた。地震の最大加速度は、HTTRの設計基準の最大値を超過していた。HTTR施設の耐震健全性を確認するために、目視点検を実施するとともに、HTTR施設の観測波を用いた耐震解析を実施した。HTTR施設の健全性評価の方針は、「設備点検」と「耐震解析」の2つに分けられる。基本的な設備点検は、原子炉の運転に関係する設備・機器に対して実施した。設備点検や耐震解析の結果と評価基準を比較し施設の健全性は確認される。設備点検及び耐震解析の結果として、原子炉の運転に影響を与える損傷や機能低下は無いため、運転への問題は無いことを確認した。HTTR施設の健全性は、2011年, 2013年, 2015年に実施された原子炉出力無しのコールド状態での3回の運転により確証を得た。


Characteristic confirmation test by using HTTR and investigation of absorbing thermal load fluctuation

本多 友貴; 栃尾 大輔; 佐藤 博之; 中川 繁昭; 小野 正人; 藤原 佑輔; 濱本 真平; 飯垣 和彦; 高田 昌二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2016/06



Activities of the safety and operation project for the international research and development of the sodium-cooled fast reactor in the Generation IV international forum

堺 公明; Ren, L.*; Tsige-Tamirat, H.*; Vasile, A.*; Kang, S.-H.*; Ashurko, Y.*; Fanning, T.*

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06

The Generation IV (GEN-IV) international forum is a framework for international cooperation in research and development for the next generation of nuclear energy systems. The SFR Safety and Operation (SO) project addresses the area of the safety technology and the reactor operation technology developments. The aim of the SO project includes (1) analyses and experiments that support establishing safety approaches and validating performance of specific safety features, (2) development and verification of computational tools and validation of models employed in safety assessment and facility licensing, and (3) acquisition of reactor operation technology, as determined largely from experience and testing in operating SFR plants. In this paper, recent activities in the SO project are described.


Loss of core cooling test without one cooling line in Vessel Cooling System (VCS) of High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)

藤原 佑輔; 根本 隆弘; 栃尾 大輔; 篠原 正憲; 小野 正人; 濱本 真平; 飯垣 和彦; 高田 昌二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Improvement of exchanging method of neutron startup source of high temperature engineering test reactor

澤畑 洋明; 島崎 洋祐; 石塚 悦男; 山崎 和則; 柳田 佳徳; 藤原 佑輔; 高田 昌二; 篠崎 正幸; 濱本 真平; 栃尾 大輔

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2016/06



Pool nucleate boiling on heat transfer surface with deposited sea salts

上澤 伸一郎; 小泉 安郎; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 15 Pages, 2016/06

The progress of the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPS has been calculated by severe accident analysis codes, for example, MAAP, SAMPSON and so on. However, effects of seawater on thermal-hydraulic behavior are not considered in these calculations, although the seawater was injected into the reactors to cool down the nuclear fuels. As one of the possible effects, deposition of sea salts on a heat transfer surface is considered. In the present study, we conducted pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments in real seawater, artificial seawater, distilled water and NaCl solution to understand thermal-hydraulic effects of seawater on nucleate boiling phenomena with/without deposited sea salts. The experimental results indicated that the sea salt deposition covered the whole of the heat transfer surface in the only artificial seawater of high concentration. When the deposit on the whole of the heat transfer surface occurred, the spatial-average surface temperature kept rising although the input heating power was constant. Besides, the time fluctuation of the local temperature on the heat transfer surface with the deposition was not confirmed although the temperature on the surface without the deposition decreased when the boiling occurred. Therefore, the deposit of sea salts on the heat transfer surface affected the nucleate boiling heat transfer.


Preliminary analysis of the post-disassembly expansion phase and structural response under unprotected loss of flow accident in prototype sodium cooled fast reactor

小野田 雄一; 松場 賢一; 飛田 吉春; 鈴木 徹

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2016/06

For the prototype sodium-cooled fast reactor, MONJU, the mechanical energy and structural response under energetics caused by neutronic power excursion during Unprotected Loss of Flow accident were preliminarily analyzed. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the integrity of the reactor vessel against the mechanical load induced by the energetics. Conservative energy production was assumed in order to confirm the robustness of the safety design of MONJU. Mechanical energy was evaluated with the code in which mechanistic modelling of core expansion was implemented. The mechanical energy, which were obtained by analyzing the expanding behavior of core materials after energetics, were about one order of magnitude below the thermodynamic work potential calculated by assuming isentropic expansion of the fuel vapor to one atmosphere, which was often used as an indicator to express the severity of the energetics. Structural integrity was then evaluated with coupled fluid-structure dynamics code using the obtained mechanical energy. No or very small circumferential residual strain of the reactor vessel was evaluated in most analytical cases, and even in the most conservative energy production case, the residual strain was only 0.008 % so that the integrity of the reactor vessel is maintained. The result obtained in the present study shows that MONJU has enough robustness against the mechanical load under energetics.


Sensitivity study on forest fire breakout and propagation conditions for forest fire hazard curve evaluations

岡野 靖; 山野 秀将

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2016/06



Design approach for mitigation of air ingress in high temperature gas-cooled reactor

佐藤 博之; 大橋 弘史; 中川 繁昭

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2016/06


22 件中 1件目~20件目を表示